Inside a CONTEMPORARY FARM STYLE HOME in Waterfall Country Estate

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foreign [Music] [Music] Looking to buy a contemporary farm-style home in Waterfall Country Estate? Welcome - this is Xavier with Luxury Homes Johannesburg. Today, we are with Francois from FM Architects International, as well as Natasa from FM Interiors, who are going to take us on a tour of this stunning home. Guys - enjoy! Thank you very much Xavier - so as we stand in front of the residence here - we have a very open style residence that we have planned here with a very inviting entrance as you can see the entrance is very wide and open and we have accentuated the volume within the entrance hall to become a one and a half volume where you get selected views looking up to the landing on the first floor and as one enters the residence your view is then focused onto the green belt which is on the outside of the yard and we have created a very beautiful open plan feel as you enter in the residence with very inviting Windows looking out into the garden and also onto the water features within the entrance hall we have accentuated the double volume that we have got into this area here you can see that this landing that we've created at the top almost forms a bridge in the entrance here we have actually split the residence into two sections of planning we've got our formal area where on the left-hand side we've split the residence into your wall entertainment and family style living areas we've also decided to introduce a feature here to to kind of speak that same language so on your right hand side you have a feature cabinet and which is balanced symmetrically on your left hand side to mimic this as well so moving through the residence on this side and we have actually followed the stairs in the same curve as what we have done in the entrance hall so the curved glass staircase which is flanked by the stairs actually accentuates a curve that actually runs right through the residence which we have utilized also for the stairs coming down into the into the living area as you can see we've used a large format marble tile and accentuated with the feature black tiling on the outer edge as well which complements the darker features of the home as well and glass balustrating which also doesn't obstruct your view to the after side of the residence blurring the lines between the inside and the outside moving down this area towards your living and entertainment side, we have got a feature fireplace that we've positioned in the center here which actually provides heat to both sides of the living spaces here The brief was to keep it super lively colorful and cozy homey at the same time so you can see we have Incorporated a lot of color for example on this beach wall yellow to keep it happy homey and friendly and turn that into a feature which we've Incorporated throughout the entire residence bringing that playful pop of color here and there as well what we've also done in the residences we've when we've transitioned the stairs coming down we've kept the ceiling height at the same level so it creates a very nice voluminous field in this area and you can see how nice and open and integrated the planning is within this area where we've utilized a kitchen which has got a central island configuration with multiple levels of areas where one considered a higher area almost as a breakfast nook and the lower area that we've introduced that is more your casual dining area if one does not want to be utilizing the dining room for that effect in this kitchen we've introduced a feature pendant light which hangs directly above your informal seating area it then is accompanied with the LED strip light which is fitted underneath your marble in the lounge we have integrated quite a bit of the client's existing furniture some which has been reupholstered in this instance introduced that play on color which was included in the interior design brief as well as your custom TV unit which brings in that warmth that sophistication and is is married to the design of the kitchen as well the space is open plan so it invites those in the kitchen to be involved in your family room as well and moving forward into your scullery so the scullery is connected to the kitchen via the door that goes to that area with your laundry and everything in that section so it can easily be shut down or closed up from here and you also have a pantry which is situated on your left hand side so this kitchen includes many integrated appliances such as your melee top of the range eye level microwave coffee machine and oven moving over to my left we have this beautiful integrated wine cellar perfect for an entertainment environment especially when serving guests in your beautiful open plan area so the one thing that we love to do with all of our various residences obviously blurring the boundary of the inside to the outside so in this area specifically you can see how we've done that again so the area it's very open from your kitchen to entertain towards the outside we've got a beautiful patio area here that can be utilized for casual dining and outside dining and also from the family room the space flows and integrates from here and as you can just see on this side here we've got your dining room that also opens up on this area even though the dining room is a more formal type planning it also integrates with with this space so as one moves into the the covered patch you you can see how the two flanking wings of the residence was planned the angles of the Wings are actually not parallel to each other we've utilized the shape of the stand actually to um to encourage that design and by creating a very open feel uh you know to The Atrium that you positioned with the water features and you may be able to hear the sound of the water feature as it filters through the space and we have used that in order to create a very thankful atmosphere and feel where it would then drown out any of your vehicles or traffic sound or anything like that along with the the covered patio around the side here we've integrated a beautiful serving area with your braai area and also any utilities that we need on this side some of these materials specifically for the countertop and prep area are outdoor friendly and are made you know for full sun and all weather essentially so the materials are protected although it is undercovered just the flow of the spaces in this area here we've also got your Lounge area that integrates to the outside here if one needed to flow from the into the outside and we've also got your entertainment area here we've got a small gym area with a steam room in this area and also a Jacuzzi so the integration of the spaces in this area there are some stairs that go up to our lounge area that actually flows to the outside here so you get a really nice connection of spaces together in this area which we've done with floating stairs that go up to the top with LED lighting that we've presented below them and there's a beautiful flow of space and in it through this area going towards the atrium and the water future that we have done in this area from here you can also see a beautiful view of the staircase through this area the staircase having been tucked on the inside of the residence is not visible to the streets or from any of the outside areas and it creates a beautiful feature looking from the outside in and also from the inside out and what one can also see on this side here is we've separated the gym a bathroom a steam room and a Jacuzzi area here that can actually be utilized when one entertains entertains on the patio with your jacuzzi as this particular resonance does not have a swimming pool so by not having the swimming pool it still allows you to entertain your guests here the space is still integrate beautifully here on as beautiful views on the garden from both your lounge and the entertainment areas as well as the patio and with the flaring shape of the residents it really opens the residence very much to the outside and it creates a very nice flow of space to the inside and outside even though we have a reasonable slope on the stand and we've had to introduce stairs in order to uh you know get close to the ground level so that there's a nice flow of space from your patio onto your garden as you don't want to separate the spices are from each other moving into this area here this is your formal dining room as you can see whilst we're in this area it might be great in this moment to point out the client's brief was that classical juxtaposed with the modern exterior modern farmhouse exterior so you can see through the embellishments in the wallpapers we've introduced then into the furniture throughout you can even see we we've brought in that modern element through the drop ceiling recessed and then dropped again which allows us the perfect opportunity for a beautiful feature light in this area so moving back to the lobby area and these are the stairs that we've had to introduce in order to transition the levels from the entrance through to the back garden and as one moves into the entrance Lobby you get that sense that the space just gets a little bit more compressed it gives you that more intimate feel as you enter although the space is very open it's very light there's a beautiful double volume as we had mentioned before and the staircase which is very inviting as one moves up to the top a very nice wide staircase of about 1.7 meters in width so you can see it it flows very nicely up to the top it's a very easy staircase transgressing into this top area I think the staircase truly builds up that that moment where you actually get to see the outdoors and the Beautiful views of this house as well so it creates that Crescendo if I can say as you arrive on the landing at the top I think it's very evident that you can see how this bridge that we've designed actually going towards the bedroom side and the pajama Lounge which we've utilizing as almost a small Cinema area and you can see how nice and wide this area is very inviting and very easy to to move across this area moving into the cinema area we've kept the colors dark so that when you're watching a movie it actually it creates that moody environment we have Incorporated lots of the furniture the clients wanted to use from their previous residence we've introduced the pop of color that was in their first initial interior design brief so we're bringing in that color keeping it nice and Moody but still neutralizing all the furniture that they wanted to use within the space so this area also has a coffee station that has been introduced into this area and also a doors that can actually close off this pajama lounge or as almost as a cinema area that we've introduced here it closes it off towards the double volume of your entrance and it also closes it off towards the bedrooms which are situated to my right so we've kept this area carpeted which keeps it a little bit cozy warmer allows you to walk into the bedroom spaces and keep it cozy moving into the first bedroom here we've positioned all the bedrooms with the shape of the resident that flares open and you can see how we have designed the room so that it actually flows towards the outside with views that are looking over the landscape as well as the sliding doors that exit to the outside and actually all the bedrooms of the residence actually flow up onto this common patio which is on the outside a little detail I wanted to point out here is the incorporation of a bedside reading lamp really gives you that luxurious Hotel feeling it can be switched off at the actual bedside itself giving it that luxurious hotel guest bedroom feeling moving towards this area we've designed a small almost like a dressing area moving towards the bathroom where we've accentuated the bathrooms with beautiful lights behind the mirrors and feature walls in the bathroom that I will show you in the other bathroom so this bedroom also planned very nice spacious open lots of use of Windows in this area once again the sliding door that goes towards the outside as we mentioned the patio uniting all the spaces together to the outside and just a nice very sunny bright and open bedroom leading over into your walk-in closet we have a more private closed system walk-in closet you can see with the wooden finish keeps that warmth and brings that incorporated through the rest of the house moving on to the ensuite you can see the beautiful feature tile with your top of the range fittings as well as your beautiful vanity and and circular LED mirror in this bathroom we've used a feature tile to to bring up the wow effect in this bathroom although it's still neutral really stands out gives a little bit of texture and depth to the actual en-suite one other feature of this particular residence it's something that one wouldn't know actually but it is built in Brick which is actually completely insulated and you can hear the difference with the double glazed Windows between the open and closed window and here you get the sense of this water feature that you designed that brings that tranquil atmosphere through the house and actually cools down the environment there's a small little occasional area that has been designed here by the interior design department just as a pause area as you can see very classical colors and you know with a matching the classical furniture so in this area the wallpaper selected as well as the furniture really allows us to turn back to that classical moment the client has quite a bit of antique furniture which we've tried to match with in the modern feel of the residence and as you can see with the the colors that we've chosen the colors all blend together so that they create emphasis but within a very nice warm feel of the design of the visitors coming into the main bedroom area here and beautiful spacious main bedroom once again connecting to the outside um with that patio which we had discussed a little bit earlier you can see beautiful views looking up onto the landscape and into your garden area with a small occasional lounge area in this in this main bedroom looking out onto your television Etc you can see in this area that we have recessed the ceiling which gives you a bit of height we've done it with an LED which gives you a lot of atmosphere wallpaper which is vertical and actually brings height to the actual room bringing in that playful color as well and yeah this is the master suite in the master suite we've also introduced the coffee station with a fridge a small printful a microwave and all the utensils that you need in order just to be able to get yourself something here at night if you want with a very nice flow with cavity sliding glass doors that go into into the walls so that one can close off your bathroom area and a beautiful spacious dressing room area there's a central island configuration in this area we've dropped the ceiling to keep it feeling intimate and luxurious which gives us the perfect opportunity I always like to say for a while moment so we've dropped some pendants in the center which really gives you that luxurious glamorous sophisticated classic look moving through to our main bathroom nice spacious main bathroom with glass doors that are frosted on the lower half of the the bathroom giving one a certain amount of privacy within this space but a very hotel-like feel in here with the glass and the openness and then we've designed your your vanity area on the left hand side with two matching mirrors and on the right hand side there's actually your makeup and dressing area where everyone can then sit and do your makeup both of them with LED lighting which we've introduced behind the mirrors and it creates quite a bit of light in just the areas that you need to there's nice warm element and feel inside the bathrooms and the flow towards the dressing area is nice and open although one has privacy and each space is identified within itself I think something to note here is the beautiful feature marble that you see clouded behind the bath you see it as you walk through these double doors therefore being the main feature of of the bathroom in ensuite heading towards the bottom of the residence again and once again just passing through this area one can see from here the atrium has a very central and integrated feature within the residence all the patias and passages are all connected via the central feature with the water feature that is in here so there are so many different spaces that actually utilizes this area as a central permit a beautiful feature I'd like to just chat about here is this live channel which really elongates the space but turns it into a feature so we've turned a passageway essentially into something that stands out and has been designed so every corner of this house has been thought out every corner has been designed moving down this grand staircase to the bottom once again you just get that sense of openness that the lights that we've introduced that actually follows the line of the staircase to the bottom and it creates a very nice uh organic flow to to this place so the staircase is very inviting from all sides it mainly joins with your living and family area because that's the side that one would move from most commonly on my left we have the guest bathroom or the beautiful vanity design LED backlit mirror as well as your feature wallpaper and feature marble tiling so this is the point where we've kind of separated Your Entertainment and your more private aside from each other where your more formal area is on the right hand side of the residence and we have a couple owning the residents that are professionals and we have actually designed a study for for each one of them where the husband has his study on the right hand side with views onto the driveway area and a stunningly fitted area just which is made custom for him and the wife has got her own area on the left hand side here the two studies next to each other off of the formal entrance level and where one can then move to the to to your more private and more quiet areas and then also introducing the guest room off of this area more quiet more formal um and your guests can then be in this area where they can be separated from the Western entertainment side of the residents but also still have a feel of the entrance and also being part of this once again we've introduced the bedside reader which gives it that luxurious feel it is the switch is next to the bedside which you know enables one to turn off the lights whilst in bed we then introduced the light Cove once again which brings in a little bit of an atmosphere to the guest bedroom with the LEDs on either side for as I like to call it ambiance as you can see in this space Also the integration of the air conditioning system that we've centered onto that bulkhead so that it doesn't it doesn't become pronounced in this space but it is functional and effective once again the small dressing area leading to your bathroom that makes the bathroom very nice and private and the LED lighting that we've introduced behind the mirrors as a feature throughout the residence and throughout every bathroom which creates quite a very nice modern open feel to that bathroom moving over to your formal Lounge area we almost have a feature area where we have highlighted with feature paneling up down wall lights and artwork we had reframed that belonged to the clients therefore keeping the colors muted and neutral walking into more of a formal space so we want to create that atmosphere of of the formalities of this area itself here we are in your formal Lounge which we have a beautiful recessed and dropped ceiling you can see the integrated aircon system we've once again brought in that classic fill through the wallpapers as well as the client's furniture sure they had from the existing space you can see we've actually introduced their artwork had them reframed and pulled on the natural elements as you can see through the scatter cushions the decor and really setting the tone and mood for this beautiful space from this area you can also feel how nice and open even though the space is very formal and then very formal positioned area with the the passage that emphasizes actually the root and the accent to this particular area you can see how nice and open this space is leading towards the outside how it it is visually separated by the stairs from your covered patio area although the space is visually integrate uh you know to the outside here and you get that very spacious and open feel in summary as we move towards the outside I think the angles that we are getting of the residents now one can see how the house is being fled open you know to really emphasize one's views towards the North and the green area that lies just beyond the fence and with the modern feel that we've created with the residents we have still managed to keep that farmer house feel in in the residence trying to integrate the clients more classically styled furniture on to quite a modern residence visually and also with the LED light strips that we've introduced on the front and the side of the house it creates beautiful features at night and you know for people looking back at the residence from various angles - Francois & Natasa, what an amazing property - any questions you have, make sure to reach out - contact details will be below this video - as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this and have an awesome afternoon!
Channel: Luxury Homes Johannesburg
Views: 161,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Johannesburg home tour, Waterfall Country Estate home tour, Waterfall Country Estate tour, Waterfall home tour, Waterfall mansion, home for sale Waterfall, house for sale Waterfall, houses in johannesburg south africa, houses in waterfall country estate, johannesburg home tour, johannesburg luxury homes, johannesburg mansion tour, luxury home, luxury home tour, luxury homes johannesburg, luxury mansion tour, south africa mansion tour, waterfall country estate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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