INSTAGRAM LIVE 18/12/20: Jacob Collier feat. Greg Phillinganes

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yes [Music] i'm sorry it was so stressful oh man i don't know what happened jc i mean i i thought this was going to be a breeze and uh then it wasn't connecting and you should have seen i must have texted you on your live like 15 20 times i'm still typing i'm typing i'm here i'm here help help oh no no it's not your fault it's like we i have no idea how this happened and and i'm i'm i'm uh i'm trying to uh join your uh i'm trying to send requests and every time i send a request guess what happened it said request wasn't sent request denied oh no that's not good yeah stop going i don't believe this is happening right now and you're you're just treading water so beautifully man and you're 8 000 questions you know when you're going through different sorts and you're doing all the things that i wanted to do yeah if there's one skill i've had to learn in 2020 well one of many it's been how to tread water instagram live well technical difficulties are occurring this whole scene you got that down bro thank you bro thank you thank you it's so much fun it's so much fun that we're on this and i'm so stoked yeah me too thank you man for uh thank you for your patience and you know there's so many things i want to say first of all i'm not really doing this for my followers or your followers i'm doing this for me i i am because you have turned me into a raving fan jacob i mean i you know oh no i really seriously man i i don't understand what planet you come from i really don't and you know you how old are you now oh uh 12 and off that's about right yeah yeah jumping i'm i'm i'm 26 26. thanks i have socks older than you but i got it you you have just turned uh the music world upside down with your with your brilliance and i i am i have been just amazed at and your progression you know oh man seriously have jacob and i can't tell you how proud i am of you and and how uh just you know your musicality is stunning i have to oh it really is man that that means a plan a planet and a half coming coming from you sir and yeah the the people that you've hung out with and that you've known and that you've worked with and you've played with and your energy is so infectious and all of that stuff stands so surely in in my musical universe and the music universe of jacob throughout his entire teenage years so fundamentally that hearing that come from your mouth is is a thrill and a true honor and thank you so much well as my pleasure i mean every word of it man and the the the deal is that you know in every generation you know uh music and new ideas are passed down uh it was passed down to me uh you know when i was the new kid on the block starting out with stevie and you know several generations later we come to you this uh this bouncing 12 and a half year old um with just just a joy of music and uh there's there's specific things i want to cover we won't get to to go through everything and i you i don't know how you're not exhausted from talking about uh this project because uh followers and the interviews and um everything else it's it's it's a pretty uh wild ride so far but let me first congratulate you on being a grammy-nominated artist [Music] and i don't mean just some little uh you know a little lame uh category i mean album of the year i speak man it's pretty it's it's pretty outrageous yeah it's it's crazy but thank you thank you thank you well you know what this says to me this speaks volumes uh on the the integrity of the voting with the recording academy because in a sea of you know uh nominees that would be uh you know presumed here you come out blue and it says to me that oh there's still room for quality music because this is maintaining the the the the bar you know that has been set by the grammys in the recording academy years ago oh man thanks for saying that yeah absolutely you're just another fine example of that and that's why i couldn't be more crowded you know oh man oh man that's that's that's really nice yeah one thing i love about the grammys above you know the other music awards and stuff is that it's voted on by musicians and people who like make the music and produce the music and tour around the world like those are the guys that that get to define it in a way that just isn't the case with say like the amas or other kinds of awards so that's so it's so fundamentally kind of it's like my home crowd a bit you know and like i've always loved music in such a deep way and i know you feel the same and there's like a family of people who who talk that language that that kind of gets to come together and and decide like what's important and it's just it's it's a ridiculous honor but and i i never ever saw it coming but it's yeah it's a real thrill to to kind of sit on that on that shelf and be like okay i didn't have them on my own and it's recognized and something or something but it's it's crazy it really is and and uh huge congratulations again but this you know this speaks to your artistry too i mean if i had to describe you in one word it would be fearless it would also be crazy but it would also be uh fearless uh because you're totally unafraid to cross genres and uh you know many times in the same song sometimes i do that and and there's a strong celebratory sense you know i mean i can actually feel the joy you have for for just creating music i feel it in every song you know oh beautiful i i fee i feel it too i feel it too i feel like all i can do is just to go and something will come out and yeah and that was that always feels real real good absolutely man and um actually i i wanna i wanna dive a bit into try to try to to uh analyze how you think musically okay which could be extremely dangerous but i i certain questions along those lines uh but i think i will start with the most obvious question what or who is a jesse what is it what's this what is it significance of the d you know dj here what is this the significance of that spelling so so here's the thing all of my friends or a lot of my friends call me jc right and they kind of always have done it's just it's just like a nickname that's stuck it's like hey jc bro jc this jc that and i like i like it it's like i say yeah so i've kind of adopted that and so when i was thinking about this record though a few things came to mind one was that it's it's a bit of a kind of homage to all the things i love of all the genres all the musicians all the art all of the flavors and chords and rhythms and all that stuff i wanted to pack it all into one great big package and so it felt like a bit of a self journey so i thought something along the lines of of something that's me makes sense so it's kind of jc but jesse is just a name i've always loved and actually i once saw i once saw it spelled with d in front of it in my mid-teens there was a song called called jessie and it was like very very unknown it was like i think it was like something from sort of like middle africa and it somehow ended up on youtube and someone was going yes you were better it was wonderful and i just thought that's such a cool thing and so yeah so i i came to it thinking what would be fun is to have a kind of character that does the journey like does the does the experiments like that sort of unlimited child that just can play forever and and the point of the play is the play it's not about anything else it's not about what the play accomplishes or you know anything it's like it's like just the spirit of being uncontained and unlimited and so i almost birthed this character jesse which is in part me and in part not me or an extension of me sort of wanting to ask the question so like what what is that what what who am i what is it what is this all about and so that's kind of what i did and that's the spirit in which i i kind of created the album and i'm still creating the the album which it started as one album and then it became a double album and then became a triple album and then in the end it was like actually it has to be four so it's a quadruple problem this is what happens when you have a lot of time on your head with zero distract you have zero distractions oh i'm very i'm very easily distracted but i i tend to find i'm most easily distracted by it by an idea and like i'm sure you're the same way right but like when you get an idea in your mind it's like oh what yeah then i'm like you cannot take me away from the idea you know you i wouldn't eat i wouldn't sleep i'll just be in it well you know since i'm so many uh centuries older than you i'm i'm a lot slower and so the ideas don't come as often to say i so i have other uh issues and and lovely things to deal with like twin boys uh and they're five so that is even that's even heavier what could possibly be fun with that what could possibly go wrong exactly yeah but but uh yeah i i get the uh the jessie reference and it is a very cool uh spelling you know thank you very much thank you thank you it stands out you know it gives the air of mystery and and it can be right right he's like well what's it jesse i don't know yeah exactly yeah yeah that's that's fantastic do you say yeah yeah well done so i look man uh there's so many things let's see let's see let's see uh uh oh one thing i noticed from uh some of your uh well many of your followers what i was desperately trying to log on is that they they have serious uh technical questions too they want to know like i do um you know what's the process and the fact is uh especially with uh volume three man it is sonically so good oh thanks man i don't know how good it sounds it sounds good on my iphone seriously i was playing it i was playing through it last night because i was desperately trying to uh uh you know blown up on some things that we'll talk about later but in playing it it almost sounded like it was stereo on the iphone dude i mean i can hear the separation and i can hear the link and i can hear how well it was mixed through an iphone and that's really remarkable who who makes it well i did um and and you know what's you know what's funny is that like we i i specifically wanted it to sound good on an iphone so i i would dropbox myself mixers and play them out of my phone to see how they sounded and that was not something i i've never done before because you think i'll make it sound great on my nice bassy speakers you know but actually the the crazy truth of 21st century is that the majority of people are going to check it out on their phones and so it has to sound good in mono it has to has to sound good with no low end but it does there's a funny thing that your ear does with the phone which is you know obviously like below like ooh you can't hit any frequencies it's just like so so what's interesting is how your mind puts the sound together for you like you hear and it comes out of a phone but you hear a sub thing because your your mind's kind of kind of con constructing it i guess but for me the challenge was you got 600 tracks in a logic session how do you get them to sound good it comes out of one mono speaker and actually it's doable you just have to have like a lot of patience and a lot of like high resolution um gestures you know like you can't just put them all at zero db and think oh i'm done i'm going to go now or like i'm going to go upstairs to bed in my case but you know you just have to make sure that there's light and shade throughout i think you know so you can't have everything in the foreground you have to some things in the background and these are simple enough ideas but with mixing you can take that to pristine levels you know where it's like this this particular note in the chord that i'm singing most track chord i'm singing like i'm singing like say i'm seeing like like an f i'm seeing like an f minor 11 chord right yeah i don't know i've lost lost my keyboard if i get back so like so like the b flat's less important than the a flat slightly because it's not it's it's a flavor right yeah exactly it's a flavor within so so when i see that chord well first of all depends where that chord comes from where the chord is going but when i'm mixing that chord when i'm when i'm painting it in it's like i'm painting it with my voice then i know that that b flat might be a note that i'm pivoting i might be pivoting from that b flat to a different color you know or whatever and so i might want to start soft and then lean in and as i lean in the chord pivots and changes but the b flat is what guides your ear across the border between between the two chords so dynamics which is crazily important you can't just kind of you know what happens when you arrange something on sibelius right or in a notation software and it's like so obviously that approach to arranging i used to arrange all my songs like that i used to go through and write them out on paper but what i realized is when i'm painting in the mixing process it's just it's so crucially important that the gravity of each chord is carried across in a sound wave and that just takes patience and and wanting to understand what each of the notes are doing to the chord and then when it comes out the iphone speaker it's that nothing's competing because the priorities have been considered about like well this is what's here and this is what guides you here and then actually this is going to be overtaken by this and then that moves out the way but that's surpassed by this and then this is a moment of fullness so all of those kinds of spatial questions i i ask myself in a conscious way when i'm mixing and then yeah i play through my phone i play through my car you know i i i send it to my friend michael has it like a nice car with like big subs in it which i don't have at all and so i i would say like hey michael can you can you play this through your car and see if it rattles i know that if it rattles is too much too much bass because my speakers i've got these crazy keys key threes oh wow and i don't i don't know if you've heard them but my god man that's it's just spectacular and it makes everything sound really good which is really dangerous because if i'm mixing it's like yeah oh great and i turned it really loud and you're just jamming right right but but the honest truth of matter is that like it needs to sound good on on like ns10s and it needs to sound good on car stereos and phones and so yeah it was important for me to do that but with volume 3 specifically i thought how can i cater to every kind of listener every kind of device that any kind of listener might be using any one time fascinating and speaking of patience bro and you've been doing this over several years but your layering of vocals is absolutely insane jc it's it's thank you man so how average how many do you stack on an in on a single note oh heck well it depends on the note if it's a if it's a bass note then i'll often do four plus and i'll pan them differently so you'll have you have like you know say say i'm saying i'm doing say i've got a chord of f like this what keeps happening to my ap it should be here now okay so i've got that the it's gone oh i think i know what's going on here okay forget it so the f is the root and so what i'll do is is i'll probably go oh well that's that's the fifth so so i'll i'll do a i'll do a fifth and a root together so oh and then um and then which is slightly it's like leaning on the f because it's a fifth and fifth lean on roots in theory generally and then i might do f f f in the stereo so like hard pan hard pan and then quite close and then the fifth i'll put like between those okay so i might pound it like say a panic like 10 10 63 64. and then i might panic like 40 40 for the fifth so that is a that's a soil that's like a proper foundation and i'll see what then then when i'm moving up into the operations of the chord like i tend to double each note sometimes i'll triple each note and if it's a beautiful gorgeous like important warm note that like has a lot of energy and needs to have gravity then pull your ear towards it and i might do four five six but it's it's very very um it's very uncalculated it's very intuitive so i'll just be there kind of often my mind will be on some something else like i'll be thinking about food or girl or something and then and i'll be mixing and it'll be like and my my hands just go it's a funny thing and i know that you know this because because you're killing but there's a certain point when you when you're playing where you don't have to think oh am i doing the right fingering here or am i am i is this the right voicing or am i in the right you know you go and it's almost like when you you know when you master a language of sorts and i don't i no longer have to think about word order when i speak english you know because i learnt it when i was young and and so with with chords and stuff like that and with vocal production i've got this mic on a boom arm like a radio boom on and i sit literally in this exact chair with this mic and i just go and my mind's going what you know like what would happen if you you know something random or or like when was the last time this or like a memory will surface and i'll be processing it but it's just like a different parallel thing because i completely zone out but i'm so i'm so connected that i'm almost not thinking and so there aren't that many things in music that i feel i can get to that level with but i would say that just like harmonic harmonic painting is one of them like i can happily sit here and just let my mind go to the desert or the rainforest or whatever like and i i i'll kind of feel out what i what needs supporting and obviously the more times i do it the more arrangements i do the higher the resolution is of my understanding and so it's like it starts off being like do i need a b flat or not and it's like yes i do and then the next level that is do i need to be flat loud or quiet it's like well loud do i need to be flat half loud or very loud it's like that's what that's what i mean by resolution it's like you get to the point where it's like b-flat 3.2 db or b-flat 3.3 db loud and it's like and and you know it because you you've zoned into that degree of detail and it's not superhuman it's just patience no this is exactly why you're from another planet this is exactly what i'm talking about because it's too much it's too much but it's fantastic so uh okay uh i want to address something right now while it's on my mind uh even before we get some of the songs you obviously have perfect [ __ ] and so do i but i have realized that when you get older it it's it's actually a muscle it's like a muscle and it can sag yeah yeah so i have to keep mine up uh see so that would be a c right all right so i got i got lucky on that one here's the thing the thing is you are messing i you're messing with my uh perfect pit and the reason why you're messing with my perfect fish is because now you've discovered as if everything else isn't insane enough you discovered half sharps i can't live like this you're messing with my perfect where is it i don't see it it's not visible yeah i can't you know what you know what's so funny when you say that is that my mom has the same like she gets pissed off because i because so so my mom has perfect pitch and when i was growing up she would be like hey jacob you know what what note does the vacuum cleaner feel like what does that cohort feel like we were talking that language yeah and then i got to age 18 19 and i started being like and she and she got pissed she was like you can't do this my compass is starting to get my confidence is starting to get haywire you know it's i love it i love it i love it and and what i realized it it kind of came out the whole shop thing well okay there's a couple of things my my explorations of this of this terrain or yeah i i call i call tuning i call the like anchor points in tuning i call them terrain so so a cross-terrain modulation in my mind is when you you exit a440 it's like going into a parallel universe they cross terrain modulation cross story modulation so if i go from d to g half sharp i'm i'm moving i'm moving across because there's there's a gap there's a semitone and there's well how do you say half step half step c to c sharp and there's a gap and to me this is a terrain and you can cross it and it's not just half you can put this marker anywhere you like and the truth of the matter is in the 1500s someone decided that it was 12. someone said 12. 12 notes in an octave and then everyone's like okay yes absolutely but the reality is man like look why 12. there's people who have one you know whatever you want and if you if you look at physics if you or listen if you listen to physics every note contains a series of harmonics right right so if i if you go [Music] you're here because because and that's just that's physical right and you touch a string in the middle you get an octave higher and then you get like a fifth then your octave and then a third and so the intervals that these harmonics are placed are smaller and smaller distances away from each other right but this is not in tune with the piano at all it's a different set of tunings and this is known as just intonation and so for example the fifth harmonic is a major third if i go if i go yes i go like an e there so that is actually fourteen hundredths of a cent of a half step flatter than the piano says it is because the piano is a compromise the piano is like someone decided piano like yeah but i mean it essentially happened is that people prioritize fits and force they said let's have our fifth sound really in tune right and then our force into but let's let's just who cares about thirds like thirst can rot you know and and so it's just such a shame because the real third and that chord is that's the harmonically just tuned third so you know blah blah maybe blah should be okay because my piano is out of tune at the moment so maybe i should be all right perfect you're home and right but but but basically i mean all i all i felt with this stuff was like geez louise so so why why am i why am i tuning my acapella instruments to the piano when like there's this other like royal tuning royalty that exists in the world and i thought well yeah why can't i sing why can't i sing like um like rocking around the christmas tree right [Music] why can't my alto line go why can't i do that why does that go you can do whatever you want you can do and we have to do is what we have to do is divide the space up and that freaked me out man that made me so happy oh well let me tell you what freaked me out when i when i heard you do happy birthday [Music] i just saw this post the other night it was really incredible it was fascinating it was fascinating to see there's like 800 many uh posts of you going hey how did you start that how did you know and how did you finish it and what about the middle i it's fascinating to me it really is oh my thank you for thank you for your enthusiasm yeah not not everyone gets excited about this stuff but i really do and i just to me like you know you you you analyze music in in ways i didn't even know existed well i i love i love digging how to play that's why i was always just trying to learn how to play when i was a kid it was when i was younger but you you you've taken a scientific approach to it and it's really it's it's helpful it's it's it's it expands the understanding of of of uh you know uh key things uh in general and it's really amazing it's it's interesting and to me i think one thing i feel strongly about is that it doesn't mean [ __ ] until you make good music with it like you can say like ratios harmonics everything crazy voice things like doesn't matter right like if if if it can be part of your intuitive palette and you can you can use something like micro tones to mean something rather than just to represent what it is then you're down we're talking and then it gets really juicy and that's just to me that's so exciting and it's it's like like in my mind i like i grew up harmonizing with the pentatonic scale right and like that made sense to me like you know you got like you know that thing that was that made sense it's like so if someone went like if it was then i would intuitively go and because my my resolution was pentatonic and so and that was cool and so in my mind like chromatic harmony is as novel as a pentatonic minded person to a pentatonic-minded person as microtonal harmony is to a equally tempered-minded person it's just the next step like it's not it's not out of reach it's not like an alien language but it is super cool and you can control it in like fascinating dark ways that you know that so i wrote the song called all i need and the final chorus for the final chorus of this tune i i knocked it i knocked it out basically a quarter tone so you know it's like yes and then the first time it goes [Music] but then the second time it goes i apologize well it's too late now but yeah the thing is this the thing and and this brings me to my next point i i discovered uh looking at your latest posts that you have a sheet music book of your songs true how in the hell does that work because yeah um but usually usually uh sheet music is lame and and and uh uh vastly inaccurate yeah i completely agree it was it was a challenge yeah it was it was a challenge i i mean so microtones are out of the question with the piano uh and it was i mean it's not just like all i need with the microphone modulation across terrain modulation it's it's also like some songs i just don't have an a a does not equal 440. you know like i wrote a song for something called uh called hideaway and at the beginning of the song d it went d major but it's not d major it's it's like it's so it's about 30 cents flat so it's about a third of 17 flat and throughout the song it lifts and by the end and and so you get this subliminal sense of like yeah you know but obviously the book yeah it's just a little it's a feeling it's like oh because you know everyone gets a feeling when the key changes it's like it feels amazing but that is just it's just like a high resolution key change when it's just like hmm oh you know i mean and so obviously with the sheet music book 440 is is ultimatum and that's fine like 440 is cool and equal temperament's cool and stuff uh and and actually i'm quite proud of the book because we did i worked with a friend of mine called june lee who's who is a transcriber and notation extraordinaire and and he'd been transcribing a bunch of my vocal arrangements on on youtube and blown my mind because he he heard all the chords and he heard all the microphones and it was just like who's this who's this guy like his ears are just obscene and so we kind of became friends and and then so we sat down and we said why don't we make a book of these songs and obviously you have to cut a lot of corners when you're dealing with with like low resolution interfaces like pianos but it's also quite joyous well uh that's encouraging because i want to make sure this guy got all the nuances because for years i relied on my ears you know and and i've relied and i'm a a great stickler for uh detail and nuances you know i think you know because you know a couple a couple days ago uh or the past that we facetime and i've stepped out but now i really listen to it so i want to make sure this is the right pattern for all our friends check it out so it should be this it should be exactly you nailed it after you nailed it really so uh [Music] completely and utterly correct yeah yeah probably uh uh right that's it yeah d over f sharp c minor 11 f major seventh grade yeah [Music] [Music] uh [Music] c minor 11 like [Music] diminished and then down a flat minor seven yeah that's it so a half diminished like c minor over a and then [Music] oh i've lost my thing it keeps happening [Music] so yeah it's like c minor 11 with f on the top [Music] exactly okay so all right that's right that's right sorry so uh exactly man exactly yeah and then the last time it goes [Music] yeah everyone everyone loves to go see soft smoothies okay so so that okay but now now now no no no no no okay i got a lot of uh other little questions i'll try to get a few of them out before we go to the beast uh uh and we all know what the beast is uh okay so so so so so so so so count the people i won't even uh clarity i won't even deal with that because that's just that's just you in the middle of the night uh having a seizure apparently and that's exactly it that's exactly that's exactly what it was yeah uh so so count the rapper to count the rapper i'll be right caught the people who is that insane rapper on count the people well sir that would be me um i always wanted to give it a shot yeah that's me yeah i always wanted to give it a shot and and so i figured i would just i would try come on come on keep in mind i have to you know what's funny is like when i was recording that it was at night and my tongue got it's like i got like tongue fatigue because it's like everything is everything is all right never getting you know i don't know how i don't know how eminem does it honestly it's a mystery or buster busta rhymes that was that's what i was gonna say you could obviously listen to give me some up yeah yeah [Music] that was me that was me and i wrote i wrote this funky poem and and i and i wrapped i wrapped my heart up you can go that fast is you know what you know what like the real test will be will be live like i want i want to do it live i want to get i want to get like one of those you know i want to be like the guy like you know you know what i mean i want to be like come on come on okay yeah that will be that'll be like the the most fun of all uh i can't wait hey you really crashed it thanks brother that's that's that's insane that's insane okay well uh and that's another thing um so in addition to being able to uh rap as fast as buster rhymes uh you you how many instruments do you play everything in the room okay i get it all right i mean i the thing about that question is i don't really i don't the reason i don't count them is because come on no it's because uh it's because i don't see them as different from one another you know like i could say like i played this 12-string guitar and the guitar it's like okay then i played the guitar well like i play things that are in the guitar family you know so i would say like i play keyboards um and i play drums and i play bass instruments and i play guitar instruments and i sing and then i do a bunch of weird other stuff that i just like they're happy but have you messed with the heart pitcher yet uh i feel like you and the arpeggio like you you and the arpeggio like are my in my mind is like they're like a match made in heaven obviously stevie plays one yeah yeah well that's that's who introduced me to it obviously and uh yeah with my man corey henry his master cory yeah he's a beast on the harpage and and justin the 13 year old that's another alien justin uh lee schultz he's he's on it now he's he's only now oh geez that's insane man you know i mean i i hear these kids and i just want to go sell shoes i really it's just it's like what's left but uh it's it's uh it's a fascinating instrument and uh you know you've been killing that too lately thanks brother yeah it's to me it's like it's so rare that i get a completely new system that i've never seen you know yeah so obviously the harbinger is tuned in whole tones or tones yeah and and you need to navigate so like a triad is like this and like a triad is that on no other instrument it's not trying on like down the guitar or piano or the accordion or anything it's just like this new thing so i i loved i've loved like expressing harmony through it because certain things are really easy to do like you can hop you can kind of hop over strings and do modulations in ways that are easier than on the piano for example um but yeah i'm always i'm always thirsty for like a a new one you know i've never played that i want to learn how to play it's the pedal steel because that thing is like with all with all the pedals and the way it changes that to me would be like the ultimate call yeah i think yeah i'll be sick i know a couple of masters you know dean parks being one of the men and the dean parks exactly yeah yeah so i saw a question fly up do you play any wind instruments no well no i mean oh where's mine outside of the melodica well yeah that's it the melodic is the one i my friend gave me an out about a bamboo out a bamboo alto saxophone this is i can't see it now but it's it's like a little it's like a bamboo flute with a with a saxophone reed on it right and you should have heard the noise the noise that came out of it when i tried to play it it was too awful but yeah i i in general i i don't well i don't i don't i mean i've played a lot of it i tend to sing my wind parts i think that's the and brass i tend to sing that stuff because because because yeah but one day i want to one day i want to learn okay well look let's just go right to the beast because you know time alone with you i mean i could do a 90-minute you know dissertation on that uh i i don't even even though i don't know where to begin it's just you know the time and the patience and layering the vocals and all those little nuances and all the little hiccups and all the little breaths and all the look you know and you're doing the backgrounds of course uh otaki or i'm sorry the the the transitional uh um whatever you call that thing you're you're uh you know the half sharp thing cro crosstalk yeah yeah the brain thing on the background is like okay really did you really have to do and and so now you know it starts with this this this motif that you said you had in your head circling around some time ago and you never found a place to put it so you just throw it in that and you know you know what i i was gonna i was gonna play you something because i found i i dug up the like the original idea that that came from wait hang on hang on because i spent all night working on it i even used an app to i'm not i'm not proud i'm not i'm not uh i have nothing uh uh to gain here but i i used an app to slow it down oh brilliant which app did you use it's car wait wait is it the is it the uh amazing slow downer i think it is i think oh yeah that that that's a good one it works really well you can scrub and hold the the the the part of the the waveform that that uh you're playing but anyway i think i think it's this i have to do it really slow because i'm old but let me see uh [Music] that is close that that's super super close so you had is you had about six out of six out of eight i mean yeah so so so so first half you nailed and it said c major seven and then a a e altered yeah with an a minor eleven and then i i think i think this is a d major like like a d major 9. [Music] yeah and then and then you got d flat major seven over f oh okay well all right yeah so so almost exactly what you had and then this to me is like a [Music] what what is that what was that i thought maybe it's not easy it's just like a double diminished it's like okay yeah yeah basically that and then and then it's kind of it's kind of f minor eleven but it's also kind of it's like the essential part of the structures a flat major nine yeah yeah yeah you could but i i didn't think an f is nice there because then it goes e like e diminished you played like which is actually it's even juicier i like your one better actually and it kind of seemed it kind of sounded like it landed on a thing with a b in the in the root you know and that kind of voicing that's what it yeah no yeah i think of it as more yeah i mean obviously it's kind of simplified but yeah so it's like [Music] if you know what that last what that last chord really is it's it's like e diminished but it has a g sharp in it so it's more like an e7 chord with no seven it's like yeah yeah exactly yeah so obviously there was a d in it you could say it's like a sharp eleven but there's no d so it's just yeah and and so here you go this is what i dug up hopefully this is the right thing but i was making this idea [Music] is oh maybe oh no it's the wrong idea this is the wrong idea sorry but there you go what would it have been ah something something it was like it might be the same day i wrote that idea why would i find this but it was like part of a i think um oh yeah that's the one that's the one that's the one i'm just i'm just quickly having a look in cases let's see this is oh this is the last place i'm going to look and then we can crack on but i just thought it'd be fun to show you this because it's like [Music] um yeah i thought it was this that's what i thought that's what i thought was this but that's it's kind of similar because you still got the d flat the b flat and the g yeah but it's like an e instead of an e flat in the base yeah yeah yeah now now where's this where is this b okay here we go 10 nine eight seven six five four two one okay i don't think it's there no worries but basically i made this idea that i had like and then it was and i took the little demo idea i did that and stuck it in the session and then i put some celeste over it and some whirly stuff and then i put it into a into a compression bus and put this plug-in on it called rc20 which adds like tape crackle and hiss and i also sang and then i bounced that down to one track and it was just like there's a song here and then i was then then i was gone and there you go i love all of those like asides you know that for me that some of that stuff is like the most fun it really is and and and and then you know the whole uh terrain crossing thing and then the and then and then what do you what do you do to get those really hot you're probably seeing them live anyway so so so yeah so there's a thing you can do in logic in fact i'll show you um there's a thing you can do logic where you it's called very speed have you checked it out no because i suck at logic so this is one more reason why i need to learn it oh i see yeah yeah so so i'm going to show you right now what this thing can do this is this is logic yeah and here's something i was working on just earlier and then so so at the top there's a thing called very speed and you can toggle it on and off so right now it's going down five semitones okay and so say i record something right here um and i go oh i don't know we're gonna get feedback on me say i go the most beautiful girl in the whole wow and she's mine right and then we listen to that so that the most beautiful so that sounds fine if i put very speed on right we'll play it down here [Music] and obviously if i then go up see four the most beautiful girl and so in a lot of the songs on jessie volume 3 actually i employed this technique so i would basically slow the entire song down by about three or four semitones and then i would sing and speed it back up and be like [Laughter] and so it's kind of thanks man it's so that's all me and i did all the kind of like crazy stuff but then i also called up i'm sure you've i'm sure you've met her if you haven't you guys need to hang out but jojo who's an insane singer yeah she's just like one of the greatest in terms of runs and clouds oh she's just so because i had this song and it was like yeah i'm into the groove and like i did this ridiculous stuff and i thought like you know what would be cool is if as if it's like a hybrid between like the very speed jacob and actually a real person who can actually do it so she then simply tracks the posting in real time which is obscene to listen to just like i know this crazy stuff and then and then i layered it together so it's like the bulk of the sound is like my very speed vocals and then you've got this like angelic kind of jojo thing which makes it sound like because without her it's like a bunch of chipmunks but with her it's like this interesting combination yeah jojo is a killer and i i had the pleasure of doing a couple things with her uh you know beautiful i thought you might have done a couple of couple of shows you know uh and she's phenomenal man it's a little level yeah okay well i look man i uh i i i don't know what to say i could go on but this has been massive fun oh you know what we said when we facetime last time because oh yeah because the the best thing i know how to play is my is my arrangement of happy birthday and and i don't i don't really uh share with too many other people i mean i've showed i've showed corey i showed it to corey um but i i it's not something i showed it to many people but i'd be happy to share with you because you asked i did i did you said you wanted to know how it goes oh let's stop it let's have it yeah but this is you know this is uh simple arithmetic compared to the insanity of of jc but here's the thing so you know whatever intro you want to do uh you know uh you know whatever and uh and then it starts it starts on the half step before oh half step how about that we're doing a half step so it's in the half step before so it's an e you know e7 yeah and then you got an f and then [Music] yeah then i kind of do it like a turnaround like fair enough so it's like it's like uh well wait is that after this okay yeah right yeah it's off the b flat so i go and there's so you land on the d minor and then you know q5 yep and then [Music] [Music] major seventh yeah resolve the f sharp down to the f our old fave and then e flat major seven [Music] nine [Music] beautiful and then [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh this what's the root of that cool icon here oh okay [Music] [Music] you know and then this minor and then you turn around okay and then and then uh the the movement here is a flat a5 major and [Music] major [Music] oh you might do that and then [Music] okay so in the ending it's just f and you go through all these crazy chords what was the first one the first one was a flat major but when it when it lands on the f it starts with a b flat minor so b so after this [Music] and then b flat oh that's right [Music] so it goes yeah yeah yeah oh man it's it's inspired it's completely inspired so okay so so let's quickly review yeah so uh but that's right yeah so [Music] and then you did [Music] right and then [Music] oh that's right yeah yeah [Music] i just think it's so beautiful yeah and then resolve the f drop down to f that's right all right [Music] there you go yeah [Music] first of all thank you for showing that because my mind is blown second of all i want to add an f sharp on that last chord at the top okay go so it's like you go [Music] of course yeah yeah yeah like like a d major yeah it's so juicy man it's that when did you when did you craft that because i feel like that's like that's one of your golden cards but like is that something that you continuously change or is it just something that you've always kind of hung out with oh this was over the course of the last easily 20. a lot it's pretty it's so good thank you so much and i play that for them and then i hang up and then they go why gambling you know so uh this is such a cool thing to i i need to work on mine i need to work on my my happy birthday harmonization but you did already with that insane vocal pose that you saw the other night i think i did do this my paternal thing that wasn't strictly happy birthday the tune though that was more just like just going up which is just so silly but yeah right you've inspired me you can expect a uh you can expect a video submission okay okay uh jacob i i this has been absolutely riveting inspirational uh a total blast epic hang with you epic hang indeed you crazy elf you uh look badly and uh i you know we'll do it again please please this is like my favorite this is my favorite kind of conversation of all time and you're so thank you for your your wondrous considered and hilarious questions and let's let's hang soon let's hang soon in the real world why don't we absolutely can't wait until we can do that and i can give you a real hug but i i will leave you with this uh you know you got all this grammy stuff going on and uh it's intense and it's gonna be a wild ride so all i would ask and i don't think you're gonna have a problem with this but i would just give you a little bit of advice and that is to remain humble because uh you're going to be hearing how great you are a lot and you are afraid and you know what whether you get the grand prize or not it's it's a long adventurous journey and uh you're traversing it beautifully and you're a lovely human being a lovely man and uh as our our dear big brother quincy always says that you know uh as uh he was reminded uh you are never more of a musician than you are a human being yes sir i couldn't believe i i couldn't i couldn't agree with it more i really couldn't yeah and thank you thank you for saying that and it is a wild ride it's crazy how much it changes fast and there's a lot of pressure and stuff but but you know it's super exciting and i i think i just heard today that i think they'll be happening in l.a so that means i get to go on a plane which is way more exciting i was psyched up to sit on zoom and my name was read out and that would have been not good so yeah so i i think i'll be i'll be coming over at some point quite soon which is super exciting and thank you thank you for your words of wisdom and and for your epic friendship and it means the world to me and i hope we can just geek out sometime in real life real soon i would absolutely love that and so since you're coming here uh let's let's uh hook up let's let's do it don't deal sir absolutely beautiful all right baby thank you great i love you too man and we'll stay in touch don't do lots of love dude see you soon
Channel: Jay Adams
Views: 39,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacob collier, instagram, live, djesse, Greg Phillinganes, jay adams, livestream
Id: rYAywJH39xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 55sec (3655 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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