INSIDE Valvoline's SECRET R&D Laboratory to UNCOVER the TRUTH

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velines restore and protect this product claims to remove up to 100% of piston deposits that's a pretty incredible claim hi I'm Lake the motor wheil geek and the motto of this channel is it science instead of speculation so I'm really curious about this product which is why we're here in Ashlin Kentucky at Vine's research and development facility cuz we're going to get you the straight skinny on this product you see Roger England who is the chief R&D officer for violing happens to be an old friend of mine so he got us the back door pass to the R&D facility but it's also kind of ironic because I met Roger when he still worked for cumins and he's the one that introduced me to the premium blue restore oil that was made by Valene I've actually used the old premium blue restore oil man that stuff worked I mean it could clean engines like no one's business Cummins developed it with veline to clean I think it's an ISB engine from Cummins clean ringland deposits and again I've used it it worked fantastic I've analyzed samples of the old restore oil and this new restore and protect and they are night and day different chemically I mean you couldn't make them almost much more different mean the old restore oil was a Pao Esther blend with a super high detergent package compared to what doesn't look to have much if any Esther and a pretty normal API SP looking additive package I mean nothing leaps off the paper with the restore and protect that says it's anything like the old restore oil so I'm really curious to see what these guys show us and tell us about this new restore and protect oil they let me through the front door so it's a good sign all right I see Roger over here come say hi all right Roger hey good to see you man how you doing L I'm fantastic so this is my buddy Roger England here this is a Dyno this is cool y this is mechanical testing lab and basically what we do here is all the drive L mechanical engine all the physical things this is this is fun we start with a lab in Mumbai India okay they can actually synthesize molecules so we work with universities and National Labs here in the United States and we come up with theoretical molecules that are do things we need them to do then as we create that theoretical molecule we hand that off to the balene lab in Mumbai and they synthesize it then they take that scale it up into a sample that they send to our lab in Lexington Kentucky that kind of prototype molecule okay in is then scaled up into a product we do all the blending we have the ability to blend that's where we blend all the race car oil so we have a lot of analytical chemistry capabilities a big chem lab we do all that kind of work so we make that from a molecule into a product right so then that product is shipped here we're in Ashlin Kentucky about 2 hours East of Lexington and this is our lab that tests everything now when I say everything we're talking everything from outboard motors electric vehicles internal combustion engines little generator Motors running on hydrogen right now here all the way up to Big diesels coming diesel engines running here on dinos that's what we do we also do a lot of Industry testing here we're the only oil company that still runs our own engine test lab so guess what who whoa whoa whoa say that again you're the only oil company that has your own engine test lab correct how the heck could you do all this and do all the technology that's in oil today it's incredibly complicated if you can't see all the nuances and everything going on in the oil while it's actually an application so this is where you actually discovered that the ability for that to clean up yes because you have your own engine test here absolutely this is where we work with the composition we work with the molecules we work with everything going on to make it do what we want to do and we come up with something that performs anything on a mark well can you show us that sure since it you okay I know you right here to tell us the chemistry I know we wish they would tell us what's in it they're not going to but they can at least show us how they know what it really does cuz that's super curious not a problem at all this is a great place to show you cuz we have all the evidence right here let's go see o what's this this is the sequence six t it's an ASM T it's a Fu Cofe you can see these pots over here there's four of them there's old each one in po so this thing will actually change oil on the fly with the engine still running but it doesn't does change it it actually flushes it doesn't it Tim yeah it'll actually do two a double flush and then a f so each time when we start off it brings the engine up to temperature it'll actually two changes it'll put the oil in warm it up then it'll dump it again there's a drum in the back that you can't see right now and then it'll Al then we do a second change and it'll do the third one so we make sure that we don't have any delusion from the FR oil right and that's the key thing people don't understand when you're doing oil testing you're not doing a double flush you're really not doing a proper test cuz you're leaving old o in there the old all the old doesn't come out right on each gr so you have a baseline oil yep that you run then you have to put your can canidate oil in but then you have a flush oil we have a flush oil that is a high detergent oil to actually help to ensure that we get all the other formulations detergents it's all about the chemistry and we want the right chemistry right and to get the right chemistry we have to make sure we get the old chemistry out when we put the new chemistry in because a lot of the stuff we put in is it very low treat rates and when you have residual things hanging around it changes things we don't want that we want eliminate the variable freaking cool is that I love this thing I can like hang out here all the time okay all right but this is not the 38 this is the sequence six correct the 3H is the one that is the Piston deposit test that's what we want to [Music] see you can see there's actually a ton of dinos in this room I'm going to do my best not to get distracted we're here for the 38 but I've already seen something else I got to talk about at some point we may have to come back and do another video in the future because there's too much stuff here that's too cool all right 38 high temperature oil oxidation and piston deposit test think of a uh truck towing a trailer basically you're run hot temperatures you're run over 300° half on a p or approximately 120° SE hot as you can get it with this test you know there's a lot of old that can't pass their St it actually builds deposits and those deposits can contribute to R okay thank you yeah cuz as a piston ring Guy this is like a big deal this is like one of the real reasons why I reached out to Roger about coming up here to visit because I love some low tension piston R the enemy of those low tension fiston rings are deposits cuz if those Rings start to stick in the groove my Rings stop turn out the lights the part's over absolutely Dy Don would love that one but what I always tell people is there's a T1 and a T2 in oil okay T1 is a temperature where you start building deposits T2 is where you turn everything to Ash you either want to be below T1 or above T2 if you want to run well okay well we can't run above T2 because we don't have the proper piston Alloys to be able to do that long term right so we're always trying to move t one up synthetics move T1 up because they're a more consistent molecule and they have less natural variation in them so that they increase that temperature where you start to form deposits got it as we become more efficient we are hotter higher pressure all that sufficiency because we're burning all the hydrocarbons we're not letting them go out the exhaust pipe y we want all that transformation from fuel into temperature and from temperature into pressure to move the vehicle down the road as efficiently as possible that increases temperature that means more deposits today with the efficiency we have in engines deposits are a big deal turbocharge GDI all that is basically increases temperature which increases deposits perfect yes which is why on SP and gf6 deposit control is a higher level it has to do a better job B Dar deal you know you and I have talk a lot oil has five functions yeah lubricate clean seal prevent corrosion and cool and cooling that's what it's got to do every day yeah we've got this new restore and protect product it does all those things does all those things as good as any product on the market we believe we have industry standard data testing to prove that it meets all the specifications and all the OEM things that are on the bottom but the one thing that really stands out about this is the difference in how it cleans in the past we've always always work with polar molecules to try to slow the rate of deposit growth right and we've gotten really good at slowing that rate of deposit growth down so it's it's deposits are about nucleation and growth yeah we cut down on the nucleation we cut down on the growth we cut down on how fast the engine gets dirty but we've got to a point now where rather than lowering that slope we kicked it over to it's negative right we actually see and can prove that when you put this in your engine and you run it over time it removes deposits the engine goes back in cleanliness to when it was a baby engine when it was all new and it was all great it fixes problems where if you've got things like the Rings are stuck or they're not sealing perfectly or even if they're not stuck they're still impeded normal movement this takes those deposits away we see it move back continued usage of this continues to clean the engine nobody else has a product does that that we've seen so what was it the first time you took one of these apart after running that oil and it was cleaner than when it started what was that reaction cuz I know that that had to be freak out right it it was unexpected right you know it was just something that even though we were kind of looking for it we really didn't believe it when we took it apart we looked at it we actually had to do it again to see if it would continue right if it repeat yeah repeat we did it again they continue to clean and so here we are today in my history formulating oils and doing testing I've actually seen that unexpected result and you're like that wasn't real and you got to run it again it's repeats and you're like whoa maybe we're on to something here and then run it again and it repeats and you're like well maybe this is real and and we've run it enough now that we know it's real we have the data and it's on an industry standard test so it's not like something we thought of we're using the industry standard test and we actually use this test with other oil to dirty up Pistons yeah and then we change the oil on the same test and clean them up so speaking industry Stander test there is an industry standard for rating deposits because everyone just accepts there's going to be deposits yes MH can we get a peek at some of those M and our ERS and our stand are both certified and were accepted data by the industry and we've actually run tests for other companies based on the fact that we have approved data across the industry yeah your test here counts towards API absolutely because it's an accredited ASM stand verified yes with all the right that's really big yes and we're the only oil company that still does this that's pretty freaking cool all right so we have some business we can see yep go see some fist ooh so this is the rating lab correct it's nice and bright in here by the way rating room raing room room it's just it's a room in the lab and it has a a lot of Industry specified things that it has to meet one of those is how much candle power and where the lights are correct temperature so that when you got parch and you're making wear you know you got consist across everything and those you actually have rating cards that oh yeah right there just exactly the scale we use so one is bad 10 is good higher numbers are better so what are we looking at here a dirty piston what you'd get out of a 3H stand and you can see the buildups you can see the barnish and stuff on the grooves and you see see some deposits back in the back yeah those are the stuff we hate as a piston ring guy yep because that can actually impede the function of the Ring yeah when you don't have a lot of tension to begin with you get some deposits like right there that can actually make the Rings stick and then they stop functioning correctly and well I can tell you this this is typical of what I see in shops when you're taking engines apart this is what is pretty common I've actually seen worse in the real world there are a lot of cars out there running with that level yeah this is pretty typical of what's out there so this one next to it it started out similar to this mhm and after 90 hours of runtime we only have 90 hours on this piston you can see how much you can see the difference oh yeah I mean completely ring Groove is where you see it correct Oil ring Groove is the most right I mean that's really big difference cleaning up and around the pin boss and the lands are much cleaner and obviously 90 hours isn't even a whole oil change what we're doing here is looking at the rate that we remove this because we don't want to overwhelm the filter that's a really great point because we have a OEM defined system we have to work within so that we don't create any damage if you cleaned it up too fast you could actually have collateral damage and that's exactly why I don't recommend engine oil flushes not because they don't work but because they could work too good and cause an unintended negative consequence ask me how I know right we could plug the filter go to bypass and maybe have damage based on that we know we're not doing that we have worked very hard to have the rate of removal stay within the capability of the filter that's cool so in the past I've actually used the old restore oil that vavin did with Cummins yes and that product was pretty amazing it was like a one use clean it up but it was so yeah so rapid removal I mean we had one vehicle it actually plugged the catalytic inverter the carbonation deposits are going to leave yeah you got to make sure they don't leave so fast you can't deal with them so seen that as a potential downside and because we had that history and we had that learning with cumins we can then apply that to this and then get into a space where it is great for all of the market this is a different chemistry a different situation a different deal but we knew we wanted to do the same thing because we know that if we clean these Pistons up we increase the Piston Ring seal so one thing about this product that I find really interesting is that on paper it does doesn't look to be anything special like compared to the old restore oil a lot of Ester had yeah had a ton of eser in it which okay it made sense it would be very surface aggressive clean up but not something you would want to use continuously like you said before this stuff to me this is like the Tom Brady of motor oils because on paper it doesn't look to be special the vi isn't crazy high there's no crazy high TBN there's nothing about it on paper that really stands out to make it spectacular and that's why I say to Tom Brady because Tom Brady was not the most impressive quarterback at the NFL combine you know he wasn't fast in the 40 didn't have a big vertical leap all those different things he didn't have those impressive qualities at the combine but he's the greatest quarterback to ever play in the NFL he has all the Rings to prove it because on the field the skills he did have came together to make him a great player and I feel like this oil what we've seen from the test data the test data says that there's Synergy amongst the chemistry that makes this product incredibly impressive and I've seen this before that sometimes a oil that on paper doesn't have the highest VI doesn't have the highest TBN but it can do a better job than other products that have a much higher VI much more zdp and again haven't been super impressed by what's on paper but I'm Mega impressed with what I see I can tell you that this is one of those things that you wouldn't do if you didn't have an engine lap we're learning things that are not intuitively obvious that ability to have your chemist be connected with what you're doing here to be able to see this subtle change because sometimes it is it's that subtle change that creates the big gain would have never done otherwise no and and that's the advantage of having our own engine lab and doing our own testing and Building engines and having our hands in this stuff we are very Hands-On we have a Hands-On group we want our Hands-On engines we want our hands- on Hardware because the end of the day that's where this product is used right on hardware and the hardware speaks that's right and by the way I am pointing back there for a reason because I happen to see something behind Roger that I want to show you right this is a Prof phmeter and that is a cam shaft out of the 48 test was an industry standard camshaft wear test so I was just saying how I've seen this before it was basically with this same kind of setup where we would grind a cam shaft measure the cam shaft run a cam shaft wear test I've seen an oil that doesn't have the most zdp it doesn't have the highest viscosity index it doesn't have anything impressive on paper but it kicks butt with this in terms of Cam Shaft Weare but if you're not running an engine test you'll never know it unless you have the ability to run engine test and then measure it with a device like this a bearing tester is not going to tell you that or four ball testers is not going to tell you that there's not a bench test that can tell you what that engine tells you which is why it's so important to do engine testing and have the right equipment to do proper measurement that's how you really make advances that's the thing about when we look at bench testing it's like modeling y you know somebody said a long time ago all models are wrong some models are useful bench testing is a lot the same way you can do bench testing and it's usually directionally correct right you'll see failures on a bench test you'll never see in the in in the real world right you'll also see failures in the real world you can't recreate on a bench test absolutely you got to run the Hardware y you got to run the hardware all together to get the Synergy just like you don't see anything on that spec sheet about this oil that says it's different you won't see anything in the bench test that say it different but when you put it in the engine there it is so again I can't thank you enough for letting us come in here hang out see all this cool stuff so I think we need to come back cuz I saw so many things here that I would love to talk about that would have made this an hourong video and it would have been a complete jabbered mess so yeah there are a lot of things here we can talk about there are still some things here that if you start talking about I'm going to kick you come back sometime we'll talk hydrogen because you saw our running hydrogen engine we're we're doing a lot of cool things in that space we're doing a lot of cool things in a lot of space because guess what we have the people and the equipment and the facility and the resources to make it happen wow mind blown what an incredible place I wish I could have shown you everything they showed me but maybe they'll let us come back and do another video maybe might be able to see some more next time so speaking of that hydrogen engine well that's the real reason I was there in the first place you see total seal is actually making some piston rings for valin's hydrogen test engine so maybe we'll get a chance to come back and do some more video on that in the future because I really wish I could have shown you everything they showed me maybe we'll show you more the next time in the meantime I'm going to give that restore and protect a try and I know just the vehicle to try it in my wife's van when I get some results I make sure I share them with you [Applause]
Channel: The Motor Oil Geek
Views: 279,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motor oil, oil change, motor oil geek, lake speed jr, oil geek, Valvoline, Restore & Protect, stuck piston rings, blow by, high blow by, oil consumption, high oil consumption, piston deposits, dirty pistons, high mileage oil, high mileage motor oil, Valvoline restore & protect, engine dyno, engine dyno test, synthetic oil, motor oil flush, engine flush, engine cleaner
Id: kyyZDghgdCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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