REALISTIC House Build Battle In Minecraft!

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today in Minecraft we competed to see who could make the most realistic house I just finished my house me too it has this super fancy swimming pool with realistic water oh yeah well mine has realistic working light switches that is so lame bro goats tell us in the comments who do you think built the better house Sunny isn't it beautiful and realistic Minecraft oh yes melon it's absolutely Splendid brother so beautiful I might just have to Spud you yo chill chill oh that never gets old and it's even funnier in realistic mode hey Sunny see you no you got me again what from the grave all right Sunny I've had enough of your shenanigans I challenge you to a realistic build battle it's on brother and I'm going to make the most realistic house you've ever seen down to the wiring the plumbing and a especially the toilets oh yeah well I'll do the same all right good luck you got 20 minutes see you all right let's do this creative mode okay goats for my realistic house build I'm thinking I want it to be a little more modern and sophisticated so let's grab some Mar wait there's no marble there's no marble all right diorite we will pretend that this is just marble and now let's build the skeleton for our house let's just start to lay out the foundation oh oh yes marble is so beautiful oh I hate to do this to you but I must Flex my money oh wait if I was going to flex money I should probably make it out of emeralds blocks huh but that's not realistic guys but marble marbleous yes it's marous all right guys to start my realistic build I've got to start with the door there we go that's a good start and then I'm think I will use diorite here and here and then have a white concrete EXT interior yes this design and architecture will be beautiful and it will be ultra realistic it's time to construct the outside that looks pretty good one less yeah make it about this thick yeah we don't want to overdo it because it's a realistic house it's not supposed to be a mega mansion I've got to focus on the Interiors like the lighting the plumbing the garage all that nonsense okay check out my progress and I've got a confession to make I realized if I want more marble that the Polish diorite is not the best block because with these realistic shaders if I simply use white concrete it's an even more pure form of marble so yeah as you can see here I have the nice Marble House outline I put in some glass window panes to make it look fancy and modern and then over here I did something even more different I got these Cobblestone bricks that are in this custom pack cuz this looks like some fancy fancy Granite stone that only the most modern and sophisticated could possibly possess and then I did a little bit of woodworking to have a grand entrance let's go ahead and add these doors in now boom bada bing that looks good and I put in a nice flooring but what's left is I got to put some slabs down here to match this so let's get on that shall we all right guys my house is coming along nicely it's time to start constructing the roof so I think I'm going to do a brick layer now yeah this will look really pretty and then I need some like wooden stairs uh maybe Oak stairs oh wait no no no Spruce stairs would look great yeah this is the stuff look at all the fancy bricks this is GS On's GS oh we're good and then we will just finish putting down the floorboards it's nice to have that little half step cuz everyone knows a multi level first floor is for Rich fancy people so let's finish putting down the floorboard that looks pretty good oh and I even have a window here I got to add the glass to there we go and finish the floorboards perfect and this area I'm thinking I'm going to have it be opened up and have something super fancy check this out I'm going to build like this and I'm going to create a little bit of a water feature we're going to have a pond out here and I'm going to layer it with this so that it looks really cool on the edging yeah this is going to be awesome okay guys check it out my house is coming along beautifully now you might be wondering why there are four holes here well that's because I'm going to begin construction here and it's going to look beautiful I've just got to add some nice window architecture also it will act as structural support here here here the same bada bing bada boom yep that's looking nice then all we need is some glass and that is actually looking quite beautiful hold on one Finishing Touch hey there we go Okay so admittedly I might have gone a little overboard check it out my swimming pool water feature now I just want to build these pillars up a little higher because they're going to be the support beams for another layer of the house we're going to have this crazy section hold on a second I actually could use some touch-ups yep that looks much better how do I make this work I'm going to set up a bedroom that juts out over the top of the swimming pool it's going to be so awesome o I know I know bada bing yeah yeah yeah this is looking good let's even make it overarch a little bit we can get a staircase upside down upside down there we go and Spruce slab that looks pretty nice now to do this on the other four Windows okay you guys have got to see this check it out when I go upstairs I have a bedroom that's secretly tucked away here above the swimming pool now let's just finish building it really fast put the windows in oh this place looks Epic and voila the house is complete it's now time to make this house a little more realistic my house is starting to come along really nicely of course I got to put a bunch of furniture inside still to make it perfect but I think what I want to do next is finish the outside which means it's time to get some leaves and some flowers we've got to do some decorating it looks Splendid in here but it could use some electronic lights these torches are a little out of date so all I've got to do is set a light switch up here then the lights on these slabs and now all I've got to do is some wiring uh I'm not the best with redstone but I should be able to figure this out okay yeah that should do the trick then this looks so ugly plus can Redstone go on stairs it can't dude oh no oh this is going to be a little bit harder than I thought check it out I've just got a couple more sweet berry bushes to add in and it looks like my fence perimeter is completed oh it's absolutely beautiful we even have these Sunset blocks I kind of want to put a few more along here hold on a second what am I doing with normal Redstone all I really need is a redstone link place two blocks and now when I flick this it should activate it perfect then I'll add a redstone link yes right here here here and here make sure it's set up on the same frequency and then I'm going to plant some sunflowers in these empty grass patches cuz it is my house after all and then just set them to receivers hey this is awesome and now if my calculations are correct when I press this light switch the light bulb should turn on yo it's working and I think it's time to finally have some fun so I'm grabbing some kitchen supplies to make my perfect Sunny kitchen I can't believe it's working I'm actually a genius yep we're we're going to need a refrigerator are there any ovens oh there are let's go I even want to have one of these nice white oven Tops made of marble and I'm thinking the kitchen's going to be here we've got a nice bit of natural light coming through and I could even increase it a little bit more here there we go now I'm going to place the oven right about here with the white oven range hood above it oh that's clean and I'm going to put in a double oven because we're rich and then let's go ahead and have a little bit of counter space like that and we'll put the sink right about here with some more counter space actually we should probably do this with drawers on it huh that'd be a lot more useful and then let's add some more natural lighting right about there and then over on this side of the ovens we'll just have a nice counter space so you could do a little bit of cooking on it and I think once you turn this corner here I want to put a nice little trash can and then some other appliances like let's have a microwave and a a toaster I think over here yeah nice little corner unit microwave and toaster well now it's time to build the garage it's going to be awesome D let's make it out of brick yeah yeah yeah that'll look nice um wait what the heck why is my house on fire what's going on wait a second why do I hear more Flames oh no what's going on it must have be the light switches and why is there TNT no why what the heck happened to my house I just wish there was a blender but I guess I could call a brewing stand a blender yeah we could be creative there we go that looks so good in our kitchen and then we still need our fridge thinking it'll go right here actually that's a bit weird maybe the fridge should go right here and it's a double fridge and then the trash can can go there yeah that's way better also everyone knows under the sink you have a trash can so I'm going to do it like that and put the hopper above it check this out and then cover it up and you can still access it if you click just perfectly there's your garbage disposal delete delete delete delete oh no the Redstone wiring I must have messed it up causing my house to explode and my bedroom is finished which reminds me there's only 5 minutes left I got to warn melon I got to warn him melon melon um Sunny don't look at my build what happened bro I don't want to talk about it you weren't even supposed to peek what's the point of the wall bro yo I just wanted to let you know you only have 5 minutes left the timer's almost up oh no oh no guys this is not good okay back to decorating I finished my bedroom up here and the kitchen looks really nice too but I need to put in a living room with a big screen TV okay that's going to be the TV it's huge guys I only have 5 minutes left I've got to do something and I've got to do it fast okay okay I really don't have a choice I need to summon in the Iron Golems to help me rebuild my base and make it super realistic all right boys I'm going to need you to make the most realistic build to defeat Sunny then we're going to need a nice little coffee table and a big couch yo look at that thing can I get a corner piece yo you can oh that is awesome check out my home theater couch okay or how long do we have you have 5 minutes well bro I'm going to be honest with you that's not enough time to make a really good build there might be some technical difficulties I don't care just make the build all right all right too next up I got to do the bathroom right in here check out the fancy tiles too we're going to need a big tub a sink and most importantly a toilet yo I've never seen a black toilet let's do it sink bathtub and the stinker right there Beauty you love that now I think what this place needs is a mirror yes two mirrors yo that's fancy actually we need a bigger window as well there we go and this window needs some shutters bro we don't want people looking at us while we're on the toilet yep needs a little bit of a trash can right there ooh and some cabinets that's what we're missing oh and a little stool so if you want to sit down and do your makeup in the mirror now you can oh I also realized we don't have a shower in here uh yeah let me fix that banger let's go bathtub shower Wombo Combo yo Iron Golems you guys did amazing thank you dude I just let you know there might be some problems with the buing and mechanical stuff so just be careful I don't even know what you said I just think this house looks so beautiful and I even have my own melon car this is awesome all right let me let me go back and park it and take a little bit of a tour of the house and I just realized we don't even have any towels but I have the perfect spot right here and I felt like there's enough yellow in the room a nice blue towel for contrast looks awesome and we'll have two towels just to be safe I think this is the best bathroom ever I think the only thing missing is a light okay we're going to put some ceiling lights up here like this wo I've got my own TV lanterns kitchen this is crazy a shower an actual shower and it works bro bathtub look at that realistic water oh my goodness you know what I'll save the rest of the house tour for when Sunny checks it out well these are slabs so I need to make them the right level here we go four ceiling lights and I think I can attach them to this switch if I just right click them and then if I place the switch right here what happens if I activate it yo all four of them turned on that is so cool guys I just did some electrical wiring I have my own perfect light switch I think I got to add a few more of these lock the light switch and perfect oh man I'm about to go crazy with this let's put some Kitchen pot lights one here one here link them all up and now when you flick this switch above the trash can boom let there be light oh that is awesome I think this place needs an island so let me build that really quick yeah that is so sweet then I just need some stools check it out no way bro my kitchen is lowkey goated and now for one of the most fun parts of the build I'm going to set up the garage let's put the lights in first lock them onto the switch there we go oh it even opens the door up that's perfect let's fix the staircase a little bit that's nicer now I have my truck inside of my garage I've got a little moped bicycle and I'm going to put my tools up here ooh secret passcode there's my wrench and I'll put my hammer in there close these up and that's awesome and I think that's it my realistic house is ready I've got got everything you need to live a great life Sunny time's up stop building I'm not building you need to relax bro I was just going to do this oh my goodness Sunny what are you doing I was just clearing the wall out so I could check out your awesome build bro how did you do that in 5 minutes um don't worry about it it's just called Pro building sunny I took some classes wait why are there so many Iron Golems over here what what what iron golems bro they all just died out of nowhere that was weird yeah that was weird but Sunny check out my house yo it's actually pretty nice it is realistic you have a garage for your little car you have watermelons out front give me just a second or let me help these guys out what are you doing what are you doing stop I was just trying to Shear them I didn't mean to break them I'm sorry what is wrong with you it's not like I detonated them with TNT no no no no no no no no no no no no stop oh that's a perfect garden bro look at it everything harvested Sunny I'll remember this I'm going to absolutely blow up your house before we even do the tour no bro that'd be cringe stop get back here fine bro but you mess with one more watermelon and that's what's going to happen okay I won't touch your watermelons I'm trying to go in your house yo you've got nice mood lighting with these lamps do you even have a TV with surround sound yeah dude it's pretty awesome that is cool let's see your tiny little kitchen oh so humble bro it's awesome dude I got plenty of cabinet space I've got an oven to cook food a sink for for water but it's not really plumped but just just don't question it it's okay melon you won't need to wash your hands when I put you in the oven and turned you into roasted watermelon chill have you ever seen that by the way the barbecued watermelon no I haven't I don't really want to talk about it sunny okay anyways let me see the rest of your house is this the bathroom this is the bathroom Sunny check it out we've got an operating shower it actually works dude no amount of showering can wash that smell of compost off of you we've been over this why are you just making fun what is wrong with you what is wrong with you oh sorry sorry what I meant to say is I'm really impressed your bathroom looks excellent let me try out the toilet oh gross yeah had to let a stinker loose oh hold on melon let me rinse myself off in your tub I'm just not going to use that bathroom ever again oh yeah cleaning my butt cheeks I wouldn't use that tub again if I was you let's see what's upstairs melon ooh you have a library no Sunny this is my bedroom and this is my bedroom's personal Library where I gain knowledge bro we both know you can't read dude shut up don't tell the viewers that also Sunny um the Iron Golem said to be careful with the lights they uh may have wired them a little improperly I don't know this looks pretty good to me let's let's give it a go uh what is that sound why am I in survival no let me out of here I lived you just destroyed my house why I didn't do anything bro that was the iron golems I said be careful don't press the light switch Oh I thought you said be careful let's try the light switch Sunny let's just try out your house dude these lights keep exploding my house never again will I wire them yeah you should probably not mess with the electricity anyways how do you like my modern estate it looks like poop Sunny it looks like poop I hate it dude we both know you like poo so you're saying my house is awesome no it's stupid and it's dumb Sunny what even is this it's for farming my sweet berries farming your sweet berries bro you have a whole Farm in here too how realistic is your setup the most realistic you've ever seen cuz I'm here to win the build battle now melon follow me into the front door and Frolic through the sunflower Fields bro this place is insane what even is this well there was no computers in this game so I decided to make a science lab bro this doesn't even work yeah you wouldn't comprehend what's happening oh yeah because nothing's happening Sunny that's why no no no there's quite a bit going on there in the quantum realm yeah sure what whatever you say you just can't see it or experience it but it's happening trust me do your lights work yeah they work perfectly they actually work how cuz I know how to wire my lights correctly without causing explosions bro how did you do this actually how did you do this carefully and meticulously anyways what do you think about my giant kitchen um it's pretty freaking awesome Sunny I'm not even going to lie what kind of material did you use on the floor only the finest stone that Minecraft has to offer yes brick Cobblestone gs1 what even is this it's the most certified Cobblestone bricks in all of the game yeah and you have an actual trash can that works what the heck well of course bro you're in a kitchen when you're cooking you got to throw some stuff out how does all this stuff work does your sink work too yeah just keep trying just keep trying see it's working bro you're cringe dude it's not even working at all it's literally working right right now sunny I can see you filling it up with the water bucket whatever bro check it out open concept kitchen into living space and look at my gigantic movie theater couch bro this isn't even a TV it's just black no it's literally a TV screen you just wouldn't understand bro did you run out of money or something no hold on I never run out of money nor ideas it even has surround sound that's a TV screen if I've ever seen one anyways melon what do you want to check out next yo your garage is awesome dude you've got a hammer and a wrench and a little motorcycle I know it's pretty sweet and don't forget the working lights bro why does your light switch also open your door it's convenient bro so that when you go in and out you always have light and then when you want to go inside you close the door the lights automatically turn off that's turned on Sunny your lights are turned on yeah but the door's open see close the door lights off no the lights are still on Sunny how how do you know if the door's closed you can't see okay keep that door closed keep that door closed it's closed bro we both know what you did there whatever just come back inside and check out the upstairs but first you should examine the bathroom W this bathroom is awesome sunny but I actually like mine a little better this is like two cramp what do you mean bro there's room for everything shower tub you can watch yourself while you're scrubbing your butt cheeks and then you can use the towels do your makeup in the mirror makeup Sunny what are you even talking about no no no it's just for it's just for my girlfriend not for me relax yeah sure sure Sunny okay sure your non-existent girlfriend whatever bro just come upstairs and check out the master bedroom all right let's see this wo this is insane you have a go-kart your own personal go-kart yeah I'm working on it right now I have a few things to Tinker with until the engine's all the way powered up but soon I'm going to rip this around town that is awesome sunny I love your mural of the skull it really talks about um life and death and the relationship with flowers yeah it's not supposed to be that meaningful I just thought it was cool all right then I'll take it why because you thought it was cool you didn't appreciate it so I'm taking your artwork whatever bro I'll tell you what I do appreciate the views from my room look at my swimming pool it's epic yo this is insane bro what blocks are these tile fancy taliver complex B batonic what this is the longest name for a block I've ever seen you wouldn't understand melon they're far out of your budget they might be out of my budget sunny but you did explode my house so now I'm going to explode yours no no no don't do it guys comment down below who you think won the realistic build battle whose house is better sunnies or melons vote now melon why are you standing still holding TNT what are you up to uh melon stop what you're doing right now I've created a giant TNT sphere and this should be more than enough to eviscerate yall base no I can still save it save it it's too late Sun are you serious are you serious right now bro I saved it I can save it I can save it it's too late no my house
Channel: Sunny
Views: 338,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: l1s3_QUpQTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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