Insane Tractor-Trailer Rollover UNDER a Bridge!

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TI tighten up this Vine bro drop it good evening gentlemen and ladies uh we have uh an overturned uh tractor trailer with uh according to the CHP officer uh it has uh 46,000 lb of uh I believe it's a Synthetic Turf I the hole through the through the rip portion of the trailer and it looked like it was rolls of it so um luckily the the load is still intact so we're going to try to roll it over but as you can see we're right under the bridge and even with boom uh with the big flippers boom almost hitting the top I'm barely at 20° so um it's going to be extremely difficult to roll it over on here but the limit height so we're going to have to uh uh drag it out into the open air over here we have Eko and Dave already uh putting the pool pins so so we could start dragging it out walking around but I know there very limited light but you can see here the the um the trailer pretty much uh still intact it did Su did sustain some damage from the guard rail over there when it rolled over over there on a dirt that's a driver actually he's fine did you guys find one did you guys find one no I just switched on yeah I just put the little one up there it's going to pull anyways gravity will hold it what do you need an equalizing sling some chain I'll put an equalizing slam you guys want to put chains or chain okay all right good night guys ladies and gentlemen I'm arriving a little bit late on scene to this huge massive call I brought our uh environmental truck this is cuz uh they need the airbags I used them on a recent job and you'll see why we need it why it's mandatory what's up Echo we got a fully loaded tractor trailer let me just adjust the uh ISO settings and I'll jump up there man it is dark the Sony is Magic though what I'm going to do is take off my lens cap and you'll see how bright this puppy can get there we go night filter is off so what these boys got is a fully loaded tractor with the drive van trailer and that's the driver sitting all the way at the end of the bridge not only is it a loaded Drive Van trailer that buckled as you can see right here but it's under a tiny 9ft Bridge impossible to put the booms out here and get get on this side so what Alex and Dave are going to do looks like they're already setting up pretty much done is they're going to attach the winch lines to the front of the tractor and drag it out as much as they can so we could have a good working area with the booms right here now if you guys have been a lot of you guys have been commenting if I qu with the Josh quit or what happened to Josh or where's Hulk the truth of the matter is I pretty much run the show from price seen every single invoice answering every work email handling every piece of mail everything everything you could imagine um it's quite busy so ever since uh we we had hired Alex he's able to take a lot of this Rotator work away from me and essentially become the star of YouTube and allow me to do my my work stuff so I'm bringing the guys the airbags that's not budging huh make sure that my Wich break is is on how much is in the load allegedly 46,000 46k allegedly all right well over 50 with the trailer and then 20 something almost ready with the tractor ready you're pulling there we go she what okay I'm going to get the shot of the trailer right here just so you guys can see how bad it is for [Music] slowly but surely oh you're pushing flipper man slowly but surely a 53 footer too sh all right that was cool I'm going to turn the camera off while they pull forward and move uh the Hazmat truck out of the way all right round two so now that I stand back I mean you guys can easily easily see uh the horrible working room we have here now I've done jobs like this where we man handle it under the bridge but that's for a container containers have a lot more leeway they got very easy lift points and they're easy to manhandle for us with these trucks but on a loaded drive and you need height and we wouldn't even hit 15° so they made the smart call to slowly pull it out so we have uh all of this working room make it a lot easier and safer you can clearly see this thing's completely jacked up this is the safest most efficient way to do it and that's the way they're going to do it so like I was alluding to earlier now that I have Alex in the daytime that's why you see I'm so much more on these jobs is where I was a primary and only day Rotator guy I have Alex and on a job like this I'm able to kick back provide the airbags and let the guys do their work while I make them famous on YouTube look good that's Dave's good angle by the way looks like the top is almost at the nose of the tractor so once it touches out there's only 53 ft left by the way how strong is Big flip man you can hear even with the winch break on it wants to roll back but my dad spec this one out specifically for huge jobs like this with the bigger size uh dual turrets you rarely see a truck like that with six wines you got the two turrets the auxiliaries on the main lines so what I'll do let me just leave this on wide angle uh this might be boring to some of you guys because it's such a slow process but uh I'm not going to speed it up just so you guys can see it in real time the amount of force and time it takes to pull this thing fully out and once it's out more with the open light I'll get more shots at the side of the trailer you'll see why they made this call it's absolutely suicide to bring it up under that bridge there's a lot of times we love to be a hero but this isn't one of those times one more pull forward by the way I'm filming all this with my Sony fx3 since Dave and Alex are the primary on this one with Echo as the the record for the tow out like I said earlier I'm able to just kick back and record this one for them so now everything's in free spool which means they're going to drive it forward the final step all right now this one I'll probably just set it down at a convenient spot and just fast forward it [Music] n [Music] your [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] all right I don't think I was paying attention so that might have been way too glown out with the brightness but check it out that's enough that's good we can go again one more time one more time right yeah your angle's getting too extreme now but not bad not bad let us zoom out doing one more freeze poool and from the looks like of it it looks like uh yeah you know what we could put one truck both trucks on this side there'll be some room right here man this thing now this is the part where I got to put the camera down because as the guys do the last step I'm going to start getting these airbags out and this is what's going to save the load prevent us from off flating and prevent us from tearing open the trailer I think we're done beautiful job guys [Applause] [Music] e beautiful beautiful looks like we're done yep done all right put the Sony down because this is a an Allan thing the DJI pocket 3 is a lot easier to do stuff like this I got all the back set up on the other side filled up the compressor now we're just going to wait right now Alex is going to swing over the whole front that way everything's in line with the rear we want that because both trucks need to be on this side of the trailer for maximum strength man if you have one truck on the opposite side you got to figure it's going to be pulling the trailer to you pulling against a fully loaded drivein that's damaged is incredibly risky so we did all this work to bring it out safely only to crush it on the upper over here is a big no no big flipper you're strong very strong would you stay strong enough to defeat a sleeping giant every single time me get hour Echo you're strong now in case you guys are new here I got a pretty popular YouTube channel I'd say and my guys absolutely love their jobs especially the the tough ones where you're under pressure like this absolutely love it and we get a kick out of viewing all the video afterwards I know there's going to be comments put the camera down and help like dude relax they got this all right guys so everything's primed and prepped right here all the airbag stuff mcgyver himself showed up he was on his way back from a a local job so we got him helping out and this is how we're going to move the tractor part over Alex is going to use big flippers super strong and long boom to lift up the rear of the tractor axle which should bring up the front of the trailer and then we dropped this auxiliary line to assist in bringing the tractor over so it doesn't fight us and the goal is to get everything as much over here as possible let's hope this works right right there oh yeah and this guy showed up too I was just leaving thanks for the Gatorades oh I got the whole crew on this one man the cool thing about flipper man as you can see every part of this truck is strong [Music] all right wow in one shot bro that was pretty cool whoa he ain't done yet it's good like that watch I was saying man big flipper strictly an exclusive Recovery Unit no underlift no Towing just absolute brutal Brute Force for stuff like this that's good room right there H that's beautiful room man that's plenty you can still Park a little bit up on the curb full extended Outrigger is just kissing the the trailer that way you guys can be pretty retracted in let the bags do the hard initial part we got DJ DJ Dave in the mix tonight why don't you show more mcgyver that guy is the backbone of pepesto man he keeps a company together hello [Music] he [Music] [Music] stop him when he gets to the there you go [Music] you see how far the guys had dragged it out now this will allow Dave to blow out fully with his Outriggers which you're going to need with this weight rotate over the side so the center of his boom is like right here at about 45 to 50° close to fully retracted so he's going to be incredibly strong and then you got flipper up front doing the same but for the front end airbags are already into position airlines are all connected overtime Echo now Alex is just going to finish swinging over the TR RoR with I left the trailer straight you can see how it's not Center but now it is now it is then Alex is going to get on this side ring back of Dave and Echo will take his spot to do the equalizing sling method oh we're making great timing yeah yeah I've been monitoring these jobs a lot of people um it's not that they struggle with them it's just these are incredibly complex jobs I know we goof around and we're having fun on this only because we've done this so many times but these are incredibly risky so the normal way someone would approach this without experiences to offload it you won't up the rear but when it's a shifted load of of 26 or 28 pallets walls of grass it's everywhere that's going to be a nightmare that offload process alone we've done them trust me takes longer than the entire this whole operation the second one is to just upright it as is and that that's going to tear the trailer your straps or chains will go right through that like butter so that's where the the airbags come in handy everyone working together in unison to set everything up ensures a really really really clean move the upright by the way check this out guys I barely made this and this is the first sample yeah I know we'll be on sale soon come [Music] [Music] yeah I know well this is what a big multitruck wreck looks like and this is exactly why we drug it all the way out here I say we as in the company but man Alex and dve are the stars of this one again it's such a good feeling as a boss to know you can continue working on the you know the the day ins the day outs and have the stuff like this covered cuz this is incredibly hard stuff finding a a true Rotator operator like these guys o very hard well you see how high Dave's boom is there's no possible way you can get this kind of lift to do a preck a pre-pick is when you pick up one side um to crib it that way you can get your rigging underneath and you need straps for this you couldn't do that under the bridge oh yeah you can get a much better visual from up top man how tight this is that's why uh in the last part you saw Alex scoot this thing over has even scoot it over his Outriggers aren't even fully extended it's very tight and this is the bridge I believe up here should be State Street oh no that's the freeway this is actually where I got off we're on the uh 101 to the 10 East connector so I mean I never do these analysis because I'm not the driver but you guys take a wild guess on how this thing flipped coming from all the way where those cop cars are if you see how how extreme that turn is I'm sure you could take a guess perhaps speed was a factor looks like we got all of calron here as well to assist with the cleanup [Music] all right guys so I threw the Dron up pretty high up so this is where he was coming from this is what uh Los Angeles looks like at night we are very very close to downtown and there's downtown Los Angeles right there it ain't New York City but it's pretty cool but anyway let's follow the path see exactly where this guy went wrong so from this interchange my analysis is Boom break neck speed took the corner right here a little too fast started wobbling and boom that's the point of impact you see those scrape marks right underneath the bridge there we are now the preck is about to get started once that happens they set the airbags and then once that happens the straps go under looks like truck surgery huh like the truck is under uh under anesia asleep and the rotators are operating on it all right I have to move ekko's truck in position since the guys are almost done with the airbags is that good pull out the tables please do you have freeze spool on them no freeze spool please oh you know what never mind here I won't need free spool for this yes go down with the bar yeah I know the hurry up I would have been done by now okay extend out there you go extend out I'll pull him again look and these are the positive latch ones so you're not going to put we don't need it you want it you want you want to do an equalizer we got to hood but we do it here it's going to bring it this way we should do an equalizer I'll set that up so we go up so we can close the hood yeah let me attach the these first directly to do that no go up there you go good this is just to close the hood see if it'll come over easy let me get a strap [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah for [Music] [Music] all right so I have to record this this is why airbags are King on a job like this and 100% vital you put them strategically throughout the length of the trailer and as they inflate it brings 100% even tension throughout the entire wall so normally the way we do trailers is with the angle irons but even those have limits all right and that's what it looks like with the hood closed that way as this comes over this Hood will not pop open and get get in our way which is very good and I got my equalizer sling ready that's going to go on these pull pins when I drop it right now just going to check up on the guys so on top of the airbag see how they have the the high pressure Air Max as well lot of air stuff air is very powerful these are the 16 tons beautiful oh dang they already got the airbags in the back too I mean the middle very nice my friend that one's a good one Dave's already got his straps he's pretty much ready he's going to put a snatch block right here at the ends of these straps and like I said he'll be pretty high up close to full retraction so his truck will be extra strong I'm going to attx a snatch block from you all right as you guys saw a little bit earlier they got these bags ready to go and Dave's already hooked up Alex's got one line under here you use a combination of those high pressure bags to get this aluminum angle iron to protect the strap you see how Jagged that is and these bags do not getting enough credit for how freaking cool they are man you inflate them and then just set the uh the lock yeah buddy once the airbags work their magic then the strap takes over and then you you feed in the airbags again let that's what that big boy's going to do that way there's even pressure throughout the whole length of the trailer I just jumped down from there I set up the catch lines for the guys this is what it looks like man we're done [Music] I'm going to stand on the [Music] back all that hard work time and labor for a couple minutes of air time LIF off you see how the airbags are slowly inflating you got to match the pace of that for my almost baby keep inflating is well we didn't expect this one to pop out in the front that's where it was the most sunken in very difficult to to force it under you could only prepi so much before it rips and we don't want that to happen but it did pop out for [Music] now they're going to level it out go in with the lift there we go you guys got it there you go there you go there you go awesome awesome awesome right on the inside of the curb [Music] done now they're going to level it out go in with the lift there we go you guys got it there you go there you go there you go awesome awesome awesome right on the inside of the curb done [Music] there SM your chain oh hard job bro very hard job I wish he was check that out Echo had this too tight yeah way too tight it would have came over a bit more smooth but not bad dude that was hard all right let me put the camera down all right and this is the result of all that hard work [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] was not the smoothest but man it was tough Mega Mega Heavy BR cameras are dying guys I didn't chargeing from the last job so I'm going to turn it off we're going to start putting everything back away in my uh environmental truck I'll get back to you guys when we're outro all right all right put away awesome that was fun setting up the airbags is so much work what up Castro why do you look like a reject vonie I know I like it hey he you show up on all the work is done huh feel good woo hasat truck's done what's going to happen with the cleanup well c transel will will help out to a certain degree but I'm sure they're going to want us to take the big pieces all right I'll I got the flat bed here oh the flat bed well none of this will go on the flat bed this we could throw back in the tractor All Copy Copy Castro brought the tractor to take uh to tow the trailer and each one will be back into the yard I'm the trash man all right and just like that we're outro guys cleanup is done calr will do the rest echo's just going to pull the tractor from the trailer both of them guess this is all going back to our PL yard until further notice let's get Castro and hot what let's get Castro and hot let me see judging from the sides not too shabby huh no it's not beautiful now we're good good job Casher you made it into the YouTube video yeah all right guys I'm done recording we are outro calron sweepers here everyone's tired I did the least amount of work but I'm still tired peace out [Music] a
Channel: Pepe's Towing Service
Views: 57,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pepe's Towing, Pepe's Towing Service, rotator, hulk, heavy wrecker, heavy duty towing, peterbilt, miller industries, crash, fail, rollover crashes, pepes towing, big rig crash, heavy rescue, freeway crash, miller rotator tow truck, big flipper, accident, truck crash compilation 2023, recovery, rollover accident, tractor trailer, crane, winchout, bridge accident, bridge crash
Id: D8eq_VpDKuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 27sec (3807 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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