Central Cee's ABCs

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[Music] yo I'm Central C and I'm about to go through the ABCs hey I'm saying Andy I got any tattoo here somewhere here anti-social in America you guys would say anti bbos C and just say say my name Central C the way I got my name Central C is kind of boring like I didn't there's no like cool backstory to it it's not even cool it's I just kind of made it up I was super young though if I had a chance I'd probably like change my name but everybody knows me now so there's no going back D um I just got this tattoo yesterday death before dishonor so yeah that's that I don't know I think it's a nice saying in it but even when I'm getting it though like I'm a bit I'm quite like a contradictive person though and I'm like realistic at the same time so even when I'm getting it I'm thinking I don't know how how like the saying is cool in that but I don't know how to word it up but I'll definitely been dishonest as well so it's like I don't know there's a time and a place but for the most part I'd like to say that yeah loyalty is priceless and um yeah dishonor is is a no-go e for eggs I like having eggs in the morning still morning I haven't ate today I could probably do some scrambled egg something like that f for family I have a family first tell you here means a lot to me just as most people but their generic one F family G greatness I mentioned greatness a lot in my music like I've got a few few times I've said the lyric can't rush greatness I think that's like a important um statement cartridge greatness hates for hired not high offer like any sort of substances other than life because I don't drink and I don't smoke but um yeah being high higher for life is is an important thing I International if you haven't noticed by now then um I'm from the UK I think being an international artist is um a mission that I'm currently on so yeah International i j Jordan's got a big Jordan collection my favorite Jordan probably Jordan 4 would although like I'm kind of fooling out of love for Jordans and sneakers and you know as a whole but yeah Jordan fours are cool um I have an extensive collection that's currently just picking up dust and storage I never get to where so it's not that practical yeah okay for Keys like the keys that you played as Musical musical instrument or whatever every beat that we jump on must have keys I think L for live yours if you don't know then live yours is like it's like us like a saying a slogan that we kind of just always say it's tatted on me everywhere we've got we've got yeah it's like it's like the label I guess m for movie it kind of goes back to the last one live viewers kind of stemmed from live your movie which we used to like say and we just shorten it to live yours we like I believe that like everyone should just live their own movie and not not be focused on anybody else's especially like mine like in a position where I'm in with a lot of influence um I always try and encourage like the fans or the younger people to like live their own movie and just enjoy every chapter of it and NDA I still I've been getting on to my lawyer for Tao whoever whoever it is that's in charge or in charge of writing me at NDA they need to get one quick I had one yet I've never really made nobody sign one but it could come in handy oh for the ocean sure I just come back from Brazil and it's just by the beach so it's in my mind it's on my mind P for please please and thank yous don't can't forget your manners manners go a long way queue for the queen I feel like the queen I keep referring back to my tattoos but like I was I was I got attacked yesterday that's why I keep thinking about them but uh got the queen I got the Queen's head on my arm because it's on the note and the queen just died by the royal family I feel like it's a big thing in America oh for rest so and I'm I'm lacking in right now I ain't really got much time to rest but it's very important s or sinner s-y-n-a is the brand t for like tea and biscuits that's like a stereotype like that people think of when they think of like UK and stuff we I don't think it's as much of a craze as it seems to be but yeah team biscuits you for useful you've got to make yourself useful in this life otherwise you'll get left behind simple as that beef or vegetables Vegeta or vegan or vegetarian or something like that I'm such a fussy eater like sometimes I just do myself a favor and lie and say that I'm a vegan instead of going through all the lists of foods that I don't like yeah I'm like a fake vegan right now and I don't really eat but I don't really eat meat in that store on this health is wealth kind of thing W for Wild West that's my first mixed or west or yeah West I'm from West London um my first mixtape was called wild west and that was like uh that was a big part of my career X for xylophone because I don't know any other word that begins with x y for Yao Ming he's yeah he's hard Z for zeros in my bank account I'm Central c those are my ABCs understand [Applause]
Channel: XXL
Views: 1,401,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uM9EkcOxl40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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