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today in Minecraft we built the most secure house in order to survive the craziest Minecraft tornado mod ever if we hit 2 000 likes on this video we might actually survive this and can we get the first 500 new viewers to subscribe right now that'd be amazing let's get coded finally I get a day off to enjoy myself and I even have an anti-melon device just in case that idiot tries to ruin my day let me grab my clothes get ready for the day hey Sunny hey what's up dude yo oh what do you want yo check this out check this out what is that melon don't touch it sunny I'm gonna touch it no why would you do that wait do you hear that no not again I hear this stinking radio bro why did you do that melon attention and F5 tornado will be here in 24 hours please take shelter immediately bro there's a tornado coming in 24 hours we have to prepare this is all your faults no why would you do that yo I'm not a criminal I'm gonna tase you bro there's gonna be a tornado hitting this town in 24 hours are you kidding dude we gotta prepare you know what that means I don't know what that means melon why don't you tell me oh my God stop tasing me bro I was gonna go to the bank dude they got heck of money so we go there we get a little loan we build a super secure base and we're good bro no cap that was actually pretty smart let's see what these villagers can do for us this is a loan shark business melon this isn't even a bank these guys are basically Criminal what are they saying what they want us to get them a diamond egg bro there's not even a diamond egg in Minecraft what are we gonna do I think I have an idea melon why don't we get a chicken egg and a diamond and I don't know like smash them together or maybe I'll taste them oh stop okay we'll do the chicken egg and Diamond thing hopefully that works dude this isn't even a bad trade if we could figure out how to get this diamond egg they're gonna give us creative mode for our building why is there a hurricane what is going on yo the sand is coming through so fast I think it's the tornado starting to form we only have like 22 hours left oh my God we gotta go find this chicken quick and we need to find a diamond too wait if we're gonna need a diamond bro we're gonna have to go mining for iron first yo Sonny check out this building yeah wait a second you're right bro it's made of iron let's go sonny you idiot we need a stone pick to mine that oh you're right you're right you're right okay so we need to get some wood first yeah luckily there's just the house for the job what is melon what are you thinking melon this is perfect we can make a stone pick with your house bro there's four other houses you could have done this to why did you pick mine uh I needed to use yours for uh hypothetical purposes bro whatever just get us this pick I'm giving you some food I saved these just in case this vacation went horribly wrong again now I'm gonna Farm your wood thank you very much Sonny the tornadoes are forming what the heck is this bro why dude this is way too early this isn't good melon hurry up and get this Stone get the iron I got the stone melon melon the tornado it's going away it stopped forming oh thank God Sonny we survived that was just the warning tornado everyone knows there's a warning tornado before the real tornado well at least we survived the warning tornado now we just need to get ourselves a diamond egg so we can build a secure base before the real tornado kills us stop okay I've crafted us a stone pick now to dismantle this building I'm so nauseated hurry up bro you know what I'm getting on board with this too I'm breaking up my house I don't even care give me that I want some sticks yeah there we go give me an iron block Melon No you tased me give me an iron block melon that's what I thought and then I take it apart and I've got my own iron pickaxe and a chest plate oh wait I don't have enough for that melon I'm gonna dismantle more of this place kind of want full iron armor too and a shield let's get all the loot if I want to get a shield I'm gonna need to no no why are you always wrecking my home that's it I'm destroying the neighbor take that and this and that turn this stupid radio off I never want to hear from it again taking this radio and I am going to throw it in some lava honey you're an idiot dude that's the only reason we got a warning you really want to throw it out yes I don't want to ever hear about natural disasters again if it happens it happens I'll die peacefully in my sleep and then I get a shield full iron oh this is looking good melon I am looking real juicy right now I won't lie yo I gotta keep my boots and my hats safe let me put these back all right Sonny it's time to find an egg we gotta find a chicken you're gonna check the forest I'll check the Savannah Hills okay let's go split up and cover more ground did you find any chickens yet Melon No I didn't it's raining like really aggressively this doesn't look like normal Minecraft rain melon I think I found another warning tornado it looks pretty big it's getting bigger uh where do you see a warning tornado yo I found a chicken me too I'm gonna kill mine why would you do that it needs to poop out an egg for us well I just assumed that it left an egg somewhere around here come on egg hey there's so many chickens yes I got the eggs I got two of them let's go I'm slaughtering this chicken I got two eggs bro one to throw in your face and the other for the diamond day bro don't you do it don't you dare and I might have a baby you're gonna have a baby what if it becomes a baby chicken well then you'll be the mom I'm not ready for Parenthood yeah but you're gonna be a terrible mother anyway so don't worry well let's find out melon catch bro catch you wanna bet first I taste no and then I egg you yes you got a baby no I'm not ready to be your dad I'm sorry just wait in this hole you'll be you'll be okay in this hole I promise thank you you're just making him extra safe thank you I really appreciate it yeah extra safe that's totally what I'm doing bro chill out don't mess with my son don't mess with sir clucks a lot oh my God there's another tornado forming we gotta get back get down below ground get down below ground we gotta go mining let's go let's go let's go plus we don't want to get struck by lightning sir collect a lot will protect us he'll act as a chicken lightning rod I don't want him to die but he's gonna make great Fried Chicken okay we're getting deep into this cave uh the Water it stopped over here melon I can't really see too much do you have any torches I got a fresh stack of torches right here Sonny oh dude I'm glad you kept some on you that's handy let me take these oh thanks melon give me these give me these boys yes and now we dig straight down I like it that's the number one rule in Minecraft always save time by digging straight down it's just faster more efficient way more intelligent too yes very much so okay we're at Diamond level bro are we actually yeah start stripping oh my god I didn't even realize we got there quick diamonds diamonds diamonds please let me see them good old pearly Blues I want that shiny gemstone aqua blue ah bro I got iron I don't need iron you're nasty oh I hear lava this is good lava always means diamonds everybody knows that come on we gotta find a cave melon I'm trying dude I don't hear anything there's lava near me oh my god did you hear that Thunder yeah it's getting scary bro melon where are you I found a Cave System uh I'm not really close to you I don't think do you have a water bucket by any chance I do not I wish I had a water bucket right about now oh Diamonds oh my God lava yo chill chill melon I'm almost at an epic Cave System you gotta meet up with me bro let's go and we've got access to this whole cave area there's gotta be diamonds here somewhere we gotta be able to find them blues feels it I feels it come on diamonds in here melon watch out yo I found a diamond no no chill chill chill chill chill and sorry sometimes I get a little too evil when I'm around you bro this isn't oh my God enough bro I'm going I'm doing my own thing bro come on it was only one taser honey stay away from me that's fine I'll find my own diamonds yo this Cave System I found is epic wait you found a Cave System Sonny I'm on my way I'm on my way dude hurry up this place is EP big lava stream and you don't want to burn be really careful I'm gonna be very careful Sonny by sprinting down dude chill melon oh I told you to be careful no diamonds go get these get these get these one two we got three diamonds that should be more than enough to make a diamond egg that's golden bro we're actually gonna yo what's the spiders yo Sonny help me help me kill him kill him trying I'm trying I'll defend you I'll block it I got him I'm at two hearts that was way too close eat a carrot melon there's a monster cave back here so I mean there's a monster cave I'm not prepared to fight them yet I'll do it myself we've gotta lose this place get over here spider yeah and a chop dude they're dead bro it was easy wait break this break this quick no no just cover it wasted a mob spawner melon Sonny I was scared and I'm low on health and I don't want to die yo chill chill chill this pocket sand what the heck is that we also got a music disc and some iron horse armor look at this what is this eat my scent eat my sand no eat my yo I can't see anything it's a sandstorm yeah we made sand oh that's actually epic bro dude we can make some epic sand castles with this stuff this is so weird take my pocket sand no I'm out of here wait I can't see melon don't use it there's lava next to us we might slip and fall dude I can't see I can't see oh pocket sand is so bad oh my God yeah that's right don't follow the lava melon don't fall in the lava too bad I'm throwing sand in your face stop you're gonna burn me that wasn't me you just couldn't see anything I need this water water Sonny let's go back to the surface and give these guys their Diamond egg you're right bro let's go trade with the bang I think the exit is just up here Sonny I can see sunlight you're so close it's so beautiful but melon there's not a lot of time it looks like the tornado's starting to form we gotta hurry up we gotta hurry up but first I gotta check on Sir clucks a lot oh I'm glad sir collects a lot is okay no no what the heck just happened oh my God your chicken just got struck by lightning is it alive no he's dead I watched sir kluxelot die well at least his death was one in a million what stay away from me Sonny you're sick you're a sick head you're a sick man dude let's just go make this diamond egg train how can I think about a diamond egg when I just watched my child get murdered okay what do the villagers need uh I got the diamonds and I got the egg bruh can we do this trade what do you mean you need a diamond egg I've got them right here melon they're saying there's a cauldron in town and we can crack the diamond egg there or would The Cauldron be I don't know check these buildings dude I'm breaking through these windows nothing there there was something weird back here though there's a chest more pocket sand are you blind melon there's a culture right here bro just make the egg make the egg okay so I need to be careful with this I don't want to break the egg so I gotta toss it in really careful one egg and then one diamond and then what's supposed to happen hold on maybe I gotta bless it up with some pocket sand dude the egg's gone there's just a diamond do you think is it it says Diamond egg let's go okay let's trade with these dang Bankers gotta trade quick though come on please tell me this works and then melon we have 12 hours to make our security base I bless you with a diamond egg let's go I made a creative Sunny it worked Yahoo let's go okay Melon now we need to make a really strong base otherwise we're gonna die look at the tornado cloud it's getting bigger all right hurry up sonny hurry up I'm gonna make some room in my inventory and I'm gonna grab some really strong items I'm gonna get some reinforced endocyte yo reinforce glass this is epic reinforce quartz that's gonna be cool and wait I'm gonna get the strongest block reinforced iron this is gonna be so powerful melon we've gotta start building make our base impenetrable dude our build is coming along so good looks so schmecky melon I just realized something funny though we built this incredible base with reinforced iron and other reinforced blocks but we probably should have used Bedrock nah bro you tripping dog that's for the TV oh you're right we gotta have a good big flat screen fuzzy TV that looks clean yeah dude would you rather have walls that don't work and get obliterated by a tornado but then you have a TV that lasts or not have a TV at all I'm gonna take that TV every time melon you're right and let's see a bunch of comments with TV emotes let's go okay melon I want to show the viewers downstairs because I also built a fuzzy TV look at it dude great minds think alike Sunny also look at your melon pile I put this here for you oh that's so nice of you thanks what is wrong with you let's go okay melon there's one thing we do come upstairs we need to need to build competition to see who can make the most epic bedroom because we're gonna be stuck in this house for a long time when the tornado hits all right bro this build battle starts at three two one let's go okay okay I need some blocks I need some blocks dude you already had melons in your inventory that's not fair I don't want you to see my beautiful room be constructed I don't want you to look at mine either dude yeah I have cell phone you're so stupid bro I'm gonna put my door right there then I need to close this look at that look at the two most beautiful colors in the world dude don't talk about your bed like that it's not even nice it's probably red and green and ugly what do you mean I do it like that I'm gonna put a Jack-o-Lantern in my house because these things are pretty cool making this frame in memory of Melanie who is slaughtered by sunny in a previous video no what did you do here now you have melon babies enjoy just murdered my girlfriend make sure you guys Check It Out ooh I'm gonna put a sunny block here and then I'm gonna put a jack Lantern on top because it's a really cool light source then I need some beds so that I can sleep on my king-size mattress oh that's nice and of course I need an armor stand with beautiful clothes look at my golden armor that is so beautiful I'm gonna need some storage too so I can hold all my flowers because you know I got a good sunflower collection look at that boy right there oh and guys I need to choose carefully I need to have a good security system in my house and then in this corner I'm gonna have a password protected chest with a top secret password don't tell melon and then I'm gonna store my most prized possession I stole Melanie melon thinks she's dead but really I'm holding her captain now guys I wanted to show you something off check this chest out it's beautiful isn't it builds from top to bottom with Delicious lemon with melons you should never be eating ever don't eat melons guys don't eat melons they're bad for you don't ever eat them you guys check out what's gonna be one of my finishing touches right here at the end of my bed I'm gonna install something golden it's a flat screen fuzzy TV that way when I'm sleeping at night I can watch some great cartoons oh also I need some artwork yeah that looks fresh and then I just need to put a door in so that melon can't enter perfect the scanner door it only lets Big Man sunny inside melon my bedroom's finished same here Sonny check out my glorious Abode wow wait you copied my art I got the same painting no this is my art dude I I had it for sure whatever you can enjoy it what do you have over here you got the melon bed do not touch what if I wanted to don't do it sunny don't do it I touched it yo what don't touch it don't take anything I will kill you yeah don't take anything no no no fine and what's this is Melanie I'm honoring her with this Memorial dude you think Melanie's dead bro you killed her nah bro I didn't kill her I stole her wait what do you mean Sonny check out my bedroom I'll even open the door up for you because I'm a nice guy where's Melanie where's my Melanie dude just enjoy the tool all right let me remove this ugly artwork and replace it with something more sophisticated dude I don't know if we can show that that skeleton doesn't have any clothes on you fine I'll change it again no not that no no I broke my wall thanks a lot that's a cool painting I know it's a nice painting bro there we go Karate Kid nice dude and the most important thing is I could sit on my bed and watch TV well that is a nice flat screen it's just a little inconvenient like you kind of gotta walk around it yeah but it's worth it dude it comes from the ceiling so it's really cool they're nice sunflowers bro yeah you like that you like that is where's Melanie is she in this chest yeah and she's all mine what is this password it's top secret you don't know how to count backwards so it's pretty secure what the heck nine eight seven six five four three two one what is it sunny do you really want to know it's four three two one oh my God if you want to leave melon You've Gotta Give me Melody back bro I'm like an evil genius yeah you're so smart what I forgot we're in Creative dang it sunny will never know which Melanie to take melon the sunset it's night time which means we only have about 12 hours until the tornado hits we've got to do some finishing touches uh uh I'm gonna get this grab yourself a camera monitor we need to install security cameras everywhere okay just need one more camera there we go and I need a camera monitor let's do this I gotta register these okay we can see the tornado at every angle now melon oh I can only view cameras that belong to me well I got the front view Sonny don't worry about it okay that's good that's good and then melon come downstairs I'm gonna put something really important down inside of our bunker there is gonna be a weather radar so we can see where the tornado is about to hit this is so epic Sonny that is so cool oh I forgot to mention if we need full diamond armor we just step on this yo we are prepared Sonny I think we need a good night's sleep before before the tornado hits us true we better rest up quick let's do it rest easy Sonny we'll wake up in the morning we'll be fresh and we'll be ready to take on this tornado ah I could use some z's melon melon I just woke up the tornado's already here bro what is going on I'm checking the cameras I want to see what it looks like outside dude dude yo the wind speed melon I'm scared Sonny quick to the basement to the basement check the radar signal I'm pretty sure the tornado's here bro I just saw it outside of our house according to the signal it's on top of us right now yeah wow good good calculation melon good job I'm getting my armor on yo it only gave me pants uh it's fine I can do this the old-fashioned way melon get your armor quick hold on hold on hold on give it to me bro it gave me a diamond ax and pants what is this I know sorry I didn't build it right my bad dude things are blowing up I hear explosions out there oh my God our base is getting absolutely wrecked oh bye Lord we've lost so much yo Sonny I'm about to get sucked out of this house melon melon get back to the bunker get back to the bunker Melon No no I'm feeling the wind it's also pushing me oh I'm not a coward I'll face this toward out all the way upstairs I'm gonna make it to the roof this is a really bad idea melon it's even destroying the bunker I'm gonna get out ah no it's Bully Me Wait I need to go to bed maybe if I go lie in my bed I'll be safe please you can only sleep at night dang it melon the entire street is destroyed dude this Village is getting wrecked everything's exploding out there dude we're actually kind of safe because of our reinforced walls well Sonny our base actually turned out pretty well it's decent I kind of want to see what this looks like from outside if you could just push through that door melon I just wanna get it clean look at it all buddy I'm getting sucked away I can't go back I need to barricade myself yes break the door let me back in oh my gosh melon melon you're flying yo yo I'm at the mercy of this tornado Ellen you need some help bro do you need some help bro melon I'll save you bro I'll save you I just gotta fight the storm oh my God I made it out Sunny I'm not going back out there I'm staying inside I'm staying inside it's right above our house this tornado is huge Sonny there's so many tornadoes on the weather radar there's like eight of them what is this a tornado storm I'm going up I need to take a look at this even move the town is getting destroyed I'm gonna take a look at the camera view bro there's so many out here all the glasses destroyed my vacation house it's in Ruins oh my God Sonny I have to do this I gotta see what it's like can I survive a run I can't even get outside here I'll help oh it's so reinforced I can't even break it here go out of this way I can barely move bro no melon melon it sucked me let's go sonny we're real champions true if we can survive a tornado we can survive anything melon melon not the lava no don't don't you dare do that to me I'm tasing you melon I'm tasing you I'm fighting you to the death Sonny I'm getting back to our house I'm gonna get back to our house oh I'm gonna get back to our house first nope I'm not I'm getting sucked melon we did it the tornadoes fixed off we actually survived Sunny this is crazy and yo even the villagers survived their bank got destroyed but they're still here let's go well I guess the most secure base wins we did it bro here's your reward sand in your face bro it didn't even work buddy good one if you guys enjoyed this and want to see more epic content make sure you leave a like on the video and subscribe to our Channel right now and click the next video on screen to watch us survive I love a tsunami
Channel: Sunny
Views: 1,563,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5f89OjOywHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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