Inside The Henry Ford Museum

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so I've made it to Dearborn Michigan and I'm finally getting the chance to go into the Henry Ford Museum there's a lot more than just cars in this place so this place is so big that it can be difficult to decide where to begin but I am going to start over here at the presidential limousines this is President Reagan's 1972 presidential limousine so this little stand where the bumper is supposed to be in that bar and so someone can stand there and hold on that's pretty cool this is the Lincoln the President Kennedy was shot and killed in hard to believe but according to the plaque here this is the car [Music] that is truly incredible Wow this is right where he was sitting he and Jackie Kennedy Wow [Music] this is dwight eisenhower's and look inside and see what the interior looks like still that is amazing look at the a bubble top a famous bubble top it just continues this is FDR's 1939 Lincoln here and this is Teddy Roosevelt's broom look at that [Music] what a beauty they're not really sure it says circa 1902 Brohm so getting to the cars look at this 1941 Bugatti Type 41 Royale tell me that that is not the sleekest coolest looking car you've ever seen there you go the Bluebird 1927 the bus she's funny they still make school buses today I love the way these old trucks these old trucks look 1952 Federal 45 M is another look at the school bus 1927 Bluebird School Bus my have times have changed one of the first things you see when you come in after the limousines is this huge locomotive and actually seemingly a complete train it just seems to keep going and going this thing I don't know how tall this sits maybe 17 feet wow this thing is huge [Music] 19:41 Allegheny locomotives [Applause] for the bowline look at this 1923 Canadian Pacific snowplow people therefore scale this thing is huge this is for the big the big snowfalls and it was pushed by these huge locomotives I'd love to see this thing in action 1967 Ford mark 4 kind of looks like a Ford gt40 but this is the LeMans race car beautiful and this is the 2016 Ford GT that looks like it has not been cleaned up since it's less race this thing is 1896 Ryker an electric tricycle Wow that's all you needed back then oh yeah you see the motor back there as you can see there's all sorts of things here not just Ford's all kinds of makes and models and trains even even this thing the 1980 commuter car co mu T a commuter car electric runabout interesting look at these older older versions of car seats they don't look too comfortable for the kids this is a 1962 Mustang 1 roadster which was a concept car looks actually more similar to the Ford GT than a Mustang interesting so there's a little bit of everything in this museum including this Corning Glass ribbon machine 19:28 basically made light bulbs the light bulbs would go into here and be fed into the machine and this machine could produce 600 light bulbs in just one minute and from what I've read 15 of these machines in the 1970s produced most of the world's light bulbs amazing coming up on the biggest wiener you have ever seen the Oscar Mayer wiener how funny is this thing 1952 Wienermobile this whole section of farm equipment and this steam traction engine is pretty impressive it's almost as tall is that train before hey by the Avery company a whole bunch of different technology related history even this wall of phones that go from the oldest to sort of the newest so one of the more fascinating things in this museum is Abraham Lincoln's chair this is the very chair that he was sitting in the night he was assassinated and this is extremely surreal to be looking at there's massive plain hanging from the ceiling Northwest Airlines there's a lot of aviation stuff here much much more than just cars there's even some beautiful signage here look at this old McDonald's restaurant sign over 160 million sold and that is awesome and although there is not a McDonald's here there is a diner made to look like typical 50s diner so I'm gonna go in and get some food hope you liked this video hope you liked the tour see in the next video
Channel: Mobile Instinct 2
Views: 343,670
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Keywords: henry ford museum, where is jfk limo, when was jfk killed, mobile instinct, atlas obscura michigan, henry ford history, places to see in michigan, what to do in michigan, kennedy assasination facts
Id: 4UwOQ9c5TXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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