Inside The White House's Secret Bunker

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have you ever wondered what dark secrets are hidden within the white house all up the official american presidential workplace features 132 rooms 35 bathrooms and six levels but there's one particular room which is unequivocally more impressive than the rest the nuclear-proof bunker designed to withstand war riots and natural disasters the secret presidential hideout has been acting as a safeguard for the nation's leaders for decades but only now have we finally been given exclusive access to wander behind its walls today we reveal the array of intricate features and secrets that wait inside follow us and remember no cameras please ladies and gentlemen what you see before you is 1600 pennsylvania avenue northwest the infamous white house president washington oversaw the construction of the iconic landmark in the late 1700s and it's continued to house the nation's leaders their families and their staff ever since the secret bunker we'll soon see is the last line of defense the first line however is that intimidating spiked fence before too long its size will be doubled with plans for a 13 foot barrier already in place we'll enter the presidential grounds through the northwest appointment gate on pennsylvania avenue come on let's go here's an armed secret service security guard they expect to see hundreds more of them as we move through the area oh hi here are our entry credentials sir thank you be careful as we walk across the north lawn there are infrared sensors triggered by thermal signatures everywhere so i implore you stay off the grass if you don't the belgian malinois guard dogs will strike not to mention one of the 1200 soldiers patrolling the area that's a night vision camera and that there is a state-of-the-art defense drone still these security features are nothing compared to our underground bunkers as we enter the main building we'll take a sharp turn and head toward the east wing passing through the entrance hall and the cross hall if this were an emergency situation we'd be forcibly escorted by secret service agents beneath the white house's east wing is the presidential emergency operations center otherwise known as the doomsday bunker we enter through a giant pair of clunky vault-like steel doors you hear that hiss that's the sound of potentially contaminated air being sealed out of the safe zone once we've provided biometric access with fingerprint and retina scanners on this device we'll descend five stories underground via the secret elevators take a look around here are the flat screen televisions which the president uses to stay updated with current events and here are the satellite connected phones which connect with the pentagon at the touch of a button oh we've got a question how do we know that the bunker is one thousand feet underground well the white house claims that this bunker is nuclear proof the most powerful american nuclear warhead can blast up to one thousand feet deep meaning that the presidential bunker must be at least that far below the surface here is the famous conference room recognize anything at this long oval table sat bush and cheney in the aftermath of september 2001. if you don't recognize the table you'll surely recognize the presidential seal on the wall the doomsday bunker was initially built in the early 1940s for president roosevelt however it's been utilized as recently as june of 2020. let's continue folks because this isn't the only secret bunker it's merely the most famous follow me to the second bunker this more modern extremely secure facility sits again deep underground this time buried deep beneath the western side of the north lawn say hello to the white house military office soldiers these guys rotate through 12 and 24-hour shifts some of them are medical units some are food staff see those vents this panic room is fitted with its own air supply plus we've got these oxygen tanks in case of an emergency and over here the bunker even has its own long lasting food supply these gray walls might seem dull but it's not their job to be works of art it's their job to protect and since they're made of thick unbreakable concrete they're strong enough to withstand nuclear radiation as we continue to explore here's all of the communication equipment in one section and here's the bed the kitchen and the bathroom evidently this bunker doubles as both a command center and temporary living quarters you might be wondering why do these bunkers and the tunnels we're about to explore need to exist in the first place it's rather simple really the white house staff needs a place of refuge and evacuation should the traditional exits be compromised by biological radiological or nuclear attacks now come with me let's show you those tunnels this is actually a whole network of underground passages and rooms buried beneath the white house this tunnel connects the east wing to the west wing it's also rumored that an entire system of passages run all over washington dc with routes to blair house camp david and the pentagon the echoing tunnels are totally soundproof from the outside world all we hear are our own footsteps if you take this path you'll end up in a bowling alley in the white house basement under the north portico if you take this one you'll end up at the little-known presidential dentistry room or if you take this one no kidding you'll find yourself at the secret white house chocolate shop that's weird but we're going through another tunnel this one right here a 761 foot long path which connects the east wing to the secret basement of the adjacent treasury building which was formerly a roosevelt air raid shelter now join me in the elevator as we ascend back to street level and just like that we've managed to sneak out of the white house completely unseen which secret location should we tour next let us know in the comments down below don't forget to like this video subscribe to the richest and have a great day catch you next time
Channel: TheRichest
Views: 840,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: White house, secret service, US president, underground bunker, building blueprints, layout, oval office, president america, secret tunnel, bomb shelter, secret bunker, secret tunnels, the richest, therichest, donald trump, joe biden
Id: -YVqfu9X4co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 50sec (350 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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