Inside Heartstopper Star Kit Connor’s Backpack | In The Bag

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hi British Vogue I'm kit Connor and this is what is in my bag I hope you're excited because um I am all right this is my my everyday backpack it fits a script which is all I need really and the first item is these wireless headphones I'm really not a tech guy I don't really understand how a lot of things work and I actually kind of hate Bluetooth in a lot of ways because it it really works for me the optimum Rocket Man was a really interesting thing for me because I did basically for a year I created an album playlist and that was the only thing I ever listened to I could quote most of his songs it was really impressive actually next item is a really crucial item for me and this is a I hated my hair growing up really hated it I don't hate my hair quite as much now but I do find that when I wake up and I have really awful awful Bed Head this is something that you know I'm able to go out in public and expose myself to the world all right books I was never really much of a reader growing up in fact I was kind of one of those people who was like ah you know I hate when celebrities say that they bring books along with them because like who does that and I've kind of just become that to be honest I now don't really leave with that book really bad reader so it takes me a while to get through things and I just find that it helps me get off my phone which is has been a goal of mine recently supposedly makes you smarter we'll see all right now next I also will always have sunglasses of some kind and I just think they're kind of cool stylish maybe they look bad I don't know now next this is my notebook sometimes if I'm a little bit confused about something in my life or feeling a little bit you know emotional about something I can write it down I think it's been really good for my mental health it's also just a good way to kind of be creative right this one's quite a funny one uh so it's a speaker I got sent this right after season one of Heart Stopper came out there was no note there was nothing so I don't know who sent this to me but it's got my face on it and it's got my dogs on it as well the word wanky is coming to mind because I feel like if most people did this and pulled out a speaker with their face on it it would look a bit you know narcissistic and weird there we go you get the good stuff the next item is is chewing gum obviously it gives you minty breath which is always good the next item is a hand cream you know what's really funny I've only just realized that this is a hand cream because I just read it there but I've just kind of used it on my face as well I'm not really that very good with my skin uh it's something that I have uh only recently tried to remedy and I'm clearly doing a good job because I'm putting hand cream all over my face the next thing This Is My Cologne this is Flores this has been my cologne for probably about two three years now it's really nice it's quite subtle just kind of elegant you know but also not too stinky right the next one you know I kind of hate myself for this honestly and this is tea and it's in a it's in a Tesco bag I just don't think you can get any more British which I kind of hate it's like the books I didn't want to be the guy who goes you know I bring tea everywhere I go so I'm going to specify I don't bring tea everywhere I go sometimes in hotels they just don't have English breakfast tea which is kind of stressful because you see like peppermint tea and things like that and I just wouldn't drink that like who no offense to it if you do drink that but that's just weird so I'm gonna put that down what's next on the list this is my sort of like collection of you know pens and pencils and things like that you know this isn't my sort of back to school inventory it's more that you know you need something to write into the notebook with I'm really just tying it all in the next item is my film camera this is a camera that I just saw and thought was beautiful and it's a yashika fx7 take pictures to my friends my family you know beautiful things that I see another thing music related wireless headphones uh or earphones or whatever you want to call them and then just trusty and then I think this might be the last one this is just a pretty simple bottle opener not much explained to do you just sort of open bottles with it and does that very well the wired headphones the film camera the speaker with his face on it the T I think it it kind of Screams thank you very much for watching I'm kit Connor and that's what's in my bag
Channel: British Vogue
Views: 1,033,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heartstopper, heartstopper cast react, heartstopper charlie, heartstopper coming out scene, heartstopper interview, heartstopper kiss, heartstopper milkshake, heartstopper netflix, heartstopper nick, heartstopper nick comes out, heartstopper react, heartstopper season 1, heartstopper season 2, heartstopper season 2 trailer, kit connor, kit connor 2023, kit connor fashion, kit connor heartstopper, kit connor interview, vogue, vogue in the bag, vogue interview
Id: NfoXmQlbt14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 40sec (280 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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