Install MacOS on any PC | OpenCore Guide 2022 for Windows | Hackintosh | No Mac Required

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hey guys nitish here today we're gonna see how you can install mac os on any pc so without any further ado let's get started okay here we are on windows pc and i have created a small article to follow a follow guide for you to follow and here will i have written what are the requirements system requirements and and required files and a little bit of steps not little bit too much of steps to follow so we'll go through one by one and discuss what we are going to do so here we are to we have to install mac os on any pc so let's see for getting started uh here we are using open core bootloader boot loader is what which loads the operating system and for mac os we need a custom bootloader because we have to fake our pc hardware to be a mac hardware so that's why a bootloader is needed there are various boot loaders for hacking dos hacking toss is what when you install mac on any non-apple hardware so basically this is it so here we are using open core bootloader there are many types of boot loaders so why open core open core is new and is easier to use and has a very good comprehensive guide and it is more compatible as compared to other boot loaders like clover chameleon and others so here we are using open core open core will give better performance as compared to other boot orders and it will require lesser modifications as compared to other boot loaders and here are my specification as you can see i am using a very old desktop a 3rd gen intel core i3 iv bridge motherboard is this and as a dedicated dedicated graphics gtx 1050 ti 4gb so an usb keyboard and mouse okay and as you know apple has shifted to apple silicon m1 chips and and other lineup so last mac supported processor from intel was 10th general processor so this guide will only work for 10th gen or below intel processors so this is it now why open core i already talked about there are various reasons to use open core now let's go through the hardware requirements as processor i talked they told you tension or below motherboard most motherboards work but maybe some components may not work like sound card and other stuff so you have to take care of that uh integrated gpu mostly will work after haswell or later um for dedicated gpu there's little complications there most amd gpus work we'll talk about it in detail later on older nvidia gpu will support and some of the nvidia gpu will support up to high sierra with nvidia drivers and it will be up to high sierra because nvidia has stopped releasing its drivers and one thing from my side is very recommended to use and spare ssd or hdd whatever you like ssd is obviously recommended uh to install your hackintosh because it if you install it alongside other operating system on the same hdd it will mess up with other partitions maybe your windows or linux installation will not be bootable after that so it is highly recommended to use and aspire ssd so if you are installing mac os and so let's see what are the open code install guide limitations let's go through just through now oh i have zoomed it okay it's good for you um okay both 3264 bit will work cpu requirements already told about cpu requirements where's the chart uh yeah here's the chart for a pentium 4 latest version of a mac os will be supported to after nehalem just just try to know your what are the code name of your processor they're intelligent with different code names my one mine was iv bridge so this is it and yeah yeah tiger lake is unsupported maybe answer and tested so these cpus will be supported you can i have provided a link of the whole my whole article in the description you can go through that okay now gpu gpu support as i told you maxwell and pascal's cpu user 950 1050 gtx 950 gtx 1055 nvidia mac os up to high sierra will be supported with nvidia web drivers okay nvidia turing 2050 1650 or 1680 2080 all these gpus are not supported nvidia tuning and vds ampere gpus are also not supported nvidia scapular older older gpus with kepler architecture 650 750 are supported up to mac os big sur and these are natively supported by apple you won't require to install any drivers just like we need for maxwell and pascal so i have a i have a pascal gpu so i will install macos high sierra in this tutorial so this is it for integrated gpus you don't have to worry most integrated intel gpus will work okay now nbd md sorry m amd gpu support chat amd gpus are mostly supported i think yeah just check out to it some navy newer versions of these gpus are working okay so if you have any of these gpus amd gpu it will work okay what is this already no went through no yeah so this is it storage upgrade okay this you can go through yourself it's not much of a thing now let's move to what files do we need so let's see what files are needed these are the files first you need rufus to create the usb bootable usb so just download it from here i have already downloaded i'm not gonna download it again so download the rufus then let's open all this okay let's open all the links okay here open code this is the bootloader we need it to simply download it okay uh these are texts okay uh we'll download kicks later on after setting up the usb so just leave it now uh yeah property this will be needed for a purpose we will discuss later uh again ssdt time okay i think we're done we downloaded all the required files and text will be downloaded later on so generation bias obviously some everything is downloaded so let's open the folder where we downloaded it rufus is already there as i told you okay just let's extract all the folders we have expected yeah now you downloaded files extracted all the files now let's start by preparing the usb so for usb you need a usb at least of 4gb if even if it less it should work i think because we in this tutorial we are going to install mac using recovery files or recovery iso what you say so using the recovery system it will download while installing the mac os it will download the whole operating system so for this at least if you have a 2 gb you can try it should work i think but 4gb is recommended and even larger if you are using mac yeah here it is a larger usb 32gb usb i'm using yeah oh yeah so we start rufus yes okay just for remember select non-bootable non-bootable let's rename it as open oh sorry gaps okay now start it will destroy all the data anyways so be sure that any important data is not there in your pen drive so let's start so it's completed now close it let's see where the pen drive is okay these two files are not required you simply delete it okay and now we have set up the usb python will be required later on i'll tell you python if you're not installed python python is will be required for to use some of these tools which we'll be using later on so you install python you know already go to python second download the latest python and install it i'm not gonna teach that okay so here we are now let's see okay let's get started hmm okay creating the usb we can installer in windows so simply we are going to use mac recovery okay this tool we are going to use to simply go to downloads and this is our open core we go to utilities utilities we go to mac recovery to see this is a python file so you need to install python before using it so simply my favorite pipe okay so here are the some commands let me zoom out a bit here are the commands for installing your preferred mac os version i'm going to install high sierra but you can install it anyone the latest version would be montre i'm going to install this so simply copy this and now i'm simply going to open the terminal here that clip is the command python must be installed and simply run it um it will download only the recovery images so it won't be larger files it will be around 500 mb it won't take much space in your usb it will take a few minutes so let's wait [Music] i think download is completed simply close it these two are the files that you have to copy to a folder let's open the pen drive let's open the pen drive here it is we have to go sorry okay now we have to create a folder there what was the name um okay conduct apple.recovery.put recovery.boot simply copy it don't make a mistake and renaming the folder let's create a new folder uh paste the name and [Music] now just copy those files simply paste it this is a very good guide you can follow it and here we have to copy a few other from the open core package other folders will be copied let's go this is the original thing this is our pen okay this is for 32-bit system this is for 64-bit so we simply copy this whole efi folder simply paste it in the pen drive now in the root directory just remember that oh here there it is that would directly have to paste i'll close it what is this yeah new directory you have to paste independent okay let's make a bit smaller now we have to clean up the folder so we're going to setting up the efi okay so here they have marked let me zoom out a bit here they have marked which are the important files required files for the efi so we go in boot there are both 654 efi if you're fine uh i you don't need to touch because empty drivers we only need open run time yeah obviously we need open run time select all deselect open run time and simply delete okay open runtime text will fill up it fill it up after some time resources not required it's only the images and things that will show when it's boots when it boots okay here also they're on is required is open shell and all others are not required so let's leave open shell and delete other okay it's done and let's check out open code efi is there or not yeah it's there so here the work is almost complete [Music] okay now we need to work on the acpa first gather the files for text and other things so yeah this is quite this is already there in the folder runtime i told you drivers this driver is required to recognize a partition so simply download it so in folder simply copy just click copy it to a folder in the drivers section i simply paste it yeah drivers is done now we'll only look into texts what are the texts required okay so all this late legacy stuff is mostly not required so even if you have hold hardware i have older seven eight year old pc still i didn't require anything these are required things so simply download it download the release versions of every just release for graphics card to work we need this let's release okay apple alc if audio doesn't work try this okay now for ethernet you have to check for example i will check my device manager what's the ethernet chip i have so let's see network adapters this intel so we need intel intel kicks if you have other company etheros realtek or others you can download the required case for that i will need intel now c okay so download it for usb i'm using usb keyboard and mouse and it didn't work at first so i had to use usb inject all so if it also doesn't work in your case just download it the latest version okay i think we are almost done wi-fi bluetooth here i am using desktop i don't require wi-fi or bluetooth but if you are using any desktop which has wi-fi bluetooth or a laptop check out this cakes these extra things [Music] okay we are almost done with okay now we have to just copy the case to the text folder just close all this stuff this also is not required let's close it off more cleaner it will be more easier to understand so let's open the folder here are the yes okay here are the cakes we have then we simply just select all this extract here they are um no let's side by side open also this pin drive and we're gonna copy it to the text folder so we go to text i'll go to apple lc we just remember that dot text only dot text is copied on the dot text dot text files you have to think you don't require all this stuff on this text only text file text file only click x5 yeah we are done here you completed the text work uh let's see if it's clean or not okay it's clean now we'll work for the acpi here we'll start using the tools that we downloaded earlier so these are the ssdts in easier way but we are going to scpi we are we are going to build our own ssdt and here we'll be using ssdt time so let's use the tools that we downloaded uh here is this is the time so here we are in ssdt time so then just like that we open terminal uh we type python oh caps sorry python then ssdt time ssdt t e dot pi let's run it will download a file [Music] yeah it's completed downloading it took a much more time that that i expected so here we are and we simply need to run these two commands first we dump the dsdt you simply press it enter okay it's done now we simply run one number command uh simply press enter again enter and then type two second command fake easy enter and it's done we don't need to do all other stuff it's not required in my case at least just go through this if you think you are qualifying for any of these you go to results you don't need this dsdt although it was main file that was used it has created a few dot aml files these two ssd easy and this we have to copy these files and it wasn't the results it says each time master it wasn't result so we simply go to scpi paste it this work is done acpi work is done just impose it okay yeah ssdt is done now this is a long way and other stuff you can go through but this is the best practice of doing it now go back to this tall guide we are just okay with it here's you can check out the configs that pdx we are going to create for your uh processor which one you have to follow i have to follow bridge so configure the pd setup i have to follow for ib bridge so i'm going to config the pdix with the setup now here we are going to create a config file so what is telling to copy the sample.plist file to our oc folder okay sample.ps5 will find okay let's open it sample.pls file we find in the open code directory open code here open code downloaded here we'll go to docs here is sample.plist simply copy it now here we are in oc folder just paste it in the root you have to rename it at config.plist um now we are done config.p list yeah renamed it obviously okay now we have to edit this config.plist according to our hardware as it is shown here we have to follow it okay first we need to select our platform uh first we have to start the tool that will that will do this work so we simply when you will use property property to edit the config.plist so we simply run property.that file so as you can see it opened up a new window here we can we are going to load the config.plist you simply click open directly showing the pen drive open for dot plist simply open it if it's not showing you you just navigate to this file and open it config.plist yeah here it is config.plist you can delete these warnings if you want uh it's not required simply delete remove all these warnings it's not required i am doing i don't know okay we need to collapse all for easier behaving this work is done okay it's not required now now you have to follow it first and foremost we need to select our platform so i am using desktop and i have iv bridge so i simply select this let me see this microsoft okay let's start working let's start working let's let me zoom a bit for better thing i need to set it up a bit okay as it's drawing we need to go to acpi add okay first first i forgot one thing maybe we need to take an oc snapshot first we'll do that it's an oc folder just select the folder yeah now it's fine now we are working now just collapse all now simply open the s api s api here we go to add so zero and just see it's doing zero ssdt plug is not required for my case but some some processors may require ssd ssd plug so we just leave it like that um in delete ensure this is enabled enabled should be true delete in zero enable should be true just click it set it to true in one also the same thing enable should be true we drew it now let's go to next next editing next we go to booter and booter what is there memo meow white list okay in quarks just check it out if it's if it matches or not it's in true false was minus one unless this is this is older picture that's why this is a little bit extra things are there and then apple os um okay nothing to modify here everything is here so we move to the next device properties it is in your device properties let's leave it booter in device properties add via root preroot okay layout id once we need to add these two things so this agony child still we have to write man okay six year motherboard is not i i don't have for this only i will need to set this up simply copy it let's go to new string paste it ctrl v here please uh set it to dictionary okay dictionary and we need to add an item when your child will add and what is the string simply just copy this thing here control v set is to its data it was data and check out the code what the word using igp is used to drive a display even igp is used only for computing tasks and doesn't derive if you have dedicated gpu is using for display then you can use this but i am using a desktop not a laptop so my iepu is sitting idle most probably but not the driver display maybe i will use someday i'll use this it's not much of a big deal here just be careful okay now we are going to the kernel okay in the kernel in quarks okay we have to set all these things marked as red to true simply set it to true customization bios for there and bio so i don't need what are you mapping this would be true for hp lapi kernel panic for hp i don't have hp panic no take extern set the true power timeout kernel plan will be set to true third party drives false power timeout kernel panic i did it power currency and for these these are not only limit that's true so you're done here now next next we go to this misc uh debug section first uh apple debug set to true oh sorry set to true apple panic set to true just go through it it's six to seven just follow it's very easy to that just follow it in security allowing reset to now set default true okay scan policy security only scan body should be set to zero oh disable required videos web drivers so i'm using nvidia i'll be using nvidia web driver so i'll set it as disable people anybody can do that they're telling to write disabled but it will be disabled though so focus on that disabled it will be easy i made the same mistake and my osd in boot so always focus this will be disabled and next is what vault is should be set to optional optional so it is here we did it complete now nvram boot arguments okay these are good as required you can set uh that's where nvram um in nvram add the third one i think good arguments okay debug just edit it just like that debug equals 0 x 100 a l c i d equals 1 just enter it it's done previous language preview preview language keyboard you can hear set enus as shown here somewhere i think uh yeah you can set to enus but i'll set it to zero empty no it was empty okay empty simply set it empty so you show the selection of different languages during installation okay platform info platform info and here we will be required to use another tool here okay for my case i am going to use dedicated gpu for displaying so i will be using a similar configuration like imac 13 to 2013's imac maybe late okay i'm bixar is not supported for me so i'm using this so here where we where to go platform info generic oh yeah here we have to edit all these things so we simply go and use the gen sm bios okay so we are going to use the gen sm bios tool it's not here we have to go again to downloads uh where the gen sm bios yeah here it is okay directly the batch file yeah next video generate sm bios okay then you id what you have to do first it's some bios info okay we'll be generating some back shoulders and copying that so we simply type three enter now i have to type my mac so i simply copy this one copy it simply paste it and sm bios has been generated i simply have to copy all these lines to different things what is serial what is that will go through uh type type gets copied to product name okay simply copy this product name system product name simply paste it now just keep it here okay uh type done serial serial guest copy to system serial number so just right click to copy and system serial number back press ctrl v and now board serial boards here to mlb yeah so board studio cop let's right click now we go to mlb control v enter view id uh simply just copy right click to copy custom ui control v enter so this is done i think this is done we don't require apple room i think but you can try there here i don't think it will be required simply simply type q and quit it okay this is done almost now let's do the last thing i think ubfi um drivers if i drivers zero hfs plus efi is there and open runtime both aren't there so no no problem there ignore valid flex ratio should be yes or true in quarks invalid flex ratio is fast it should be true okay vfs okay here what is the driver now apfs is there oh here it is apfs okay apfs version it's both mean and that tensor i'm using high shear i'll be using this so min that will be like will be this simply copy it automatic double click backspace control v enter mini version it's not required i think but we do it with the sake of it so it is done i think uh yeah now go to file save it save it and save it now you can quit it our pen drive is ready everything's fine fine we'll reboot it now so let's see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it may take a few minutes to load the installer so here we are in the installer mac os utilities so first we need to use the disk utility and format the disk so we click it continue and then here we select the ssd we select the ssd and then after selecting ssd showing the ssd is 480 gb ssd i'm using here you can use 120 gb also if you want to try hacking dash so we need to format it those but it is not showing the whole of the ssd so we need to go to view show all devices see now we'll be able to see the whole of the drive so we need to just erase the full drive so we select the whole drive click on erase and we can rename it with any name i write mac os and then make sure this mac os journaled as i'm using high sierra but uh mac operating systems after high sierra support or prefer apfs format so take a look at that here i am using i'm selecting mac os extended journal hfs file system so simply go to that and click on erase it will be done in a few seconds okay it's done now we close the disk utility now go to reinstall mac os and click continue now here we start the installation of mac os hi sierra just agree the process select your drive mac os and start installing it will take time because it will download the files and install it's not inbuilt in the pen drive as we are using the recovery method of installing mac os here so it may take us a few minutes so be patient you can take a cup of coffee in between okay so let's wait it will take time a considerable amount it will take a while actually uh after completing it will reboot here after rebooting you may need to set your usb at the first priority also you need to disable any secure boot or stuff like that from your bios then it will boot now it will boot it will show the installer okay it will automatically boot and complete the installation this time it will again take much time 10 to 20 minutes depending on your pc [Music] [Music] [Music] now it reboots again and now we are going to boot to the mac os installed macos so here it's booting and yeah it's booting up yeah we are in the welcome screen so here we have to you have to select your location i will select india [Music] [Music] [Music] now we're finally at the macos screen and here as you can see this mac os high sierra but yeah graphics display is not working much graphics card in the roof for that we have to install web drivers and i'll show you how to do that so there is no nvidia nvidia card is not working so we'll download the nvidia drivers here first so let's check it out there is a nvidia driver installer on github benjamin doubles nvidia update it will automatically install nvidia drivers my system is running very choppy because of this because of lack of graphics drivers it's very laggy okay we need to copy this command and run it on the terminal so we copy it so copy it and let me just quickly do it run it yeah it will download and install the drivers latest drivers so i'm just fast forwarding it okay [Music] [Music] okay driver installation is complete now you need to restart your system but this time again it will boot from the pen drive android will be required don't remove it when you restart so we'll restart it and coming back again soon just wait a bit after coming back i've opened uh browser and we have to boot without using the pen drive no we will just keep the pen drive down always plugged in to boot to mac os so to boot without pen drive we need to copy the efi folder of the pen drive the original mac was installed drives efi folder so for that we're gonna need an efi mounting tool so here we are going to download clover configurator it has a good efi mounting tool for just for that we are downloading croppers don't fiddle with any other settings it will mess up your efi partition so don't do anything just run the cover configurator as i'm showing you it will show warning for security purpose just open it and go to mount efi and just select mount partition give your password effect and efi partition will be mounted just click on open partition here you'll have efi oc so simply we're gonna copy over all these files just don't remove apple part we go to boot is simply copy the boot folder and paste it in the efi folder then we go to oc we simply replace the oc whole oc with this oc and done now your mac is fully ready and it will work without using your pen drive and it should boot and work perfectly okay now restart and it will boot without pen drive so this is how you can install mac os on your pc if you like the process do leave a thumbs up and if you get stuck in any of the steps do leave a comment in the comment section below so this is it for today signing off nitish prashad [Music] [Music] you
Channel: OS Busters
Views: 160,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: macos, macos monterey, macos big sur pc, opencore, big sur hackintosh, macos big sur hackintosh, hackintosh guide, how to install macos monterey on pc without mac, hackintosh on pc without mac, install macos big sur on pc without mac, monterey hackintosh, installing macos big sur on pc with nvidia graphics card, monterey hackintosh guide, macos install guide, how to install macos with opencore, how to install big sur, opencore install guide 2022, hackintosh in 2022, hackintosh, 2022
Id: H13nqkjyUt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 55sec (3595 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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