Inside Hillary Taylor's St. George, UT Home

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I'm Hilary Taylor and I'm an interior designer in Salt Lake City Utah and we're here at my home in St George come on in so the elephant in the room is that I'm a traditionalist I love pattern and color I love chints I love big curtains so this is a real departure this house is very different from the house we live in all the time this home is clean and calm and it beckons you outside it has a very relaxed but restrained aesthetic and this is our getaway and it's it's really fun it's fun to have a different space it is a palette cleanser 100 it's the little lime sorbet when people come for the first time their eyes get really big and they just look around and say this looks like the Moon and it kind of does it feels prehistoric this lava flow it flows all the way down through Snow Canyon there's two inactive volcanoes just on the other side the Navajo Sandstone this is this Red Rock it's just so striking with our Blue Sky what I really wanted most importantly was that the Interiors receded compared to the view outside I knew this space needed to be a contemporary space that minimalist kind of restraint lets the view be the most important thing which is why we're here we're here to be outside and I just didn't want to compete with Mother Nature I wanted things to be soft and to recede and if anything to kind of contrast slightly to pull her up I tried to put her on display and that can be tricky when you're designing a space because if you have a space that's large enough to handle a large family you can get a fishbowl effect where you just have sort of a picture window at the back of a room and so there is a lot of sleight of hand that happens architecturally and with decorating and floor planning wherever possible we try to have at least two sources of light in every room and two different angles because we're faced North so it's a softer light we also needed to have Corner Windows which were really fun to get it's a neat technique that the builders here in St George have really mastered and it's called butted glass so they butt glass together and essentially you don't have mullions you don't have your typical muntins the room feels like it's actually part of your yard versus just having a beautiful picture window the thing I love the most about the house is the light the light changes all day long starts in the morning and changes every single hour and I actually named it Casa leggera which means House of light we have skylights over all the vanities so wherever you have a bathroom that doesn't have a window there's a little bit of light everywhere I just feel like I'm outside and it's a big deal to me especially in dark winter days when you're living in Northern Utah this is a real respite from that I love the light here I would say the largest challenge with doing the Interiors here was managing Windows I'm used to Framing and softening a space with curtains I love curtains I love inner lined and lined and I wasn't going to have that here and so that was a challenge how do I warm it up I just added texture everywhere I could find another texture something soft something hand done something where you could see the Maker's Mark in the natural rock outside there's this striated kind of geological formation that horizontal stripe so I actually tried to incorporate in everything the rugs the raked tassos the Limestone jams the the doors have a horizontal wood grain in them whatever piece that I could control I tried to add something that was a nod to Mother Nature last actually functions as a softener so we've used plaster throughout all the ceilings and walls a lot of drywall would have been hard on this space we used as much wood that seemed reasonable so the riffs on White Oak that we've leached with a couple different processes and it has kerf lines in it so it does have that texture but it also feels soft enough that's another reason that we built the jams out for the doors is the doors are slabs so they could be really boring so we used a horizontal Rift on Oak for the doors and then we built the jams framed them out deeper so that the jam also repeated that woodwork it was sort of like a break with all the white all of the Limestone floors they were quarried in France and they really have a very similar tone and texture to what's going on at the back of Snow Canyon the white Navajo Sandstone is really similar anything natural is just so wonderful it's neat to use materials that do age and that do patina there's just so much more authenticity to contemporary design when you soften it with natural materials this was built to get our family away it was built for our family it's a wonderful place Mother Nature puts on a show here I hope we're here for a long long time [Music] foreign
Channel: Schumacher1889
Views: 31,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Gosz8k2WlcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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