Inside Chinese Convenience Stores

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/snuffalupagus00 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 27 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Do you still use your ex-zr1000 in these walk and talk videos?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SlyJesse ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 25 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Reply to my comment to make my day

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/bigbosslaowai ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 25 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This daily stuff is what gets the views. Nice.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 25 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
Chinese convenience stores how are they different from the convenience stores in your country well the best thing is for us to go inside a couple of these places and actually see what they sell and see the differences I am going to warn you it's not what you used to back home although there are big brand names here like 7-eleven you will find out that they're actually very different because of course they have to cater to Chinese tastes so instead of just waffling on let's go inside some of these convenience stores and see what makes Chinese convenience stores different you well that's a familiar sight in the background there 7-eleven well you know you have to be careful because I have seen eight 12s and the like here in China they do tend to like to copy the logo but that does appear to be a real one so how about we go in there and take a look and see if it's exactly the same as what you used to back home well we've got all our usual nut snacks and things we have our chicken in a bag Oh Oh way tomorrow all my calls away the important I got a pacer oh ha ha de la maestra mission to the CDA or something how do you girls know Oh budget our what did anyway we'll go cake under dong COK pied I don't see it's all bamboo this you just look them some Charlie to you come from all the Tempe oh oh John de hmm and this is something I do run into occasionally here in China's it's kind of like whenever I go to a I don't know into like a restaurant or a shop you know they don't like me filming and they don't mind me like it's not about privacy like in the West over here it's about kind of stopping people from copying you well I mean like here's another little you know here's another little convenience store right here and you know it has a very very similar appearance to a 7-eleven you'll find that the layout inside is probably very similar and they have the same products etcetera etcetera now what the lady in the shop actually explained to me is that they are worried about people filming because they're worried about people copying their products which makes total sense this is China if you set up any kind of a successful restaurant or a successful business you will get people going in there and taking photos so that they can go in reverse engineer and copy exactly what you did so this is why I very often run into the you can't filming here problem but they won't mind like if you film them it's no big deal people don't care about their own sort of personal privacy as I'm sure you notice in my videos film whoever whatever no one cares but you very often get shut down when you try and film inside of shops and restaurants anyway let's go find another convenience store and see if we can get away with filming inside hmm so what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at first it's some kind of a normal everyday sort of mom-and-pop homegrown convenience store and first thing you'll notice that there are a lot of local snacks such as these chicken feet with peppers it's kind of cool and of course more chicken feet in a bag but we also have our dried sort of fruit selection which is very different to what we're used to in the West and for some reason there's a guy keeps following me around so let me let me show you how's it going cool quite interesting huh yeah anyway over here just assume a donkey this little larger a lot here just a doll Fuma Oh God Dogen Oh so he says this doll tepee this is a kind of a dry tofu snack and you'll see there's a lot of snacks which are very similar to that over here all of this stuff is tuna this is a long shot Jenna ma GIC ah ah sure sure River River crab I mean River shrimp you know you ride a housing sudol Fushigi okay Giada how how how you easy ok we've also got some dirty sausages as we like to call them which you know this is really sort of a mystery meat sort of stuff eat at your own risk and this is something that's very interesting that you'll always find in Chinese Super Mario Chinese convenience stores is water that is not in a fridge now you'll see these machines in every single home around China you'll see them in offices and you'll see them well everywhere you go and the reason is Chinese people hate cold water now this goes back to the fact that in Chinese traditional medicine it's believed that drinking cold water is very bad for your Chi and especially if you are married to a Chinese woman or if you're dating a Chinese girl you will know how adamant they are to not drink cold water when they're on period or if they're sick at all even in the slightest now the cure-all in China the absolute cure-all for any disease including things such as no joke people will say doesn't matter how sick you are just drink hot water in fact I'm pretty sure they'll say hey you got cancer no problem drink hot water that's just the way Chinese people are hot water is the cure-all for every single disease and that is why it's so difficult to find cold water in the restaurants here and it's so well you can't buy ice nobody sells ice in China you can't pick it up in any convenience store or anything like that so hot water is what you can expect hot water is what like people people like to drink and that is why you will find those bottles of water outside of the fridge because people actually will go into a convenience store and refuse to buy cold water because they think it's bad for the health now this machine for instance this looks like it's cold water but it's not this is actually just room temperature there is no cooling unit inside of this so you get room temperature or you get piping hot that's it so if you're coming to China be prepared to drink a lot of hot water so as you can imagine there's all sorts of different kinds of snacks here chicken in a bag Kwanza which is one of China's favorite snacks which is basically just sunflower seeds trust me they love this stuff and on top you'll notice something very interesting alcohol lots and lots of different kinds of by geo which again is something that's pretty interesting over here a couple of little daily amenities that you might need batteries toothbrushes you know cables for your phone etc etc just kind of cool and once again back on this side we got more snacks tons and tons of snacks check those two links sugar mmm-hmm you dried on Nagasaki jaha Naga mmm Oh leo Holly all right Oreo he likes Oreos okay so and where my friend is standing over there we have of course the cold beer now this is kind of cool this this particular one actually a lot of choice I mean we've got like these pretty cool strong alcohol vodka can a mix of things 8% Rio yeah and we got fake Red Bulls up there we got real Red Bulls up there we've got all sorts of different kinds of beer which is really cool all the way and in fact I'm very impressed they even have the Jack Daniels in color you see this is not something I'm used to in these kinds of convenience stores usually there isn't a lot of choice let's take a look at some very local sort of stuff the kind of thing you won't find anywhere here we have the Jia Bao which is the sort of Chinese Yun Chao observe yeah and this is kind of like a medicinal tea they say and it's something that you drink in summer but to be honest it's just full of sugar what else do we have here tap I just learned up a 200 percent you know for Center oh and of course your usual sort of drinks that you can expect to find however you'll see there's something here for instance this apple cider vinegar by 10 de ha which means sky ground number 1 basically very popular drink here and yeah your various different kinds of teas you know because this is something that's very popular here as well all these different kinds of teas and you know this is like a obviously Mali quarter or there's green tea and you've got your red bean tea and all the different kinds of tea okay here of course we have the all-important instant noodles which is a mainstay of any Chinese convenience store along with some old hard liquor up there by Joe and again over here we got tons of little cakes and muffins and things these are actually not very good to eat trust me I've tried them all and back to some more noodles okay what else we have various different kind of sweetened milk drinks which you know there's Jay Chou very popular Taiwanese singer and actor on there and we do have ice creams and these ice creams are a little weird I'm not going to lie we got things like green bean ice cream over here which you know I don't know if you like that okay oh she's in yeah ah and of course here we have our always famous sort of uh beetle nuts and that sort of thing okay we do have some red wine up there it's usually fairly fake but look at the big wall of cigarettes because cigarettes are absolutely important to Chinese culture you cannot get away from cigarettes in China and you have a huge selection and they're very cheap very very cheap for smokers I'm sure you'll love it and of course yes we do actually have condoms over here which is useful but yeah I know I've had a lot of my foreigner friends myself included complain a little bit about the sizes that are available here but let's not get into that over here we have various different kinds of chocolates etc etc and of course up at the front we actually do have something pretty cool which is a food that you can just order kind of ready-made food things like little meatballs little bits of chicken things like that this is very common especially the little fish balls I think it's kind of cool and kind of interesting you can buy these and it's kind of like fast food on the go so guys this more or less brings us to the end of this convenience store video but there are a couple of things we have to talk about and you may recognize this gentle so Gary you've been here now how long I've been here for a better part of three weeks excellent you may yeah you may remember Sarah cut you off you may remember Gary from the are Chinese Americans sorry are American Chinese Chinese link to the video up in that little corner of the screen but anyway he's been here we're going to catch up we're going to do a full-out video on one of these days before you leave go yeah and you've been going to some of these convenience stores so as an ounce what's your initial perspective what do you think about these well I thought they are on they're ubiquitous on every corner and even midway through with block you know there's Santa visit at 7-eleven there's copies of 7-elevens and so and but they all have their different flavor they're all tiny in the oil for convenience so from a convenience standpoint if you don't know what you're looking for they're good place to start yeah I mean you've got them everywhere so they are easy to find but what about the actual choice I mean if you compare it to like a gas station shop in America right like what would you say about the choice of products that you have well if you're compared to a gas station the smaller gas stations is probably the choices are limited just the same as in those small gas station shops but if they're you know they're getting bit in the states are getting bigger and bigger so you get a lot of choices from all your favorite drinks to all your favorite snacks and here there I found they tend to be small so your your choices are smaller yeah limited yeah yeah yeah for sure now the shops that I showed you in this video are actually about the best that you get in China unfortunately this is a first-tier City even that little mom-and-pop one that I went into has got way more choice than most of the convenience stores that I've been into around China one thing you can be guaranteed is that you'll always find by Joe you know that cheater you've had it before yeah yeah yeah what did you stuck it on me yeah what did you think of that well after I could pick myself off the floor it was pretty good yeah so you can get by Joe you will always be able to get cigarettes and a host of different kinds of Chinese snacks but that's pretty much where it ends and you know the further out of the big cities you go the less choice you get so only expect to see what you saw in this video in the bigger cities so that's a bit of a warning for you guys out there anyway so that's the end of this video I will be next time I go out into the rural sticks I will specifically film inside a rural convenience store for all of you guys to see because they do have some different choices and it'll be interesting to see until next time guys I guess a matter where we are no matter what you're doing they are you
Channel: serpentza
Views: 716,738
Rating: 4.8044734 out of 5
Keywords: China, Chinese convenience stores, 711, seven eleven, Chinese corner store, shops in China, supermarkets in China, convenience stores in China, knock off stores, copy stores, Chinese copies, rip off stores, Chinese knock off stores, ip theft, intillectual property theft, Chinese ip theft, Chinese intellectual property theft, Chinese bad business practice, dangers of doing business in China, strange Chinese snacks, Strange Chinese food, SerpentZA, Chinese snacks, Chinese shops
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2017
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