HIDDEN SECRETS INSIDE The White House The Public Doesn't Know About

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[Music] in terms of symbols of power it's probably the most recognizable building on earth located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington DC the White House is the home in Office of the President of the United States of America there's a lot of history inside its hallways and many great world leaders have been guests here over the decades this symbol of American leadership has been constantly expanded renovated burned down and re renovated to get the building we know today in fact through all those presidents and all those renovations much has happened behind the facade of the White House that the public doesn't really know good thing we're here to tell you some of this buildings hidden secrets sign in at the visitor's desk don't look The Secret Service agents directly in the eye and be sure to hit that subscribe button and activate your notifications hidden alarms despite all the publicity given the various fence jumpers that managed to get either close or even into the White House there's no denying it is very well guarded in fact one of the keys to the security system is an array of alarms throughout the grounds and main building we'll talk about outside later but for now let's move into the White House and specifically the Oval Office this location is the president's personal office and one area the Secret Service doesn't usually stay in while the president is there instead they will often wait outside being out of sight of POTUS would normally worry the agents but there are systems in place to let them know if everything is all right or going badly on the other side of the door according to one expert the interior of the Oval Office contains various objects which if moved can trigger an alarm marked with the presidential seal the president knows that if he moves any of these trinkets or ornaments the Secret Service will come bursting into the room so just be careful not to touch anything on his desk or on the shelves if you ever happen to stumble into this area info read heading back outside every few decades that pass have seen the White House grounds get more strongly protected for instance there was a time when people could just walk right up to the White House and not get tackled by a couple of agents then the fences came and the Secret Service started ratcheting things up today large areas around the White House are cordoned off and if you want to get close then you have to get through all sorts of security first this protection ranges from very visible fencing and guards to unseen sensors and agents watching from the shadows despite this people still try and jump the fence if not spotted by security within seconds infrared sensors have triggered alarms throughout the property these electronic eyes can't be fooled and can pick up people regardless of the time of day or the weather think of it like how the predator saw his victims and those famous movies from the 80s only instead of getting shot with lasers you get tackled by guard dogs and very angry special agents air and water quality for most of us when it comes to air and water quality we use a new water filter or a furnace filter then there's the White House yes the president drinks water and breathes air just like you and me but to say it was the same water in the same air might not be totally true you see as you'd expect the president's home has a pretty advanced air and water system given water sources can be poisoned all water that flows into the White House has high infiltration as well as an array of sensors monitoring it if traces of any harmful substances whether they be poison or radiation are detected then the water system shuts down and an internal backup system is used for the air the same sort of setup applies sensors constantly monitor the air for any foreign or unnatural substances and can be shut down in an instant once the alarm is triggered additionally it is reported that the air pressure inside the White House is kept slightly higher than outside to keep the buildings safe from any potential chemical or biological threats trapdoor for many years there has been speculation that the Oval Office is home to a secret trapdoor in fact many people think this trapdoor is located under the President's desk providing an escape route in times of emergency in actuality this belief in the trapdoor is likely an error created by mists you see one of the famous desks used in the Oval Office is known as the resolute desk this piece of furniture as a panel added to the front which opened like a hidden door over time talk of this feature likely mutated into the belief of the secret trapdoor that said during the Reagan administration it is reported that a secret door was added to the wall of the Oval Office in times of emergency the president can open this door which gives him access to a secret staircase where does the secret staircase go well we would like to think it goes to some secret lair where the president then takes on their superhero persona in actuality it likely provides access to the extensive underground network found beneath the White House underground yes those secret doors and passages do lead to an underground network of rooms and tunnels you've likely heard rumors about them over the years but nobody has ever been really sure if they existed or not well first things first there are actually two levels of basement under the White House this means it goes as deep underground as it stands above ground so what's down in all this space we know about the Situation Room and the polling alley there's also a flower shop dentist's office carpenter shop chocolate shop and laundry it's basically a presidential strip mall then of course there are all those tunnels which reportedly run to other buildings near the White House yes there was a bomb shelter built there and at one time there was a passageway built to the Treasury Building however today there is absolutely no solid evidence that an intricate network of tunnels extends outward from the White House throughout the rest of Washington come to think of it that is exactly what the government would want us to think all right time for a break from our tour to ask you our quiz there are over 130 rooms in the White House do you know how many bathrooms there are ponder that question while we show you five more secrets about this famous building rooftop sensors everyone knows that the White House is crawling with Secret Service agents look closely enough and you can sometimes even see agents up on the roof of the iconic Washington landmark now they aren't up there to get fresh air in all likelihood they're keeping a watchful eye over the premises and even Manning a sniper rifle or two they could also be up there to check on all the sensors and antennas that are mounted now don't believe the government when they tell you all those dishes in antenna are for the president's television we all know POTUS gets the high end cable package however those antennae and other strange-looking objects are said to be a radar system used to monitor the airspace immediately around the White House we're not 100% sure about that given how large radar systems tend to be that said a close look does show cameras and antennas likely used to keep watch over the surrounding area and communicate with other agents on the ground of course there's always the chance that some of the equipment may also be part of an anti drone system to stop objects from entering the immediate airspace around the building pool secret this White House secret doesn't really involve national security the safety of the President or security against armed intruders it's actually more of a case of simple privacy in 1975 Gerald Ford decided the White House needed an outdoor pool and had one installed Ford was apparently crazy about swimming and saw a need for a pool after the old indoor swimming pool built during the time of FDR made way for the pressroom built over by the west wing the pool was proven popular over the years with every family that has stayed in this historic landmark soon after its construction a cabana was built for the first family could change and shower strategically it also shielded the pool from the West Wing so the first family could swim in privacy as an added feature a secret passageway was built which connected the main floor of the West Wing to the Cabana thanks to this the president and family members could get to and from the pool without ever having to cross the lawn or potentially getting seen in their swimwear by the paparazzi the wine cellar when you're President of the United States you control mighty nuclear forces a massive and modern land army and head an incredibly powerful economy you have the ability to spy on pretty much anyone and command the respect of most of the world you'd think that someone in such a position would also command a pretty impressive wine cellar after all a building as regal and historic as the White House surely includes a wine cellar to match not so much the official Somalia at the presidential home is pretty tight-lipped on what exactly the cellar looks like or hasn't stock however other wine experts who have been in say that the cellar is pretty small how small well in terms of a regular house the first family reportedly has a wine cellar the size of a small walking closet that's pretty incredible when you think about the rest of the building size and decor allegedly America's flirtation with prohibition nearly 100 years ago had a role in all of this by the time the country came to its senses the original wine cellar was used for something else meaning a small cupboard was all that was left we guess it's a good thing President Trump doesn't drink pressure pads inside the White House the one location the president gets pictured in the most is the Oval Office located in the famous West Wing this is the president's office and the location where he does his daily business of helping to run the country in terms of privacy as we mentioned earlier it's considered the one place the president can truly get away from everyone even his Secret Service agents often wait outside the office covering the entrances in and out meanwhile inside the president can go about planning new policies or during cruise missile strikes or even taking a small nap however even in this moment of solitude and privacy the president isn't really alone you see in the floor there are pressure sensors these sensors send a signal that allow the agents outside the room to know exactly where POTUS is at all times whether sitting at his desk or wandering around the opposite side of the room the agents outside might not be able to see the president but they know exactly where he is should they need to enter the room in a hurry special time this is maybe one of those secrets that would be best left covered up however agents have allegedly revealed this information during interviews so we figure it's fair game just don't say we didn't warn you over the years the White House has been home to many couples and many presidents who had more than a few lady friends dropped by if you know what we mean now the White House has all sorts of private rooms and thick doors but when you're President of the United States it's kind of hard to do anything without the staff noticing especially the Secret Service well unfortunately there isn't really any privacy and the agents know exactly when POTUS and FLOTUS are having some quality time no we're not referring to binge watching Game of Thrones reportedly agents have codenamed Donald Trump and his wife Melania as renegade and Renaissance respectively for the times they get intimate agents have also revealed that has been given the code phrase discussing the Bosnian problem so if you ever happen to be on a tour of the White House and hear staff talking about the president and something in Bosnia we suggest you just end your tour right then and there so do you have any idea how many bathrooms can be found in the White House the answer 35 that is a lot of toilets but we guess when you throw big parties and have so many world leaders visiting you need to make sure you have enough facilities well we hope you learned something interesting and not too disturbing about the home of the President of the United States of course at the richest there's always more where that came from and we have a ton of videos about all things code residential feel free to check them all out just be sure to show us a little love and hit that subscribe button until next time bye bye for now
Channel: TheRichest
Views: 3,173,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hidden, secrets, White House, public, infrared, sensors, tunnels, kitchen, basement, Ford, pool, West Wing, airspace, 10, 15, lists, therichest, hidden secrets, hidden white house, hidden public
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2017
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