#1129 Celebrity Cars Exhibit at NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE MUSEUM RENO NV - Travel VLOG (9/9/19)

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[Music] well hello my friends it's your old pal Jordan the lion and we are still in Reno today I'm hoping that we are going to get a see an iconic movie car but it's a it's a really great museum we're gonna check out so days with Jordan the lion begins right now well how about that for a day's vlog National Automobile Museum and a my grandpa's gonna love this one we got a whole complex here says it's the Harris collection oh cool what America's five greatest Auto museums we've been at a Henry Ford so I'm sure that's one of them as well it's just starting out with this I can tell we're in for a big treat you're they're working on a few things and one of the things happens to be a gold DeLorean they said our first stop will be gallery one inside the blacksmith shop the oldest cars they have here starting in 1892 1892 filly on imagine being in a car wreck with that now I'm not gonna be able to show you every single car because this is just one of four galleries so I'll show the ones that intrigued me the most look at that one that when you steer with like a crankshaft there 1904 Renault now it's kind of interesting about this is you'll notice tucked in between some other cars you see these dresses and these are William Harris family wedding dresses this is his great-grandmother's and then we saw his wife when we first walked in it's a 1903 Cadillac roundabout oh there's your two-seater now it's pretty cool to 1904 knocks says it's waterless yeah don't forget they had some of the same technologies in the late 1800s early turn this entry that they're just now coming up with again for cars now this says this is a 1906 Adams ferrule and it also says it's the only one known to exist huh you don't get any more rare than that steer it from here it's quite a bit of seating too now I'm wondering if that has something to do with the fact this one says this one's air-cooled a Freyr Miller nice car take a look at this one I like the little light here man this thing look classy doesn't it that is nice look at that one I like the back of that it's very like carriage style and closed so this is what the Harrah's Hotel fortune invested some of the money into these cars here's an old painting of an Oldsmobile racing a steam engine locomotive and then that's the car it was advertising look at that monstrous spirit I hear alright let's move along take a look at that pure cero says it was the largest car of 1913 that thing is huge so here you see a sign that says 1912 Rambler scene in Titanic that is because this is the car that you see on the dock scene in 1979 t97 s Titanic it's kind of cool and they're having their departure from Southampton here's a 1910 Rolls Royce you can see the logo in there that's a beauty I love that rolls-royce is one of the few cars that's kept that kind of classic body frame not quite like this but a classic style it's cool it's in 1913 Mercer I like that one a lot you two can drive like this with one so we've left gallery 1 and when I walked out we have basically walked back in time this is gallery to cool they have a theater down here showing Gone with the Wind look right here in front of us I noticed on the contribution thank yous when I walked in it said Sammy Davis jr. and I know he didn't have a lot of money at the end of his life so I knew he must have donated something this is his 1935 Duesenberg Sammy then I will tell you this is a replica not a replica of Sammy's car this was Sammy's car but in the 70s it became a thing to make replicas of old cars that old movie stars would have driven it and so he was one of them had one of those made this was his it's either wear on it too here's a 1938 Packard now I don't know everything they have here but that'll be cool if they had like the car from it happened one night I don't know for sure there is one really really famous classic movie car that I'm excited to see and I asked when I was buying my ticket which was $12 if they still had it and she looked confusing that when I mentioned it more specifically she goes oh yeah that's here and this is an old DeSoto taxi cab I thought that was really cool-looking so I want to show you yeah I like that style and right around in that cab now we're gonna make our way down there but I wanted to check this out this is an old crit car and they said if you notice on the design in light blue there is a swastika emblem and that was because that was a sign of good luck there's a Greek sign of good luck see I swear all right so we're walking through the neighborhood and it looks like we are going to turn into the gallery number two in here this place is amazing I can't believe how big it is now this car is important because this whole collection belongs to Bill Harrah and this was his first classic car [Music] that's cool 19:20 Briggs & Stratton I'll take a look at that that is the precursor to the RV you can see the whole family is here using it in this photo yeah I mean it's kind of inventive this was 1921 so they were thinking families on the go traveling already now this was so unique nd there must be some sort of crazy story behind it and there is this was Bill's personal car he used to use this at his Lodge in Idaho in Salmon River and you can see that it has monograms MFL stands for Middle Fork lodge [Music] all right oh look at that one Wow that thing is beautiful beautiful it is just absolutely incredible how many cars they have here four galleries and we're barely making it through - Wow now this is a Pontiac and it says that they used a Chief Pontiac hood ornament and if you look I mean they really they even have almost like a like a medallion underneath it as well Wow take a look at that 1921 rolls-royce called it the Silver Ghost Wow now that's a 1925 McFarland they said that this was often called the American Rolls Royce and they said this was more of like a regal car and people like boxing heavyweight champ Jack Dempsey and Fatty Arbuckle owned these and look at their hood ornament I hope that was great I like this one because the wheels the wheels are almost like mag wheels like Tron now that you can kind of see this was a closed cab pickup if you look in the back you can see it was a 1929 pickup truck now we're getting to some of the fun cars like this that says this is the Mary Pickford car let's take a look at that another reason they're calling this the Mary Pickford car is because this was a Christmas present to Mary from Douglas Fairbanks in 1928 and this was a short-lived car they only made him from 1928 to 1931 and this was in 1920 a so it's pretty cool Merry Christmas Mary now that is a 1927 one-of-a-kind Lincoln and they said that this was a car that was originally unveiled in a New York Automobile Show as just like a one time thing and then a it was sold to a private party who let their daughter drive it around and then it was eventually sold to a movie company and they used it in a WC Fields picture doesn't say which one it was used in but they said that it was one of a kind kind of a carriage style look at this we have three wheelers here two wheels in the front and the third in the back and this purple one is the same idea I don't know I I like the body style but I don't know if I would trust it now this car has a bit of a cool story this was a custom made car and take a look at what it looked like before and after originally when it started it looked like that and now it has a fish fin on the back that says they made these hoping that it would catch on but people didn't really like it and but it was tested this one drove 45,000 miles across the country and went up to 80 miles per hour I keep hoping I'll be in one of these museums one time and see daniel larusso's car from Karate Kid hasn't happened yet though as we walk out if we make a left we go by the hardware store and just for the heck of it they really made it an authentic store we're gonna head down here and look for a gallery three no one's got barrels in the back here I go 1955 Ford Thunderbird [Music] 1964 Volkswagen [Music] take a look at that you don't fiat now this is a Chevy Corvair and they said that they they weren't really that popular but what sealed the the nail in the coffin was Ralph Nader made a speech saying that they weren't safe at any speed and so when they ceased production they said this was actually made on the very last day of production ever for the Corvair alright let's go on the 76 station this place is set up so great so freakin great what an experience now this is really cool this is a 1933 Cadillac they said that there were only 400 of them made and each one had a nameplate with the owner's name stamped into it and so this one was number 56 it was the most expensive model of Cadillac you could get that year in 1933 and it was Al Jolson's Cadillac and they actually have a picture of him at his house with the Cadillac right there and then there's the car that holds Austin's car pretty cool let's take a look at this car it says that there's only one made custom built almost looks like a Batmobile from like 1989 but this was 1938 s phantom Corsair and it says that it was used in the movie the young in heart starring Paulette Goddard Janet Gaynor Billy Burke and Douglas Fairbanks Jr you can actually get close enough to look in in a sunroof they said in the movie it's called the flying wombat they call this car they have some really really amazing cars here man let me tell ya Wow look at all of this Yael cords limousine that one right there well that looks like a celebrity car to me don't you think don't you think a celebrity should be driving something like that who could let not be hmm well not Lynott let's see or could that be Lana Lana Turner I think so check this out this is 1941 Chrysler only six ever built six known to exist this one belong to Lana Turner down the plate here it actually says this car was originally owned by millionaire playboy Henry Bob topping jr. former husband of movie star Lana Turner the car became fondly known as the Lana Turner Chrysler then it says he customized it by having his name put into the hubcaps and sure enough there's topping and there's me filming it hi I love that car now this beautiful 1948 Lincoln Continental was owned by Elliott Gould Philip Marlowe The Long Goodbye man who wouldn't want to be seen around Hollywood driving that car that thing's amazing that's cool that motorcycle with a sidecar is an old Indian ever since Labov I've always loved Indian motorcycles and always pays to read everything this is a 1947 DeSoto and at first you look at and you go Solar saddle ranch who cares you know you think it was probably just used on some ranch but no this car was actually rented to Clark Gable and Van Johnson both at different times when they visited Reno which makes me think that he probably rented it when he was doing the misfits DeSoto suburban it's a nice car I'll check out that Porsche I'll take a look at this white one you know what that is that is a 1953 Corvette the very first year that they ever went into production making the Corvettes and this was John Wayne's Corvette they even have a picture of him with it here let me show you the car first great car Wow not only do you see him right here standing right next to it with the captain's hat that has definitely this car and then right next to it they even have the sales receipt and you can see if you look closely enough let me see if I can get in there you can see the delivery date and if you look close enough you can see his name and his delivery address it's crazy as for as many cool cars as we've seen we haven't seen the one that I was looking for that I actually came here to see but I think we will Keizer Darren oh wow look at that tiny little guy it's like the Mini Cooper of its day that was the 1956 Mercedes Benz and they said they actually entered it in a Salt Flats race as we're walking through here look how how much they want this to feel like here in an old neighborhood while you're inside they've even got power lines no parking signs that is an actual car that is a think mobile made by Edie Big Daddy Roth also an ED Roth just like we saw when we first came in now let's see what we have in here now logically since this is the fourth gallery out of four and there aren't that many cars in here I have to expect that the one car that I really came to see has to be in here so fingers crossed guys this will be worth it if it's still here which they said it is hopefully it's back here somewhere now so far this probably has to be my favorite car because this 1973 Cadillac was Elvis's and Elvis owned a lot of Cadillacs but this one was extra special because this was a gift to him from his father Vernon and it said he drove it for quite a while and then ended up giving it to his karate instructor as a gift in Memphis and so the that karate instructor taught Elvis all the way up to a seventh degree black belt in here you can also see it was not only a gift it was a birthday gift to Elvis all right we found it this was the crowning jewel of what we came to see do you recognize it if you don't recognize it yet take a look over here it's Jimmy James Dean yep this is the car from rebel without a cause that's a thought car how cool is that what an iconic movie I mean he was gone before it ever came out and he's been a legend from just three movies so really cool to see this especially how often you see it might be a movie Wow I'll take a look at that yeah when I found out I was here I was like someday I have to make it to Reno just to see that he would have driven that car that is just so cool right now take a look at this guy this is the 1907 Thomas flyer this is the car that won the 1980 New York to Paris automobile race since it traveled 22,000 miles over land and sea so it says on the historical vehicle register this is number 12 registered number 12 1907 okay so first off we have to give an A for effort the concept alone is amazing however I can see problems with parking in Los Angeles if you owned this the flying caduceus look at that guy and take a look at that one Don Prudhomme is funny car let's see what else we have down here now that's Jim Frederick's flyrod and he called it that because it could go up to 180 miles per hour and when it was going that fast it sounded like a jet engine have a cool car do you see what I see Sinatra yep Frank Sinatra's car is Kia GHI a since he purchased this after 26 Kia's were produced they ceased production in 1963 this was a 1961 you know it says that this is a 1962 Lincoln Continental and this particular Lincoln Continental was assigned to John F Kennedy President of the United States see I kid you not JFK's continental Wow we have seen some really really cool cars today including some really cool celebrity cars Frank Sinatra's car Al Jolson's car Sammy Davis jr. Elvis the James Dean car from rebel without a cause I think this has been a great day we have seen everything now let's head out of here just got to take it in one more time I mean because I've seen I've done a lot of James Dean vlogs and we've seen just about everything I feel like you can see of James Dean other than probably the original red jacket but other than that we've seen so many things that either he owned or that he used a movie so this is just a real honor and if you want to see more of James Dean go to his hometown of Fairmount Indiana there are two museums there that have a ton of great stuff one of which being most all the cases in there are donated by James Dean's cousin Marcus who he lived without at the farm before he moved out to become a star and so Marcus owns every thing of James Dean's after he passed away and he has the only keys to those cases and he constantly is coming and switching things out it's definitely worth a trip out to Fairmount well my friends we're gonna call it a day I had a great time visiting here I hope you enjoyed it as well thank you for watching we'll see you all tomorrow have a great night goodbye
Channel: Daze with Jordan the Lion
Views: 189,247
Rating: 4.8697987 out of 5
Keywords: travel vlogger, urbex, golden age, hollywood, travel advice, old hollywood, history, tourism, cinema, filming locations, adventures, forgotten, travel, my trip, daze with jordan the lion, jordan the lion, daily vlog, vlog, vlogger, vlogging, lifestyle, film, los angeles, tourist, National automobile museum, Rebel Without a Cause, Harrah, James Dean, Elvis presley, John f Kennedy, Frank Sinatra, Titanic, AL jolson, Lana turner, Car Collection, Classic cars, Museum, Reno, Nevada
Id: HzPlQT4g1to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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