Inside Michelle Nussbaumer's Dallas, TX Home

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this house has always had a lot of life going on in it you know dogs running around and whatever other animal found their way here but I have Birds canaries especially and I love to wake up in the morning and hear their singing and they sing so loudly I can hear them all the way from the kitchen up in my bedroom it's just it's just such a beautiful alarm clock [Music] I'm Michelle nussbaumer I'm an interior designer and you're at my home in Dallas Texas we love this house we've lived in for many many years I've raised four children here dogs cats gerbils mice I don't know Birds a duck everything you can imagine and it's been an amazing journey I knew of this house because my childhood friend lived here and when my husband and I we'd seen so many houses and they were all sort of like not what I wanted and so I said to the agent I said you know there's this house that my childhood friend lived in that I always loved and she said you know it's Hip Pocket it's on the market and so we bought it that day it was just sort of a dream foreign I've always loved Antiques and have collected antiques even in college I had started sort of collecting and buying things so it didn't take me long to fill it up [Music] when you are designing a house especially a big house like this which is these awful lot rooms where you see from one to the other it's important to put the things in it that you love and people often ask me you know how do you create a lot of different patterns a lot of different ideas and still bring it together without it looking like an insane sort of situation and I think the answer to that is buying things you love and doing what you love and it's definitely not a trend and the English were the best at it I mean they're so fantastic at that and all those big old English country houses which I'm so inspired by but I think it's really about the things through lab in for instance I love Mexico Morocco and India all three of those cultures have a blue and white tile they do a lot of terracotta they love red they love pink because those cultures that I love so much somehow they're throughout there's a threat of them throughout the house and of course Italy too where I lived for quite a while but I think it brings it all together and it somehow works [Music] I would say this is my favorite room I love the color combination and hair of Pinks and reds there's usually a dog asleep on the sofa or more than one and this is where my husband and I kind of hang out every night kind of have a chat at the end of the day this is where my kids usually were doing homework and I don't know this is the room we use the most it's the center of the house and it while it is more or less the great room or the living room it was the room that was the most used and I think that's really important that people don't have rooms that are off limits I mean I just don't want any room that someone's not using the main thing about the houses I want people to feel comfortable and and welcome when they come in and I want people to feel like really everything is available to sit on to use and I think it's just important to use what you have um I think when people come in they feel that they're comfortable I hope we have a lot of parties in fact I'm having one tomorrow and I just want people to feel comfortable and welcome that's really what I want and I think that's what everybody wants in their home I guess sometimes it's more about the Ambiance even than anything else one of my daughters has a friend who's blind and really the best compliment I ever got in my life was he walked and there's always candles burning and I don't know incense and food cooking and he walked in and said oh it smells like God lives here and really it's just I could almost cry it was the best the best compliment I ever received just I want people to come back [Music] so I don't think of the House of as being actually dramatic but there are drama there's a lot of drama in the house so I started off and studied at SMU set design I always feel like the entrance is sort of your opening act so I think it's nice to create drama there and just sort of sets the tone one color palette doesn't necessarily unify the house for instance here there's a blue room and a pink room and a crimson room and an orange room and I don't think that that's really what is makes a house cohesive I think it's more about how the rooms are used and put together and all of the patterns in it all those English country houses they have a yellow room and whatever other rooms they have but they're always different colors but somehow it really flows together and works I think that works here I think if the house was more modern then yes it's very important to have a cohesive flow if it's a contemporary look that with this sort of layered look it works like this I think [Music] thank you I think it's really about buying what you love and loving what you buy if you love it it usually works together and you could be a minimalist or a maximalist or a modernist or a traditionalist it's just about getting what you love and sticking to that it's not about a trend it's about really staying true to yourself most of these things in this house have gone back and forth across the ocean a few times so unlike so many designers or what people think of designers that we're always changing things I really haven't it's it's been like this forever and I love it [Music] thank you
Channel: Schumacher1889
Views: 135,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michelle Nussbaumer, Dallas, Texas, collection, antiques, globe-trotting, mexico, india, Morocco, colors, pattern, design, layered, timeless, maximalist, decor, animals, dog
Id: Uh2CqG64nGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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