Inside Rural Haiti πŸ‡­πŸ‡Ή

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okay i am leaving the town of perennales i am on this uh main street here as you guys can see and uh we are going north of perenales and we are running along the haitian border i don't know if you guys can see but just over this little farm here on that side of the dried up river bench bed is a haiti and we are going to go north if you guys look on the map north of perenales there's a long road that runs all the way up into the mountains of the dominican republic and we have no idea where we're going but we're gonna find out so let's go wow i don't know if you guys can tell but the landscape has completely changed and it's changing the more north we go from the town of perenales when you drive along the coast it's dry and full of cactuses and now that we're going more inland as you guys can tell it's getting greener a lot of farming going on banana plantations or platinum plantations and yeah it's looking really beautiful there's a split here we can either carry on over there or we can go down this dirt road i say let's go down this dirt road and see what we'll find along here all right so i have no idea where this road will take me hola there's a little house over there i don't know if there's people speak spanish around here or if they speak french because we are on the order of haiti i really need to look up how you pronounce that i think we should turn around oh here's a some people oh no hola espanol francais is [Music] creole [Music] agua merci beaucoup all right we're back on the road again on the main road because down there was uh basically nothing it's just dirt road and the hills were getting really crazy and uh i thought let's carry on on the main road because there was no more houses or anything like that there's nothing interesting so we're gonna carry along the carry on along the main road here uh well look there's like a mansion there holy moly look at that um yeah so we're gonna carry along the main road here uh i'm super thirsty i need to find a shop to buy some water [Music] okay okay [Applause] wow oh africa exactly ciao [Music] wow this is absolutely beautiful so apparently there's a river over here somewhere and that's what we're looking for so we're looking for the river from that little village that we just left it was six kilometers away so i reckon i've driven about three already we're about halfway until we reach the river i reckon if this is the right road oh wow so this must be it this must be the river that i was looking for the whole time these people seem to be i don't know what are they doing washing their clothes or yeah it looks like they were washing their clothes okay man but the water is crystal clear let's talk this guy where we can swim hold on okay foreign oh it is is is all right taking a curt dips in a river here in the rural areas of the dominican republic and as carlo luis said right over the river there those rocks that's haiti so let's take it up and it's it's pretty chilly wow this is beautiful look how clear the water is the water's a little bit chilly though it's about i would say 10 15 degrees let's take a dip let's take it up over here let's take another dip on this side now yeah it doesn't want to take it up awesome but he doesn't really want it wow man it is beautiful look at that the water is crystal clear let's go and it's deep wow that is deep still closer i can't even get there oh wow that is amazing okay let's uh dry up a bit and then we're gonna go with carlo louise okay oh wow yeah you can feel the oh wow wow wow you can feel the temperature change this is obviously a shallow water and it gets warmed up on this from the sun and there's a pool over here as well but i drive all this way i mean i want to enjoy it a little bit at least but he was uh reluctant and insisting that i go with him to his village so stick it up over here okay nice and cool nice and refreshed and let's uh put on our clothes and we're gonna go with him guys uh carlo um sister and brother just showed up hermanas just showed up and they came uh they've been they've been catching uh shrimp wow yes foreign [Music] wow look at this guys okay we made it oh wow look at this okay okay guys we have made it for a little village here haiti oh okay [Music] [Music] foreign okay [Music] [Music] yes let's give it a go let's give the banana drink a go [Music] tastes like a banana soda it's nice oh [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] is let's go drink a prestige beer with these guys like what malignant is [Music] [Music] salute let's try prestige [Laughter] amigo okay okay guys we just left that village there we parked the bike over here at this little house here and now we're gonna go by foot to parallel louise house or to his village i thought that was his village but he just wanted to show me that where i could buy some water but now we're going to go to his place so let's go 5 foot apparently it's a 15 minute walk so you said the motor is fine over there the motorbike is fine oh check it out must be building something here come okay foreign uh we got to cross the river now oh wow okay i got shoes on how are we gonna do this with shoes on no need to be this [Music] oh let's take the shoes off yeah he's taking a leak okay let's see if i can do it i think i'm going to slip and fall in my ass okay we're good let's see he's watching his head there hi mask no they're washing their clothes over there and trying it on the rocks wow okay guys we're in haiti again okay oh wow she's going to go get aguana [Music] yeah oh guys look how they carry water to the village here let's see how heavy this oh my god it's special ramos and you carry that on your head look at that she's camera shy she's very shy okay let's take [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god [Laughter] huh [Laughter] oh my god is [Music] oh they go down to the river and get water all the times um all the time and uh you know i'm quite a big dude and i'm i'm struggling to carry this thing up the hill here so that really makes you appreciate the amount of water that we have access to in in cities i mean in these rural areas these guys really have to do the work for some water we just go to the shop and buy buy it or open the damn tap and we got water on axis but yeah i really appreciate it now [Laughter] [Music] this is the cemetery guys okay [Music] yeah i order you are you though yeah you adore me i adore you too man that is just me i adore you too yeah no laughing did you see the look of that girl's face she got such a fright when she saw the whitey climbing up here she almost jumped out of her skin thank you ah okay ah you're welcome okay thank you very much to family is good [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] okay [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] oh okay all right guys as you saw i had a thousand 100 left i gave them 1050 because i still need 50 to get back to get some water along the way i got like a three four hour journey um but if i have time if i'm still in perennales i would like to return here and maybe do maybe do a bigger donation if i have the time you see if i knew that i would have come across carlo louise i would have brought more money but yeah it is what it is let's go home now to better knowledge and uh let's chill out because i am exhausted high five hey turkeys get away from my bike you guys will see me next time i hope i get enough time to go back to this village and speak to them and spend more time with them so let's see let's see what happens in the next few days see you guys later ciao
Channel: Kurt Caz
Views: 1,819,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtcaz, kurtcazvlogs, kurtvlogs, haraldbaldr, harald, baldr, baldandbankrupt, foodvlogs, travel, travelvlogs, people, indigotraveler, streetfood, villagevlog, ghettovlog, luisitocomunica, colombia, latinas, latinwomen, haraldbaldrperu, colombianwomen, dominicanrepublic, haiti, dominicangirls, haitivlog, haitivoodoo, haitivillage, dominicanrepublicgirls, dangeroushaiti
Id: j-aTt4KZODg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 5sec (2405 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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