Insights from Israel - Chuck Missler at the Mount of Olives

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[Music] well we're here on the mount of olives overlooking the city of jerusalem and it's a great place to share the most astonishing passage in the entire bible for a number of reasons that'll become clear as we continue so if you there were four disciples that came to jesus one night on this mountain and he gave them a presentation of the end times it's recorded in matthew 24. and in that passage jesus points them to the last four verses of daniel 9 as the key to end time prophecy so if you're serious about your bible if you're serious about understanding eschatology the end times you need to master the last four verses of the ninth chapter of daniel and for many of you i'm sure this is a review but what we want to focus on is the last four verses of daniel 9 daniel is in captivity in babylon he's reading from jeremiah and recalling the fact that they would be captive for 70 years he knew the 70 years were about up so he goes to prayer which is in itself interesting we do the same thing when we pray thy kingdom come there's nothing more certain on heaven earth than his kingdom but we still are instructed to pray for it prayer is god's way of enlisting you and what he's doing well daniel goes to prayer and as you read the first 20 verses of this chapter you can even feel his vibrations the frequency verbs he trembles that is the interrupted prayer in the old testament that prayer is interrupted by the arrival of gabriel gabriel is always on an errand of announcing something about the messiah in this case he gives daniel four verses that will be the key to understanding the rest of the bible eschatologically and those four verses daniel 9 24 25 26 and 27 4 verses and uh let's see 77s gabriel tells daniel 77 is already termed upon thy people upon my holy city notice it's not about the church it's about the thy people your people daniel the jews and the holy city to accomplish a series of things to finish the transcription to make an end of sins to make reconciliation for iniquity to bring in everlasting righteousness to seal up the vision of prophecy and to anoint the most holy place without going into detail it's obvious that those are still things yet to happen so the scope of these 77s embrace a lot more than has happened already but verse 25 is the most astonishing passage in the bible for the following reasons let's look at this gabriel says no therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build jerusalem unto them the messiah the king shall be seven weeks and three score in two weeks the street shall be built again and the wall even in troubled times so it's a mathematical prophecy daniel's in captivity he knows the captivity's about up several hundred miles to the west is jerusalem and rubble but gable said when the commandment comes to rebuild the city not the temple the city makes that emphasis it's going to be seven weeks and 62 weeks seven plus 62 is 69. so we're going to look at 69 of the 70 weeks what we'll discover is there's an interval after the 69 before the 70th week and you need to understand verse 26 covers events that occur after the 69 weeks but before the 70th week we are in that interval that seems strange until you get used to that idea once you understand that the whole thing lays out clearly but let's focus on verse 25. know therefore and understand daniel is uh records this for our understanding um from the commandment to restoring to build jerusalem unto the messiah the prince it's interesting that several times in jesus ministry they tried to take him as a king in their enthusiasm and he says my hour has not yet come that happened several times john six and a couple other places but then one day he does a very strange thing he actually arranges an event to present himself as a king and your key verse for that is a passage is luke 19. so if you'll turn with me to luke 19 let's examine more carefully the day that we sometimes call the day of the triumphal entry we'll pick it up in luke 19 verse 28 and when he had thus spoken he went up ascending up to jerusalem it came to pass when he was come nigh to bethlehem bethany at the mount of at the mount of called the mount of olives he sent two of his disciples he is in bethany just over the hill at the base on the other side he's going to end up coming up over this hill down through the kidron valley into jerusalem on the donkey that's what's going to come happen here and uh so he tells his disciples go to into the village open against you in the which you're entering you shall find a colt tied whereupon never a man sat loose him and bring him hither and if any man ask you why do you loose him thus shall ye say unto him because the lord hath need of him that's a password that's a code word where they'll know it's the arrangement's been made he's jesus has arranged all that verse 32 and the and they that were sent went their way and found even as he had said to them and as they were losing the cult the owners there of the owners thereof said unto him why lucy the cult and they said the lord hath need of him and they brought him to jesus and they cast their garments upon the cold they set jesus thereon and as he went they spread their clothes in the way and when he was come nigh even now at the descent of the mount of olives in other words he comes up bethany up over the peak now to the the downside on on this side of the mount of olives the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise god with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen bear in mind this is the season of passover this day happens to be the tenth of nisan that's the day that at the temple they're inspecting the lambs for the forthcoming passover there's probably a million people this is one of three times in the year that an able-bodied jew had to present himself in jerusalem and so the place is overrun with tourists they've all heard about lazarus and all of that there's a lot of excitement they they began to praise god with a loud voice for all the mighty works they had seen saying and in verse 38 of luke 19 it quotes psalm 118. let's take a look what they're saying blessed be the king that cometh in the name of the lord peace in heaven and glory in the highest that happens to be verse 26 of psalm 118. this is the day which the lord hath made we shall rejoice and be glad in it how many have sung that at one time or another we tend to apply it to any day and that's okay but what it is really referring to is a specific day this day the day that the messiah presents himself as a king that's why they're singing that even luke singles out that particular verse blessed be the king that cometh this is the only occasion that jesus deliberately with premeditation presents himself as a king to jerusalem now the shocking well let's get on here a little bit first and some of the pharisees from among the multitude said unto him master rebuke your disciples the pharisees presume that the enthusiasm of the disciples have gone too far because they're declaring him by seeing that there under these conditions they're declaring him as the messiah and the pharisees assume he certainly doesn't want his disciples blaspheming and jesus response is classic he answered and said to them i tell you that if these should hold their peace the stones would immediately cry out and so this is one of the reasons i like to emphasize this because as you visit israel and jerusalem there are all kinds of mementos you can find let me tell you and by the way do you know how to take a large uh do you know how to take a small uh fortune out of israel bring a large fortune in you know so yeah you'll all find ways to spend money but let me tell you what is the best bargain in israel as we walk down from here down to gethsemane after this study pick up a rock or two put it in your pocket when you get back home you can mount that on a piece of walnut or something for the living room or your office or whatever and when people say what's that you say that's one of the stones that didn't cry out and and you can go through the whole story of daniel 9 and luke 19 and and after all they brought it up when they see that sitting there on your coffee table but but there's one other point i want to make here when he was come near and he beheld the city what did he do he wept over it because he knew what was coming saying if the if thou hatch known even thou at least in this thy day the things which belong unto thy peace but now they are hidden from thine eyes jesus here because they didn't recognize he held him accountable to know that particular day because they didn't recognize that he announces declares blindness over the nation forever no paul tells you for how long that'll be in romans chapter 11 verse 25 israel is blinded until the fullness of the gentiles become in so there's an era here where you've noticed there's an astonishing blindness they can go through genesis 22 with the akita and still not get it it's right there in the text it's astonishing and you can take a lot of those examples but notice this jesus goes on to make a prediction and for the days shall come upon me that thine enemy shall cast a trench about thee encompass the round and keep thee in on every side and shall lay thee even with the ground and thy children within thee and they shall leave in thee not one stone upon another because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation we're indebted to sir robert anderson formerly head of scotland yard who published a book in 1894 called the coming prince and he recognized that in the bible god deals in 360 day years in genesis he does and in revelation he does and by applying the 360 days to the 70-week prophecy those 69 weeks that we just read you go through the arithmetic and tie it to the calendar we know the decree that arctic xerxes long geminis gave nehemiah in order to go back and build not the temple the city ezra came back they tried to build the temple they spent 19 years fumbling because they got harassed by the people and so forth nehemiah is this cupbearer to the king in favor with the king and ask for that and he gets the authority to come back and rebuild the city of jerusalem that's what nehemiah is all about that decree we know in the calendar when you count the 70 the 69 weeks of years from that you come to the exact day that jesus presented himself as a king to jerusalem do you want to go through the arithmetic this isn't without a blackboard and all that it's tricky to do here it's in your notes you can dig that out but the thing that's shocking is jesus prediction here they shall even with the ground the children within thee and they shall not leave in the one stone up another and at it and it's it is uh 38 years after that event that was titus in response to his father especially his command lay seats to the city of jerusalem they slaughter over a million inhabitants and we have the famous fall of jerusalem why was jerusalem leveled in 70 a.d several possible answers let's look what jesus answer is they shall not leave any one stone up another because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation the shocking aspect of this to me is not only is that prophecy in daniel 9 25 literally fulfilled to the very day and so testified in the gospels it also points out that jesus held them accountable to know that occasion and so it's a it's a a heavy heavy thing the uh something else we're here in luke 19. if i can just give you another clue here for your studies when you get to luke 21 there is a presentation by jesus christ that most scholars confuse with matthew 24. they they think that it's the olivet discourse in matthew 24 there are four disciples that get an inside briefing on the second coming here in the mount of olives that's why we call it the olivet discourse in that discourse matthew clusters a group of signs there'll be wars and rumors of wars and pestilences and famines and earthquakes there's a cluster of these things that matthew calls the beginning of sorrows after which he says then watch for the abomination of desolation and so on in luke's presentation luke 21 he is in the temple during the day not on the mount of olives tonight it's a different occasion different audience slightly different emphasis of the subject make a note in your notes denote verse 12 of luke 21 because luke in that presentation jesus uses the same cluster of signs that matthew uses except in verse 12 he says before these and then he describes a siege of jerusalem and he tells his believing friends there to get out of town and don't let your friends come back and he says this generation shall not pass away until all things be fulfilled and 38 years later jesus making a prophecy there in luke 21 of the destruction of jerusalem and 38 years later which incidentally is the time they wandered in the wilderness in deuteronomy 2. we call it 40 years wandering technically it's 38. it's interesting that jesus predicts it and 38 years later jerusalem falls there are many that con in attempts to make matthew 24 and luke 21 the same thing they they missed the point that in luke 21 jesus is talking about the fall of jerusalem in 70 a.d and when he says this generation shall not pass away he's talking to people he's talking to there that before if they'll flee and it's in their generation that that jerusalem falls literally 38 years later in the matthew account he's talking about the end times and there he also says this generation shall not pass away until all these things be fulfilled in one case it's the generation of that time in the other case it's the last generation the eschatological generation if you will the question that it begs then is what triggers that and that we believe it's the rapture that it all happened all that will happen within one generation within 38 years so for what people keep asking what does he mean by that in which place he uses the same phrase in two places referring to two different generations so i'll leave that to you mark luke 21 verse 12. it'll unravel that for you any questions none at all you weren't listening so remember now for the best bargain in israel as you walk down we're going to walk down to gethsemane as you do if you can find a rock that uh don't take them off the the tombstones that's a jewish don't don't intrude on that tradition but if you can find a stone or two and put in your pocket you can make yourself a little ornament when you get home and it's a conversation piece that people will notice and when they bring it up you got an opportunity to share with them the whole 70-week prophecy of daniel and the rest of it after the 69 weeks in verse 26 jesus is crucified it says so they destroyed the city of the sanctuary and that that accounts for 38 years of the interval we've experienced the intervals gone almost 2000 years but we know we're about the end of that interval because what ends that what we'll end that the harpazzu will take place and then a gap of time we don't know if it's an hour or many years because after the harpazo the antichrist is revealed he rises to power in order to enforce a covenant for seven years in in the middle of those seven years he violates it and on it goes but uh the last week of daniel daniel 9 27 is the seventh so-called 70s don't call it the tribulation call the 70th week of daniel why because the tribulation is not seven years it's the last half jesus himself labels the last half of that seven year period the great tribulation quoting daniel 12. so that's just by way of review i encourage you to study that carefully as you get questions we'll try to respond god bless you you
Channel: Koinonia House
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Keywords: jesus, christ, koinonia, house, khouse, institute
Id: oSF1UsA0MTw
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Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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