China’s Mega Projects: Manufacturing

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brother, you beat me to it.!

the last one will be my favorite.. since i'm an architect and all.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/shadows888 📅︎︎ Apr 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] the state of manufacturing is one way to take the pulse of a nation made in China is a mark that can be seen around the world from men suits to high-speed trains from microchips to the bado navigation satellite system [Music] but the processes of manufacturing our daily becoming more demanding exacting challenging production lines are being revolutionized by a new wave of industrial technologies that mean manufacturing will never be the same again [Music] seven out of the world's ten biggest ports are in China every year they see up to 160 million tons of goods leave for the outside world round-the-clock since the start of 2013 China has been the world's largest exporter its manufacturing power has long been something of legend [Music] now this manufacturing power is being turned to the method by which Chinese made goods reach the outside world another of the world's mega container ships is under construction at this Chinese shipyard at 399 meters long it will rank with the biggest in the world when fully loaded with containers it can sail for 40 days uninterrupted a true Leviathan of the Seas this is the first time a container ship of this size with a capacity of 20,000 standard containers has been built in China for the engineers precision is the greatest challenge in building this giant they must work in all areas to a margin of error of less than five millimeters the ensuring this precision starts with the cutting of the plates 42,000 tons of steel plate is transported to a workshop in batches [Music] a plasma cutter then cuts the plates in exact accordance with the design drawings to within a single millimeter the heart of the shipyard is this giant dock the size of seven football fields the dock is the yards most valuable resource so efficiency dictates that each vessel should occupy it for the shortest possible time to speed the building process the various sections of the ship are put together in modules away from the main dock the original design of the ship splits it into 399 units for modules which can be assembled separately and simultaneously at various sites around the yard these are then brought together for final assembly in the dock although broken down into 399 modules each weighs many dozens of tons and moving them around is not easy [Applause] one of the largest modules the bridge and superstructure is ready to be hoisted into position it weighs over 600 tonnes it will be lifted by two huge gantry cranes that themselves weigh 1,200 tons in total the real difficulty is not in the lifting but how to install it on deck to the nearest millimeter it requires the precise coordination of dozens of skilled workers the cranes get the bridge in place when suddenly a strong wind gets up even a 1200 ton crane system can't hold a 600 ton bridge steady in the force 8 gale it is decided to delay the operation Danielle okay after a couple of hours the wind drops [Music] the welder sees the opportunity to make quick work of marrying the superstructure to the hull and as ever precision is the watchword [Music] at the same time in the hole another group of engineers are conducting a test a test frame the size of a standard container is lowered down into the vessel in future there will be 20,000 containers on board each of which needs to have a precisely marked location mordida Nagar shall where this is a particle to the function of that you hold the three shots good he could sounds to delegate a shot so cheated I introduced the ones he choked at Hong Kong hi jane beshear pasta maker shall we watch out yo solidify not shoot this is all you should i sample saenko hobby in a hotel hushing don't optional Dutch attention champ we are setting up our maker shall we go up on a wing in a few months time the Leviathan will plow across the oceans loaded with the treasures and trinkets affordable goods that have benefited people from Atlanta to Zanzibar while China is providing all manner of goods to the world it is also importing products it needs in particular microchips on which China spends more than 230 billion dollars a year even more than it spends on petroleum and in fact China's largest import [Music] [Music] in 2016 China made more than 1.2 billion smartphones and became the world's largest producer and consumer of mobile phones but the crucial chips on which the phones run all have to be imported the situation may not last forever hunt Jeong Jeong is leading his team working on an important project to develop the next generation of 5g micro processors it's data speed will be 10 times faster than that of the fastest 4G chips and the big plan is to get this to work on a chip of just under half of one square centimeter woman simcha and I searched other ginseng balcony outside it's Jay now this is a man in Kenya oh man whoo go take a bath take ether chin cheek one thing America Genoa not just all women would you take a champagne diamond it's a changing one assuming I can transit it that's a girl Jen Anderson's Humberto it would be very complicated to organize the entire population on earth to work together properly on a task pancham guns group uses a device costing more than a million you want to conduct a crucial experiment she being a surgeon our my heart will actually intent addition can support Thank You Michelle talk about say on the pink hat then go parents each faction research not a gender gap in a Zambia watching be a sordid saga she might do monocotyledons na hoona under the symbionts urgent agenda in our economy to our center now holiday Kasim can't you be on your feet hands shouting at me and eat a Jim here the design is about to be tested and the engineers are preparing for it to lay out billions of transistors on a 0.49 square centimeters chip the engineers need to have extraordinary imaginations it is like building an extremely complicated super city in a micro world technological soldiers homeobox orders ACH indeed when I requested awaits tomboys shared Eng sorted she didn't move much not ten and one cent woman's I'm gonna go kanji it's like the data package for a high-definition movie downloaded from a simulation base station the operation needs to be completed in a few seconds this places high demands on the design the final design is what will allow future 5g chips to support their greatly increased data transmission and processing speeds China's chip manufacturers are looking for breakthroughs in many fields including core chips that support high-speed railway operations and electric vehicles like insulated gate bipolar transistors IGBT [Music] the 5g chip developed by Ponton gangs group will appear in a new generation of smartphones a new 5g era is coming another potential industry is aviation [Music] [Music] the already busy skies above China will only get busier there are currently nearly 3000 aircraft flying more than 1.33 million passengers every day the majority of these aircraft are manufactured in Europe or America but that is set for a gradual change [Music] the expansion of China's internal aviation market over the next 20 years will see the number of civil aircraft needed rise to over 6,000 this huge market has prompted Chinese engineers to design and build the c919 [Music] it takes more than 1 million components to build a c919 and each must be made to the highest standard demanded by the world aviation industry [Music] [Applause] flight assembly engineer Jyoti way explains some of the details well national adalat if i'm jose zuniga feed each other on to the term food shark fishing rod ah you got to enjoy so you get into talk harsher change a survey three meter different decision I did what I said doc Cottle diverged NGO Barbara for you she and for the media do you see changes the caller [Music] in modern aircraft mechanical control systems are replaced by electronic ones this creates an intensive network of sensors and controls that works like a body's neural system c919 has over 10,000 wires with cumulative length of nearly 80 kilometers each wire needs to be carefully installed one at a time by experienced engineers it's a bit like heart surgery and like operations on a human body no mistakes can be allowed for that and what the map wanted to hear what contorted wanna see eating's exchanger now huh make me gaudiya myojin get a harder time and for the whole that would design those away either one mate someone took at the end hall with that the girls on tiger call Tammy agility I don't wanna start a whole talk with us or what was afoot ha she's on a sue what is how I need a PR but we already made the call our horse on Africa [Music] Computers and meticulous management allow the engineers to complete this complicated operation efficiently and reliably at the aircraft test engineering Institute 30 kilometers away another and altogether more dramatic test on the c919 is being prepared this test is conducted in a Chinese built flight simulator called the iron bird all the control systems are identical to that of the real aircraft the test will be of a simulated catastrophic failure in the c919 s flight control system gouging Joe is the deputy chief engineer of c919 for the past few years he has been working on the aircraft's core flight control system this amounts to the most sensitive and confidential data held by any manufacturer you guys shouldn't go kinda like Joe the simulated scenario is a high altitude failure of an aileron on one wing due to sudden icing it will cause a dangerous destabilization of the aircraft's flight attitude if the flight control system fails to correct it in time a catastrophic accident could follow oh is that fidgeter go do it but momentum has a surger sequence is inertia you go to mother she know the chief una domain your central to it starts all right for the part for men PCR can go Amanda Selena the sequence is not relative good item through one aileron is locked to an angle of 15 degrees by the computer system the plane starts to roll [Music] [Applause] Ganges from Fiji polishing future who that car there you go told them no one would risk conducting a test like this in the air yet with the iron bird the engineers contest the plane to the limits above its parameters [Music] after extensive testing in the iron bird the c919 s flight control system achieves a faultless level performance on its first real test flight in the future c919 will be a key part of Chinese air transport system the mid-size passenger jet will not only benefit travelers across the nation and other countries and regions to which it is exported but it's manufacture will support more than 200 enterprises and 200,000 skilled workers in the research and development it has taken just 30 years for China to transform from an industrial backwater to the world's largest manufacturer but manufacturing demands energy China consumes nearly 6 trillion kilowatt hours of power per year to provide this by thermal power plants alone it will put huge pressure on the environment reduction of carbon emissions is a key goal under the Paris climate agreement of 2016 nuclear power is one way to achieve this while keeping the lights on [Music] though nuclear power has zero carbon emissions it does have other major safety issues the engineers building China's new nuclear power stations must ensure safety cannot be compromised Khalifah Fhimah Donlan l1 Baldonado more insulin g-tron and tln petrol in the oven wish you could be there Angela Angela well accumulation yeah woman to dock you la chimba Jose de ha ha [Music] the 10,000 square meter Factory in Shanghai is making the latest generation of nuclear power units by the highest safety standards in the world the factory can build the equipment to fit out six nuclear power plants per year if all are put into operation annual coal consumption will be reduced by at least thirteen point eight million tons in a special workshop in the factory the key parts of nuclear power units are being assembled a specialized metal tube will be inserted into the giant evaporator nuclear fission produces energy which heats demineralized water in the reactor this heated water flows through pipes in the evaporator to transfer their heat energy to water on the outside of the pipes this water then evaporates and the steam produced drives the turbines to generate electricity in the process of heat exchange no contact can be allowed between the radioactive water heated by the fission reaction and non radioactive water which drives the turbines these nickel-based alloys are at the heart of this the 1.0 one millimeter thick tubes must have complete resistance to stress corrosion and cracking in a radioactive environment they are the crucial components in a nuclear power unit their assembly is very demanding of the installation environment the workshop must maintain a 100% clean atmospheric environment and a constant even temperature 24 hours a day therapy chance attention passengers smooching such a long trade I teach a patent you see one machine that can tell us to do they say a peach and send the patented up wound on the Frida who engineering a position using quite a chunk operation twenty faculty from Machado duty till eternity under Europe in society to you that song it all channel into a tranquil your feet on the asana went to division had a cool to the team retrieves a new as let me consider so it's Alexis own and on the feel and garden to increase the efficiency of the heat exchange the nickel-based alloys Eve's need to be as thin as possible [Music] the total length of the 12,500 1.01 millimeter tubes is over 300 kilometers each tube has to be precisely manufactured and individually delivered to the site where it is carefully installed in the evaporator to build a completed evaporator takes 50 days on the other side of the evaporator the work of two technicians is even more critical both mouths of each of the nickel alloy tubes passing through the evaporator will be fitted into prearranged slots in an end plate these are the only interfaces between the you tubes and the external world the task of the two workers is to weld the ends of the tubes onto the plates the quality of the welding work will directly determine whether there will be any leaks the whole process is strictly controlled the welding time is precisely calculated to exactly 80 seconds for each weld no variation is allowed [Music] nuclear will be key element in China's generation capacity in the future [Music] at the same time a wide range of projects are being undertaken to provide the diverse energy sources China's manufacturing industry is reliant upon in the last three decades China has become the largest producer and consumer of automobiles in the world the rapid rise in the huge number of cars has also raised issues of energy consumption and pollution now this situation is changing [Music] this assembly line may not seem much different from any other modern vehicle assembly lines anywhere in the world but difference there is not in line itself but in the vehicles being produced they are all electric yeah you know maybe I come here often [Music] making new energy vehicles is changing the traditional concepts of automobile manufacturing high integration and modularization of components have become the trend with its global lead in battery technology this enterprise has shifted the focus of its business to new energy vehicles and become a major supplier of electric buses providing new energy vehicles for more than 200 cities in 48 countries besides batteries another core component of new energy vehicles is becoming a battleground for global producers it's like a piranha Neha in Chattanooga dr. Tighe way knows now this is a big moment for Chinese vehicle manufacturers some fridays asking well yeah General Joseph e-file intercessor ty way and his engineering team are going to test how they're independently developed motor performs on road jagad ahur sh t tassel cannot attend didn't you tell you such a shy Mahajan Crichton to her short engine to the chamois good woman don't forget that Giannini ojek kidding she's happier harder dr. Tighe is organizing an experiment at the Beijing electric tests under they are going to completely immerse their new electric motor design in water to test the whole system this is crucial for the safety of all electric vehicles [Music] Sun Tzu Chi Yong tae ho not only in Toccoa ingenuity Jana Sandra Dee and tweedle shemona the treaties with yet 14 years experience of research and development in electric motors has made dr. Tighe way one of the most influential members in the global motor industry now the motor developed by dr. Thai is on the procurement list of the world's top auto companies and has put China at the leading edge of new energy vehicles in Shanghai dr. toys factory is busy working on producing the new generation of motors there are no workers to be seen this is a fully automated production line that produces an electric motor every three minutes [Music] found out that the indecent hearts we all show you so what we do or just fanciful father since I'm a woman to Allah said health solutions agenda for the jahida muta quality sorry are you Santa nama tier to tier two galleries yet it's happy employee Judah when T so the woman sons Honda what Tyson's are so anti does happen so one change each other an enlarged automated line is being built which will increase the factories capacity several fold [Music] new technological breakthroughs have made electric vehicles increasingly effective and practical this is an opportunity but also a challenge not only in terms of production technology but also our collective way of thinking [Music] during the first stage of development in China's manufacturing industry low labor costs and product prices provided China with its competitive edge in the global market now this manufacturing industry is undergoing a major transformation and upgrade in future manufacturing processes that are dull and repetitive will be handled by robots leaving humans to supervise or engage in more creative work Shen young in northeast China is a Centre for robotic development here they design robots for a variety of different roles they will be at the cutting edge of the production lines of the future the robotics industry in China is expanding by 20 percent year-on-year [Music] decisions how they take a career and I don't see a father in it ila coumarin booyah Uganda you don't you lay your wish you should who daughter in doing that number party yeah cause what I got I'm gonna work no you kill me okay get you get you Cindy a new production line comes in to service its robots building robots a master robot selects the designated parts on the shelf and transfers the parts to their correct positions on the flow line through automatic guided vehicles AGV [Music] then robot arms assemble the parts [Music] [Music] the line can build several different types of robot with complete precision the rapid development of the industry has given birth to more and more types of robot engineers in Shanghai are working on the development of the next generation leo ephod and his team is going to test the limits of their newly developed machines their new robot is going to carve an image on the shells of raw eggs the egg shell is just 0.3 millimeters thick while the surface of each egg is different to engrave these irregular surfaces with a fast rotating cutting tool and avoid cracking the shell the robotic arm must have precise control over its movement and have sophisticated spatial perception see Danielle courage on eigenvalue ruler that somersaulted to diminish anchor to a food additive see also nobody seemed to a free country on ago they didn't care about your sweet sweet I start with the bottom for sure we both on top for homes and great Solanki Thiago see Santiago hands on do you weigh the cons but the hunger let's into the different order the key to this is this seven axis robot compared with a traditional robot this robot has seven intelligently controlled rotation axes which maximize the working parameters of the robotic arm working with multiple dimensions gives increased flexibility a new robotic era is on the way mr. Lee prepares to start the engine of his red truck [Applause] [Music] [Applause] today he will hit the interstate highways with a load of dangerous liquid chemicals a safe trip is paramount to guarantee this his cab is equipped with the bado navigation satellite system [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the road traffic safety control center his progress is being monitored woman Jordan woman tango beta waiting de Macedo Suzy and a wheel wobble is returned and sister tonight my retention and transact salsa without incident is a missing link Kirby a certain dream school and Rosetta plainly using simulation calm moment on angle eg fuzzy pin Jesus - showing at my awesome beaches thanks to the bait dos system china is able to maintain and tend monitoring on the movement of dangerous goods our modern world has become reliant on global positioning satellites for almost every activity whether for commerce or for pleasure land sea and air all are equally indebted to the service China is planning on expanding bado with another 35 satellites over the next two decades [Music] the 23rd satellite in the system is undergoing final testing before launch the satellite is pushed gently into the thermal vacuum chamber it will undergo extreme temperature difference from 210 degrees Celsius to minus 180 degrees Celsius in a near vacuum state it will operate in geostationary orbit 20,000 kilometers above the earth where no breakdowns are allowed [Music] the potential of the bado navigation satellite system is continually increasing in the near future wherever you are no matter day or night you and your smartphone will be under its watchful eye [Music] it's ten o'clock at night when train driver Jung Joo Unni shows up for work our attention his task today is to test a new high-speed train in another couple of hours it will take to the track for comprehensive testing Jean use it on Jamie : uses on the Train is part of a new series of high-speed trains called fushing Hall which literally means rejuvenation Jeong to Annie will test the train in speeds of up to 350 km/h to verify the running conditions of the whole system there are 30 engineers on the train to monitor the test in a few weeks this new series of high speed trains will take to the tracks for real as the world's fastest journey time from Beijing to Shanghai will be cut to four and a half hours as the rejuvenation series roll out across the whole network China will usher in a new high-speed era 1500 kilometres away in chung twin city northeast china the birthplace of china's heavy industry a brand-new factory has been commissioned the first batch of the rejuvenation series is being assembled they are wider taller and longer than the previous generation of high-speed trains but their energy consumption is 15% lower the trains are manufactured to uniform standards trains of the same type produced by other factories will all be compatible with each other even their components are compatible which will help reduce running costs at midnight workers begin to install baseplate bogies on number five zero one zero locomotive it is the last element in the general assembly process mase plate bogie supports the carriages and outputs power this bogie is a new engineering design with a power output of ten thousand one hundred forty kilowatts it has been tested over six hundred thousand kilometers each year for the last three years and has undergone 12 million fatigue tests the bogie is about to be installed it glides easily under the locomotive pushed by two workers its positioning is determined by four pins which are carefully married to the positioning holes Jerome [Music] [Music] at 1:00 a.m. all the installation work has been successfully completed China has the world's most complex natural environment the new trains will face extreme cold heat and sandstorms amongst other challenges China has 60% of the world's high speed track which has carried more than seven billion passengers with higher efficiency longer service life and higher energy efficiency China's high-speed trains are beginning to become the new standard for high-speed train travel [Music] even the most traditional manufacturing industry in China is undergoing its own information revolution everything looks the same at a distance skilled workers exquisite fabrics and traditional machines but appearances deceive leo eally left her job with a world top 500 company to come and work here two years ago when I said that could so now you show GG don't dilute it a year right Chevelle coach had a funky weaving machines were key to the industrial revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries automation reduced the cost of textile production after Henry Ford invented the assembly line manufacturing became even more efficient ten of thousands of products can be produced quickly and uniformly manufacturing costs further dropped but at the same time individuality was lost today things are changing back again each outfit produced in this Factory is tailored to an individual customer data is what drives this every order goes into the computer system from the internet and the system generates it as an independent code this code will guide workers on the production line [Music] although the 300 production steps are the same the codes direct the Machinists as to the different materials and production methods not that can we totally change on women call you sometimes when I change some angle cooking the technique people to an end or you don't come job and with oku you say it totally turns out like this you can have ten years ago the clothes turned out on this line were mass-produced now they are individually customized and tailored to each client each order will be turned around in a week inventory stock is a thing of the past this is bespoke tailoring for the mass market everything has changed and yet is somehow the same just better faster more efficient [Music] a new way of manufacturing is coming more and more devices are connected to the Internet robots respond directly to incoming orders the emphasis is moving from pure speed of reaction to speed plus quality this is the new made-in-china a future of intelligent manufacturing this is the future on which China is staking its industrial dream the city the most complex human creation on earth is growing and developing at every moment like a living organism countless systems within it are quietly maintaining its life the super cities which are full of vitality are constantly self-correcting they are fertile soil for the continuation of human civilization please join us for the third season of China's mega projects [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: CGTN
Views: 1,994,036
Rating: 4.7521048 out of 5
Keywords: CCTV, CGTN, CCTVNews, News, ChinaNews, WorldNews, Documentary, project, manufacture, energy
Id: _bVaMUds5gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 2sec (3002 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2019
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