Inside the Chieftain's Hatch: Strv fm/28

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quitting's oh yes I am back in Sweden I met Arsenal and the Swedish armored vehicle museum it's in straightness so you land at Stockholm Airport you go west about an hour and a quarter you end up here and I'm putting the patreon funding to good use you can have a look at some of the more unique vehicles they have here starting off with this FM 28 it is the only one of its type in the world now the story starts off course with the Renault ft and although it's a fantastic vehicle the first modern vehicle design the significant problem with it is that it's well kind of slow so Renault have a look at this and they just said well how can we make this vehicle faster well their answer was to fit the FT with keg rest tracks rubber band tracks new suspension system that worked in theory it was faster certainly it also sucked off-road completely horribly so Renault decided to start again 1923 they decided to make two prototypes the NC 1 and the NC 2 they differ in the running gear the NC one has traditional metal track links and coil spring suspension the NC 2 has kick rest tracks and leaf spring suspension they delivered 1925 very quickly it is determined that the aggresses dome is horrible and focus moves to the NC 1 1926 the French army issues a requirement for a new type of light tank and the NC one is submitted to meet this requirement it doesn't meet the requirement started is not enough Armour they modify a little bit it becomes the NC 3 which then gets renamed to become the d1 and that is your connection between the World War 1 tanks and those that France had in World War 2 the NC 1 however while they built it and might as well try to make their money back 1927 it becomes available for sale as the NC 27 and one of them shows up here in Sweden for trials now if you're coming to this after watching the LK - or the FM twenty one video I did a while ago they've had new information since it turns out the LK was not the first Swedish tank was actually an ft which showed up ahead of time now and they knew that had the FT but they just didn't understand the sequence obviously was not sufficiently successful in trial that they didn't buy any more f T's but they obviously gave Renault another chance with the NC 27 and way guess well that's the vehicle we're going to take a tour of now if you look at the front of the vehicle it you can see the FT resemblance in fact the NC 27 is basically a Renault FTS slightly elongated with new tracks it has the same sloped armor design held together by bolts it's got the same three-piece drivers access points so the 2 hat is open outwards and the visor comes up I do note that it is spring-loaded to help out has the same FT type turret with the same 37 millimeter no velocity cannon the vehicle's design is basically that of a hole with tracks bolted onto the side see you can see why they have this support structure on the outside it's not a unified design shall we say otherwise there's nothing on the front here there's no headlights there's no horns or anything all you've got are your mounting points here for towing and craning coming back to the idler at the front again like the FT although obviously this idler is much smaller you can see here where the range of motion is for the idler and it is as far forward as you can go so if this track are any more slack the solution is to remove one of the track links bring the idler back and start over track links themselves simple casts type they have that sort of early war intermeshed thing going single pin they're held in place on the inside by an s-shaped cotter pin track tension itself is adjusted once you loosen up the locking sliding plate here by large knot back here you then come back to this first I'll call it rode wheel although of course is not actually in contact with the ground now ordinarily when you see a single wheel like this its purpose is usually perhaps to maintain track tension or to reduce the effect of large obstacles before the headaches like this small road wheels have greater difficulty with large obstacles yet ordinarily when you see such a wheel it is sprung in such a manner that it forces outwards to deal with bumps that are coming inwards or the track tension issue but you can see that the hinge here is further back so it actually goes this way much lesser effect what sure why they did that moving back to the main suspension units three bogeys per side you can see that the main suspension is enacted by this triple concentric coil spring there are two hydraulic shock absorbers on each bogie as well you can see the range of motion the top of the absorber is here right now and they can go as far up as here the springs meant on to a bracket each bracket contains two sub axles for each sub bogie each sub ogen consists of the two road wheel pairs so there's a hinge point here hinge point here and the whole law hinge is here standing up and giving my knees a quick break I will call your attention now to the return run there are no return rollers instead the track slides along on these wooden blocks here now of course every now and then the wooden blocks will wear out and they're very easily replaced the other thing I'll call you attention to are these I'll call them mud guards for lack of a better term so you can imagine as the track comes up and around is dirty and it's vibrating and it's knocking all the mud and dirt loose it's coming down you want to protect the suspension units so this mud guard here which is angled outward the dirt will come down and get deflected off to the side moving to the upper side hole which course is completely vertical hand crank position so you hang crank into the socket here crank away the shaft comes down makes a 90-degree turn inside and goes to the engine remember the engine is forward here it's more or less in this part of the vehicle and with the transmission and steering system at the back it's basically inconvenient to get the starter shaft all the way through the back there is an internal point for cranking as well if you say desire single exhaust pipe only on the left-hand side of the vehicle and an air intake located in both sides going to the back of the running gear of course the sprocket wheel is at the rear it is a single row of teeth which intermesh is within the center guide system moving further forward we have another of these little independent wheels and this one's even weirder because it has no swing at all it is fixed in place it won't swing this way won't swing upwards doesn't do anything at all I can tell to help the track tension or obstacle reduction the best I can think of is perhaps it helps to align the track to reduce the chances of it walking off the sprocket you can also see on the inside as the hole starts to narrow down a little bit an access port which on this side is removed so you can see inside of the transmission area and a fluid filler port the exact nature of the fluid which he fluid for the port fills is unknown to me coming around in the back well first you have the attachment points here for your towing system or if you want to Crane the vehicle perhaps and for you modelers out there that are insane and want to super detail absolutely everything I shouldn't that will open up these little access hatches for you now these two at the back here's we can tell you're talking with the museum staff they are for adjustments to the steering braking system little nuts they can play with this one here we actually have no idea this is an armored housing for one of the air intake so presumably from cooling just looking at where it is in the vehicle and especially above the steering braking system you can see that the metal only goes this far to my fingernails and then Rose a large gap just for completeness sake on the left hand side nothing of any great interest no exhaust pipes or anything else like that just a good solid pickaxe even down below although the access port is present there is no fluid filler port and I'm back at the front of the vehicle I will now open up the 25 millimeters of frontal Armour and while I'm here also grab hold of the gun you see it's I'm a little independent pivot inside and then you can easily swing the turret as well at least on the outside from the inside it requires perhaps a little bit more muscle the main visor opens up first lock it securely into place as again it is spring-loaded it helps then we have the two larger pieces you can see how the metal is just kind of cut away a little bit to leave room for the various little components and we now see the inside of the vehicle now it is missing the the sling that the commander will sit on the driver's seat is definitely missing there is a leather backrest which has been removed so that we can more easily access inside there is of course another hatch in the back of the turret as well so let's have a look see what we can see so once we're into the incredibly uncomfortable turret if I can get myself down it's a shoulder pad on 2:37 right hand holds onto the main pistol grip with a trigger there's another hand here for my left hand as cited to my direct front and as I say you were slain yourself around by pure muscle right weight which I'm not easy with one hand to see out little vision ports this brow pads at least watch are handy I see anything up here nope not at all so I guess the height is really just for just for your helmet there is a small little latch up here possible you can stick a small flag at the top the alternative is if you look behind you will see you the back hatch probably nobody know you can see how it swings out you know we're to little observations that's their mounting points for the slings are located on the side it it really is bad here I'm missing two ways about this ammunition rack for 37 millimeter I can't on the right-hand side here oh let's see one two three forty Rams give or take perhaps is less and well of course there's no coaxial machinegun so that is that's basically all I can see for the turret then if you move down to the turret ring and you can actually see the ball bearings inside the turret ring spinning it as it turns we then come down to the large rack for another 78 or so rounds of ammunition all on the left side of the hull it was like a tell from the cabling the right side is where a battery would go then behind is the engine itself the engine is an eight liter four cylinder in-line water-cooled cranks at about 62 horsepower it put out a hundred and 50 litres of fuel in the back and it's supposed to decay by 120 kilometers the engine compartment is reasonably spacious there's not much in it you can see how the air comes down through the filter system and the lower left and then goes in the exhaust goes out on the right directly to my front in front of me here as I put down this extra lambda I'm telling you there really is very little room in this thing is the internal point for the the hand started so the hand-crank or inside at least I'm not sure if this works on the outside this is how much room the TC has if he decides that he wishes to start the engine from in here behind the engine you're going to find the transmission and then the control differential the latter is by key tracked Cleveland tractor company I actually showed up in a couple of different nations in the interwar period a modern control diff although not necessarily the most reliable and the reliability was part of the problem with the NC 27 drivers position well I'm sitting a little bit further back than I ordinarily would because there's no chair and the whole floor is oily and routine for a couple of more days of filming the only gauges he have are on the right and you have your pressure and thermometer and presumably this will be the ignition because I can't imagine what else it would be to see out well once he has the visor down he's got these little slits they haven't changed very much since TFT days you can bring down a protective shroud if you were worried about bullet impacts and fragmentation coming through or because the metal where the where it's carried out is so thin it's possible the boat might simply just fly right through anyway but your vision is bad enough that I'm not sure I would ever actually want to do this bow pad stop you're bashing your head too much of course the two doors will come in it's it's actually not uncomfortably confining or claustrophobic although certainly the amount of room you have for your legs is relatively limited still I think it's a little bit better than the the FCM for example gear shift from the right sees b6p plus reverse slides in and out pretty smoothly I have to say and the clutch is the heavy pedal on the left again if you want a proper seat for this you don't want to the sling like you do for the commander simply because you're going to have something you can push against to depress this clutch pedal killers I do note that they appear to be interchangeable tillers they both come up and to the left although I almost wonder if one of them isn't installed backwards because it does look like it's reversible sir perhaps I should both come out and then in not really much else in here I mean it's 1920s technology you don't expect to see much so that's if the vehicle didn't fare very well in the Swedish trials off-road mobility was mare and the suspension particularly steering systems came in for a lot of complaints about unreliability there's only one major export customer Japan they bought ten of them they were known as the Renault Otsuka essentia or the type B they eventually were upgraded had three centimeters of armor the 37 millimeter was replaced by type 11 which is basically a long-barreled version of the puto the engines were replaced by Mitsubishi she's which Matthew did fairly reasonably for the tank got up to about 25 kilometers an hour unfortunately they still weren't all that reliable they were used in combat in 1931 1932 and well the type 89 that Japan already had by that point was proving so much better that the type B's the NCE 27s were withdrawn from service shortly thereafter so that basically ends the tour of the NC 27 I hope you found that interesting and informative how's he on the next one welcome back magic main suspension units three bogeys per side you can see if the main suspension is a triple concentric coin the suspension units are suspended now we get to the back of the running gear you'll note that the sprocket wheel is a single row of teeth with inter messages it's meandering I'll start again now I got to the back of the running gear the large singles I will also of course swallow my feel grab hold of the gun and demonstrate just how easy it is this one the charge [Music]
Channel: The_Chieftain
Views: 101,671
Rating: 4.9797311 out of 5
Keywords: NC-27
Id: ABSv3ruGOoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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