Hong Kong is DANGEROUS!

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I've been watching ADVchina for over a year now. Great channel, go check it out of you're interested in high quality content about China

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 173 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Recesssive πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

One more video to check out from this guy. Here he talks about how the police would follow him around in China, monitor his movement, and storm in his apartment at night demanding passport and paperwork. He also talks about the disappearings in the mainland.

This video is about how Australia is slowly being taken over by China. Chinese investors with ties to the CCP are buying all the land and real estate in Australia. He also talks about the ideology of the international students and why they get outraged by anything in school that goes against mainland China. Schools have CCP investors and professors are being censored to keep the calm in classes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 208 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/designingtheweb πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Holy fuck I’ve watched him a year or two ago. Didn’t know his channel has reached this stage

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EpicRayy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've seen this one youtuber named laowhy86 come up in my feed over the years. Expat living in China as an English teacher turned youtuber. You get a lot more of these kinds of channels in regards to Japan than China imo.

He's mostly done and said fairly positive things about China, and his style has a sorta sorta happy upbeat (almost buzzfeed like) vibe about it. It's generally been (from what I can tell) nonpolitical, and about his life in China and raising a family in china, etc. etc.

Lately he's been taking a much more critical stance and its been very interesting to watch.

This video is very very interesting to watch, and you will notice the major shift in tone about midway through.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Schneckenhof πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Highly recommend the sepentza YT channel for his clarity and sincerity on Chinese culture.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tadanga2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hope they never assimilate with CCP in 2047. Should not last for only 50 years.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NiNiNi-222 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does he have a youtube? Share please

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Doxq πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’ve been to China and HK... two different worlds. Just like he describes it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Serpentza is a very good Youtuber, and so is his friend Laowhy86. Highly recommend.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sinjim12 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
we're going to talk about Hong Kong and how important Hong Kong is Hong Kong is the most advanced example of what China could be what the British and the Guangdong people built in Hong Kong is something that is absolutely unmatched anywhere else in the world I mean some of you might think Tokyo some of you might think I don't know London Shanghai Los Angeles New York none of these places come close to Hong Kong when it comes to architecture infrastructure society the whole place is amazing you've got so many people living in such a small space and yet it is incredibly beautiful very well-maintained and I can sum the whole place up with one word civility not only did I get married in Hong Kong previously to a Hong Kong citizen but I've spent a lot of time in and out for various reasons you know for those of us living in mainland China Hong Kong was always kind of like a little respite it was a little dab of civility when we couldn't take what was going on in mainland China any longer a lot of you guys out there might suddenly say hang on a second you how can you say something like that how can you say that Hong Kong is a civil place where mainland China isn't well I'm talking about just the general societal norms that you find in mainland China things like spitting on the streets urinating in public blowing your nose in public these things happen all around you just the general attitude it's due to the fact that although China has advanced financially in leaps and bounds recently it's only been a couple of decades and they've all come from dirt dirt dirt poor starving to death to these mega cities beautiful cities you know shining skyscrapers a lot of wealth big cars big money all of that scum really quickly but unfortunately you cannot bring up the level of sophistication of your average person that quickly - it takes time it takes generations you need to have a parent or a grandparent who can teach you how to behave in public Hong Kong has strict rules against spitting in public with fines of up to 5,000 Hong Kong dollars they've got strict rules as to wearing a seat belt and the way you behave in public you can't urinate or defecate in public without getting a huge fine or ridicule or everybody turning on you it has taken a hundred years for Hong Kong to reach where it is now and I'm not speaking from a colonial Western point of view I'm speaking from a point of view of civility public civility and I think we can all agree that it's not a good idea to take a dump on the streets or to blow your mucus out on the street on someone's shoe these are the kind of things that I would witness on a daily if not weekly basis in mainland China it's not to say that Chinese people on a whole are all uncivilized it's just that you get to see it all the time so being able to go over into Hong Kong who is always a breath of fresh air because it gets to you if you've grown up in a developed country you get used to the idea of people being courteous holding a door open for you not blowing their nose on your shoe and so after months and months and months in mainland China seeing this day after day that of the selfish behavior that very often occurs and all the kind of nonsense that goes around going to Hong Kong was always a massive massive reprieve but not only from that point of view from a civility point of view but also from a freedom of speech point of view I found it quite incredible that popping over the border which for me living in Shenzhen would take me 20 minutes half an hour and yes you do need to cross over the border in order to get into Hong Kong because for all intents and purposes it's still a different country I know it's been handed back but remember when it was handed back it's supposed to be a one country two systems where Hong Kong law and everything that goes on in there is still under the jurisdiction of you know the Hong Kong bureaucrats and all that nonsense and it shouldn't be meddled with it should remain the same for 50 years or however many long it's got to go now 40-something years that's all changing but let me get back to the point of freedom of speech I was quite blown away that I could walk there and all of a sudden see Falun Gong posters for those of you who don't know what the Falun Gong is it's kind of a religious practice slash cult slash Tai Chi kind of exercise thing where they claim they can cure cancer and all sorts of things either way it's completely bad in mainland China you cannot mention it you cannot practice it if you try to do anything related to Falun Gong in mainland China that's it tickets for you but you crossed the border all of a sudden you can see people holding up their sign saying Falun Gong is good you know join Falun Gong etc etc but right next to it you'll see the Chinese government has sent people who opposed this to put up their poster saying Falun Gong is an evil cult don't practice it it's bad etc etc and it's amazing to see this contrast you know people being able to express differing opinions to the Chinese government because you cannot in mainland China have protests first of all unless it's against Japan or something that's government condoned and you cannot voice opinions about things that the government doesn't allow so for me to see this was always an amazing thing however things have taken a bit of a downturn for those of you who have been keeping up with the news you'll know the Beijing is trying to push through an extradition law this is a lot more serious than most people think because if this is passed and it looks like it's going to be passed it is going to impact Hong Kong severely you know I spent a lot of time over there in Hong Kong speaking to locals and you know I have family there had family there and friends there and a lot of them would complain about how mainland China was reneging on a lot of the promises they made when it was handed over remember it was handed over and they said here you go yes it belongs to mainland China now but we're going to leave you guys alone for about 50 years and then you know we're going to move you over and assimilate etc etc and everybody thought that okay it's daunting it's coming down the line but at least they've got those 50 years of freedom and 50 years to to live life as I always have in Hong Kong unfortunately bit by bit this freedom is being chipped away we've seen kidnappings of booksellers things like that in Hong Kong we've seen all sorts of dastardly things going on we've seen pro-beijing people being inserted artificially into the government in Hong Kong and there's nothing that the Hong Kong people can do because unfortunately it's a place of law and when you have laws in place law and order like in Hong Kong based on the British system I know South Africa is exactly the same but when you have these sort of parliamentary laws and you know all this bureaucracy it's very easy for people who are unfair to take advantage of these fair laws that are in place if you're an unlawful government and you want to take advantage of a lawful government that's set up out of compassion to look after the citizens and the people of Hong Kong it's very easy to find loopholes and it's very easy to pay people to protest on your behalf it's very easy to bust people over the border into Hong Kong in order to take part in the protests from the other side Hong Kong is now fighting a losing battle and it has been for some time you know in 2014 there was this massive umbrella movement it was the first time there were these big protests for democracy in Hong Kong I was there I went to the protests I filmed some of it I took photos of course at that time I could never release anything cuz I was living in mainland China and if I had an opinion on it even I would have been deported and cut off and kicked out of the country and so of course I didn't speak about it at the time but I must say that I was very much impressed by the unity of the Hong Kong people the way they stood up to these massive terrible changes that are happening in their midst admittedly I've always had a very defeatist attitude when it comes to Hong Kong you know I have a friend Dave him and I go way back you know and he's always been a big part of these protests he's a he's a part-time photojournalist and he's a photographer he's a professional photographer and him and I actually walked around the protest sites because he knows all the people and he goes and he actively participates in all the protests and stuff and he was showing me around etc etc thing is he's always been fighting for democracy and freedom in Hong Kong and I've always sat down and said to him well you know I don't know what you're fighting for because I've been through it in South Africa you know when the ANC took over it was a similar thing I'm not talking about race here I'm talking about an incompetent government taking over what was a competent government in other words I'm looking at it from a point of view of running infrastructure of making sure that the country actually operates and works again incompetent corrupt government taking over and they just use corrupt means to defeat the laws that are there in place to try and stop bad things from happening same thing Cape Town still runs well Cape Town gets a majority vote for the opposing party what does the ANC do it buses down ANC members falsely registers them as residence gets them to vote over there to sway to vote the other way so you see the parallels are almost exactly the same I've lived through a country that was taken over by a different government I've watched it decline and I've watched all the people fighting to prevent the decline of the country fight in vain and that's why I've always been very defeatist xx the parallels however there is a very big difference here in South Africa if you ever stood up and said that the new government was bad and destroying the country you would be labeled a racist and immediately shut down and you would have the whole world against you yeah even if you're not a racist so you just genuinely believe that the new government is destroying the country which it has it's already done it's already destroyed it it's it's too late difference is in hongkong the local Hong Kong people the people that are there and please don't forget that Hong Kong has always been a very important conduit to China not only was it a way for people to escape the tyranny and starvation of the mouths of dong era where people were literally starving to death countless people that I've met our descendants or are still people who fled mainland China through Hong Kong and started a new life in the British territory of Hong Kong or from Hong Kong then moved further abroad to America or Canada or the UK etc etc but Hong Kong has always been a conduit into China - for technology for those in the 80s in China if you had a VHS player or a Walkman or something like that's probably because it was smuggled in from Hong Kong you wouldn't have gotten it else in any other way really so it's been a way in and also there's no coincidence that the first special economic zone was opened in Shenzhen just over the border of Hong Kong if it wasn't for Hong Kong China's economy mainland China's economy would not have grown it would not be where it is today there's no doubt about it it is such an important financial and shipping hub in Asia that what's happening now with these extradition laws and this meddling is actually a very stupid thing for the Chinese government to do because if you destabilize that very important financial hub if you make it seem as if it's going to just be another Beijing or another zhuhai or another whatever kind of city another hangzhou you know the rest of the world is going to turn its back it's going to become less of an option for shipping and for investment and for financial this and that and you know what you're going to lose up the Chinese government's going to lose out Hong Kong people are going to lose out everyone's going to lose out I don't understand why they keep meddling and it's obviously just because they really can't stand this autonomous region which is beyond their control that's all I can think of is that they can't stand the fact that people can say anti Beijing things or anti China things in Hong Kong and get away with it that's why they're trying their best to quash that and that's what this new extradition law is all about because right now I can stand on the streets of Hong Kong and I can say down with the CCP I can stand on the streets of Hong Kong and say whatever I want and you know what no one's going to come lock me up and spirit me away to a black jail however if this extradition law is passed China can arbitrarily say that I am a fugitive which they do remember there is no rule of law in China I mean of course their laws but if someone needs to be taken care of it's very easy to trump up charges and you can disappear it is just a fact it's happened tons of times and it can happen at any point in time so if I were to stand in Hong Kong and say down with the CCP maybe good old Winnie the Pooh sees that footage and says you know what screw this guy he's now a fugitive he's a criminal arrest him and you know what they can arrest me in Hong Kong and they can extradite me to mainland China where I could disappear in a black jail for the rest of my life this is a reality and this is what the Hong Kong people are fighting against I hope all of you who are watching this realize just how important this is if this bill is passed no one will be safe in Hong Kong sure they're going to be some kind of processes that you have to go through et cetera but you will not be safe if you become an enemy of China in any way shape or form you will not be safe visiting Hong Kong and this makes me incredibly sad and incredibly angry all at the same time because Hong Kong is the most beautiful city it is the most amazing international place and anyone who spent any time there will be able to vouch for that foreigners locals from all over the world getting together enjoying an amazing lifestyle an amazing city it is a jewel in Asia and I would say probably the most important city in the whole of Asia I have a message for everyone out there firstly everybody in mainland China I respect your way of life I respect your opinions even if I don't agree with them what I don't respect are these strong-arm tactics by the government which I know that you have no control over so when I say China I'm not talking about you as in a Chinese person in fact I've got nothing but respect for those who have the courage to stand up and for those who continue to live their lives despite what goes on around them I lived in China for 14 years as you all know I know what life is like there I understand exactly what goes on in mainland China and I have a lot of respect for you guys for those of you in Hong Kong fighting this these insurmountable odds I applaud your courage and I have a hell of a lot of respect for you guys and I know that this doesn't look like it's going to work out right but I want to let you know that you're not fighting in vain and that you will always have my support at the end of the day even if it doesn't mean anything you will always have my support and respect for what you're doing trying to fight for freedom of speech in a bad situation like you are and for all my Western audience who watch my videos I want you to know that I'm not making this video to try and bash China to try and make Chinese people look bad because I'm not Chinese people aren't the enemy here the enemy is a heavy-handed strong-armed brainwashing dictatorship of a government that is moving forward at any cost to quash freedom of speech and any dissent in any way shape or form against it and it's very easy to see that through history it's been like that we've recently spoken about the Tiananmen Square massacre and things like that you have to understand that this is the way it operates over there I hope that you my Western audience can understand just how important it is what's going on at the moment and that you could show your support or at least acknowledge what's going on in Hong Kong at the moment time to end this off guys I know it's a somber video but I'd like to end by saying that Hong Kong is very much the most impressive futuristic beautiful imposing amazing classy I don't even know how to explain it I can throw so many different adjectives at this thing but it has made such an impression on my life and anyone else is visited there I think everybody who's been there and seen the skyline and been up in the buildings and seeing the classy and the local and all this stuff will agree it is the most amazing special and unique place in Asia guys all my best and don't forget you can catch another serpens a day every single Friday at 1 p.m. est you can also catch lao 86 every single wednesday 1 p.m. EST and we have a TV china on monday 1 p.m. EST and of course our new podcast check it out this week very very important we're going to be dedicating this week's podcast to hong kong so we're going to be talking about our experiences there we're going to be showing you some never-before-seen footage of hong kong and well can't wait to see you there stay awesome
Channel: serpentza
Views: 704,233
Rating: 4.5948353 out of 5
Keywords: hong kong, mainland china, umbrella revolution, umbrella movement, extradition law hong kong, extradition, extradition bill, extradition bill hong kong, china hong kong, british hong kong, ccp, communist party of china, living in china, china (country), adv china, chinese culture, china vlogger, living in china as a foreigner, peoples republic of china, winston sterzel, china vlog, foreigner in china, laowhy86, serpentza, hong kong freedom, protests, advpodcasts, hk, hk live
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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