Inside Rolls Royce - Documentary 2019

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as one of the oldest and most famous brands in the world rolls-royce have been providing luxury motorcars to the uber-rich for over a century everything about the vehicle it it just shouts out luxury it's a shelter success well you really have all choice to money you automatic thing always got have a few bar its opulence because you dare to drive a car like that that's nice to drive somewhere and people are going to welcome you like you own the place but to keep the world's wealthy happy with their wheels it takes a special kind of dedication to develop an eye for the water drops I mean this is a very precious car must be like a diamond in a year when rolls-royce are building their most expensive car ever we meet the people willing to go to extraordinary lengths for motoring perfection it's not easy to be number one thing you have to be a little bit OCD I think in total that the whole job has 446 diamonds in it almost 25 carats everything that's been done here will be done again everything [Music] tucked away on the Goodwood estate in West Sussex is the current home of rolls-royce motor cars front of house manager at rolls-royce is ensuring I presented a fitting experience for all our custom and visitors to mould Royce I check everything from tree lengths to grass lengths the grass at moment is looking a little thicker than it normally is but that's because we've had to wait for it to grow back after the extremely cruel summer that we've had this year first things people see when they walk into reception is our one of our quotes from one of our founder Sir Henry Royce which is take the best that exists and make it better as you can see we have our rolls-royce visitors book we also have on VIP signing in book which is where our VIPs celebrities high-profile customers or guests will actually sign as well to have a look at it isn't unfortunately now it's obviously contains their signatures a wonderful collection booked for AF an autograph hunter but unfortunately yeah it remains their confidential rolls-royce was founded in 1906 by motoring enthusiasts Charles rolls and Henry Royce their aim to build the perfect motorcar perfection basically price obsession in every single detail if you see that the tension of detail and the immaculate quality of every single material the whole car the wheels all the chrome works even those details here there's so many things I could talk about the quality of the seeds through riding comfort the reliability of the engine is just fantastic as head of marketing mark me Laos job is to make sure the world loves rolls-royce as much as he does first when you come to the car you touch a full solid metal door handle and then you open it it's just a it's just a special occasion most of the people ask where's the umbrella because everyone knows there's an umbrella hidden in every rolls-royce he in that car it's just in the front wing it's very effortless providing luxury in unexpected ways is something rolls-royce have always tried to do [Music] well it rarely is something to get the government but gadgetry alone is not enough to keep their customers inspired each year Rolls Royce build a one-off collection car to help invigorate their appeal one of the things we do for examples to look into the past we did a car last year which is quite interesting it's a the cards called The Aviator and the aviator was inspired physically by Charles and Charles he was a pioneer viateur then we thought what might be the car he would drive in that century so this is where we worked together with our designers to come up with really crazy ideas for example the wood interior was inspired by the repeal of that of a classic aeroplane this kind even like in a jet fighter clock this year to mark the tenth anniversary of their new factory rolls-royce are building the most expensive car they've ever made [Music] we're now heading to maybe the most exciting most extraordinary collection Cup we've ever done it's called two celestial and it's basically celebration and it's inspired by the night over Goodwood on the 1st of January 2003 when we've handed over the first phantom to our first customer and this cars very specially because it carries lots of really extraordinary pieces of of craftsmanship over the next four weeks the one-off Celestia will be built around Rolls Royces vision of the night sky they've designed a paint that contains glass flakes to give greater depth and a roof that lights up with over 500 stars but what pushes the celestial into a whole new price range is the interior decorations what makes up the pinnacle of luxury is that we put diamonds in the car so basically the whole rear compartment is surrounded by little diamonds but not to show off the wealth of the potential owner of the car it's more like the most natural translation of a star into reality [Music] making a diamond decorated car our reality requires highly specialized craftsmanship so rolls-royce have employed one of the UK's leading Goldsmith's this is a very exclusive project I've never known this to be done before in any Mexico Richard Fox's workshop has the task of setting over 400 diamonds into the celestial interior this is one of the door cappings and we're going to insert the diamonds into there drill holes we're using beautiful diamonds of very high quality we're certainly involved in the tens of thousands of pounds without doubt and then of course you've got all the 18 carat white gold so this project is not for at the man on the street shall we say each brilliant cut diamond is fitted into an 18 karat white gold tube and positioned at exactly the same height I don't think people realize the amount of time that's spent on the project such as this somewhere in the region of about 350 hours which is an extraordinary length of time cars like the celestial are designed to encourage buyers to customize their own car the idea of a collection car is quite important for us because this is a way how we can actually stimulate demand it's been inspirational for people to do their own bespoke ass to create their own interpretation of Rose Royce the starting price for a new Rolls Royce is two hundred thousand pounds but the majority of customers spend at least another fifty thousand pounds on bespoke extras okay so this is a ostrich skin some samples of the crocodile skin rabbit pelts if we don't investigate these things or somebody asks for them at a later date then we'll get caught out all up film this is mahogany this is nice all of us this is bleach - Santos Paulo sander all of this here is gonna turn them to interior parts for the car this will be the top of your doors this will be your own push buttons it would be a telephone or it would be all the hard parts of the calendar you can touch which aren't covering whele to meet the customers desire for uniqueness the workshops are under constant pressure to come up with new ideas this is a special color we developed the pigment used in this was real gold would be horrendously expensive to do it I think probably north of 50,000 pounds to do a car in this type of color [Music] the average rolls-royce customer already owned seven or eight other cars yeah entrepreneur Paul Bailey has 62 my birthday's coming up I wanted to treat myself to something really special and the rolls-royce ray is the top of anyone's birthday list sure Paul has ordered a large amount of extras to guarantee his latest car stands out from the crowd the base price of the Wraith East 235,000 and so I've spent about 120 grand on options the paint here is a very expensive option with cortex Salina red we had to name it so I named it after my wife which was a brownie point for me the chrome wheels are expensive option we've obviously got this very brilliant silver on the roof so we've got a great contrast and then we've gone with night vision Lane Departure head-up display I'm very comfortable that if I park this against another ray I'm not gonna have somebody else thinking they've got a nicer one than I've got [Music] having spent six months working on the celestials diamond-studded panels Richard Fox has brought them in for inspection one of the people in charge of quality control on this job is woodshop manager John McWilliam my role is to make sure that the product is up to scratch completely perfect there will be no compromise no no little concessions [Music] [Music] [Music] the first panel is given the all-clear the second panel is the one that will contain the clock and will be the most visible to the customer I don't expect to notice anything on the part nothing should draw my attention if it draws my attention something wrong with that imperfections have been found that's not good enough for our customers after intense scrutiny the panel is rejected it was noted that so one - the diamonds in fact effective about four or five diamonds maybe six that were either too low or too high these adjustments just how big are they tenths of a millimeter they're really really minut you're talking about probably the thickness of a sheet of paper there is no mechanism and ear for inferior parts gonna talk it has to be like I know that this carp can build in England and I know it it's a it's all been made by hand part of our heritage this is part of us this this is somewhat unique people all over the world love love rose horses and I gotta be honest I want the history this movement carries is the British you know made for the English gentleman he was made for royalty he was made for the Queen so there's so much history behind this if it wasn't for the Britishness of the vehicle the vehicle would not be half of what it is today this one is what sells the vehicle this most British of companies was bought ten years ago by German owned BMW but the new custodians know that the world wants the rolls-royce brand to remain quintessentially British signing letters and embroidering a letter to every customer we have whenever you buy a new car you get a letter from me and the letter is done in a perfect British way basically we are a British brand and for that reason even if I being a German would fry two German customers I would never change my language I would never write them in my German mother tongue that would look a little bit strange because their fortress was and the F border truly British car and that's exactly the reason why they love the car so they get a proper English letter from me saying dear mr. Schmidt of the three and a half thousand rolls-royce made in Britain each year 90% are sold abroad the biggest buyers are China and the US closely followed by the Middle East apple obesity is very rich there are more motorsport here in Abu Dhabi than any other city in the world all the Emiratis here today they like the cops some of the people they like the cars more than like their wives khadeem al heli is the bespoke manager of Rolls Royces Abu Dhabi dealership this is the biggest rolls-royce dealership in the world I show you something very interesting this is part of my target to to fill my office with trophies 2012 global dealer of the year best bespoke performance salesperson 2009 also best in the world in 2010 we achieving after sells also number one in the world best bespoke dealer worldwide global dealer in sales volume best performing sales and regional dealership a team's success lies in tapping into the middle-eastern imagination creating themes his customers can't resist elf lela lela Kasatka delayed 1001 night story of each night a story it is the big issue customer buying their story khadeem latest thing is based on the country's pearl diving past I am working on project called Goss Hawass means diver a lot of families mister survived from diving before Abu Dhabi became oil rich men would risk their lives diving for pearls on the seabed I like this concept because this is appreciation for the grandfathers and what they did in their past having received the green light the pearl diver concept has gone into production at the Goodwood Factory they've used turquoise colouring to represent the Arabian Sea and decorated the interior with seashell leather and mother-of-pearl [Music] khadeem came up with the idea nine months ago and as just one more week until the cars will be shipped out to the Middle East it's like the mother who was waiting for the delivery to see how her little a new baby it's a it is the same what's with the you know sometimes I sometimes I talk more than 40 minutes discuss with customer on the phone you know to put this on my head for 40 minutes I will I cannot sleep at night if I spend hours talking on the telephone so I use this to reduce the stress on my head I talk to this another bespoke car in production is the one-off celestial Rolls Royces most expensive collection car ever based on the standard phantom model rolls-royce want the celestial to evoke a sense of the night sky 576 tiny fiber optics will be woven into the roof interior creating unique star lights headliner as he is sitting in the car you will see a replica of the night sky over Goodwood on the 1st of January 2003 when our first customer got their first car so we got our data from the South Downs observatory so we knew that the information that we were going to be working with was accurate so if Patrick Moore was sitting in the back of the car then obviously he would know what he was looking at but you can believe us when we say diff we've picked we've put all the stars in the right places so a lot of painstaking hours [Music] another of the celestials starry features has also been mounting up the man-hours I think that needs to be lifted just very very slightly doesn't it it's just a tad tad too low in comparison to the others over 400 diamonds have been handset into four of the car's interior panels one of the panels has been rejected by Rolls Royces quality control team and Goldsmith Richard Fox has been ironing out the minut imperfections maybe about six or seven stones that either needed recalibrating up or recalibrating down which we've just been doing over the past day or so no doubt I'll be grilled again by eight or ten of the the specialist staff there but I'm pretty confident that we've done very well with this part though hopeful rolls-royce will have little to complain about a last-minute inspection of the workshop as caused richard concern we noticed a very very small crack in the from one of the holes leading out into the lacquer but it's of nobody's particular fault there was a minut crack game between the stone and this one here which you can't really see with the human eye it's not acceptable it's clearly visible to us I don't know the camera can see it it's very very faint but it's quite severe does this mean it means this part in this condition there's no good it means weakness again everything that's been done here will be done again so we will have to remove all the Shania's with the diamonds in them and then we'll have to recalibrate them back into the new component [Applause] that was really quite deflating there's nothing worse than something happens it's out of your control the crack is very very small but nevertheless that's just not good enough rolls-royce and so back to the drawing board heavily bespoke cars like the celestial help rolls-royce showcased the extravagant options available to customers one such extra is the rolls-royce picnic hamper what does this exactly for materials you have the upholstery level from the car on the inside which has got this inaccurate sort of reflection as I say the inky quality and then you've got the more robust hard-wearing saddle leather on the exterior keeping with a night sky theme the hampers plates are decorated with constellations hand-painted in platinum variation the picnic hamper the base price I'll have to run about 20,000 pounds most of the people just want to have it as an accessory which come for the car you can use it from a functionality and from the quality it's definitely something you can do but it's more to complete the raw scores last time so do you think some people weren't actually ever use it yeah that's very likely at the Abu Dhabi dealership - bespoke rolls-royce have arrived from England and are about to meet their maker [Music] have you seen the girls yeah and Irasema grams are you looking cool to it yes I was thinking all night how the car looks [Music] after nine months of waiting rolls-royce dealer Kadeem can finally see his pearl diver themed cars in the flesh [Music] [Music] but seeing why they tell baby [Music] super it's just perfect I cannot describe it it's just perfect it's beyond my expectation will you be sorry to see them go you know I will be very happy to see them on the road do you think they'll be hard to sell no they will fly these cars are money in the bank you have to be a perfectionist you have to be somebody who adores luxury so if you have the money and you have the dream and you want to buy it and you want to reward yourself then there's nothing better than a Rolls Royce I'm a car lover so each car has its own mood if I'm in the mood of driving fast I would drive the Ferrari if I'm in the mood of enjoying my time listen to good music sing resource myself spend some times with myself I would take the rules everyone will stop the turn and everybody wants to say who's in it everybody thinks is gonna be silent care or somebody raela is a very nice gesture and their old voice unfortunately we don't use it over here it doesn't rain much it's always sunny most of the for much of their 110 year history rolls-royce have been associated with a regal and privileged customer but the future lies in new money [Music] hoping to attract a younger market rolls-royce are launching a new sporty-er model called the wraith the dangerous if you do not adapt to a changing world and it could be seen as outdated old fashioned this is where we're riding in your chapter it gives the whole brand new face Wraith the surface it's nice British with working being a more detailed description of ghosts darker ghosts more menacing to help spread the word of the new menacing Wraith rolls-royce of chosen Vienna for the international press launch journalists are being flown in from around the world to be given a 24-hour taste of the rolls-royce lifestyle Vienna's premier venue the Palais Coburn has been hired for two weeks exclusively for rolls-royce guests behind me normally it's the reception there and it's the first time in history as we've we've we be rebuilt this is good this reception desk it's gone and Rolls Royce build a new rose walls world over there and some lounge is and over there we have the Wraith bar with a beautiful picture of the sign of the raid normally we're playing a bit traditional music never played deep house deep deep house it's it's it's a kind of chill music it's it's not to have a it's really very relaxed it's really nice you know you start shaking sparing no expense rolls-royce have shipped in 20 of their new race hoping to give the best possible impression great care is taken even with the parking we like to get them so that they're in a perfect line so if you look down the center line of the car or look down the bill mirrors you look down alongside then they look as one thing you have to be a little bit OCD I think that looks pretty good the journalists will follow a carefully planned Alpine route in the mountains outside of Vienna if you'd like to start it up if you just put your foot on the brake and press the stop start button we've got a really really nice mix of people here it's probably goes a little bit beyond the normal car launch nineteen ninety five so uh good fun indeed I'm here to cover from a female perspective the car that woman can't drive Rolls Royce it's not a man only car rolls-royce's most expensive collection car ever the celestial is nearing the end of the assembly line for over eight months Goldsmith Richard Fox has been working on the diamond studded interiors emotionally I think it's been quite a long task and I think we've we've had to bite the lip several times but it's it's a very very difficult area to work in it so it's something that's not being done before this particular panel has already been rejected twice I think Richards nervous anything will not happy with suffice imperfection you name it it goes back was that again morning morning that's about to cost you over that [Music] I think that's foot that's Diggle looks good I'm very relieved hey no no it's every you've learned a lot we are so just a huge amount yeah excellent thank you well I think extremely relieved and we've got through John so what more can I say look forward to seeing it in the car in Vienna journalists are returning from their test-drive in the new race today sir good taste motoring you love a cop yeah wonderful one rolls-royce is a carefully selected location and Alpine route seemed to be paying off private just perfect engine very silent very powerful great day I'm so glad I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself the fashion glam car it's a statement car that every woman would dream to to drive keen to give the journalists the complete customer experience rolls-royce are treating their guests to a lavish dinner prepared by the hotel's two-star Michelin chef we cooking tonight at five courses in the first and salmon and duck liver lobster venison banana barbecue veggie for dinner will be served in the hotel votes which have been transformed into a moonlit woodland sea [Music] when it comes down from the from the lobby area you're not expecting something like this it is like s you are in a theater as you in a in a movie and here really in the middle of it the mas here and the trees they were shipped over from England over a fortnight Rolls Royce will treat 250 journalists to the customer experience then wait for the reviews to follow coming here and drinking lovely champagne and being in a beautiful place is not going to get us good reviews of course it's it's very nice for us to be able to entertain our journalists in a beautiful setting but you can't throw champagne and the journalists next in exchange for good reviews you know these are guys that are very serious about what they do and if that cars not right they're not going to write good pieces in four days time the diamond decorated celestial will be flown to the Middle East where it will be unveiled at the Dubai Motor Show so so the interior head of marketing mark Millau is about to get his first glance at the finished car what we do with every car which goes on a Motor Show is that we just checked the prep the preparation of the car isn't well done other features are correct you no need to see that this is you know our business card what we shall understand is what the people perceive when they see Rose Royce inside the car so the button just in there so you see the stars come to life you are in all your if in the middle of the orbit you know you're out of space here you you've achieved a very target notes to just wait to show the world what we've they are concept first introduced it's just it's just amazing this car definitely goes probability and I promise you even an how to buy and you will see and experience lots of people who get the goosebumps if they have the chance to enter this car hundreds of thousands will be drawn to Earls Court to see the whole range of 1961 models from the rolls-royce phantom 5 going for about ten thousand seven hundred whose competition among luxury car makers has always been fierce and rolls-royce do their best to keep heads turning at every Motor Show [Music] the United Arab Emirates as one of the fastest-growing luxury car markets in the world so rolls-royce have flown their diamond decorated celestial four-and-a-half thousand miles to be their centerpiece at the Dubai Motor Show I remember a celeste when he was just the first sketches and I'll basically painted on the napkin it's the final chapter for story the CEO will be presenting the car to the world's media in the morning and the stage management has to be floors where's he coming from wait you know to him you'll answer him he could no my mind my only my only worry is it'll weigh it in a ways to quite a long way you just want to make sure that he's worked from his sort of first starting position it's not too long we don't want it to seem sort of awkward didn't we don't want to awkward silences he walks over so we'll continue to rehearse and just just find the best place for him to start and sort of finish from okay so that's obviously too long doesn't work so what we could do what we could do fine tuning at this stage it's a bit like a theater group or something it's you notes it's the last fine tuning before opening night so the dress rehearsal so to speak I think it's important not to to be very hard to use this as an opportunity to launch the diamonds essentially and I think if you have like proper light on it if you get some sparkle here so as soon as he's on the door and then it comes alive just making some magic while trying to outshine the competition of the Motor Show rolls-royce are also given the new wraith model a special middle-eastern launch they've organized an exclusive test drive on Abu Dhabi's Formula One race track this is the ultimate place to show off the race and this is the perfect market for the Yamaha award-winning dealer khadeem has carefully selected clients he knows will be tempted by the new sporty model we want to see if people who already has got a rose Oasis not just have other cars that they already know maybe they have one two three four surgeries as you know we're doing normal Road speech today so keep any of the stability systems on this is not just for your safety it's also for our insurance I'm expecting to sell the race today and the car is too [Music] the high earners targeted for the event include members of Abu Dhabi's social elite Alma TV presents it and B TV zombies today I love that camera I really want to try and go for it like to buy it definitely receive whenever you're ready whenever you're ready shall we go signal we want to share the pleasure we want him to enjoy the lifestyle we want him to become customer forever [Music] of course after driving is I really wanna go on one morning before the payoff for Rolls Royce is not only to sell the race and also to get it going viral they make picture means they like the car they are going to go back home and show the images to the families and he will become our marketing seller what would you do with all the pictures I've gotten Instagram I told them that I want the car immediately as soon as possible I'm in love I think hustle say our allocation will be the response to the test-drive has been so good khadeem can't keep up with delays she won the race but I cannot supply we're short of supply promised me you should promise me now honey we'll get him sit down with just a few minutes until the Dubai Motor Show opens mark is trying to get the cleaners up to his high standard of inspection so there we go here then always check again I know you don't do now justice I mean this is a very precious power must be like a diamond you need to develop life or the water drops car enthusiasts journalists and even Dubai royalty gather for a glimpse of the latest creations from the motoring world first kind of a crescendo now you know it all comes together Costas giving a speech there's also a little bit surprised in that speech there's yeah I think a nice message you know to the people here attending the press conference today there are rumors that the celestial may have a buyer I say is Thurston Muller at wish [Music] [Applause] good afternoon ladies and gentlemen here at my side is one of the finest examples of bespoke design we have ever created it's the celestial Bentham hundreds of individual embedded diamonds hand embedded into the wood pieces this is the most expensive piece for grouse royce ever created in history ladies and gentlemen I can also confirm I was contacted by one of our very best customers from another part of the world he immediately asked to buy it the new owner also generously allowed us to keep it and to display it to members of the media here today in Dubai [Applause] the celestial has been sold to a mystery buyer but rolls-royce's strict code of client confidentiality means they are giving little away do you know what country it's going to it's going to Asia that's Asian continent no but ask roughly what the final price [Music] sorry but we are talking prices with Ross Ross do you think it was over a million pounds this something you need to ask someone else probably over a million pounds I mean you can guess as long as you want you my lips are closed I can tell you really unique of its kind actually maybe diamonds more for ladies prepare what cars don't my car I have Swarovski crystals and my initials on the back of the car and inside as well but the eye here is like we all die [Music] there's a long way to get to work not probably less than half a mile you live half a mile for work but you still take the car yeah I've got to keep letting to work otherwise there's would be out of a job you know the good thing about the Rolls Royce is that nobody will ever borrow it from you because it is something that is really personal they know that it's your car my relationship with this car is that I don't drive it too much because I want to feel special when I'm driving it so I take it only out in a special moment and you really got it because really earned it the lottery was two lucky dips it's strange because some I'm in the forty five point five million on one line and I think it was six pounds 75 on the second line it makes me fall I don't know a part of something there I would never have been a part of if it wasn't for the fact I'm sat in a walls voice and I'm driving my walls voice and with another look behind the scenes of luxury brands on Sunday night the million pound necklace inside boodles at eight o'clock and if you want to be able to afford this stuff you might just learn something from how to be a billionaire it's on 4od right now it's as sound as one of those new 12-sided pounds that's right topical continuity box tix ar-10 casters gown down next
Channel: TradingCoachUK
Views: 1,115,508
Rating: 4.7798243 out of 5
Keywords: Wall street, forex, stocks, commodities, gold, oil, trader, warren buffet, million dollar traders, traders by the millions, market, trading, analysis, stock, technical, investment, futures, options, finance, day, currency, markets, news, euro, financial, system, stock market, hedge fund, education, dow, business, charts, top 10, top 50, rich list, billionaire, trillionaire, life hack, super rich, rolls royce, documentary, 2019, supercars, most expensive, custom, luxury, wraith, ghost, phantom
Id: pndoAjymnMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 0sec (2760 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2019
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