Rendezvous with Simi Garewal Mukesh & Neeta Ambani Part -2

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we continue our rendezvous with Nita and Mukesh Ambani there is a story of wealth and power it is also a story of ideals and achievement and in essence the story of corporate India's first family I can I can't see so Neeta was in fact handpicked by cookie lepen yes absolutely when you have a son of a marriage able age tact I was like saying are no marriage too early for me and all that so all fond mother saying my eldest son I have to find the best bride for my son so they were on a yeah self-starting mission when you really think about these things some gauge such major events in one's life like marriage birth and all these things hang on to just a small meeting yes erect just a small event can change the course of your destiny absolutely and for me too so true semi my life was completely different I lived in this suburban house and Santa Cruz in Bombay you were a dancer I was a dancer a classical dancer that's true I did Bharata Natyam and I used to dance for three or four hours every day but Nia is it true I heard that a lot of producers approached you for starring roles in films don't ever mention this to my mother she shrugged the house down yes it is true I think I was very young at that I never thought of accepting no not at all well they seemed to marry me yes so how did it happen how did you meet I think was 14th of November that I first met Mukesh 1984 I went to Shakira that's where they lived with your father with my father and my mother and I rang the bell and a young person opens the dough would shout his hand and says hi I'm cash I was quite surprised I just know the image you know I touch he comes from a wealthy home then with dignity looking for first open the door I agree not houses we open the door ourselves what was your first impression of him is extremely simple and very humble yes and that struck me what was your first impression my first impression really was that she looked stunning Napa for me you know I wanted to meet Nita and find out what she was as a person and can she and me really share a life together but clearly like all my saying no no this is not the time and I still need like to do a lot more and business and all that clearly disappeared in an instant how long did the courtship carry on three weeks plus you made up your mind pretty fast then decision maker yeah but I was really impressed with her sincerity and integrity we went out first three or four times and then we went to the president hotel and we had Jenna and at the end of the dinner she says yes that is okay but Mukesh I want you to know one thing that I have specs put on her glasses she has been always sincere and upfront yes I think that's very sweet but how did you propose to Nita Nita was really the first girl I had seen I had like pretty much made up my mind that this is it this is my life partner I could sense Anita that she was like there but not there also in the sense I was a girl of 20 Cimino I'd not even thought about marriage at that time I was quite engrossed ahead to complete my graduation it was my last tear what we started to I was doing commerce and at the same time I was doing interior designing and I wanted to make my mark in dancing and had a lot of dreams that any young girl would dream of and a marriage is also a dream yes but it was a little too quick what you saying will I like it is very important for me not to be just an ornament in a big family and she had all these self-righteous thoughts even then and you know so once like when we were driving on peda Road just occurred to me and I said yes I said DW marry me say yes or no now in the car in the car we start of the blue so she said no no like I said nope say yes or no now it was already a traffic jam it was and people were shouting and cars were blowing horns and I said makes-- move on he says tell me yes or no I shall not move the car I asked the third time say yes or no no so there eventually of course I said yes after that she asked me know Mukesh if I had said no how much would you have done would you have told me to get down right there and then I said no I am too much of a gentleman you know drop you home and still be in your frame but I think you grown Ambani failure is never an option okay but arranged marriages so romantic aren't they they are absolutely ah I had a super hard time telling my father that it is not he who is marrying but I meant he focus in terms of saying Onita is this and you ought to do this and like what I think romance grows yes as years go by and I tell my little daughter baby who is going to find your husband she always says it's going to be okay so in March 1985 we got married John became loquacious wife and Here I am Barney's daughter-in-law was it easy adjusting with the joint family for me semi before I got married I lived in a very large joint family hmm we were I think 24 of us living in a huge large house and for me to live my life alone would have never worked no I wanted to have a feeling of having Papa mummy no micaceous sisters around I was brought up like that so for me it was perfect so in that sense the grandeur and scale of your life changed but you as a person did not change no I did not well that's what your friends say you disfigure yes they do oh I'm so glad Mukesh did you encourage neither to keep her identity after marriage yes absolutely as soon as we got married why were to the next year she was a schoolteacher at sunflower nursery and I was paid trapeze 800 per month each other he was mine I paid for all our dinners ha ha ha and people used to laugh with me at that time but I think it gave me a lot of satisfaction today you do a lot of social and charity work are you doing all this because because you're an Ambani do you feel that oh I owe a responsibility to society or is it it's just a personal thing with not at all for me I do all this because I enjoy doing it I have been doing this from the time I've been a little girl I've been going with my dad with my grandmother distributing food sometimes books on Sundays we used to go to the nearby slums I still live in Santa Cruz every morning pop out say come on let's go and then we should distribute these sweets and to the poor and you know I so enjoy doing it and I sit and talk to these kids for hours and ask them what are you studying and what are you doing so as part of your life it's just that today because I'm an Ambani people talk about it people write write about it that's the only difference but otherwise I think I'm still doing the same things that I used to do in that sense once you average in the case you don't need to do anything I mean you could have like most industrialists wives you could have just sort of partied your life away jet set it around the world what's the need to extend yourself now and remained in static existence no I don't think that would be me Simmi we've heard a lot about your remarkable township in Jamnagar I believe it's a model mini city self-sufficient with schools hospitals parks gas stations landscaping and you created this hmm how could you visualize and create something like this when Mukesh was dreaming about Jamnagar hmm we ate we slept we talked earlier John Nagar and we sure this is the place that I'm going to put up the biggest grass root refinery would you help me to make this Township here and slowly I think my dreams became drawings designs but this is how John Nagar began Tomita is being very modest what she has created single-handedly for our 2,000 families is comparable to any other place in the world and it is her work it has come out straight from her but she'll be neither initially did people treat you with skepticism I mean did they say here comes the boss's wife and yeah I had quite a tough time really they've come with these umbrellas you know whenever I would go on the side you'll follow with umbrellas and icebox and they insisted on calling me sir not even man every time they look I can say so but initially they must have been they must have thought gear yes there was skepticism in society no we dig the hair let us see like this is all fizzle out in 3-4 weeks and she's never come back again and I think it took them a little while to realize I'm really serious and I'm going to come your week after week for the next two years so you both have dreamers and builders I mean your refinery is a feat but her Township is no less absolutely it's great partnership yes but anything now you're really serious about transforming heritage in the hospital I think this is the next project after Jamnagar and again micaceous challenge to me he's told me that you need to make this world-class hospital so I will always tell him yes I'll have a world-class hospital but my hospital is going to be different it's going to have a soul it's going to have a human face it's going to be for the people on the road who can walk up and say look my daughter needs this my wife needs this my mother needs this and they're not going to feel over odd or overwhelming but you lose something neither when you were a little girl and you used to read to your blind uncle used to call you Florence Nightingale yes so you've come full circle yes for a couple who love children you had to wait a long time to have your own yeah we did for seven years it was our seventh anniversary and I had a black test done and it was positive I cannot tell you what I felt at that time I can imagine in the fifth month of my pregnancy we realized I was having twins that's why I cash in a shallow pond oh that's a double blessing and then a few years later comes Anand oh yes and he's the one who loves animals he doesn't love he's obsessed he's a one-man army and he saves his animal from the slaughterhouses well it started when he was two years old we were passing by Crawford market and suddenly he saw you know some roosters and hens being taken and he says mama I want to take them home so that was how it began and today we have I think five hundred hands roosters goats sheep ten cows squirrels hamsters all living with us are you joking it's quite funny because the rooster crows at 4:30 in the morning and makes us hold up all the Roosters must be but he wants to grow up and become a farmer but do your kids know who the rupee Ambani is well I think they just love him like any other child would love the grandfather and he spoils them when they take liberties with him do they have any idea who he is yes now is the like growing up in they're very conscious my Isha it's a pop oh I would not want to go in any big car I do not want to go in and I have big car to my school please get me open like and if you come to school you please come in my car so that they don't feel different to the other case absolutely well I think a greatest challenge is to bring them up as normal children but it's not easy I think we need a very very simple lifestyle at home semi our values are what any other Gujarati family would have at home really we still have very simple family meals where we all Papa mummy Mukesh myself kids sit down and eat and I think it's a great support to have Papa and Mama around because sometimes when I falter they give the right sense of direction to my children that's the joy of a joint family yes absolutely we are blessed both you work full-time but you have time enough for each other with each other whether you guys come home very late to me know occasionally okay dramatically have you yes I don't think myself yeah the day you walked in home at 2:30 know that once in the morning yes and you were awake I like to see his face when he comes home when I see his face I know how his day was yeah and then we have dinner breakfast like I spend a lot of time with the children I I love teaching as I said so what you teach them I just teach them virtually everything that also bonds us cause it does very well together what you guys like to do to chill out well he likes watching movies good I watching the movies your escapism but I like it it used to be every day between 11 o'clock to 2 o'clock we'll be watching movies ready every invocation one time of course any movie that got true like wheeze get release neat only on Fridays yes but 6 movies get release alone had to see one every day 6 movies don't get no I don't think so and I can't really before we moved in to see when we used to live in Russia Kiran by the time he so come home it used to be 10:00 10:30 when we reached a movie theater hostel movie was complete so we would always see the last half of any movie and I said Mukesh what do doing I mean what's the sense of seeing and every time in the end police would come and they would be fighting and I'm terrified of all those things so when you're making Seawind he says do you think we can make movie theater so at least we could see the movie horror movie and that's how that's where we see them now and who is your favorite actor presently my favorite actor is going down that's because it escapist entertainment probably good switch off absolutely very good and winding but listen you did bring in the Millenium with the Clintons at the White House it was quite an event there were 500 couples from really around the world and this was my chance to meet Sophia Loren you met Sophia Loren and failure and Jack Nicholson is my favorite Jack Nicholson I became good friends and I said neither come on like Jack's a good friend and he'd like he loves India and he'd shake hands with you and also it was like it was like a dream land that sounds like it mm-hmm that's monkey should ever get really angry yes you're the only one who can calm him down it's my little daughter Isha you'd see history repeating itself look like she just has to come and say but for poo and there's a big smile in a face and you can just see Mukesh melting it always works alicia has her she can imitate everybody in the family so she usually she does a semi gari one yeah yesterday me one day she will and she does it very well I have to catch her now we have lots of good time yeah who is more sentimental I am yes are you it was a going I have saved all the cards that micaceous sent to me and all the letters that he has written over the last 18 years yeah but I am sentimental by the heart and it says how do you shoot them that I'm very poor it menu you know when people get into great wealth and power it's so easy for them to to change and become self-important I've seen it happen to lots of people how can both of you have stayed uncomplicated I thinks I mean the wellton are is really a state of mind what matters is how can we really be better human beings like I would be extremely upset if like talked about my temper but if I had lost my temper for the wrong reasons on the wrong person for no fault of his I would have however small he's no hesitation in apologizing to him well I have a small incident that happened today my son Akash was talking on the phone to the watchman and for some reason he must have raised this voice and Mukesh heard in doing this he said go down immediately and go and say sorry to him and I was watching this at distance and I realized that Akash had to do this because it's going to help him to become a good human being true that's very important having Neethu in your life what does it meant you okay for me she is a perfect life partner we share the same aspirations same values at home she has brought a lot of discipline Vinita is out the whole schedule goes haywire like nobody sleeps up to 12 o'clock and then that's when we realized that like you know at home all our bearings really revolve around her and she once in a while like like every woman asked me you know do you really love me and I always tell you know what would we do without you seen when you are not around all of us are like all my three children and I around her yes that's very true because you know I was at your birthday recently and I saw everything is Nita Bobby days eat up happy that mean you really have become central to the family Nita I think I'm really blessing me but I think the center of a family is my mother no I think she really holds us all together we have a lot to learn from her but listen it's been very inspiring being with you I want to thank you both so much for coming tonight Thank You Sammy thank you for everything we enjoyed it very much thank you thank you for this one
Channel: SimiGarewalOfficial
Views: 2,775,406
Rating: 4.676733 out of 5
Keywords: Mukesh, Neeta, Ambani, Rendezvous, with, Simi, Garewal, Dhirubhai Ambani, Reliance Industries
Id: 9dxbjV0RfcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2012
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