Inseparable | The Difference is Clear (Live Church)

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[Music] hello and welcome to the 3abn worship hour we thank you for taking the time to tune in in our attempt to encourage and strengthen your walk with Christ we have put together programs that we believe is a source of strength especially in this time where the world is going through quite a crisis today the message is entitled in separable inseparable addressing the questions of this socially separated society but before we go to the word and prayer right now Tim Parton is going to encourage our hearts through words of inspiration and also songs to prepare the soil for the receiving of the Word of God Tim man thank you brother John I'm here to remind you that we serve a risen Savior He loves you and he is worthy of our praise so worship him for above his name there is no other name the one who is eternally the same there is no other name [Music] the first and last beginning and the end he was the king who made the common man his friend there is no other name let every tongue proclaim and see the name of Jesus magnify and praise the name of Jesus [Music] but Jesus there is power in the precious name of Jesus Jesus Messiah king of kings and Lord of lords [Music] you created all there is with your own hands and yet the smallest need you understand there is the one who said I am the great I am and then you gave yourself the sacrifice for men there is no other day [Music] every tall proclaim and sing the name [Music] Jesus oh I magnify the precious name of Jesus no other name but Jesus there's power in the precious name of Jesus jeez [Music] forever he shall reign as king of Qi and Lord of all and every living thing from now on will worship Him and praise the name [Music] I praise you Jesus Oh your work here said Lord to me lord I thank you for being my my Savior my Redeemer thank you that every need is supplied by you [Music] and I worship you O Lord Jesus you are geez [Music] thank you Tim appreciate that so much what other name is there there is no other name above the name of Jesus and we have to remember that because in this time we are calling on friends and family we're calling on governors and Senators and leaders of Nations and medical professionals but in the gamut of life's rounds the daily rounds of life the only name that we need to call on that can bring us the answers to our perp lections of life is the name of Jesus thank you so much for that song Tim let's go to the Lord in prayer Heavenly Father as we bow our hearts in your presence in this generation where it seems as though the world has been unplugged and the power of our societies is draining almost apparently without any notice we pray that we can make decisions in this time of separation to determine not to be separated from you take your word now father and speak to the hearts of your people that they may address the urgencies and the decisions necessary to make it not only through this kovat time but in preparation for eternity I ask in Jesus name that you speak to your people's hearts even now in Jesus name I pray amen inseparable you know I must confess where I got the inspiration for the title I looked at the world that we are facing today and the thought came to me that we are living in a world that is as it were socially separated and I asked myself the question what do I see and what are the implications my wife and I have been married for more than 35 years and she often says to me don't tell the exact amount of time but God has blessed us with a long and successful marriage but you don't get to 35 plus years without having to decide that you're going to stick together through thick and thin through ups and downs through the good days and the bad days through the trials and the triumphs and years ago when we were courting or dating as two young people in New York City we we heard this song by a young lady who's now passed away the daughter of the famous Nat King Cole her name was Natalie Cole and we heard the lyrics and we said this is our song inseparable so when we celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary this was a focal point of our song inseparable we are like flowers to a tree like words to a melody and the Lord has praised God kept us together because we have determined that come what may in Christ we will remain in separable you know friends this fits the society weren't today because we are living in a time where the phrase of the pandemic is a coined phrase it is the phrase that we hear more often than not as the citizens of the world community had been directed to socially separate countries have followed suit they have closed their borders to other parts of the world instead of welcoming travelers travelers are now called Outsiders you don't belong here you may be dangerous to our community and with the highest number of coronavirus cases in the United States the United States is quickly becoming the divided States you listen to the news depending on where you live you may not be allowed to enter other states maybe neighboring states or states far away as with the varying state restrictions the question is is America is America still one nation under God socially separated you know friends our world has become a place where we are sequestered behind our masks when you go to the grocery store masks when you talk to people maybe in the same space 6 feet 6 feet 6 feet apart we don't shake hands anymore hugs are at an all-time low we say hello from a distance as we gather in our computer and digital cathedrals that's why today in this environment we have to determine that as the world is metamorphosizing and changing and the way we do life is quite different we've got to determine that as we are separating from the things that we were so connected to we must determine not to be separated from Christ you've heard it 6 feet is no longer just your height but it is the regulation of separation in most of the stores in our country and I hate to say around the world this is the hour of masks and face shields these are the days of separation in times of separation the question I ask how does the prayer of Jesus Christ remain relevant today in John chapter 17 verse 20 and 21 we read the words of Jesus and here's what he says he says I do not pray for these alone but also for those who will believe in me through their word that they all may be notice one as you Father are in me and I in you that they also may be one in us that the world may believe that you sent me 1 think about that word one nation under God one community one society are we still that way today in this socially separated environment but Jesus prayed the prayer and so the dilemma today is we've got to figure out in some artistic and creative way and I would say by the leading of the Holy Spirit by the study of God's Word we've got to figure out a way that while the world is socially separated as my good friend my mayor my governor of New York City said we can be socially separated but we must remain spiritually connected but if you if you think about the environment that we have separation is not a new thing the product of separation started with the introduction of conflict and the product of conflict always is separation notice Revelation chapter 12 verses 7 to 9 as I read this consider the following thought we are where we are today not because of what happened last year but because of what started in heaven Revelation chapter 12 verses 7 to 9 the Bible says and war broke out in heaven Michael that is Christ and his angels fought with the Dragon and the dragon and his angels fought but they did not prevail praise God for that nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer notice separation so the Great Dragon was cast out that serpent of old called the devil and Satan who deceives the whole world he was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out with him when you think about a friend's separation begins when opposing principles collide when truth collides with error and light collides with the darkness conflict begins and the end result is always separation I cited revelation 12 verse 79 Satan opposed the principles of God he campaigned among the Angels and successfully led one-third of heavens hosts to separate from their former home to separate from their allegiance to God that's why in this covert 19 environment it is imperative I say that again it is imperative that Christians maintain an inseparable connection with a reliable source and I say reliable source because I'm going to include not only in inseparable connection to God but we also must find an inseparable action with reliable sources and what do I mean by that you know today we can turn to CNN ABC NBC Fox News MSNBC we can go on the internet and peruse until our fingers turn red we can turn to BBC or al-jazeera we can read the conspiracy theorists and the theories believe me are flying everywhere everybody has a reason why the Cova 19 virus came to the forefront that's why today in this separated society we must remain inseparably connected with reliable sources let me suggest the words of Christ in John 17 verse 17 Jesus introduces that reliable source he says sanctify them by your truth Your Word is truth now think about that for a moment God's Word is truth in this generation of separation in this let me use a term here in this busy environment where so many theories are coming to the forefront you know what you peruse Facebook you look at the internet everybody wants to know how the Cova 19 virus starts some people are blaming 5 G's some people are saying well it's the certain diet above certain people in a certain location all kinds of amazing theories that's why we must begin by saying regardless of how it began the only way that we can be sustained in this time of separation is to remember that sanctification can only occur and by the way the word sanctification means separated for a divine purpose the Lord wants to separate his people for a divine purpose and the only way that that separation is accomplished is by the truth of God's Word consider the following truth is a shelter from acrimonious opinions acrimonious diverse opinions everybody has an opinion truth is a fortification against media and social bias you know still today in this environment I find it strange that while people are suffering from no food medical supplies are dwindling people are terrified about their jobs even medical professionals are becoming hesitant to show up at work I received a story from someone recently they said they decided well I have six weeks vacation as a medical professional I'm going to take my six weeks vacation and hope that in six weeks the kovat 19 virus passes over truth is a fortification against media and social bias truth also keeps the mind unblemish when our eyes aren't distracted we've got to determine where to continue to look we can't look in every direction as the ones very famous recent driver who ripped off his rearview mirror said what's behind me is not my concern we've got to keep our eyes fixed in the right direction something else truth does truth aligns us with the unwavering God and not with vacillating man because on any given day the opinions are going to change on every news network truth creates a unity with those that maintain a divine focus that's why I've been encouraging my church members I try my best to send out daily devotionals to my church members and scripture readings to keep them connected spiritually because I know that we can maintain a unity if we all maintain a divine focus the focus should be the Word of God another benefit of truth truth is not preoccupied by one chapter in man's history truth keeps us dedicated to God and here's why because God has shown us how this story is going to end not just the köppen 19 story but every story that has ever impacted humanity on a grand a momentous and pandemic scale every story in the course of human history get this has a beginning and it has an end even the worst storms one person once says has to pass over and I know what that's like my wife and I were driving to Orlando Florida on our honeymoon many years ago and from Orlando we decided to drive to Miami Florida and we drove into what I refer to is a dark wall for my very first introduction to rain in Florida I saw before us a dark wall an ominous wall black with clouds and I said to myself what is that and my wife said that's a storm we had an ol 1976 Toyota station wagon pretty crickety and not in the best of shape when we drove into that storm the rain was falling so intensely that it was leaking in through the seals of our car but the one good thing about that storm is when we came out on the other side I couldn't find a speck of dust on my vehicle you know sometimes we've got to go through storms for the Lord to clean up our lives so not every storm is prevented by God because in these storms the things that dirty up our lives God sometimes allows the storm to blast those things and separate them from our Christian journey when we think about why we must maintain our connection with God God showed us how the story is going to end notice Isaiah 46 verse 9 and 10 this is the dedicated commitment of God here's what he says to us remember the former things of old for I am God and there is no other I am God and there is none like me declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done and here's what God says saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure --zz that's right friends the Cova 19 virus new story is dominating every Network the reality is below the surface of every news broadcast is man's frailty but when you turn to God when we consult God's Word we won't suffer from what I call pandemic distraction it's a disease in the midst of a disease pandemic distraction is the product of a pandemic without answers that's why the only thing worse than the pandemic in my opinion is pandemic distraction sometimes we don't understand what to do when difficult times hit I heard a story about a little boy who was leading his stir up a mountain path and the way was not easy when she began to travel with her brother holding her hand she said to her brother why this is not a path at all it's all rocky and it's bumpy and her little brother just kept on walking kept on leading his sister up the mountain and he stopped long enough to say to her sister of course it's rocky and bumpy the bumps are what we are to climb on the bumps are a part of the journey the rocky path in front of us is a part of our journey friends we are living in rocky times and Jesus never said the road would be smooth bump or no bump jesus said with God all things are possible so if you're suffering from a lack of financial stability if you cough and you wonder where it's leading leading if there are people around you that seem to be tired and you're wondering are they coming down with something if you are losing out on your supplies and don't know where to find the necessities of life remember this friends with God all things are possible I encourage you to hold onto the hand of God because only he can lead us through the rough terrain of kovat 19 furthermore it's not possible to walk in the light of God's Word and stumble on the bumps of the world and notice how David the psalmist says it in Psalms 119 verse 130 here's what he says and this is what we need in this Cova nineteen environment he says to us the entrance of your word gives a light it gives understanding to the simple it gives understanding to the simple there are people trying to figure out what to do next friends don't rack your brains by sitting down trying to write down your plan a and your plan B as one person once says you don't need a plan B if your plan a is God don't need a plan B if your plan a is God when we consult God's Word that's my wife that's why my wife and I in the morning beginner by reading God's Word in the evening either a devotional or end the day by reading God's Word and it gives us a light in this dark environment it gives us light it gives us hope because the köppen 19 is a massive rock but God is still the Rock of Ages notice how Isaiah the prophet establishes that in Isaiah 44 and verse 8 look at the question Isaiah poses he said is there a God beside me God is saying through Isaiah the prophet is there a god beside me indeed there is no other Rock I know not one oh you know what I've discovered when you're walking on the Rock of Ages when your house is established on the rock the waves are going to come and they have come the trials have come and they will come the storms are going to intensify we look at the rising death toll and I'll be honest with you sometimes it brings tears to our eyes my wife sometimes sits down and I see tears running from our eyes and she said John look today eight hundred more people died look in Italy nine hundred more people died look at the rising death toll it's a sad fact the statistics of this disease are saddening and heart-wrenching that's why this is the environment that we must look to the only one that can make a difference that's why God instructs us in Isaiah 45 verse 22 here is his instruction he says to us look to me and be saved all you ends of the earth for I am God and there is no other no other I have people that I respect in the industry of media on different news networks I tend to look at those and I think that well this is a credible source whether ABC or NBC or CBS or Fox we look at for our favorite anchorpersons or favorite news representatives and we say well I could trust what he says oh I can trust what she says but in this environment when they don't even have the answers the only one that we can trust is Christ indeed there is no other rock there's only one God which brings me to my first point in this message I only have two the first point is choose the Word of God as your reliable source of truth choose the Word of God make the Word of God your reliable source of truth you know what I like about the Bible today unless yours is electronic that the Bible never loses power because not only is it inspired by the presence of God and in divinely guided inspirationally by the Holy Spirit but it is a place where you can find refuge you can find hope you can find strength you can find understanding that's why I like this this quotation about the necessity of having God's Word especially in these last days great controversy page 593 paragraph 1 look at this quotation it says none but those who have fortified the mind with the truths of the Bible will stand through the last great conflict - every soul the searching test shall I obey God rather than man the decisive hour is even now at hand and that's the decision that we have to make who am I going to obey Who am I going to serve well look in the Bible who did Elisha serve who does I who did Isaiah serve who - Jeremiah serve who did John the Baptist serve look at the Apostles they said we ought to obey God rather than man and the reason why this point is so vitally important is because while we have been so distracted by the köppen 19:00 statistics we are sometimes not taken into consideration the environmental metamorphosis taking place before our eyes I decided to go ahead and look at what other impact rather than just social and financial and political and religious I decided Lord is there any other impact that's taking place around us whether positive or negative and I discover there's a fifth component environmental listen to this I I copied a few of these articles down just to give you an idea of what's taking place around our world although positive the enemy can use for negative implications India's environmental impact the article says the Himalayas can be seen from parts of India for the first time in 30 years after pollution dropped due to the 21-day coronavirus lockdown the article continues the mountains can be seen a hundred and 25 miles away the 21-day locked down to stop the spread of copán 19 pandemic also cleared the shuttering factories and pollution from traffic jams streets in India people in India are saying I can't believe it the Himalayas actually does exist they often had to get very close to it to find it but now from a hundred and twenty five miles away the pictures are beginning to pollute the internet to populate the internet I should say the Himalayas people are saying wait a minute a terrible disease but look at the environmental impact not only in India we'll look at Italy I read the article again the Koba 19 pandemic has crippled Italy but amid the fears and sickness it Italy's countrywide quarantine has had at least one uplifting consequence Venice is usually dark murky waterways have turned a noticeably clearer since the canal motor boats are not running the ear is also clear pictures of Italy clear waterways you can actually see through the water it's still and it has been still ever since this Cove in nineteen virus has metamorphosized and prevented all movement on those precious waterways in Venice Italy but what about home what about here in the United States Los Angeles Los Angeles California is experiencing the environmental impact very short sentence Los Angeles skies are smog free and atmospheric pollution is down due to the statewide lockdown well if planes are not flying and cars are not on the roadway if trucks are to the minimum in their transportation of goods from one location to the next if motorcycles are down to a minimum the pollution is beginning to dissipate people are beginning to see the mountains in Southern California and planes that are descending minimally into that air area are beginning to say this is what California should have looked like a long time ago positive environmental impacts but you'll see in just a moment how these things that are positive can be twisted to accomplish negative purposes in Beijing China NASA satellite took a picture of the skies above Beijing China and it says NASA's satellite imagery shows clear skies above the normally smog fill city of Beijing China Business Insider magazine look at this quotation I have for you they said social distancing might not just slow the spread of the novel coronavirus it might also give the environment a break from the pollution of modern life cities across the globe have reported reductions in air pollution as daily life has come to a grinding halt because of the pandemic all positive things but the positive impact of the climate bykova 19 lockdown has been has not been missed by scientists climatologists environmentalists and religionists Wow I added that fourth category because there's about to be a shift in this message scientists have noticed climatologists have noticed environmentalists are applauding they have noticed but religious leaders have also noticed you may not have known this but Pope Francis from 2015 to the present has been campaigning for Sunday to be a day of environmental restoration and worship for sunday to be a day of environmental restoration and worship he says we owe it to our children to pass on to them a planet in the best condition possible I don't disagree with that at all but when you begin to build into your your ID geologies in your campaign the opinion that you can decide how and who and when we worship it begins to be skewed into there in the direction of not the minority but oftentimes the majority on the heels of the present climate it is just a matter of time before Sunday the universally honored day is legislatively recognized and religiously endorsed as the nationally agreed-upon day of rest and worship you heard me correctly who questions whether or not sunday has been internationally agreed-upon as the day of arrest and worship think about all the sales number of years ago my wife and I when we lived in California we went to Macy's as a word and we want to buy a vacuum cleaner well the vacuum cleaner was going to go on sale on Saturday between 10:00 and 2:00 o'clock the times that we were going to be in church honoring God's Bible Sabbath and I walked up to the counter and I said to the salesperson I said now we'd like to buy that vacuum but we understand it's going to be going on sale tomorrow and tomorrow I'm going to be in church and they said on Saturday why not Sunday I said because I honor the Bible Sabbath they said sorry sir we can't give you that sales price until tomorrow between 10:00 and 2:00 and I said think about it you are ostracizing not only my church and my parishioners but seventh-day adventists community over and the entire Jewish community that honors the Sabbath do you realize that I the Lord impressed me I said do you realize how much income you're losing by ostracizing those that want to buy it today well like any person that believes in capitalistic advancement they said well that's a good idea I'll go ahead and sell it to you today and the good news is I bought my vacuum cleaner for the sales price that would be implicated or would be applied on Saturday but there's a general acceptance that Sunday is the internationally agreed-upon day of rest and worship and Cova 19 has a March and it has set a cadence for final movements think about the stages Stage one the social impact stage two the economic impact stage three the political impact but like a table with four legs you know that without the fourth leg the table won't stand and that fourth leg is the leg of the religious impact now I live here in America and I understand Bible prophecy very well I've been studying the Bible for a number of years and when you studied Daniel and revelation these two sister books of prophecy and then you begin to include the Minor Prophets but then you include the other major prophets like Isaiah in jail Jeremiah and Ezekiel you begin to understand and see that there is a landscape developing in America and revelation 13 sharpens the point of the pencil that America is going to play a pivotal and major role in what happens when it comes to establishing Sunday as a nationally and then gifting it to the world to be an International Day of arrest environmental rest and also worship that's why the people of God must be clear about where we are headed consult God's Word because Sunday worship will unite the evangelical community of America and the Catholic community of America I speak about these two sects as individuals or groups of people that love the Lord but for whatever reason are not clear about the implications when the majority decides how the minority should worship when my opinions of worship begin to impose on your practices of worship then I become the dominant power and eventually a persecuting power we must allow our ideology to govern our own practices because revelation makes the picture clear as to the role that America is going to play and the final rollout of religious practices in America and then also eventually the world look at Revelation chapter 13 verse 11 and verse 12 the religious impact speaking about America the Bible speaks about this country coming up in a time of persecution I saw another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon and he exercised all the authority of the first beast in his presence and look at this and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed notice the worship America a nation raised up by God to be a place where we have religious freedom where we can make decisions about how we worship you know in America you know you could be whatever religion you want to be but nobody could infringe on how you want to practice your faith however this text says in just a matter of time the focus of America is not just going to be political in economic and social but it's also going to be religious first instituting here in America and then suggesting to the world as there is a coalition between Rome and the United States that the entire world should follow suit that's why this positive impact on the environment is not missed by the environmentalists and it's surely not missed by the papacy the social financial and political unity will be the platform that builds a bridge to the outside world that's why the title of this message is inseparable you see friends God's people are about to go through a test far greater far more expansive than the Cova 19 virus can ever be because right now it's about medical supplies it's about food and water it's about toilet paper it's about whether or not I can find a necessities of life but these small irritations and they are very real these small irritations are going to dissipate in just a matter of time people are going to go back to work it may not be as strong as it was before but there'll be an eventual growth in an eventual rise but I can say safely and unequivocally the world is not going to be the same again but this is the time where the people of God and I reiterate those who trust their lives to Christ those who know him as their Lord and Savior and this is not a narrow state but regardless of your denomination regardless of what faith you practice if you are not informed about what God's Word predicts you can fall into the category of becoming a victim of the aftermath of the environment of kovat 19 that's why you have to decide that whatever's coming you must remain inseparable the Bible gives us another picture of how this power this Roman power will lead to religious globalization and the Bible describes this power as the system of Babylon look at Revelation chapter 18 and verse 3 and it talks about the impact here's what the Bible says for all nations have drunk all nations of the wine of the wrath of her fornication the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury I am an individual that likes to do research I like to do homework I like to be informed I like to be on the cutting edge so that nothing sneaks up on me that's been the pattern of my life and I've been asking myself the question are there any side issues connected to this Cova 19 what's coming down the pipe and I've been noticing that we live in a country where we're about to get a stimulus praise the Lord for that everybody means money but how can we pour trillions of dollars into an economy that's already trillions of dollars in debt where is the money coming from and then I begin to look at the world community we live in a world of instability when it comes to financial stability we live in a world where people are not sure about how to coalesce the world together and how to be a world community and many suggestions have been made by economists and religionists alike that if we had a one-world currency then all of these deficits would be immediately erased we can put into place an easy financial digital system that everybody can use for their conveniences and I'd say while it may sound good there are some negative implications to it now many of you watching this broadcast have a phone a cell phone or maybe just a computer or maybe an iPad or whatever device you might have and some of you like me may do your banking and many of your things rounds of life on these digital devices think for a moment what would you lose if all of a sudden by not agreeing with the direction the world is taking you are immediately disconnected unplug no access to your bank account no access to the basic necessities that keep you going from day to day what would you do well the Bible makes it clear that the powers that are in place when the Bible speaks of her in Revelation 18 it's referring to the resurgent resurrected religio-political system of the Dark Ages known as the Church of Rome and when you think about Rome's impact in the world financially and economically environmentally socially and surely religiously no other system on earth has the allegiance of world leaders like the Church of Rome and that has been the fact since the resurgence and the growth of Rome coming out of the Dark Ages Rome has a platform that no other Church on earth has political and religious leaders of our world will coalesce to commence the final movements notice what evangelism page 234 tells us about how this is going to happen listen to the quote when Protestant churches shall unite with the secular powers to sustain a false religion for opposing which their ancestors endured the fiercest persecution then will the papal Sabbath be enforced by the combined authorities of church and state there will be a national apostasy which will end only in national ruin did you get that national apostasy a false religious implication the papal Sabbath enforced in the combination and the coalescing of church and state together and when you look at history every time church and state has merged the implication have been devastating the implications have been life-threatening and in many cases I can't even surmount how implicating those those practices were people's lives were lost their livelihood was taken from them but America could that possibly happen in modern America could our world possibly go in that direction so you see friends the danger we face is not just social separation it is separation from God when the tide turns your well-being in your life is going to be at stake and you've got to ask the question very pertinent you've got to ask the question what then what am I going to do next what decision am I going to make where am I going to stand that's why I title this message in separable today as I'm communicating this message I have determined in my life that I'm not going to let anything separate me from God from his truth from his word from following what he has established in the Bible to be the practices of my life perfect absolutely not but when we determined by God's grace to remain connected to God when we determined by God's grace and by the Holy Spirit's power to remain dedicated to him nothing will be able to separate us look at what Paul the Apostle asks romans 8 and verse 35 here's what he says and how fitting for today he says who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword wow how many categories that he just cover notice tribulation or distress we are going through tribulation on some level people are distressed people are persecuted with the thoughts of what's going to happen tomorrow how long will it be before the bottom drops out in the economy of what my bank account can sustain famine Wow it may appear that way because some people are just storing and stacking up food like there's no more grocery stores nakedness or peril or the sword these are the questions that we must ask ourselves because I tell you from the time that Satan led one third of heavens angels to be separated from God his focus for Humanity has been the same to try to find a way to separate us from God now I'm going to share with you a very long quotation but I want you to follow me carefully because changing seasons I'll say that again changing seasons reveals something about the fabric of our dedication our walk with Christ it's easy to say I love the Lord when the church is full when the when the pews are fall when the offering plate is full when everything is flowing in we can feel the energy of corporate worship what happens when the separation comes when things begin to go downhill where do we stand I want to tell you right now when the summer comes we always praise the Lord for it but the winter reveals the true condition and nature of the trees around us notice this quotation from the book darkness before dawn page 39 and paragraph three we are told by inspiration when the testing time shall come those who have made God's Word their rule of life will be revealed in summer there is no noticeable difference between evergreens and other trees but when the blasts of when to come the evergreens remain unchanged over how while other trees are stripped of their foliage so also the false-hearted professor may not now be distinguished from the real Christian but the time is just upon us when the difference will be apparent here's how the difference will be revealed let opposition arise let bigotry and intolerance again bear sway let persecution be kindled and the half-hearted and hypocritical will waver and yield the faith but the true Christian will stand firm as a rock his faith stronger his hope brighter than in days of prosperity what a quotation you know friends prosperity is a wonderful thing but you never know who your friends are out to you don't have any money you never know how undesirable you really are until all the things that people were attracted to you in your life are no longer there and we are most vulnerable when we are most successful just look at the cadence of history it's the wealthy individuals at the height of their success they for whatever reason passed off the scene only to be a memory in just a matter of a moment the vapor of life in this time of separation we must remain spiritually connected to Christ it is now that we are to make our commitment as concrete and permanent as the foundation on which the Lord has established his word I asked you the question once again Romans 8 and verse 37 look at the question with me yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us that's what Paul the Apostle says we are more than conquerors and all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us what does he mean in the time of famine and distress and persecution and nakedness and the sword and pestilence and disease and war and worry and financial collapse collapse in Christ we are still more than conquerors why through him who loved us do you love the Lord as much as he loves you are you making you a decision to serve Christ are you waiting for this pandemic to be over only to go back to life as we once knew it or friends the days that have come are not going to come again not the same way we have entered a paradigm shift where the world is forever change we're now going back to America as usual we're not going back to the way of life as we often thought it would be we are going back to an environment where right now my brother we're right now my sister you've got to make a decision where you're going to stand on the other side is your lifestyle more important than your salvation I hope the answer is no is worldly acceptance more important than being identified with Jesus I hope the answer is no will you surrender to the powers of Earth or will you commit your life to Christ let me encourage your young man young lady let me encourage you you might enjoy your iPad and your iPod and your Instagram and your Facebook and whatever else you're connected to but when the power is cut off the only power that will still be on is the power of Christ when the world goes dark the only place that we can find life that we can find life and light is in Christ don't make a mistake and sell out to the things that are temporary are you ready for the greater test or are you still ignoring the call of God friends these are not just the days of separation these are the days of Elijah the days of Elijah for pastor John why would you Institute Elijah in the closing moments of your sermon friends the days of Elijah are greater than the days of separation than the days of the covert virus the days of Elijah there is a message that God has given to us today to prepare the world as Elijah prepared the way as John the Baptist prepared the way as Jesus said in the days of John the Baptist if you accept the message he is preaching he is the Elijah to come this is the hour that the three angels messages come to the forefront this is the hour that God is calling us back to true worship this is the hour that God is calling us away from financial and political and social all the things that are going to change and one day be no more he's calling us to the constant foundation and the Bible says in Malachi 4 verse 5 what about Elijah here's what the Bible says behold I will send you Elijah the Prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord some have read the passage and think well is Elijah really coming back is there going to be a resurrection of Elijah no the Elijah message to an old king named a hab was this you know Elijah was so dedicated to God a hab was so rebellious and so compromised in a stand as a king as a leader of Israel and when he finally was confronted by Elijah he said to Elijah you're the one causing all the trouble your dedication to God is causing all the trouble and we got to find a way to get rid of you but Elijah was only standing firm Elijah refused to be separated from God Elijah stood on and on a foundation that cannot be separated Elijah made his decision no matter what's taking place around us no matter what's going on a hab I have made my decision and so he stood firmly looking a hab in the face he said I'm not the one that's causing trouble in the church I'm not the one that's making life difficult for you a hab but you have a hab God has called you as a spiritual leader to lead your people to a higher place but you have forsaken the commandments of God you have linked yourself up to a woman named Jezebel a one who is distorting your commitment to Christ friends the picture of Ahab and Jezebel there in the Book of Kings is saying to us it is too late for the church to find allegiance in the wrong place it is too late for the church to lean on any other power than the power of Christ it is too late for the Christian to say I've got two finances in the bank in my job in the economy on the foundation of political reasoning Elijah made the right choice and the Lord is saying these are the days of Elijah because the world will only get more dreadful the return of Jesus Christ is near the world may be on lockdown but the good news is sin is about to be locked up I say Amen myself the doors that the church may be closed but as I speak to you right now my friends the doors of salvation are still open God is saying to us don't just lament the Cova deaths don't just be sorrow for those feel sorrow for those who have passed away and what a sad story it is but answer the call for eternal life for yourself in this time of separation God is calling us to be firm God is calling us to stand on a foundation that will not shake a foundation that will not crumble a foundation that will not erode a foundation that is as sure as the name of God that is as eternal as his character that is as immutable as his law that's the foundation that God is saying this is the foundation on which the church will remain inseparable but make no doubt about it it is time to separate from the world and its vices it is time to separate from the life that drags you down young man are you tired of the life that's dragging you down are you tired of your addictions are you tired of false promises young lady are you tired of broken dreams are you chasing a rainbow that keeps moving every time you arrive at the location where you thought it will bring you joy husband and wife here's your marriage strong though are you being shaken by this Cova 19 virus mothers and fathers God is calling you to that unshakable foundation it's time to separate from the pleasures that tear us down there are those that say well the movie theaters are closed but I got Netflix I got Hulu hope friends deaths of fleeting that's a pacifier it cannot ever bring the joy that Christ promises that he will give to us but on the other side of that because Jesus let me encourage you remain inseparable with his word remain in separable and when we make up our minds to do that when we determined by God's grace that we're not going anywhere it's going to get worse before it gets better oh yes that's a fact but I'm not waiting for what the world's gonna do I know what Christ is going to do I know that I can trust him unequivocally I know that he is the foundation that will not fold under my feet and when I pray he answers my prayer this is the time to pray this is the time to turn your life over to Christ this is the time to know that the foundation of God stands sure as Romans 8 verse 38 and 39 says to us when we do that we can certainly say for I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord my friends remain inseparable dedicate your life to Christ the days are going to get worse but when it gets better it will be better eternally as you remain inseparable Christ god bless you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 45,468
Rating: 4.8596492 out of 5
Keywords: live church, 3abn, John Lomacang, church live stream, live, sermon, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, worship hour, bible, Christianity, god, sabbath, sunday law, church and state, pope, papacy, sunday worship
Id: ws2HwP60-gY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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