First Day Seeding North!

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good afternoon everybody today is the 10th of May uh we are at the North Farm this is our second day seating though yesterday we didn't do a whole lot because Wow first two days doesn't matter where you start seating there's a lot of messing around so we got 100 acres done yesterday and now we're cracking on all cylinders here this afternoon so where we're at we're actually at this ducks land right now I'm probably only got about another 100 acres left to go and I'm out I'm I'm done the field uh I've seated way out over there everything dark Brown's been seated and I'm working my way back to where the truck is where we're loading I always like to go as farther way out as possible and then seed my way back to the truck that way when you keep running out you don't have to uh drive across stuff you've already seated so it's this has been a hard change for me because when I was on the chickpeas I was cracking 550 Acres a Lo and on the lentils we were cracking 800 acres of load now I'm only doing barely 100 acres of load barely barely and we're going to go down to 80 acres of load 80 acres of load holy cow that's that's a hard uh that's a hard that's a hard change so Austin's up here he's staying a lot busier and I'm looking forward to finishing this as you can tell right here this is kind of a Saline area that's the reason why it's still wet the water's kind of coming out of the ground oh we're running empty here Austin he's just going to go around to the other side we got cranks on both sides so so this is where the mustard was last year remember I se this the brown mustard last year and I see some Derm on the other side because there's actually like a section here I did half and a half uh so this year we're putting Derm here I'm seeing Derm by the way I guess I should say that so right now it's just Austin and I at two up here I'm hoping Ezra's going to show up maybe in a few days cuz we're still going down at home while we're trying to We Got 2 in of rain out of that one system and then we had that 1 in Rain prior uh so we're at total of 3 in down there right now which is awesome and up here I think they got like an inch so a lot less rain up here out of that system it was more south so basically we filled the whole front end with nitrogen then we got uh F going down with the seed in this big tank it's a bigger tank 165 bushel then this little 75 bushel tank we got uh fast going with the midro banders and then down in here this 375 is our seat all right we got to move to the second Hopper and then close this so I can stand on [Music] it oh remote powered off here uh-oh I have lots of batteries I don't know what's going on my batteries were at 70% ah I better let you go I got to figure this out so I have two remotes I grabbed the other one and it's also dead although I had batteries so that's odd we're going to have to tear into this my conveyor is just running oh man good news is is I always carry batteries I just don't know what I got to open it cuz it's just a small little Phillips looks like we're going to be using a knife blade well the knife blade is working all right wrong one wrong wrong one mik there it's still going to work okay I got to do this all right we put two new batteries in let's I hope it turns on oh it did apparently my batteries failed thought there at 70% anyways yeah woohoo all right let's throw my fancy Dancy screwdriver back over here throw the rest of my stuff over here okay don't worry I still got other tools with me these batteries are garbage throw them in there for now these ones stay with my tractor for the other remote that's dead okay let's go Austin it's going to be a good day buddy yeah man it's going to be huh almost like we know what we're doing it's almost like we know what we're doing that's that's oh man and back to where we left off here all right we're loading up the Derm now last of it last for this load you guys remember what this ducks land looked like like when we were breaking it back in 2022 I think it was 2022 2022 was a really really wet seed and we went into June seating we got a lot of spring rain maybe if I can remember this time I'll throw a couple pictures on here [Music] look at that s eh just getting turned over this is very satisfying oh Rock in there sure look see really nice now I prot tailed it last fall clearly you can tell there's no mushroom stubble out there I prot tailed it last fall just trying to smooth it out a little bit more and we're going I have to go around this uh Little Creek here cuts the field in half this this 300 acres is actually cut into five pieces all separated by this water you can't cross it here it's too deep there is few places that you can I'm actually thinking about grabbing a couple CS throw them in there and throw some rock on top sobody I cross it so this is actually a run coming out of another guy's field this is another run here from our field still a little wet in there Mike why don't you just fill those bad boy if I filled those suckers in there's a lot of slews all the way up there that wouldn't drain so I would rather go around it and uh gain a bunch of ground up top after all there's a rock pile here anyway and obviously there's a Nook in here we're not going to get into as our drill is a little too large I prot tailed it last fall but I don't know why this is we going to have to start turning here and just in time for a sleo we're got to go around this guy this here is mode Cattail shavings from the water that brought it up don't drive on that it's normally mush underneath probably going to plug me anyway going through this stuff when you run your banders in the mud lots of times I can plug them so far so good and then clearly up here you can see there's another run sorry I'm kind of going looking through my dust here oh and then another run this is where I crossed there's 3 acres in here a little Island right there across with the sprayer here and you can see the water it's actually still trickling through it's actually running and then I cross the drill right there see the water running that will actually run most of the summer normally I do my Headlands last but if I got to go around a and stuff like that I always just do them first and then I just know exactly where I am if I have a nice straight headline though I'll always do it last now last year I did on first there was too much compaction I didn't want like it now I'm going back to doing the last pros and cons either way we're just going to just leave that little Nook in there until we finish we're working our way back to that grass chunk where reloaded so again I Pro tilled this stuff last year just to try and smooth it out it was still a little rough uh from the double dising that we did also we still proted it once or twice after we dissed it but uh it was still a little rough that uh Pink line that you see that is actually my field boundary that was drawn clearly uh it's not as accurate as I thought it was going to be which is no problem who I'm missing gosh I got one job one one job guys that's it I'll catch you guys on the flipper adios amigos
Channel: Mike Mitchell
Views: 68,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mike Mitchell, Faith Hope Farms, Saskatchewan, Canada, North Farm, First field, Durum, Case 580, Bourgault, First day seeding North
Id: 3xI10Eui66s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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