Inside an ULTRA-MODERN ENTERTAINERS HOME in Waterfall Country Estate

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Good afternoon, good afternoon, good afternoon everyone! This is Xavier with Luxury Homes Johannesburg We are back in my favorite lifestyle  estate, specifically Waterfall Country Estate, where   we're about to tour this ultra modern entertainers home. Guys, this is a stunner! Wait till you see the inside of this one I'm here with listing agent  Marussia from LuxLiv Property Group who's going   to take us on a tour but as always specs on the  house this is a 5 bedroom 6 bathroom 4 garage home   it's on the market shy of R20 million so feast  your eyes because this is a good one! you   Thank you very much - well this house literally just hit the  market and like hot bread, it is absolutely amazing   i can't wait to show it to you and i'm sure  it will sell very fast because it is truly the   best home i have seen in a very long time and  being a luxury home being an ultra modern home   it comes with all the bells and whistles that  you can expect from a super modern luxury home   so it is mid-day today so you can't quite  appreciate the lights that are placed everywhere   you've got strip lights that show the most amazing  colors throughout the evenings and you also have   breathtaking chandeliers that you will see right  from the entrance and i will be pointing out the   lights because yes it is daytime but we also have  night time for us so you will have the opportunity   to enjoy the view of the house at night as well  amazing double volume space from the entrance   and the stunning chandelier it is massive but at  the same time if you notice with the chandelier   that we've got here because of the structure of it  and the design it also has this very light feeling   and we'll see this throughout the the  house as we're going through the spaces   they have volume they have impressive  features but everything feels very light   from the entrance we've now walked into one of the  multiple living spaces and entertainment spaces   and right into the kitchen which overlooks the  garden the green belt the dining room the living   room the second living room and so on and you'll  notice ultra modern again white cabinetry patches   of grey built in of course appliances there's  the coffee machine there's the microwave and   the oven and what we've got here is gas tops plus  a pop-up extractor fan and the coolest chandelier   above it and this is above the breakfast  nook we've got the white outer modern again   chairs but also that caesar stone structure above  it with the very unique style and the angles that   you see very unusual and just brings pops up  into your into your eyes and we've got extra   storage under it as well as a ton of storage  along the walls and whilst we're walking   around i'm gonna also show you've got those  uh lights behind that will i imagine at night   highlight your beautiful tapas that  you've laid out for your guests   and this color release from the kitchen and i  have to point this out because we it comes with   a ton more cupboard built-in fridge freezer and  a chef's entertainer caterer cooking spot here   where we've got the induction electricity plus  another extractor and oven and you might ask who   puts electricity in the house in this day and age  of low cheating well the owner of a house that has   solar inverter and full backup so we have  automation here we have a ton of lights   we have electronics and we cool because we've got  everything to back us up when the power goes off   what do you think stunning stunning stunning  so far my favorite word in this house   i'm sure you'll love it too i love it um yeah that  kitchen so far has been yeah my favorite this is   very impressive especially the design so now i  yeah we find ourselves dining room dining room   one two okay the tile so i it's hard to measure  the space that we're in but pay attention to   the tiles these are unusually large in fact  they're 1.2 meter tile square tiles which   really is massive and that just also shows you  how big your dining room space is one two three   four times one point two so it's a five meter  this is a huge room twelve we can fit easy twelve   i would definitely push for even more and what  really is amazing here is that immediately flows   into another living room and then wait until  you see the entertainment space out there   so you can have as many guests as you want  i dare you we are now into the tv room here   or informal lounge area very cool feature here is  the whoa it's actually a hot feature because it's   the gas pipeline it's very cute and we've got  the stucco wall here highlights the big tv that   i imagine one would put and just to point out also  we've got air conditioning throughout this entire   house like i said they every building  so you can imagine you will find here   really nice and striking light fixture again  above here and another massive fireplace this is   a feature fireplace two-sided and it will heat  the whole space but it will also provide the   ambiance because you don't really need too much  more than that because you have really monster   air conditioning here that can control your  temperature whichever way you want and while   talking i've walked into the big entertainment  space and if we're going to be counting tiles here   we're on one two three four  five six seven eight times 1.2   we are on almost 10 meters so this is  a lounge in the dining space or just a   massive entertainment space and right here  a ton of storage and a very big gas brai   so really this house is designed to entertain  and if you have such a beautiful house of course   there's the extractor there as well if you  have such a beautiful house you absolutely   have to entertain you know i think it will be  a crime not too we are on two green belts guys   so we're looking at one of the green belts and  we've got another one on the right so of course   the builder has capitalized on that so we're going  to step out into the garden space and you will see   what i'm talking about really beautiful you have  the view of the pathways this is the beauty of   waterfall you can literally step out of your  garden into the pathway running trails i think   this well over 30 kilometers cycling trails i'm  looking at a little kid probably coming back   from school on his bike super safe absolutely  beautiful environment and whilst i'm walking   alongside the pool 12 meter in length so this  pool also invites you not just to uh you know   soak in but you actually do proper yes yes do  your laps how many laps a minimum you me you okay so right oh you don't want to  tell us how many laps you would do i'm and of course we're looking at the boma i dare  you to give me any extra that is fashionable and   in vogue today that this house doesn't have so  of course it has a boma and of course the boma   is custom built it is in line with the feeling of  nature that we have we are on a green belt this   is an eco-friendly house so of course we got the  rocks we've got um with the ultra modern design   the the bench is um concrete a really nice  feature they've done here is this wood stacking   um space that is again custom built  and it's a big boma i also would   probably like to do not just  marshmallows a lot more than that in here   just to test it as a the wood burning bride that  is the alternative to the massive gas bra inside   while you're there enjoy the look of the house  solar panels remember and this is a greenhouse   once again so there is also a borehole and  the boho water not only works for the outside   for the irrigation it also is purified for  the use of the house and we've got we just   seen the covered patio area and this is an open  decking and this is an open patio area so you get   the to enjoy the sun you can see the kitchen  right from there so you can quickly step from   the kitchen into the garden and the decking  is composite so completely maintenance-free stunning starting starting time here we are  again back we've kind of done a circle right back into the lounge reception  area with a massive formal lounge and yeah back into the entrance hall and the  entrance hall i imagine striking furniture   right in the middle and from there i imagine some  soft furniture here wrapped around this beautiful   feature wall we've got all the the white and  light gray marble effect on the tiles on the floor   and this is very striking with the black and  when the fireplace the gas fireplace is lit   i imagine this will really look breathtaking and  you see the view of the green belt right from   here so being your formal seating area i think  it will really impress your guests very nicely   not only that you mentioned tiles earlier um  look at the size of those guys this is what   one meter by two meters i don't think i would  say i would say definitely this this is close   to a two meter tile massive it just speaks  to the quality and the luxury of the design so tucked away around the corner this door here  leads to two of the garages we've got four garages   and there is a guest toilet and the shower and  i really love what they've done here because   we've just stepped in from the garden space so  imagine if you have a lot of guests and they're   using the pool area a lot of packing space here  as well they can run in quickly shower and they   don't need to use any of the bedrooms so  really nice nicely thought out feature   and a few steps down and now there's quite a lot  of rooms in here it really this house just keeps   giving we're walking into bedroom number  five which is the guest bedroom downstairs   all of the bedrooms have laminate light wood  flooring with a really nice nice effect it's uh   it almost you know has a textured effect  to it i don't know if you realize how high   these ceilings are i mean i might not be  the tallest but i don't even come halfway   if that's two three times in this okay make it  two times you're not that short two times but   the ceilings are huge i mean especially these  doorways go stand in a doorway out of curiosity   same thing this is super size very very nice  custom yes and the doors are custom made you know   just to bring this height as well and once you  stepped into the bathroom you will see even your   shower is exceptionally striking uh just  the height of those ceilings is impressive what do you think yeah there's only so much a photo can do  and a video can do in person this looks   massive i feel lost in here do you notice how  different the light fixtures are here as well so   in bathrooms what you always find is just usually  down light or bathroom light look at the light   next to the mirror and i will point out the lights  you know the other sorry you have to go back but   i think it's worth mentioning and the rest of the  bathrooms i'll be pointing out the lights as well   because they're an absolute feature every house  has its peculiars in this house i think every   single room has exactly that the different light  pictures the chandelier it's the finishing touches   and if you're wondering so many lights how do i  turn them on and off this house is fully automated   so you will be automatically turning them from  your phone and you can control which rooms you   want the lights on off and so on where are we now  yes projectors the cinema room very very nice look   at this and again this is massive now one of  the features that we really liked and enjoyed   and discovered this by accident  is look at that light picture and notice anything different very  nice look at that and again   look at that depending on the mood you have yeah  the whites the yellows the mixes only yellow only   a white brilliant light white you have subdued  white you have mellow yellow that's what i said   yellow the yellows and the whites there we go  yes but we're talking about moot the projector   is already built in okay so the projectors  up there and the screen is also built in so   it will drop from there so you've got all that and  you've got the door leading to the garden so again   i imagine if you're entertaining kids in and out  of the garden straight into the entertainment room now we've walked into the home office   or gym area depends remember with waterfall  there is a gym in waterfall as well as outside   of waterfall but a lot of people like to  have their own gym room massive space again   i would make this a home office with a lounge  area with a relaxation area it's a really   breathtaking and it leads you straight into  the garden so you don't have to work too hard you don't say anything about the office you  don't like very impressed i'm i'm speechless   this is a stunning office or a gym if you want to  but um i think i need to work more than i need to   go to the gym so let's let's keep it on that but  look at that with the doors being open look what   happens to those chandeliers they actually start  turning well the fact that i'm turning the camera   let me stop for a second they are turning ever  so slightly but beautiful beautiful beautiful um   as you mentioned earlier we came  straight in and obviously this is on your   patio outside into your kitchen from  your lounge and this before we head up   let me just make a few comments floating  staircase they could have easily just   connected it to the floor and yet look at the  extra details they've made made one square and   another one smaller on top of that just enough  for you to start your experience look at that the finishing i love it i can't get over this and  i brought this element of the black with the gray   of the staircase and the glass just makes it  again lighter and being a floating staircase   it just feels airy it's incredible but yet do  you feel how solid the staircase staircases do you i'm sorry that's always historical  yes stunning upstairs let me just peek around so of course you get to enjoy your chandelier  again i can't get enough of it i think it's really   gorgeous led lights throughout of course  so your actual light is provided by them   and we've walked into yet another  pajama lounge voluminous beautiful   pajama lounge with its own balcony every  single room upstairs has a balcony also   super high ceilings and fun light fixtures here  as well suspended by the exposed ceiling beams   i love it very very nice again the details  and finishing hats off to the developer   slash owner yeah and whilst you've been going  around i don't know if you've noticed but the   surround sound is also built in and there's even a  fire alarm so he has really thought of everything   there's a security alarm the cameras  throughout so every feature you can imagine   white corridor and a kitchenette upstairs so no  need to run downstairs for your coffee or pool   drinks midnight snack yes midnight snacks we're  not talking about that unless they're healthy   and now and now we're into the main bedroom oh  guys i've said it before you've got beautiful   photos and the video is gonna really give  you a good idea as to what's happening here   but in person this is i don't even know  where to look first and yet the camera   it doesn't do it justice so again any  questions you have you want to come from   one-on-one viewing make sure to reach out to  marusha her details are below based on what   we've seen whether it be here in spain city or  any of the upper class upmarket estates this   property is not going to be long in the market  i can tell you that because what it offers   you tell me more is it's magnificent and when  you're looking at the pricing given the current   building costs that unfortunately have grown  astronomically given all the features that this   house has which are absolutely incredible and the  fact that all these features were conceptualized   and built in whilst the house was being built so  nothing is added on we're not plugging anything   extra this house is magnificent and would be  normally selling for about 30 000 per square meter   here we just under 23 000 per square meter  absolutely justifiable with building costs   costs of land we are on a super large stand and  we are on two green belts let me just i'm about to   take a shower yes you are the outside shower but  let me just add you said inclusive of land land in   this size this estate is about what four anything  between four and six million depending on location   here we are on a four million rand piece of land  which if you then deduct that from your price   and then divide it again by the 800 850 square  you're looking at how much per square to build   if someone builds themselves and  goes through two years of headaches   making a lot of mistakes they're looking  at 15 000 per square meter to build so a   house like this they'll spend 15 million to  build plus another 4 million for the stand   19 million by that point they're probably  gonna have a nervous breakdown and give up   on the project altogether this developer has done  this so many times he knows what he's doing you   can see he knows what he's doing and he's thought  of everything here so i would buy this house in a   blink of an eye i just wanted to point that out  exactly uh let's put things in perspective here   i know there's a lot on the market and a lot  of things beautiful houses but value for money true now we're walking into the on suite  sliding door so very clever we don't have   any flapping doors if anyone's watched my videos  i hate that we are into a massive walk-in closet   i love the space here cleverly designed because  you have those nooks that allow you to have even   more cupboard space and more drawer space which is  really the key to success these days you know for   our sock collections you know  that we're all collecting   funny socks these days yes we do want to point  out there's also strip lights and all the exposed   shelving you want to showcase your handbags  and your shoes and all your precious items   they've built especially here a dressing table  with a massive mirror for those selfie moments   that we all need and now we're walking into the  bathroom and the bathroom doesn't disappoint on   any level in fact there's so many features  here i can't i can't wait to tell you   this is a rain shower or waterfall  shower and we are in waterfall so   we'll call this a waterfall shower  it is huge you can have four people showering and not missing a drop of water  it's really gorgeous then you've got of course   the the flavor of the day which is the tinted  mirror effect on the cabinetry the backlit mirrors   another really cool and light fitting and  look at this this is my first it's a round   bath completely round really nice it can  definitely fit more than one person so   you can enjoy it with whoever you want to enjoy  it with look at the really every single design   element and choice of fitting in this house and  of course there is a handheld shower here as well   and we also have a fireplace which is a biofuel  fireplace so no funny smells in the bathroom and   then this addition i love how they've nicely  complemented the round bath with exactly that   set up here look at that beautiful honestly look  at this and you can step right out into your   outdoor shower if you're feeling you want to  share what if you yeah once again with the view okay and then look again i just want to point out even your wi-fi booster  is here you know this kind of thing that when we   move into a new house we can't reach our internet  doesn't reach everywhere and we battle with this   our wi-fi booster is already installed can  you imagine this guy has thought of everything   and of course these are the sound yeah the  yeah the surround sound well sound system yeah   and let's head now towards the  other side of the house bedroom 234   three four five actually two  three four five is downstairs okay   yeah guys will know that she introduced a  downstairs bedroom as better number five but yes stunning stunning stunning look at this guys  how's this for making your first impression when   you walk into this home just gorgeous scenic  windows on both sides of the every wall where   you can put a window that puts windows why  because then we get a lot of natural light   and we all love natural light high ceilings  here as well downstairs much higher but   here well above your three meter again if you  get a into perspective the height of the ceiling   and we've got those mood lights here as well yes  so i think it's a great idea that family members   agree on the mood lights because that way i  will know if i walk into my child's bedroom   what mood i'm gonna find them in nice touch i  did mention that every single room has access   to your balcony so we've got an access to  the balcony every single room is on suite   with a full ensuite so we've got the bath here  and quite a big generous cupboard space as well they've put storage everywhere they could so we  have a linen cupboard here as well and remember   i did show you the little cupboard next to  the kitchenette next to the main bedroom okay   bedroom number three right trying to be precise  they've even installed tv points you'll notice   so because the bedrooms are so big you can put a  king-size bed and comfortably have a lounge area   why not also have a tv spot you might confuse  some of these bedrooms with the main bedroom   well if you haven't seen men bedroom  just because of the sheer size of these   easy very easy once again balcony this was  the balcony of the main multiple green belts   and the view of waterfall we literally ride  across raydam school and a lot of people ask   how easy is it to get into the school you  literally out your house onto the pathway straight   line on the golf cart on a bicycle no need for the  parents to worry children must just get themselves   to school like the little school boy we just saw  passing yeah 100 all right another full bathroom what's very clever that has been done here is the  flooring in the bedrooms is this um wood laminate   flooring and they've replicated the exact same  look in the bathrooms however it's style so the   tiles have the exact same look as the laminate  wood all right so this is the last bedroom   upstairs again its own balcony view of the school  so if you are actually a changing rhythm yeah   let's come and zoom in if i can zoom in from here  let's see if i can do it there we go oopsy daisy   there you go those are the fields you can  actually if you if you go to that school you   can agree on sign language with your buddies  and they can just you know send you signals   when it's time to to hit the road  and go and hook up with your friends   sometimes i feel sorry for  your children let me tell you i just give them great ideas if they  run out and here we go beautiful stunning again the accents and let's  talk about the lights before we are   super unique look at the the cabinets  next to the toilet in this case   so you can store your toilet  paper very within arms reach huge bar from this this is actually the biggest  of the lot and they are all big bathrooms we're almost there let's not forget you see  the housekeeper keeps having surprises so   last rematch says that we haven't done and this is  the kids pajama lounge a cruel parent might make   this the homework room but i would make this the  playroom playstation room be loud and not irritate   the parents room it has air conditioning it has  its own private balcony so you can get the fresh   air you can enjoy the space and again you can  put the mood light on whichever mood you're in what color is call of duty red and purple they haven't provided  that we didn't point this out but i   think from this from this vantage point  look at the clock it's backlit as well   it's really beautiful at night and it's got a  mirror effect as well so really stunning feature i'm trying to think if i've forgotten any  of the features there's so many of them i'm   sure we're going to come up with them plus as  everybody knows most of the description will   have those below the video so we  mentioned the boho we mentioned the   water purification we mentioned the backup  electricity solar heated pool gas fireplaces so really and the beauty we don't have to mention  about that because it's just all here right even the ceilings have so  many elements of interest   you have a special word for those ceilings don't  you catch me off guard shadow lines the bulkheads   both look at that just a sheer  size of this and again you said   look at that guys guys guys what do  you think curious to hear your comments   what would you buy here first  given the size of it a pig isn't that usually roasted that's i don't know  if this is necessarily a spitbride but okay this guys is and i love  like you said the green belt this is just one of the features normally a  house like this would be the green belt house but   this house is the ultra modern entertainers home  which happens to be on two green belts and it was   completed last week and it's already landscaped  with indigenous very low maintenance plants   so really all you need to do is bring your clothes  and maybe a bit of furniture guys guys guys   i think we've been doing all the talking here it's  up to you guys curious to hear your feedback any   questions you have make sure to reach out  to marisha phone number email will be below   this video and it's mentioned at the start we  don't expect this one to be on the market for   too long so make sure to reach out have an  awesome awesome afternoon thank you so much
Channel: Luxury Homes Johannesburg
Views: 301,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Johannesburg home tour, Johannesburg mansion tour, Waterfall Country Estate home tour, Waterfall Country Estate tour, Waterfall home tour, Waterfall mansion, Waterfall tour, home for sale Waterfall, house for sale Waterfall, luxury home, luxury home tour, luxury mansion, modern house tour, south africa mansion, south africa mansion tour, johannesburg mansion tour, waterfall country estate, real estate investing, johannesburg home tour, interior design, home decor
Id: uOdMA3fkyKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 35sec (1895 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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