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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hi there my name is Lloyd Bridges and I'm one of the hundred million people who drive in this country and as some people drive a pleasure others do it because they have to I must admit that I do it mainly for pleasure among the 100 million there are those special people I want to drive for their own very special reasons being an enthusiast I've seen have been a part of this very fascinating driving seat I'll never stop being amazed by law in fact there's no end to the novelty of the automobile shapes and sizes the incredible things that people do with it funny exciting come along with me let me show you this world huh the special cars the special people live in this wonderful world of wheels come on why do we call it our world of wheels well last year we registered 82 million vehicles not counting racing cars and Americans will travel about 800 billion motoring miles this year young America is literally born on wheels [Music] toy manufacturers are always coming up with new items such as the skateboard [Applause] leave it to the kids to motorized [Music] our world of wheels has the perfect toy for kids from 6 to 60 the cart now there's a familiar face you guessed it that's Fabian that popular singer actor he's a real car enthusiast the cart is actually a simplified race car they're powered by an adapted chainsaw engine and develops a lake and a half to nine horsepower and they're stocked for they Rev up over 12,000 revolutions per minute and average 45 to 70 miles per hour and a race [Music] karting is not just for men and boys the girl will love it too in fact it's a family speed sport to fit the pocketbook you can rent a cart buy a car for $200 or build one and gas mileage Wow Wow hey how about those wild pants huh actually Fabian is wearing protective racing chaps off to the races to turn a few hot laps with his friends not for trophies but just for the thrills of competition [Music] some of these carts can reach a top speed of over 100 miles per hour on a long straightaway that's not unusual for racing car but when you're only 2 inches off the ground man after a few minutes in these cars you get the same feeling as if you were in a big racing machine you have the spins the drift the skids and the fast straightaways [Music] you know that they put these little bugs and then Durance races up to 500 miles and the driver shakes himself to bits for eight hours and enjoys it [Music] [Music] classes are arrived at by size of engines and combined weight of Kart and driver when a driver wants to step up in class he just adds weight until it meets the class requirement that's an endurance cart Fabian striding they call them later hounds because it reduces wind resistance and increases speed [Music] here's the finish Fabian winds up in a dead heat [Music] now here's an auto racing sport in which everyone can participate model car racing on a slot track [Music] these little models are exact scale duplicates of their Big Brother's they come in all shapes and sizes and all the colors of the International racing world [Music] we're watching the sports cars but they also come in dragsters stock cars hot rods while you name it you can get these electrically operated cars actually hit on a computed scale speeds up to 400 miles per hour there are thousands of these tracks and operations throughout the world and some of the biggest fans are professional race drivers for example is Ken miles champion sports car driver and his son Peter each driver handles his car with a thumb operated control he determines the forward speed and also the braking of the car to properly handle these mighty mites a driver must develop considerable skill the competitive spirit is a strong in slot racing as it is among the big car drivers as a result there are the same thrills and spills [Music] looks like 10 miles as a visitor I'm sure you'll all recognize him that's Jim Drury western picture star fast draw artist and enthusiastic racing but how's she running this morning beautifully we're just playing around with tire pressure generally making little adjustments trying to get to a few hundreds of a second off the lap time I see well I get a chance to see you run she's ready to roll ken Shirley where did I take a run with me what are you bet [Music] you've just taken a practice run with Ken miles and Jim Drury now let's watch the replay a sports car race at Riverside International Raceway [Music] [Music] with all the thrills and spills of sports car racing safety devices such as roll bars crash helmets and safety belts are required in all cars in fact any driver tell you that he feels a lot safer on the racetrack then on the freeway [Music] hey there fella no shortcuts [Music] now we come to a completely different type of automotive competition the Concours d'Elegance you'll find their cars from 1890 all the way up to the gorgeous models of today for that reason the cars compete in a variety of classes [Music] because classic cars are a family hobby we include a fashion show for the ladies after all every elegant car deserves an elegant lady even the family pup shows what the well-dressed canine is wearing the classic cars are here also cars which were made during or before 1939 in order to compete these cars must be restored part 4 part 2 the identical condition in which they left the factory true mint condition now where do they find parts for these old machines they on all over the country for parts they hold swap meets and they're very very fussy if you have a 1929 car you'd better have a 29 carburetor in it or you'll lose points in the judging here are the elder statesman of our world of wheels the antique cars the horseless carriages [Applause] [Music] this will give you some idea of the judging these gorgeous new machines are judged on elegance [Music] cleanliness is a must a small grease spot is a minor disaster had to lose points for you you saw the enthusiastic polishing job the competitors were doing earlier now the reason obviously is the white gloves that one of the judges is worried and here are the trophies something for mom and dad to polish in the evening after polishing the car all day today with the emphasis more and more on decentralization people are flocking to suburbs in the country we use of some kind become a necessity and a problem arises yes the auto is a wonderful device to take you where you're going but what do you do with it when you get there well there's a partial solution [Music] this housewife has still another solution [Music] she's really solve the parking problem - alone satisfaction the automobile has become the foundation of our modern world we bathe it we feed it we pamper it high-speed highways such as this freeway are a great help but in the rush hours they more often resemble the world's longest parking lot and destruction Debbie Bob Pollin motion picture and television star a frustrated gentleman using wheels to escape our world of wheels Bob is just one of the millions of Americans who head to the outdoors every week we use boats trailers golf clubs fishing rod guns you name it to escape the pressures of everyday living but it takes a set of wheels to get where we're going [Music] there's a case of wheels within wheels a set of wheels for every job and quite little psycho Bob's writing it's become very popular in America in fact the two wheelers are used today in just about every outdoor recreational activity which demands instant mobility [Music] Bob combines two sports in one the thrill of a cross-country ride and the prospect of a good hunt not all the old-timers who once had the woods to themselves are happy about the invasion of the tears that no voice alive can go 125 miles on a gallon of oats [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] from the mountains to the desert here are some folks who spend a lot of time in a dune country simply because they like to play in the sand of course they've replaced the conventional Palin shovel with a 300 horsepower toy it's called a Unity [Music] breakfast is breakfast even in the dual country where do these unusual vehicles come from now they come from backyards and home garages of the people who have discovered this unusual sport playing jockey and one of these gasoline monsters may look like a noisy and wild way to spend a weekend but the people who drive them their mechanised tranquilizers [Music] [Laughter] some expert mechanics have built dune buggy's for as little as 60 dollars a few have cost as much as 5000 you start with an assortment of junk and wrecked cars and build your chassis for power use anything from a little 35 horsepower engine to a 450 horsepower mill it just depends on the size of you Nucky [Music] [Music] how do they find out who has the best car and who's the best driver by moving the starting line progressively closer to the sand dune hill until only one cars left which is able to make it [Music] let's watch one of the hottest buggies perform [Music] how's this for a real coaster right uh the participants of the family mom dad the kids and the family pick but to those who love it it's more just a sport it's a part-time way of life a hobby is American as hamon eggs even get married in the Jews beloved we are gathered together here today under the [Music] and in a familiar Western tradition they ride off into the sunset they'll be back again to ride the dunes hand in a well maybe not hand in hand I guess someone has to steer that you muggy oh there seems to be no limit to what people can do with automobiles be back with you in a moment now for the second half of the wonderful world of wheels do you know that millions of Americans spent from 112th to one-eighth to their lives and cars not counting commercial drivers you know you'd think they'd have their fill of automobiles but such is not the case watching automobiles and competitions of one kind or another has become the major spectator sport in America hard to believe I know let me show you this is the Rod and Custom show and the accent is on you this is the most here the budding engineers and designers really let themselves go as the kids themselves put it their designing is way out many of these design innovations will influence Detroit's automotive styling of the future these cars are built by individuals by car clubs and by former car club members such as Big Daddy Roth George Barris and Bill kashmiri we have graduated to building these exotic cars professionally [Music] is a classic chassis for our world of wheels these exotic cars are not all show somewhat built for go here's Big Daddy Roth at the beach with a certified car carries one man and a surfboard the young lady presumably furnishes her own transportation ungalik perhaps but it seems to work for Big Daddy for those of you who favor togetherness here's the big surf with a custom built by driver George Barris [Music] and now we know why he brought the gal along George couldn't go surfing by himself if they wanted to the pretty electronics expert is the only one who knows how to get the surfboards out [Music] in the old days the comedy minded salesman said you can have your car in any color so long as it's black well now cars come in all the colors of the spectrum and beyond is John Derrick driving one in charming Pinto [Music] televisions contribution to our world of wheels the Magnificent monster now two-thirds of the earth covered by water here is the obvious solution the Aqua car of course I'm never without one [Music] if you think today's cars are new and wacky check this 1900 Nautilus Barney Oldfield submarine car a couple of decades ago here comes a refugee from a Coney Island roller coaster seatbelts anyone as far back as the hand-crank camera the movies have found the automobile indispensable then as now the Daredevils of the oval tracks put their race car through paces which had to be seen to be believed they furnished the spectators with spills and chills most important they made constant and worthwhile contributions toward the improvement of the auto [Music] there's only one tire here to blow out so if it does you blow out with it in the so called good old lady's imagination produced a lot of fun cars even then some of the drivers didn't know whether they were going or coming great as they were the movie cars of the past it never equal that king of them all Goldfinger car fischels now pay attention please windscreen bulletproof that other side and the rear windows revolving number plates naturally valid all countries you see this arm here now open the top and inside your defense mechanism controls the smoke screen oil slick rear bulletproof screen and left and right front wing machineguns now this one I'm particularly keen about you see the gear leader here now if you take the top off you will find a little red bubble whatever you do don't touch it now why not because you release this section of the roof an engagement far the passenger ejector seat projector CJ joking I never joke about my work table 7 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we can't all owner out of Goldfinger car but we can get rid of frustrations in a weekend Jim cannon thousands of these events are held every week all over the country the drivers are non professional but the competition is key the cars are put through various maneuvers to test the drivers skill in order to win the drivers must make the fastest time and not go over as few pylons as possible [Music] well you can't win them all [Music] now we come to an area in our world of wheels which might be called the track burner is Department not because the drag racers are just that real smokers few lines and everything good with the warm-up plugs into yeah good you check Frankenstein out you got him yeah Frank is looking good but you better watch him close I got that done yesterday the young dragon thews iasts call this a real boss track snip which translated means the wildest [Music] on hundreds of tracks across the country drag teams like this shake down their cars in preparation for the big national meets [Applause] this is one of the exotic fuel cars that's not gasps that's nitromethane we pack the brake chute the car is ready [Music] the fire suit thanks to this asbestos line aluminized suit with face mask and gloves is the driver's greatest protection these cars are designed and built to accomplish one thing to travel a quarter of a mile from a standing start in the shortest amount of time many of these cars have been clocked at over 200 miles per hour [Music] [Music] over 200 miles per hour in a quarter of a mile this is the big leak of drag racing the National Hot Rod Association winter nationals here the long hours of work the dreams and ingenuity are put to the test the seven-second eternity with a side success or failure 35 million people watched drag racing last year that's right five million more than saw a professional baseball and second only to horse racing [Music] [Music] drag racing is highly organized today the brothers have a full support of law enforcement agencies it's recognized as one of the most constructive forces in the channeling of youthful energies hundreds of thousands of kids all over the country by tired used cars and rebuild them in a backyard of the family garage often for as little as a hundred and fifty dollars if the boys car can pass the safety regulations as a class of every drag strip where a can race earlier you saw the show kids pool effort and money to build a beautiful models well in drag racing it's the goal kids to do the same thing look at a car at the drag strip and ask who owns this car and chances are you'll be answered by a chorus of dozen voices shouting we do that'll give you an idea of how many owners one of these cars can have why this multiplicity of ownership well as we've already pointed out money odd car which stays in the competition will wear out a set of rear tires in five or six miles in one afternoon at seventy five dollars each that's one hundred and fifty dollars and many of these cars burn an exotic fuel which is composed of 75% nitro methane and 25% alcohol at five dollars per gallon that's about sixty five dollars short you can spend 200 to 250 dollars in a nice Sunday afternoon so you can see for the McCall shell our boys we need money goes out but one of the poor boys cars it's comforting to have at least 10 or a dozen guys in your car club what good is drag racing well that's shining and beautiful car that you bought last week or last year five years ago carries improvements brought about by the hotrod builders [Music] they broken the 200 mile per hour barrier on the quarter mile and where they are going here is to come no one leaving gas is that important it certainly is the improvements built into these cars permit them to go from zero to over 200 miles per hour in exactly thirteen hundred and twenty feet these improvements have been adapted to your car so when you're cruising about the country the neat 65 miles per hour and you notice your engine is really just loafing have a good thoughtful hotrod builders the one-horse town which went to fall out of horse the coin Illinois home of the age-old Hamiltonian trotters now is the home star car racing is strictly an American innovation the story has it that young moonshiners in the southeastern United States souped up their cars to outrun the revenue ages seems that was so much fun the boys had gathered the County Fairgrounds and we can use the race thus stock car racing was born became popular at Daytona Florida Charlotte North Carolina and then spread all over the country now you might be watching a stock car race and say pridefully there goes a car just like mine it might look just like yours and at one time it was just like yours but when a car is selected for stock racing the engine is completely reworked [Music] [Music] [Music] and now the granddaddy of American Racing Indianapolis 500-mile classroom [Music] of course there's the parade the band's beautiful baton twirling drum majorette crowds the excitement begins when they wheel the cars out into the track and line them up by their assigned position [Music] [Music] but we didn't we [Music] then comes the first wheel flip the balloons go up and the starter calls out gentlemen start your engines [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] pace car leads the field of the starters flag and the great Indy 500 is underway [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Indy 500 has a great number of firsts one thing there's the longest history of continuity of all automations [Music] Indianapolis attracts the greatest number of spectators takes in the most money and pays out the most money of all Auto racers [Music] [Music] the pit crews in Indianapolis have become the fastest most efficient at racing has ever seen their manner of servicing a car is as fascinating as the race itself yes the Indianapolis 500 has done a lot to change the autumn of you but that works two ways the automobiles which raced there have done a lot to change Indianapolis it was once finally referred to by the race drivers is the old Brickyard because was paved with bricks the decks are gone now because his speeds increased vibration increased and the cold Brittany I just couldn't take [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the big oval is now asleep from academ service which can handle the present speeds [Music] the Indy 500 has been running for a long time and it'll run a long time into the foreseeable future in fact it may never be deposed as king of the speedway's [Music] world famous Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah the longest fastest smoothest racecourse in the world and part time all and what the other race is called the lonely breed Craig Breedlove a famous member of the lonely breed the first man to go faster than 500 miles per hour on earth that is [Music] [Music] out of the car [Music] control [Music] a new land speed record at the air disaster Breedlove's record five hundred and twenty six and twenty eight one hundredths miles per hour top speed nearly five hundred and forty miles per hour his reward the bath and a miracle he lived the lowly breed is made up of men in a hurry only days after Breedlove said his record at our farms is out to be dating there are some very interesting differences in these two jet cars craig Breedlove's j-47 jet engine puts out something over five thousand pounds of thrust at our ponds big j79 jet power plant which all about seventeen thousand pounds of thrust three times as much power in addition Breedlove rolled on three wheels our farms on for takeoff time check the tails strange view [Music] last-minute inspection of safety gear our Fonz is buckled into the cockpit [Music] finally check all conditions go [Music] [Applause] [Music] a new record by our ponds 536 and 3/4 miles per hour 10 and 1/2 miles faster records are ephemeral things they may stand for years may fall minutes how fast your man finally roll on wheels no one knows not even the lonely breed [Music] you know and we look at the world of wheels as it is today it's hard to believe that the wheel itself is thousands of years old who made the first wheel and what it looked like no one can be sure quite possibly it was just a slice of wood cut from a tree trunk what we can be sure of is that the ancient Egyptians made the wheel a delicate thing of duty the chariots were light the Romans carried on and made further progress with the wonderful week man increased his horsepower with teams of horses in tandem and coaches became larger we also put a roof over his head for more comfortable traveling man invented the semi-elliptical spring and evolved the quite comfortable vehicle still horse-drawn of course the motorcar was literally just around the corner the horseless carriage became an accomplished fact man will soon be free to move about with a speed which no draft animal could hope to match our future generation m'lady driving the air car a jet car gas turbine an atom powered beauty will they be out of this world in a space car well I don't know about you I know it's pretty difficult for me to realize that the automobile as we know it today has been achieved in something like 75 years pretty impressive would you say now we're heading for outer space from a horse and buggy to the moon in three easy quarter century relations and who knows what the future holds in store for ISS well I was nice being with you hope you enjoyed the trip too and I'll be looking for you now somewhere along the road in this wonderful world of wheels [Music] and
Channel: Petersen Automotive Museum
Views: 235,243
Rating: 4.8035784 out of 5
Keywords: ford gt40, gt40, ken miles, cobra, shelby cobra, vintage racing, motorsports, ford le mans, carroll shelby, ford vs ferrari, ford gt le mans, ford v ferrari race scene, ford v ferrari movie review, ford v ferrari scene daytona, shelby american cobra 427, dan gurney ford v ferrari, 24 hours of le mans 2019, ford gt40 top gear, gt40 ford, gt40 vs hellcat, ford gt40 acceleration, ken miles crash, ken miles interview, ken miles gt40, le mans, le mans crashes compilation
Id: 7vUmHEeuIKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 19sec (3139 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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