Install Netbird into Proxmox and say goodbye to your VPN

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greetings get ready to embark on an extraordinary Journey exploring the world of netb bird to install in your proxmox VMS we get to install the newest version of netd fresh off the press netd is built to manage wire guard and provide a console for managing your network in this video we do two installations of netb bird one for the laptop to access the net bird control panel and one for your proxmox VMS if you are considering using netb bird for corporate use you may consider installing netb bird in your proxmox servers for cloud management so buckle up and prepare to be amazed by the Brilliance of this video now without further Ado allow me to introduce you to our proxmox expert Nico please note that Nik has a Charming DOTA Kines European accent but fear not he speaks the queen's English fluently over to you niiko thank you Josh hi there as Josh mentioned we are going to be installing netb bird in our laptop as well as in VMS in our proxmox server the first installation will be to get a console that you can access from the laptop the second installation is going to be to create an abun VM and to install netb on that VM be able to connect the laptop to that VM also that VM is going to be put on an IP range where there is no access either from the proxar server nor from the laptop it's going to be in its own completely isolated IP range the instructions for this video is available on our blog this is our blog we will provide a link to this Blog Page below we recommend that you find follow us and do the same on your side netb bird provides excellent documentation if you click on this link here it will take you to their documentation and here you will find the instructions they cater for both the Debian buntu flavor of Linux as well as the red hat flavor of Linux they also provide installation to Macos as well as installation to Windows servers as well so you can manage the networking using netb bird in addition to that netb bird is an open-source project good H to them and this gives this project a lot of credibility nit bird works with wire guard wire guard is built into the auntu kernel there is even a documentation here if you want to self first but when you see how easy it is to use their Cloud you probably won't want to sell first but you can they do provide the documentation if you need that so let's start with the installation on our laptop sudu Su or sudu Su Dash to elevate to root I am already root so that's fine then we need to do an update our machine is fairly up to date we then need to run this to install these I've already installed it so it's going to tell me that I have the latest version but that's fine you then run this command I'm not going to run this command so it's copy I'm not going to paste it as I've already done this in order to test that I had this working I've already run this command but that's what you need to do and then you need to go and run this command and I'm not going to run that as well I've already done that and then after that you need to do an update there's two ways to install this with or without the so if you only want the command line This is how you would install it on the server but I would like to have the guy so I'm going to run this Command right we've done that now you need to run net bird status and it's telling us this is the command you will run if you are installing it on your laptop so that you can connect to the Cloud Server and manage this from the cloud if we look in our documentation you will see that is what we have here I'm going to copy the link [Music] address and we will now follow this and do the installation from here from the browser we are creating a login now you can use your Google account or your Microsoft account or your GitHub account and we are now in after we created our login you need to go and open your emails the Gmail email and here you will find the welcome message you need to click on this button I've already done that and then go to this URL here let's open it in a new tab and over here you will see login you click on there it will now use your Google credentials if you used Google I did and it found Modell laptop you need to click on setup keys let's give this a name service and we will now use this key which will expire in 7 days I'm now going to revoke the key that I generated to do that you just click on this button and now we can continue with the second part of the video that's section three we are now going to create an auntu server it will be an auntu VM in proxmox so let's just go there there's certain requirements we need for this to work click create a VM let's call this 1 195 is the ID and is a name I'm going to call this auntu one create it in this storage that's up to you whatever storage you have you may use your local but I have 2 terab here so I'm going to use this one and I do have auntu ISO image there it is DUS is fine CPU one socket give it two cuse now this is important in order for netb to work you need at least 2 gig of RAM so I'm going to give it 4 gig Network can stay the same confirm finished it's busy creating the VM as it says here we just wait for the pad lock to to go right now we can start it in the console now we do an auntu installation so enter continue without updating is fine done networking is fine9 done done continue I like to make the server name the same as my login as I have many VMS and it's useful to know which machine I'm working with provide a strong password enter interesting to see that they do also provide Docker but I prefer to do it my own way now the installation of the VM continues now one of the disadvantages of the way we installed the auntu server is that we did a fresh install every time and that takes up a lot of effort and a lot of time we've decided to stop this installation and we are going to do it again but this time we are going to use a template now if you don't know how to make a template I'll give you a quick show how to do that you click on your VM you right click and you say convert to a template it's a simple as that now that VM becomes a template and if you look here you can see I've already got a Rocky and then auntu server template so all I need to do now is clone and we'll give this 195 as the VM ID and we will call this aun 21 now you need to make this a full clone not a linked clone that's the only difference and it's busy creating our clone and you can see the padlock and now that we have our VM we are ready to start click on the VM open the console with the start button I've logged in I need to sudu s u-h to be root we need to get the IP address ip- a our server has an IP address the last number 108 close this let's get back to our instructions and we open a new terminal and we're in now we can start this is the same installation we did on the laptop so let's run these commands I'm now root update right we've done that next we need to install CA certificates SK and G gpg next copy this command next run this command now we should be doing an update again there it is we've just added to our auntu repository on the server that was quick now we're only going to do the CLI installation so let's copy this command we now need to Run net bird up this is going to connect us to the net bird on the cloud and we now get the URL that we need to open in the browser and because we had previously registered with the same browser it is automatically added it now we will open the netb cloud in the browser so click on this link and you can see we got the new machine added to our cloud and it also has published a net bird IP address now we are going to have a look at some of the administration functions you need to do do in netd if you click on settings you will find that there's a group called all and there are two machines connected to that group these are the two peers so the two peers will be able to communicate with each other you may want to create other groups and you may want to create users and permissions who can use which group because I I am using the same user on the server I don't need to do anything now but if you were adding other users you need to do that this is a free service limited on the number of users that you can have you see I can have up to five users I am using this for my home lab and five users is more than enough for me however if you are using this in a corporate environment it is advised that you register this way you will be able to have sufficient users for you to be able to manage your networks and your servers and which users can access which servers well that was a very simple installation we decided to add Docker instructions for the docker fans if you want to do the netw installation using Docker we have provided you even with a Docker compose file here that you can do that however we felt that the installation we had just done was so simple that it didn't make sense to add extra layers of complexity to make this thing work with Docker I am sure you will agree with us that this was a very simple installation we did provide a link to the documentation if you wanted to do self hosting that may be useful in a corporate environment however in our home lab this is more than good enough we trust you found this video useful please give us a like please subscribe to our channel so that we can reach our Target please let us know what you would like to have in the next video and with that Josh over to you thank you for watching this video exploring the world of netb bird to install in your proxmox VMS we got to install the newest version of netb bird fresh off the press netb bird is built to manage wire guard and provide a console for managing your network in this video we did two installations of netb bird one for the laptop to access the netb bird control panel and one for your proxmox VMS if you are considering using netb bird for corporate use you may consider installing netb bird in your proxmox servers for cloud manager ment if you have not given us a like please do so your dedication to exploring prox mox's capabilities is invaluable stay tuned for more insights Automation and empowerment through its incredible tools for your home lab please like and comment to share your feedback and suggestions for our Channel if you found this video valuable consider subscribing to stay updated with our latest content and tutorials ensuring you never miss out on informative videos your support is crucial for our Channel's growth for those eager to deepen their knowledge consider becoming a patreon supporter for exclusive access to upcoming training courses enriching your expertise and supporting the channel we genuinely appreciate your support and look forward to sharing more enriching content with you stay curious keep exploring and continue harnessing prox mox's remarkable potential in your home lab and devops journey thank you for being part of our community [Music]
Channel: DVP Development Best Practices
Views: 2,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: java, training, tutorial, how to, mastery, beginners, learn, full, course, proxmox, install, vm, docker, netbird, procmox, vms, wireguard, say, goodbye, vpn, to, your, docker-compose, compose, compose.yaml, docker-compose.yml
Id: KD58QgXNCgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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