Renowned Jeweler, Mish Tworkowski, Celebrates His First Anniversary in Palm Beach

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[Music] I find the natural world to be a very spiritual place it's a place that you can go and Lose Yourself and that often allows so many other thoughts to come into your head and so many of them are inspirational I would say most of my jewelry is inspired by the natural world and it doesn't necessarily need to be literal it could be very abstracted and you may one day see a texture in my work and think what is that and it might have just been some um you know bark that I found I also love seashells I love driftwood pagodas petrified wood rope Coral Honeycombs you know I love all Nature's textures so all of that somehow goes into my little brain comes out hopefully as something pretty rickowski I'm a jewelry designer and welcome to my jewelry studio in Palm Beach Florida I got into jewelry design as a very young boy friends of my family had a really wonderful jewelry business that did every aspect of jewelry making so I was there working on summer breaks holidays and it grew into a hobby which I loved and then from a hobby it became a business right after college I went to work for Sotheby's which was my first job and while I was there the actually was my co-workers and their moms at that time that started buying the jewelry and it actually turned it into a business which was very wonderful for me when we were in New York City we moved from a beautiful Studio that was a carriage house on the Upper East Side to downtown on Bond Street which was this beautiful cobblestone street and both of them were very special to us and then we decided to move to Palm Beach and we moved to this beautiful space and every time we moved we would always have clients say oh my God I can't believe you're leaving that space it's so beautiful and we never feared it we embraced it we were like but the next space is going to be even better and we're going to make it even more beautiful and we love the fact that with each move it gives us a moment of curiosity a moment to reflect it gives us new inspiration and all of that's channeled through to the jewelry and with each move we knew we'd make better jewelry we consider this space to be a studio it's where we Design jewelry it's where all of our ideas are born where every piece of jewelry begins so we don't think of ourselves as a store yes people can come and shop and we show them jewelry which we do in a curated fashion someone comes in and sits down and we present them with jewelry that we think they may like and then we're able to either design something from scratch or we customize a piece of jewelry for them it's a very special process for us so we felt we needed a very special space to do it in this building is incredibly special first it's a historic building I'm also very involved with preservation and the preservation Foundation of Palm Beach it's an Addison Meisner building which was the architect that basically gave all of Florida its Mediterranean Revival architecture style it was also the first department store in Palm Beach so it became like this double whammy of goodness for us so we love the building we loved its history I feel very lucky in life I live and work with Joseph and you know many people say oh my God I would never be able to work with my spouse we always thought like wow we can't work without one another we're very different and we have very complementary skill sets I work on all the designs Joseph does the business but Joseph being a former architect has an incredible sense of design he's also strongly opinionated so he will always put his two cents in and I always welcome it you know our New York shop was very tailored and um had an eduardian Flair when we came to Florida one of the things we had to take into consideration was what we were going to do with the space in overpowering Inspiration that kept coming back to us over and over again as we were deciding what to do in the space was to do a personal reinterpretation of what a Palm Beach interior would feel like then we really wanted to look at it through a different lens something personal to both of us so we think that we were pretty consistent in that Vision so when thinking about the studio as a place to sort of live and work actually we spend way more time in the studio than we do in our own home so it's very important for us to feel like this is a home for us so every room does have its own personality Joseph is an awesome architect so he laid out every room just to make sure that the flow was worked very very well and you know we really think of this space first for us first it has to be inspiring it has to help us create beautiful jewelry and whenever we could bring into those spaces whether it's the Florida Bird wall or all of my shells or all of the colored stones somehow they have to all live together but it's more important that the energy of all of this that comes together makes us feel great because that's also what we pass along to our client it's that energy when you come into the studio we sit you down and present you with jewelry and you may find something you love instantaneously which is always a joy for us but then we can also customize things for you which is a large part of our business you may see a necklace that's Peridot green and wish it was an aquamarine and we are delighted to remake that piece of jewelry for you it's much like a couturier would work where you may see an outfit that you love but it might not suit you completely so we want to make that piece of jewelry perfect for you and we're able to do that here foreign [Music] we make a bespoke piece of jewelry for you we always begin that process with the watercolor it's a very beautiful depiction of exactly what the piece will look like it's to scale so even if it's a small piece of jewelry it's tiny little watercolor on a piece of paper and you could literally cut that out and put it on hold it to your ear or pin it to your lapel and tells you exactly what it is color and size I'm a color fanatic so I absolutely love all gemstones whether they're transparent whether they're opaque sometimes people ask me what's your favorite Stone and I go into sweats because I just love all of them the brighter the color the better Fine Jewelry is a very special art and also fine jewelry can be expensive and I feel that if you're going to buy a piece of beautiful jewelry it has to have the utmost workmanship and that's what makes it really special having great design coupled with great workmanship makes a great piece of jewelry and I think you should buy a piece of jewelry and have it forever so it's important the workmanship is essential to make something beautiful when a client comes into the studio I want them really to experience our world which is why we really have a studio and not a store you know a store you come in and you look at things in cases that you might like here you come in and we present you with things that we think you will love based on what you tell us so if you say oh my God I love poppies chances are we may have a poppy bracelet or poppy pair of earrings but we might be like wow that's fantastic I've always wanted to make a poppy brooch or a poppy necklace so we work with you to really help you think about what's your favorite thing and then we guide them much like a sculptor would guide them and explain you know what you need to make that piece wearable pieces from scratch always have this Genesis in what someone really loves and since we love the natural world and often don't deal in sort of abstract principles you know it's very easy to communicate something that you like foreign I believe everything in life is interconnected so how you dress how you live how you travel I think all of it you're like a big sponge and it sort of all comes together and as a designer you hope it comes out in the most beautiful way possible [Music]
Channel: Schumacher1889
Views: 32,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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