Insights from Israel - Chuck Missler at the Mount of Beatitudes

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[Music] [Music] well here we are on what is traditionally called the mount of beatitudes and obviously we don't know which particular hill around here but this is as good a choice as any and it overlooks the right place and this is where we have this famous presentation by matthew a few remarks about matthew to get this in perspective as you heard earlier that he was a tax collector there's one thing we know about the tax collectors they needed to know shorthand that may surprise you when you get to you look at psalm 45 verse 1 in the greek translation the septuagint a couple of centuries before christ's ministry there's a word there in that is the greek word for stenographer ready writer is the way it's in your english and the fact that that word it was a technical term in the greek for a professional stenographer that was a cut the the greek that was translated was the common greek of the of the street and so we discover uh since matthew was a tax collector that was a job requirement so matthew and possibly mark two also by the way but primarily matthew we know he could took shorthand because he was it was a job requirement that's why matthew's gospel is longer than the others because he takes down the key discourses verbatim and so you have chapters 5 6 and 7 that we'll now go ahead and read that is if we were going to be diligent to the text i'm going to leave that for your sale a moment to go through that but understand what you're reading there the sermon on the mount is widely misunderstand understood people say well i live by the ten commandments and serve them out best of luck fella because you and i can't even in the flesh keep the ten commandments the sermon on the mount goes the next step it it it takes the overt actions of the ten commandments and translate them into uh actions in the heart intent if you're even angry at someone you're guilty of murder you know those kinds of things as you go through the the sermon on the mount it is more indicting than even the ten commandments and you can't in the flesh keep that uh the only way you can keep that of course is by the spirit that's the main lesson of the new testament all the way through but as you study the sermon on the mount you also need to understand that it is the manifesto of the kingdom and this opens a whole canopies in terms of of understanding the kingdom of heaven only matthew uses that term the kingdom of heaven mark luke and john use the term kingdom of god in similar situations king of god is an all-inclusive term everything outside god himself of course so that's a valid term matthew uses a different phrase kingdom of heaven 33 times most commentators presume that it's a it's just a synonym except matthew doesn't always use kingdom of heaven 33 times kingdom of heaven five times he used the kingdom of god in fact even in adjacent passages which proves that it's he's being more denotative it's a subset the word of and from in both hebrew and german is the same word and when it's translated kingdom of heaven as it is in your typical english bible you miss the point you don't understand that we're not talking about heaven we're talking about a kingdom on the earth from heaven the international standard version bible we'll have it as the kingdom from heaven and suddenly that's clearer then it's what we call a genitive of source not a genitive of that position in other words it tells us where that kingdom came from but in daniel chapter 2 it lists five kingdoms and it's the fifth of the five kingdoms and the other kingdoms are on the earth with a capital with subjects so is the one god is going to set up jesus is coming back to rule on the the planet earth he's going to do that as king of the jews and he's going to do it through israel so we need to understand that and there's probably one church in 10 that even teaches that because most churches have adopted a traditional eschatology called amillennialism they think the millennium in revelation 20 is just sort of allegorical that christ is going to rule in our hearts that's not what it's talking about satan is bound etc there's a whole bunch of we know most of what we know about the kingdom comes from isaiah 65 and 66 and so forth there are over 1800 references to jesus ruling on the earth in the old testament alone and all through the new testament we'll be talking about that in subsequent sessions here but as you read the uh matthew five six and seven and won't because of the eminence of rain and else we won't go through all that here now i usually read the beatitudes just to satisfy the first timers but i'll let you read that on your own because we want to get out of here before we get drenched because the rain may hit us any moment now but at least i want to take this time though to alert you to be sensitive to the sermon on the mount as the manifesto of christ's kingdom and instead of re the the the last three verses of matthew 23 is the purpose of all history the tragedy of all history and the triumph of all history the purpose of all history was to gather god's people and he came and he would not the tragedy of all history is they rejected him but the triumph is that he will he's coming back to a stat to establish that kingdom and that's not an old testament idea alone it's in the new testament that's what gabriel told mary at the annunciation that her child would sit on the throne of david the throne of david is a major theme in the new testament as well as the old and that's that's the tabernacle of david that's going to be reestablished as in in english 9 11. the key event in the book of acts is acts 15 the council for jerusalem and in that council james himself quotes amos 9 the tabernacle of david is going to be re-established that's not the temple of solomon that's the palace david's going to rule and so this whole area this whole subject area is the subject of our recent book called the kingdom the power and the glory it's a handbook for overcomers it's interesting to see what's going on from that book all over the world people are finding it we get all kinds of mail it's changing their lives they suddenly get it behavior matters yes christ died for our sins and that's a done deal your sins were paid for on the cross 2000 years ago that's you're justified and from the time you accept christ you haven't changed but you're what you were justified you have entrance in heaven you have an in potential inheritance that's incredible for faithfulness for fruit bearing and so forth behavior matters and that's what the judgment seat of christ is all about the whole kingdom area is something that we normally don't hear from the pulpit in churches today and that's one of the things you need to really examine that you know it's interesting we discovered a whole bunch of our books are being bought by the leadership of the chinese churches these are chinese churches in america that speak english as a second language in china turns out chinese christians are looking for biblical materials in english they're heavily influenced by the writings of a dr timothy lynn and when they translate that into english it loses something they found our book and they regard it as a paraphrase of len's teaching what's that all about in china they believe they are in the kingdom of preparation as they call it what we call the millennium that's the kingdom of inheritance and the one reason they're spiritually so strong there is because of what they call a kingdom perspective they live their lives moment by moment knowing that their faithfulness now will determine their authorities and responsibilities and the kingdom that's coming and that that motivates their conduct that's a foreign idea in the us in general most people they know they've got their get out of hell free card because they've accepted christ they put their feet on the desk and relax rather than concern themselves are they bearing fruit because the fruits of our life is going to be measured before the judgment seat you can't earn your salvation christ took care of that don't confuse the sin issue that's been taken care of we're talking about just fruit bearing and so that's the issue that i encourage you to as you go through and you read in your quiet time matthew 5 6 and 7 the sermon on the mount realize he's declaring the manifesto of the kingdom that has that kingdom been established yet no not yet and we'll talk a little bit more about that this afternoon we'll have a session on that specifically this afternoon we'll go through that whole thing but i want to introduce it here while we're here on the traditional side at least of the beatitudes the sermon on the mount and what he covered there was more than just those beatitudes that are often so glibly red and very very rarely understood but it goes far beyond that in fact it climaxes be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect wow you get to there what a blow for the you know for any of us and jesus says unless your righteousness succeed the righteousness of the scribes and pharisees you won't enter the kingdom of heaven what a blow to realize that the the access and the basis is something different and that's what you want to really come to grips with understand and and that's one reason we lean so heavily with matthew if you take the major discourses out of matthew it's smaller than the gospel of mark the reason it's longer is because he's got the major discourse in there primarily the sermon on the mount three chapters worth and he also has the olivet discourse which is several chapters worth so those are uh why matthews is sort of our our bedrock timeline for most of the things and use the others to to complement it any questions please read it please read it okay you want to read it i i was afraid to say that we'll read all three chapters here while you you've got a raincoat on that's why you're saying it but let's you do read a little bit let's get the other thing and seeing the multitudes he went up to a mountain and when he was set his disciples came and he opened up his mouth and taught them saying blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness and they shall be filled blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of god blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are ye when men shall revile you and men persecute you and you shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven and for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you ye are the salt of the earth but if the salt have lost his savior wherewith shall it be salted it is then henceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and be trodden under the foot of men ye are the light of the world a city that has set on the hill cannot be hid neither do men light a candle and yet and put it under a bushel on a lamp stand and it shall give us light unto all that are in the house let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven think not that i come to destroy the torah or the prophets i come not to destroy but to fulfill for verily i say unto you till heaven and earth pass one heart or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled that's quite a statement right there that's a call to taking the bible very literally a yacht is the one of the 22 hebrews letters that you and i would mistake for an apostrophe a tittle is a little decorative hook on some of the letters putting it in our vernacular it's like the dotting of an eye or the crossing of a tee the the we discover the torah for example has all kinds of encryption properties in it it turns out that you pull out one letter and they all fall apart and you begin to realize that not only did moses get the torah from god he gave it to him letter by letter because there's all kinds of properties we're now discovering with computers and so the point is clearly we know from the scripture that god's word is pure he says that several times and that's one of the reasons you don't use a paraphrase you want to get as close as you can to the original text and in today's world you can get at the original hebrew or the original greek not knowing greek or hebrew because there's software around you put your little cursor on any word and it pops up and it tells you what it was in the original even diagram the sentence for you for it and that software is free and if you uh you can also find the same resources on the internet the blue letter bible being one of several that provide that kind of resource you can do more in 10 minutes today that would used to take a pastor six weeks of intensive time in the study you can do a few minutes because of the tools that are available to and it's all too important to delegate to others our whole goal in the institute is to raise up what what are called self-feeders to give you enough strategic perspective to navigate through the scripture to teach you how to use the tools and reach down so that you can grow on your own because we are obviously heading into dark times that's one reason we suspect that god has raised up the institute to train the leadership for what some people anticipate being the underground church and so that's and the leadership of that church is right here among us here among us are the people that are going to be raised up to be the leadership of the fellowships of tomorrow so that's what we're all about but uh as we uh how unless you're feeling too comfortable here um i will uh the i always like to close on that wonderful little verse that uh yeah verse 48 of the end of chapter five is still the first of three chapters be therefore perfect even as your father which is in heaven is perfect and that should scare you to death if that doesn't scare you i'll finish with chapter 7 verse 20 and we'll leave it there okay you ready for this 21-23 not everyone that saith unto me lord lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven many shall say unto me in that day lord lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out demons and in thy name done many wonderful works and then will i profess unto them i never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity so i'll leave you with that little sampling to dwell over pray over read in your sale of moments sermon on the mount and very heavy very exciting very fundamental you really want to develop a command of those three chapters matthew 5 6 and 7. so that's the subject of our visit to the amount of beatitudes and i encourage you to find some quiet time and go through those you
Channel: Koinonia House
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Keywords: jesus, christ, koinonia, house, khouse, institute
Id: O8HjIsZGUk4
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Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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