Inside England's Most Dangerous Sport: Cheese Rolling 🇬🇧

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[Music] watch out it's it race I thought it was just falling yeah I think I'm hurt right now [ __ ] to Gard I'm [ __ ] scared what the [ __ ] is this this is a cliff this isn't a hill this is a mountain bro I don't know I don't know I got it hell your body is telling you why are you why are you doing this to get the che I seem to be bleeding but I can't feel it so it's all right [Music] [Applause] woo I was bling back we need something call this back home crazy it's so [Music] crazy up m in probably want to just stick right to the side of that track cuz all right the more left you go the more nals there are all right you Lally know your way around this hill E Yeah well I grew up just in the village just down in the village uh you see down there so oh yeah yeah that is steep and I used to do my paper R which used to come most of the way up here did you so used to have to ride up here every weekday oh running up it must be harder than going down e yeah yeah uh I think it's worth than running D to be honest yeah it's definitely uh a lot tougher on the lungs M this is so steep this is the steepest part we're coming to now oh my God the steeper than it looks when you're like at the bottom yeah and if you well when you watch the videos it just doesn't give it like True Justice of how steep it is oh my days going to be hard for the uphill Racers yeah nice and slidy and easy for the day now that's the way grab grab big clumps of [Music] grass oh my God [ __ ] that that was scary it's not too bad is it wa so they can't can't 25 people through a little Gap there yeah and you have two rows of people basically lined up ACR here the person will be satting there with the cheese and then they do a they do a count down or count up one to be ready Two To Be steady three for the cheese at which point person with the cheese will Chuck it and then everyone chases it on four right and then it's literally run so when it was it 23 times but you ran it quite a few times as well haven't you I've done 26 races 23 wins um and probably nearly 200 just like run St just for when I was younger just practicing and like over the years just filming yeah you're the world record holder compared to everyone else who's run it throughout the years I've read online that you actually run it like twice in one day and one the only person to win all three races twice really what makes you keep going back for more every year um just dren them Rush it's and it's it's when the C's here it's really good right really good atmosphere yeah watch's on TV H or like online you can't really appreciate how steep it is but this is proper steep how how far is it from here to the bottom uh 200 yards really so it's about 180 M how fast would you run it from here to the bottom 10 seconds 10 so technically you're faster than like you say bolt or a sprinter yeah I think uh there was a video put up before of me running down here against say B doing 100 m yeah and I beat him how dangerous is the the cheese roll in itself uh yeah it's a really dangerous event um broken arms broken legs mple like broken bones um each year um but it's a risk of it's a risk of doing it same as rugby I suppose well about yourself have you had any severe injuries from doing this uh broken ankle and bruise kidness really um broken ankle was the first year I won it and two face on the five yeah and then and Bruce my kidne is in 2011 and what about the cheese how dangerous is the cheese itself it's pretty big isn't it yeah so it's it's reasonably safe um but it goes 70 M hour so if it does get sent off to the sides yeah then there is a chance of it hitting someone in the crow so for all the chees is in England what makes the glosser cheese so special in comparison to all the other ones you get Glouster cheese is a um a robust hard you know um strong cheese which um which travels well and it it's it's robust enough to be rolled down Cooper's Hill and used for chasing um it's it's one of the traditional cheeses the the regional cheeses all the different areas tended to have their own version of hard cheeses right so you've got your cheddar your your cheses your Lincoln shers um so that makes it a a special cheese in its own right the single gluster is the paler one you can see on the rack just there right um that's made with half skim milk okay and it is specific to gleria W and so it's a light younger tasting cheese the traditional double glester the orange one is colored with anat um we believe for a few reasons so it stood out at markets you know back in the day it could be seen because most of the cheeses would have been pale pale yeah and so you could spot your cheese um from a distance another theory it was colored to make you believe it was made with cream richer um rather than the the obviously paler insignificant single double Gloucester can be made anywhere in the world single Gloucester can only be made in gleria because of it's we've got um a protective order on it no way okay yes interesting so I think you've seen the cows with Rod and he might have pointed out the Glouster cattle yes like I so you do have to have those in your herd um when making gluster cheese wow so you guys are keeping the tradition alive we are yes love to see it that's really good that's really interesting so has your farm been doing the cheese roll since the beginning of the cheese r or oh no cheese cheese roll has been going hundreds of years okay but we we yeah since we been making double glossed cheese we've been um they've used our our cheese this is a one of a traditional glester cattle so you see we got several here so all these cows here are used to make the cheeses yeah wow have so many didn't we oh my God so it's about 60 here you see most of them are the Black and Whites and then you get these nice mahogany colored ones with the white White Strip and the white tail and there there be there the glosser cattle W and um it's nice to have the old the old breed on the farm how many cheeses would you say yourself from the being in the cheese roll does the the stock of cheese go up during that time of the year uh oh we we'll sell a fair few cheeses extra in the next um well over this week weekend uh with the interest we make about 4 tons of cheese a year four tons wow again it sounds a lot but in the grand scheme of things it's it's not very much this car's pregnant it's like it's going to oh yeah she she'll be anytime soon well not not very soon she's again she's a glester cow and the gluster cows carry a lot more weight than the the Holstein and the other beads the the traditional breed they the Dual Purpose they would be used for meat and for milking okay whereas a certain amount of the other breeds are sort of trying to produce milk rather than put too much fat on as you see cows are very inquisitive they know [Music] you go on there's only a lot of pressure to actually provide the cheese for actual cheese rolling or do you always have like a big Supply anyway that no it's it's purely the cheese that we're making all the time so they will they'll want usually um sort of four big cheeses and maybe four or six smaller cheeses for the children's races and the uphill races and that's it's it's just a cheese which comes out of the store on that day so the day they C so we don't make a special cheese for the cheese R okay it's it's the same as you would go and buy in the shop and it's probably far safer to um go and buy yourself cheese in the shop try chasing down the hill yeah that's long way to get one come on then come on and you've won it 23 times that means you've got 23 cheeses what have you done with all the cheese that's that you've won over the years just cut them up and give them rain to family yeah did you did you eat any of them or I've tried every one of them but I don't like it you didn't like cheese even though you run down yeah and when you're running down this terrain what what technique are you trying to do when you're actually running run down the hill just run literally just run and try and lean back if you can there's no like certain technique in in the like a certain cuz it's kind of bends to the right a bit as you're as you're looking down the hill is there a certain path you prefer to take I try and stick Central or slightly right um there's a big hole on the left which you can't see from here yeah um but yeah avoid that at what cost yeah Mike Tyson famously said everyone has a plan until you get punched in the punched in the mouth it's kind of like this isn't it once you what's it like when you have your first trip down this hill um it's so fast you don't really know about it um I'm sort of in control but I've seen other people that just completely out of control and flipping and rolling the whole way what about tomorrow will we see you racing obviously 23 times we go for number 24 no not this year no um maybe next year yeah why is that just too too many uh damages to the body I'm go on holiday in a couple of weeks and I don't want to risk breaking anything and what's your prediction for tomorrow obviously it's quite sunny here in brockworth is this good uh good weather for the for the racing it's forecast a little bit of rain so be nice and slippy um which will hopefully the rain keeps the in stain cu the rain's nice and soft um but yeah it should be a good day cool we'll see you tomorrow then cheers mate see you tomorrow good morning I've made it to brockworth and today hundreds of people are going to be running down Cooper's Hill to chase 3 kilos of cheese I spoke with Chris yesterday and he mentioned people leaving camp camp overnight just to get a spot in the race as his first come first serve but let's go to the hill and let's see what this race is all about that's where have you come from today for the race we are coming from Germany Sweden Belgium groby France in the Alps all the way from Sydney Sydney Australia and mongan too Champion Presto Cambridge Manchester I came from North Carolina Los Angeles California San Diego Bing St where your Lads from I'm from Bast Norland what about yourself Dublin Ireland Dublin Kansas from America okay it's got irand and and America how did you guys sleep last night uh not very well yeah to be honest yeah not the best I slept good actually and I dreamt I actually won the red hey good we had a bunch of friends getting all drunk and me and my friend stayed sober this morning uh had a sauner had a wet shower did a bit of yoga and had a breakfast so I mean Comm get as much money as that it's like find you're going to be in a boxing match actually pretty good I just didn't think about it until now so I'm just trying to walk in basically and focus on the the roles and what I practiced yesterday granted the hill is completely different today because it rained so we're going to be slipping all over the place it's really soft it's a really soft Hill I slid down it yesterday um I think it could be anyone's race honestly just because of the conditions but I think if you're fully sending it I think it's going to be a really good race yeah makes it even more slippery than it is already yeah so you guys have taking it quite seriously then you're practicing the day before coming in checking out the I think we are try harders buch here yeah you didn't come here just to take part you come here to win yeah coming to win yeah definitely not that Winning is Everything there more important things in life but winning is fun I mean I'm just going to have to really lock in and not hesitate you know cuz your body is telling you why are you why are you doing this it's for eternal glory ladies and gentlemen that's why fun story we actually participated 2 years ago but we're not from the same country and just met each other again yeah we both won two years ago yeah you both won are you plan to do the double now uh perhaps we're hoping to bring back the turtles just start to tip it down here in the glosses here it's going to be quite slippy I reck I hope that might be a good thing it's better last year it was 25° last year the gr was rock hard so it's better when it's slightly softer what's your role in the whole event of the cheese rolling I just organize the start line line them up tell them the rules then we do the one to be ready Two To Be steady three for the cheese four you go on and uh I have someone else roll the cheese we have guests to roll the cheese there's always the cheese always in honor of someone yeah I'm rolling the cheese for the ladies race yeah my son decided to nominate me for doing it um obviously there's a couple of others that have got they've got problems with that they've had over the year and they've been asked to do a roll of cheese for their family um and it's it's just pleasure to be giv the honor of doing it yeah you're fine the flag this year representing the the cheese family basically yeah it's a shame Christopher is not doing it this year and case is not doing it either yeah but it's nice just to come up and have me participate in some way but Christopher is still here and he will be doing everything he can to help eight he said like every year the uphill race he makes sure the children get up to the top safely if they can't make it up he asks them get back down to their parents so he's he's well spirited and helping out as much as he can how long have you been doing this for how come about this is my 10th year I don't know how it all come about they wrote me into it CU I was a local farmer so I don't know that's what I'm saying earlier to some of the guys this a local event it's doing a lot of good for the community you got a local cheese and you got a local farmer yourself yeah yeah it's all Lo we're all local that organize it well you know there's only two of us that organize it really then we have a lot of helpers but the helpers are getting less and less quite a lot it goes on beyond the scenes um like fixing all the fening up every year um making sure that the the hills clear to run you got tractors come up and help you got loads of different stuff everyone pitches in like if there's loads of people helping there not that much I think there's a few people that do a lot and there's a lot of us that do a little which is quite good it takes the edge off I usually take all the fening down afterwards which I'm struggling to do now but but this is a big event for the community we spoke of Cam yesterday you saying this is like this is a free event that brings some people together you could charge money but you don't do I it's one of the things it's it's a tradition and you go anywhere on a bank holiday it cost a fortune yeah you come here you have a good day's entertainment you haven't got to pay you haven't even got to join in you can just see idiots throwing themselves down yeah this what this what it's all about isn't it British where they're pissing it down and then running down a big hill wherever you're from people come from all over the world but you think that someone would try and make money off it but no one has everyone's sort of like keeps it as local it's nice I'm looking forward to seeing you B the cheese down the hill that's I just hope it all goes well all all the best all the best thank you very so much how you feeling about the race as she got a can of beer in your hand i'm guess you're quite nervous yeah man yeah yeah yeah I'm planning to get pissed Before the Race so I won't feel anything it's a littleit scary it's it's steeper want you're hear right on the video it's not the same I saw the photos and I thought okay maybe it's possible but now my legs are shaking I'm really scared I'm going be scared I'm going be scared so but everybody is so no one's cooking there I'm relaxed right now I think I'm going to when I right in front of the starting line I'm going to be shutting my pants you don't realize how sleep it is into changed everything once you got like wow it's so [ __ ] steep it's insane actually cuz it won't make it just this on on camera they always say like a this is much crazier in person but then you actually see it in person and you believe him it's it's gnarly I I'm hoping to walk out of here with my teeth it looks doable and then as you get to the bottom you're like what the [ __ ] is this this is a cliff this isn't a hill this is a mountain I you you just seen you just seen the hill what do you think of it now that you've seen it man here can you hold this uh just put in your pocket bro I don't know I don't know I got it I'm Ming it I don't know it's deeper than it looks compared to when you see it on the TV isn't it yeah speed I was speaking to the Chris Anderson the 23 time Champion he's not he's not running this year what your chances of winning do you reckon 100% now say Chris now running eight it easy win we you going to do with the cheese I'm eating that [ __ ] I'm eating it taking the cheese back to America yep good all right all the best I'm eating it all right it's English cheese so I will have to force myself but I'll do my best what you want to come down here and run down the hill on a Monday Monday morning in a gorilla I mean you're missing one fact about a gorilla soup you know Monday morning mate Monday morning is are meant to be a bit [ __ ] you got meant to be in pain and suffering it's basically a commute I have all the crazy things you can do in Australia why have you come here to do the cheese rolling well that's a good question what well like you know everyone knows Australia is such a wild country and we have all kinds of dangers and perils so naturally we're attracted to this sort of thing you know is this the craziest thing you've ever done CRA the craziest things we've ever done is just drink with other Australian instead of past 1 p.m. and you're drinking in you're drinking in is that to settle the nerves or you just love to be on the piss definitely settles the nerves low as the pain threshold pain all [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] scared yeah now you seeing the hill it's pretty steep isn't it it's so one of the steepest Hills I've ever seen in my life I actually don't know how this exists yeah the videos don't do it justice it really does but why does this exists yeah I don't know it Go hundreds of years apparently it hundreds of years it must be a naturally occurring it's probably there's been a landslide here yeah all right all right Mr geographer but the world champion Chris Anderson isn't running today chrison yeah I've seen him walking up and down he's hero in our country he said he's given he got a beer named after him he said he's given it a miss this year what have you come here to win or have you come here just to take par we haven't taken come we haven't come here to take part we've come here to take over mother so the Chiefs are are just about to start we're going to do the first race in about 10 minutes as you can see so many people are here already is packing out and the chees is coming down and off they go it's oneing to the left [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Chris how was that pretty good yeah yeah scarier than it looks it's proper fun [Applause] cheese oh man Budd how is that you got the gum shield in what's that is that the craziest thing you've ever done it's definitely up there it's definitely up there it's fun I want to do it again I'm going to go up there so I second run in hey buddy all the way all the way from Japan how Japan how is that yeah good scary crazy it's so crazy sorry you covered in mud how is it yeah yeah yeah I can I can rest here [Applause] man Chris how was that had our first race what how do you think you went down the hill to be honest I didn't really even see too many people in it watching the cheese I was sat against the fence line and the the cheese was coming towards me so how do you think he's feeling that young man do you remember the first time you won it what's your name mate Tom Tom my name is what is this what is this YouTube YouTube YouTube a nice what's say Tom my name's too too on YouTube You're the King of the Hill how was that that was crazy man I'm lost for words what's your thoughts and feelings going down do you have a tactic going down the hill yeah everybody thought told me that like rolling is the best strategy but because it was so wet like rolling isn't isn't so just slided like football slide and then go as quickly as slide cancel where have you come from today um I came from Munich so that is in Germany so bringing the cheese back to Germany yeah yeah my grandma my I promised my grandma I'm going to get it for her and now it's going to travel to Germany PR M well done great to see your race cheers buddy all right chat this is the guy who won man first place I can't for but for that's not that bad but D what's your name tomp all right Tom yes Tom the what's going on so we just had the first race we had the men's race we had a few of the the children's up races now it looks like the second men's race is just about to start but no injuries so far so look let's [Music] go here they go Jes is coming down the hill is going fast oh oh close finish buddy how was that that was [ __ ] amazing yeah that was wicked mate Wicked I'm going to win the last race yeah go back I didn't win this race but I'm going to win the last race I think I'm hurt right now yeah on your shoulder it's a photo finish so if it if it's a win it's worth it it's gone down to the wide I didn't know who's won it right now okay was that the craziest thing you've ever done oh was [ __ ] pretty CL how was it running down the hill what was going through your head was it just to stay alive or what don't break a bone don't break my I was surprised it's pretty soft yeah it's soft not too not too hard was don't get it on your feet on your ass it's going to be F yeah that's what I thought if I get my feet going over head it I was sliding down because it's too slippery it was look at me I'm just on my thing okay protected protected happy you came down yeah yeah yeah that's not me that's not me that's him I was I was just ring will we come back next year yeah I think so I think so yeah hey buddy hey look like gorilla Warfare out there how was that it look like gorilla Warfare out there how was that yeah I lost my face lost my feet it was great any injuries come out all safe in the um my head feels a bit but it's fine cool mate all the best [Music] where have you come from what's your name Perth in Australia really Dyan twist Dylan twist so you brought bring the cheese back to Australia yeah that's right what it sound the cheese as well got a little message on there in honor of Roger townin 1945 to 2024 rolled by Lucy Town interesting that was a close race as well it's a photo finish did you think you won it that's what I heard um I really didn't towards the end I could see people in my peripheral vision and I thought they had it um and I almost almost gave up hope but I decided even if I haven't won it I need to put in a good effort so apparently that came through and did you just fully send it in the end you didn't have any thought going through was it just like straight down the middle that's right I was used to the I was used to the toppling over by that stage so I knew I had to had to go for it any injuries any broken bones any cuts no broken bones a nice big gash in the leg but that one um that one feels a bit like a trophy as well good and it CH to take back to Australia as well yeah nice one mate good to see your race thank you cheers had a photo finish there what is that what cheese rollin's all about is it get that close yeah it can be that close and the GU who come second then was a joint winner our first ever joint winner a couple of years ago wow okay and he was literally an arm off the minut H find margins yeah shoes on the way down did he yeah both trainers L you had any serious injuries yet or just a few no no I think everyone's been all right so far Serious injury I dropped my beer okay right that's bad so far we've been all right it's slippy today is it so everyone's just sliding instead of breaking stuff also it it doesn't help sometimes like you get some people that realistically probably play football for a living they get to the bottom they see blocks like us and they're like n you're folded so finding new is like the scariest part of the whole race isn't it pretty much yeah you got that pill and then you just got ready to brick wall of place by the time you get to the bottom all of your emotional like capacity is gone so to be able to survive getting nailed by a bloke It's just sometimes it's a little bit much in it but yeah it's good you want to get smashed around and all of a sudden get smashed again one to be ready Two To Be steady for the so we had a winner from Germany a winner from Australia now it's time for the women's race so the race hasn't even begun and we had a false start got the paramedics coming over to help them two false [Music] starts so Chris's dad is actually at the top of the hill rolling the cheese so he's going to send it down one to be ready Two To Be steady three for the chees four you go go rolling down the hill he's coming straight to us watch out watch out [ __ ] hell guys you got to be [Music] careful oh here's the winner two time [Applause] Champion oh she got a bloody face is that much [Applause] [Music] so the champ champ double Champion double Champion how's it feel be Queen of the Hill um I am over the moon this is great I'm so excited I can't wait like I'm I'm happy to represent uh the US America North Carolina US America the same thing um State yeah how it compared to the first one is this just as good oh yeah but it was like less competitive so easy light work oh yeah I guess so A challenge you both F together what was kind of your strategy going down the hill um to send it I knew I was going to run run and then probably eat it and I just kept going with it I think I got some Heights when I was uh rolling down yeah so you can take the cheese back to America you also got the T-shirt as well so been there done that got been there done that awesome well done well done thank you get out want to do a bit for YouTube how was how was that that was Unreal was that the craziest thing you've ever done excuse me it was one of them probably yeah any injuries oh I seem to be bleeding but I can't feel it so that's all right that's all right well done thanks [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Ma [Applause] this is the final race we've had people from all over the world winning we had America we had Germany and Australia now it's time for the final men's race let's see who's going to win here comes the cheese oh we're swinging to the right a bit here they come oh he's bl's going to win it have a winner bl's going to win it have a winner how was that mate horrible will [Music] in I told you keep red my friend how are you you okay what up mate what [Music] in hey all the way from France how was that a mdy English you got your chicken la la the final winner of the day in the blue wow what a crazy event we got someone injured down here I'm not sure how they're doing a few head crashes someone got the first a coming over [Applause] there you see how crazy is people tumbling down the hill M how was that how's the leging TW tweet right at the start yeah have a tactic going down the hill is there any anything you need to do is just send it uh just send it and next time wear tighter shorts cuz they were right here [ __ ] from Australia how crazy was that that was [ __ ] hectic right we need some like this back home yeah that was that the the craziest thing I've ever done oh London yeah where's your mate is he still still there I don't know where he's gone he's up he's [Applause] good you know you barely know what's happening when you're in the in the hill as soon as as soon as you fall over any plan goes out the window yeah yeah I had no plan I I I I thought it was going slow but then in the moment I just rushed so I was standing up and running so now as you can see here these people are just running down the hill there's no cheese they're just doing it for fun just for being crazy oh [ __ ] [Applause] [ __ ] hell I found you I saw your mate earlier was that crazy you get any injuries yeah I I was that twice twice in one day how crazy are you to do it twice in one day it's so fun actually I get it now I get it even though I didn't win the cheese that is I finally understand it it is so fun oh my God sometimes in life you just got to send it yeah that is legendary how do you feel about your friend ah friend friend uh excellent excellent he his is very good excellent back to Tokyo now back to Japan Japan you go back to Japan now yeah yes yeah back to Japan awesome M well done well done how's that way you enjoy it amazing yeah how was how was that event in the end yeah fine we've got minimum amount of injures as well which is obviously our main thing now we got to get them off here now and the ground was wet so nice and soft yeah definitely made last year was really bone dry so yeah completely different this year it's made a massive difference and so many people came from different countries had a range of winners this time yeah yeah we've had a winner from Germany uh one of the winners is from the forest Dean and then the last man's winner was brockworth the lady's winner was from America she came two years ago Abby lamb she won again so she's back and she's done it so overall it's good that the chief stayed in brockworth at least someone won it who's local yeah and it was uh in honor of someone that's recently lost their life as well so that's quite good so yeah great day I brought the community together and definitely we'll see these guys again next year as well yeah definitely we have be back guys from Germany No wi today what happen no win today and we are next time we have to improve was it back to the drawing board was it as scary as you thought was you're in there so scary so was fun been fun yeah what will you back next year I think so yeah with more beer because yeah there was no beer upstairs yeah if you drink beer you go faster I think yeah that's our plan for next year what on M will you come back next year as well oh Jaan will you come next year years I hope so training training yeah training in Japan then going to be Champion are going to be Champion you doing that probably the craziest thing I've ever seen how was that for you today yeah brilliant no injuries so perfect event yeah good conditions no one got hurt we'll be back next year we see you racing hopefully hopefully yeah I won't say defin but hopefully but you got your Cho is well going to come up maybe potentially do the race in the future as well so they'll car get the cheese for you as well yeah and hopefully they win it the tack is [ __ ] classmate no injuries load of stoppages win next year I want to see you do it I know I we BL yeah we BL I'm joining you guys or I'm going up the hill next year next year I want to see you running down here Che coming Che cheers guys thanks all right guys this was the cheese race the cheese roll 2024 and I'll see you for the next one peace
Channel: Wesley Winter
Views: 43,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: england, uk, ishowspeed, speed, japan, germany, sweden, europe, youtubers, france, australia, america, usa, chris, contest, cheese rolling, cheese, running down a hill, daredevil, event, documentary, ozzy man reviews, chrisdacow, tooleko, random making movies, gloucestershire, gloucester, redbull, extreme sports, dangerous, sports, cheese farm, Cheese, tommy g, tommy oliviera, kurt caz, baldandbankrupt, Siu, Cr7, Ronaldo, ishowspeed interview, side quest, asia, koreaa, Urban pictures, BBC news, north carolina, CBS
Id: cC02RwZA_g8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 5sec (2285 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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