INSTAGRAM 3D POPOUT TUTORIAL - Photography Ideas (Full SHOOT & EDIT with Photoshop 2020)

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this is your friendly neighborhood spider-man create insane 3d pop-out images on Instagram here's how play tape okay can I get makeup hey team welcome back to the channel so obviously I'm not spider-man but how cool would that actually be and I can't physically climb walls but metaphorically speaking we are in Kovan lockdown - listen team a big shout out and thank you for all the support on my first video all my new subscribers you rock dudes so the wonderful world of Instagram back in June of last year when I had a very respectable 400 followers I decided to trial my very first 3d pop hat image the post did pretty good I got lots of nice comments I got more likes and followers and I've got a bunch of new followers to boot hey fast forward 4 months to October and I just tiptoed over the 1,000 followers checkpoint I posted my second 3d popper image and everything changed I got well over six thousand likes 95 thousand impressions it was reposted by other accounts fifty-two times big ones - got me four thousand new followers and inspired other creators to do the same I'm going to show you how I did it I need you and you ok camera settings were an aperture f11 shutter speed 160 eighth of a second because I'm not doing anything too fast moving in ISO 100 for maximum immediately okay so other gear we've got a scrim this is to reduce the harshness of a sunlight it's on a regular light stand with an a sandbag so we don't blow away that is a reflector break it down switch to live view the cursor the focus box over to where your face is going to be or do it the old-fashioned way measure the distance between the object and lens they all dial in the distance using the focusing distance indicator with the 24 millimeter lens in portrait orientation favor an angle shooting slightly from below this will add to the believability of hanging from then position yourself on the edge of the chair nearest to the camera using a remote control on a two second timer fire off a couple of shots [Music] so welcome back to the editing suite right so the original idea for this Instagram post was that I wanted to somehow reach outside of the image and into the text part of the post and this creative fairy dust sprinkled all over me and I have the idea of actually interacting with one of the buttons ideally I wanted it to be the like button okay so I've got my image open in Photoshop I'm just going to create a copy of the background layer by ctrl or command J and we'll take the pen tool and we're going to create a path around me and the wall just gonna whisk through this [Music] okay that's great now we're going to make a selection at one pixel radius and okay that and then we're going to create a layer mask and just underneath this layer we're going to add a new layer and we're gonna add a fill color so we can see the selection a bit clearer I like this green color okay to that brilliant so we just need to tidy up the areas that weren't masked out so I'm going to use the quick selection tool just going to select this part of the wall here section here and this section here and we're just going to make sure that everything is selected properly around the laces okay now select the mask and then we're going to go to edit fill and choose black because black conceals and we just need to tidy up some of these little tiny little areas so we're gonna choose a hard edge brush quite small and foreground color is black we're just gonna fill in these in what areas here I'm just going to wish through this section [Music] okay to make this look convincing as a kind of climbing up the tower block spider-man kind of vibe we need to get a background image that suggests being up high choose a picture on free stock image like pixels calm this one is perfect and then we're going to import it into our picture our main image just place it and we're just going to bring the layer underneath the main layer rename it city or position it's just nicely behind me so there's a bit of separation and get the horizon line so it's believable and we'll rename this mark 4 that is my name now we're going to just straighten up the vertical angle of this image so choose a new guide vertically and then we're going to place it over where the line of the wall is then we'll just use the transform tool line it up okay so we just need to sort out this bum area which looks a little deformed so we're going to create a copy of the mark layer and what we want to do is stamp down the image and the mask so we can manipulate the image so how we do that is by applying the layer mask now we can manipulate the image so we head up to filter and liquify and with the top button selected which is a forward warp tool we can start nudging the shape of the bum so it looks like we're not sat on it on a stool and a little before and after and that looks pretty good to me so next up is we want to blur the background to create some depth create a copy of the city layer then we'll go to blur Gaussian blur and we'll add a radius of around 8 pixels a little before and after that looks pretty realistic to me and now we need to color balance me to the background so we're going to use the color balance adjustment layer we're going to clip it to the mark layer so it doesn't affect the background now we're going to choose the shadowed and we're going to introduce some scions around 2324 and some blues around +5 and a little before and after that's matching quite nicely so we're just going to continue with some color changes and we're going to convert this to a smart object this little symbol shows that we're now a smart object so we can enter into the Camera Raw filter first up we're going to desaturate just generally around minus 10 is 5 and just bump the clarity not too much don't go too mad with this and the orange is we're just going to desaturate slightly and lastly we're going to add a gradient and darken that part of the wall perfect now we're going to add some haze to create more depth so we're going to add a new layer above the city layer and we'll rename this haze and we'll take a large soft brush set as white and we'll just dab a few times behind me that's nice and we'll just change the layer to a soft light a little before and after that works nicely although I'm just going to add a mask with the foreground color set to black I'm just gonna remove that haze from this nearest building here before and after excellent next up we need to get an Instagram template go to your feed and choose an image be sure to include two lines of text and then make a screen grab save the image and send it to your computer so we have our screen grab from Instagram we're going to use the rectangular marquee tool and just select this part of the image with ctrl or command C to copy and then head back to the main image ctrl or command V to paste then we'll place it in the bottom left hand corner use the transform tool and extend to fit so we're just going to tidy up some of these layers we don't need this city layer or the green layer anymore so we'll just dump those and we'll just tidy things up we'll rename this new layer Instagram and next up we're going to select the marque the haze and the city layer and with the move tool we're just going to nudge that up into place with the rectangular marquee tool we're going to select the message box controller command C to copy and paste rename it as a message and with the move tool we're gonna nudge that over to where the heart used to be would just disable that layer back to the Instagram layer get the rectangular marquee tool select the heart controller command C to copy and paste and then we'll rename that like get the move tool and then nudge that over to where the message box used to be and with the transform tool just going to turn it and commit the change perfect so next up we're going to disable the mark layer so we can see things more clearly then we're going to head up to the object selection tool and with the like layer selected we're just going to create a selection of the heart that's done a pretty good job we're just gonna fill in the gap with a quick selection tool so we miss nothing just tidy things up here great then we'll head it up to edit - fill choose color and then a nice red for a heart and commit those changes that's lovely so we'll just turn back on that layer and we just need to sort the wall out and our because that's still in the way so we'll just create a layer mask of the mark layer we'll create a rectangular marquee tool selection that part of the war we'll head up to edit fill and choose black because black conceals and hey presto the wall is gone next up is the text so we'll create a new text layer and we'll use this font here which is Euphemia yuccas 40 points i found that this one is sort of closest to what instagram users I'm not entirely sure what it uses but this will do fine then we're just gonna highlight the spider-man and make that bold and the number as well then we're going to put this into a group and underneath the text layer we're going to draw a rectangular marquee box and we're going to fill that with white and with the group selected which is going to move that over the original text fantastic let's create some more text I'll just whisk through this because you've already seen how I've done it [Music] okay just need to add a little bit of Affleck to this heart to make it look a bit more three-dimensional so with a medium edged brush selected on a new layer just going to add a little bit of a light flick and one more thing we need to do is add a shadow to the hand so we're going to just create one more layer name this shadow and we'll choose a brush hardness down to zero and importantly take the flow down to three percent because we can overdo this very quickly and we'll just start painting gently behind the thumb and the fingers [Music] a little before-and-after really makes that look three-dimensional and finally we're just going to crop to attend by 8 just get rid of some of that funky wall that's showing there and this is now ready for Instagram so we'll just export it as a JPEG quality 72% with 1080 by 1350 and export so the reason I export at 72 percent and 1080 pixels wide is because Instagram likes to compress images that are deemed too large in file size if I was to upload this full high-res image the Instagram algorithm would produce its own version of this image and a more inferior quality than say Photoshop could produce so after months of experimenting and posting to Instagram I've actually found that 72% quality gives a consistently good image without them compressing it so there you go a couple of free pearls of wisdom there I'm gonna go and put the kettle on cue the subscribe button aunt Kat seriously where was makeup
Channel: Mark McGee Photos
Views: 903,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop, photo effects, pop out, 3d, instagram, photoshop effects, photoshop tutorial, learn photoshop, photography ideas
Id: 1vnIjD0P7p8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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