Insane Things Science Has Just Discovered

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[Music] did you know that the human brain has 11 dimensions it's true and in recent weeks we've also found out where life might exist in the solar system and how we can prevent Danny DeVito from ever being born so let's find out what we've just found out as we look at some of the insane things science has just discovered [Music] starting at number five the 11-dimensional brain the Swiss they have brought us penknives cuckoo clocks cheese with holes in and the concept of making sweet dollars from bloodthirsty tyrannical regimes but just a few days ago a team from epfl Institute may have talked all that when they discovered that the human brain operates in eleven different dimensions the Blue Brain Project is a Swiss endeavor geared towards creating a supercomputer powered reconstruction of the human brain using a complex branch of mathematics called algebraic topology neuroscientists created a detailed model of a human neocortex what they did so they discovered it's neurons form into cliques and when a high amount of neurons are present the brains connections work themselves into a multi-dimensional geometric object this study provides a fascinating insight into the mysterious workings of the human brain but what this means for concepts such as independent thought and consciousness we're not yet sure number for bfast prevents short racists can I offer you an egg in this trying time the character of Frank Reynolds seems to have a bit of a thing for eggs but in real life Danny DeVito sure doesn't because if he'd eaten him as a child he wouldn't be 4 foot 10 a six month Ecuadorian study has shown that undernourished children can grow taller by eating eggs after a hundred and sixty youngsters were fed one egg every day for six months it was discovered they had grown taller than their non eggy counterparts according to the World Health Organization 155 million children under 5 are stunted because of poor nutrition poor nutrition causes permanent stunting in the first two years of your life and by that I mean it makes you short there are no toddlers pulling awesome BMX moves whenever they're hungry but whatever you do don't give your kids toast to go with that egg according to a study from the University of Lubeck high carb diets make you less tolerant conversely a low carb diet which tends to contain more protein to fill you up helps to increase dopamine in your blood which makes you more tolerant so there you go feed your kids eggs and other proteins unless you want them turning out like Frank Reynolds which would actually be awesome now I think about it at 3 the cradle of humanity ain't all that until last week it was widely accepted that human beings first evolved out of a single region of Africa two hundred thousand years ago the idea of a single Garden of Eden somewhere in the African continent was a pretty well entrenched and accepted theory backed with the evidence we've dug up thus far however a study published in the journal Nature threatens to rewrite the textbooks with research indicating there was no single cradle the explosion of humanity took place over the entire African continent professor Chris stringer of the UK's National History Museum elaborated on this praising the possibility that fossils found in Israel may show that Homo sapiens might have started outside of Africa as well and furthermore this may have happened much further back in time than we ever thought possible just recently a bombshell of evidence was unearthed in Morocco where 5 skeletons identified as homo sapiens were found and dated they could be as old as 350,000 years so when did we truly first appear just how old is the human race to the hottest hot Jupiter the planet Celt 9b may not have the most inspiring name but this bizarre world has certainly caught the imagination of planetary scientists it orbits the Celt nine star 620 light-years from Earth and it does so once every two days at a distance one-tenth of that between mercury and our Sun because of its proximity Celt 9b is tidally locked meaning only one side of the planet ever faces its star and boy is this fellow going to wake up sore in the morning average temperatures on the planet's surface a balmy 4,300 degrees Celsius by comparison our Sun is five thousand five hundred and five degrees Celsius and the surface of mercury is just 430 degrees Celsius the surface temperatures on this incredible world are actually hotter than the surface of many stars and this has some bizarre effects on the planet structure Celt 9b which is the hottest gas giant ever discovered sheds material as it orbits its star making it look like a colossal comet flying through space the immense temperatures have also caused it to puff up like a souffle making it only half as dense as Jupiter despite being three times larger there's even a possibility that metal rain exists on this planet with its storms looking like something a teenaged t1000 would produce alone in his robot bedroom when Skynet is out for groceries this planet will eventually lose its outer layers to reveal a rocky core and in about 200 million years its Sun which is twice as big as our own will expand to a red giant and swallow it whole and at number one potential life on Enceladus if you want to find life on enchiladas leave them in a hot car for a week if you're looking for signs of microbial life on Enceladus the six largest moon of Saturn then you might want to check out its plumes in April 2017 the Cassini spacecraft reported back to NASA with data regarding large plumes of water erupting from beneath Enceladus as icy crust there is known to be a liquid ocean beneath the surface of Enceladus but what we didn't know was that hydrogen was present within the geothermal plumes that shoot out of it on earth plumes like this are extremely hot and this heat helps hydrothermal chemical reactions take place at the bottom of our oceans such reactions enable microbial life to thrive and this is just one theory for how life on Earth kicked off in the first place meaning this process may be happening right now on Enceladus Pacha but haven't we heard all this before aren't we always on the verge of discovering major things just like this like seriously brah when will we actually confirm life on other worlds brah seriously brah well in 10 to 15 years brah and soon we may also discover a cure for cancer and whether or not we live inside the matrix as well we're going to find out how in our bonus video eminent discoveries which will change mankind which you can watch on our patreon page at forward slash strange mysteries for a $2.00 a month pledge which you can cancel at any time you'll get to watch this and indeed all of our bonus content which goes deeper and darker into every topic than YouTube allows if you don't want to donate then it's cool we still love you and we'll continue to provide the best content we can under YouTube's restrictions as you'll find out by watching our recent video on reasons why humans are part alien
Channel: Strange Mysteries
Views: 1,371,328
Rating: 4.5875602 out of 5
Keywords: science, discovered, recent, insane, extra, terrestrial, life, mysteries, strangemysteries, weird, weirdest, wierdest, freaky, freakiest, crazy, craziest, spooky, spookiest, odd, oddest, top, top10, ten, 10, top5, topfive, five, human, government, exposed, expose, nasa, curiosity, extraterrestrial, mars, planet, solar, system, hot, jupiter, sun, tidal, lock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2017
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