3D SMOOTH MASK TRANSITION - After Effects Tutorial

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so I posted this video on my channel the other day ago and in the start of that video I put together a short little edit that has some cool Transitions and almost everyone in the comments were actually asking how I created these Transitions and I actually got the inspiration to create these transitions because of different videos online from like Instagram and Tik Tok and these transitions have become pretty popular now and I think it's because of this account called gabit effects I think I hope I pronounced the name right but anyways I've been requested a lot to do a tutorial on this effect so I'm finally making a video on it and I know this tutorial probably isn't going to be exactly how he these transitions but it's going to be pretty similar and hopefully it's easy to follow along as well but I'm going to try to keep it pretty simple so you can hopefully understand just the basic animations of this effect but like I said you can get super creative with this once you understand the basics so I have three different clips here which means I'm going to have two different Transitions and I just like to overlap these layers or Clips almost halfway maybe a little bit under though you also want to go ahead and layer your Clips so that they're underneath each other so as you can see they just kind of stagger underneath each other and that's pretty much what you want so the first thing we're going to do here is go up to the pen tool and create a mask around the car or whatever subject you have um and we're just going to take this mask out here and then bring it down underneath the ground so now we have the car and the ground here masked out let's now hit M on our keyboard to open up the mask we can right click this and hit track mask and it'll bring up the tracker here let's go ahead and analyze forward and if I just go ahead and toggle off my layers underneath this you can see this mask did not track well at all um so we're going to have to go ahead and fix this up and honestly ly I don't think we're going to be able to use the auto tracker and we're just going to have to manually do this so if that's the case for you then you'll just have to select all these points and then go either frame by frame or just skip a few frames here and there and make sure it aligns up pretty well along each frame and I'm going to go back to where I started that mask tracking and actually analyze backwards and that seems to do a little bit better so we can go ahead and keep that I'm now going to duplicate this layer so hitting control D will duplicate the layer let's go into the mask and just delete that so now we have a blank layer on the bottom and I want the transition to happen somewhere around here so I'm going to hit t on my keyboard to bring up the opacity and I'm going to set a key frame on the stopwatch here and then go a few frames over and bring the opacity back down to 0% now I'm also going to toggle back on these layers just so I can see the footage underneath it now now let's go ahead and create a camera so let's go into layer new camera and for the preset I'm just going to be using the 35 mm let's hit okay now let's go back up to layer new and create a null object make sure the null object is 3D and then parent the camera to that null object and then let's go ahead and make all of our other layers 3D and hitting p on your keyboard will open up the position values I'm going to set a key frame right before that opacity starts to reveal the second clip and then let's go a few frames after that opacity is fully revealed and set another key frame here and on the second key frame here is where we're going to animate it to reveal the second clip so using the position zv value and mainly just the Y value you hardly really need to use the X I mean you can but it's up to you and where you want the camera to animate too so for this clip right here I don't really need to move the X position right now so just by moving the Y and the Z will be good enough as you can see the second layer is just way too zoomed in here so to fix that let's go into the scale and position so if you hit s on that layer and then hold shift and then P it'll open up your scale and position values at the same time so we can scale this layer down move it up on the Y AIS and we basically just want to scale this down till it kind of fits our layer so somewhere around here looks pretty good I might even scale it down just a little bit more and then move it back up and we can always move these clips around later if we need to but this is just kind of a rough idea of where we want the camera to animate to so next we're going to need to mask out our second clip so going back into the pen tool let's just go ahead and create a mask around this car and once again I'm going to go into the mask and then try tracking this and hopefully this does a better job than last time and it looks like this actually did a lot better than the last mask so I can go ahead and keep that and let's just now go ahead and Analyze This backwards so now we have the mask tracked around the full clip once again we're going to go ahead and duplicate this layer and on the bottom layer let's just delete that mask and then bring up the opacity by hitting T and set a key frame and then go a few frames over and then bring this down to 0% so basically doing the same thing that we just did for the other clip now as you can see when I bring the opacity down it reveals just the black composition or the background here so what we need to do is just move this layer over so it fills that black kind of void so now we're not seeing the black layer up here but now our footage is way too scaled up so once again I'm going to hit s and then shift p will bring up the scale and position and let's just scale this all the way down to maybe like 30% and then bring this down and this is where I might even mess with the x value okay so this is looking good for now but I might have to go back and change it after I animate this camera so I'm going to set this next key frame for the camera animation to start a little bit after that opacity ends so around like maybe 20 frames after that opacity is done let's go ahead and scale this all the way back in by using that Z value and then bring it up and I might even actually use the x value to move this over to the right and yeah I guess I'm going to have to go back into this footage and scale it back down even more and then move this up a little bit and then maybe even move it to the right like this that looks pretty good now I can go back into the camera and just scale this up even more move it up and we're basically just doing this so it kind of hides that first layer of the car all right so now we have the basics of this animation done now we just have to smooth out the key frames another thing I should mention here is we can also key frame the rotation of this camera so if I hit R while holding down shift it will bring up the orientation and you really just want to use the Z rotation you can mess with the Y and X if you want but I wouldn't really recommend doing that so let's set a key frame for the Z rotation at the start of our animation then let's go to the middle key frame that we set earlier and then let's just bring this to like maybe 9% or 8 and then let's go to our very last key frame and bring this back down to 0% so that just adds a little bit of a rotation to the camera then we can go ahead and smooth out these key frames so select all of them and right click this and go to key frame assistant easy ease now let's go ahead and select our position and right click this and hit separate dimensions and we're going to start out by smoothing out the X position so selecting that and then going into the graph editor this is what the graph looks like for our exp position so let's go ahead and fix this and smooth it out a bit also if you're not seeing the value graph like I have here you want to right click your graph and then go into the value graph but you might be on the speed graph like this so yeah just go in and select the edit value graph so you basically just want to smooth out these key frames and hopefully you kind of already have a basic understanding of how these graphs work in After Effects there's probably more videos that go more in depth on how to use a speed graph and value graph instead of after effects but you kind of just want to copy I guess what I'm doing here by creating these smooth little almost s shapes that kind of speed up towards the middle and then slow down at the end so once you're done with your X position we can go into the Y so just by selecting the Y position you can now see the graph for this and this is exactly what we don't want right here is these two points kind of going towards the middle like this this will just create a very rough and kind of unsettling effect and we just don't want it to look like that so so by clicking this Middle Point and bringing these points so they kind of even out towards the middle is kind of the effect we're going for here and then also bringing this top point and bringing this over as well as the end over here here so just by changing the graph to look like this you can see the animation already looks way smoother so lastly let's go into the Z position and do the same thing for this all right so there we go now our Z position is all smoothed out now lastly we're just going to go into our rotation and then smooth this one out as well this line of the graph might look a little bit different from the position but it's basically the same concept here and there we go now our animation is looking super clean let's now go ahead and apply motion blur to all these layers let's go to our layers and turn on motion blur for all those layers make sure motion blur is toggle on for composition and since my layers end a bit short here like this one for example when I go into this first transition the car kind of cuts off right here and that's because my footage just ends so ideally you want to have footage that's pretty long so you don't run into that issue but if you do run into this issue and you can't extend this footage anymore and we're just going to go into the position for that layer and let's just set a key frame for that and then animate this to kind of just slide down so by using the Y value we can move this down and that just makes it a little bit more seam and it doesn't have some abrupt ending to that layer and it looks like that also happened for my last clip right here too so let's go ahead and do that same thing for this one also if you're running into any clipping issues like from this transition right here you can kind of see the edge of the footage so to fix this let's go into the effects and presets and search up motion tile and bring this onto that background layer you want to make sure that you apply that motion tile to only your background layer that has the opacity and not the mask on it or else you might be motion tiling the actual car itself which won't look good and then go ahead and change the output width to 200 and then change the height to 200 as well and then click mirror edges so with that effect toggled on it just helps clean up those edges now I'm going to go ahead and copy and paste that effect to these other layers just to make sure I don't run into any issues lastly if you wanted to you could add some shake I'm just using my shake presets that I'll have linked down in the description below and with an adjustment layer I just dragged on Shake one and I'm just going to have this start at like the first transition right here and then I'm just going to duplicate that adjustment layer and have it start at the second trans I as well so now I have a pretty subtle Shake along those Transitions and that's kind of up to you if you want to add that I've seen it a few times in a few different edits but some people prefer not to have that shake so it's pretty much just up to you whether you want to use it or not but yeah if you wanted to use those shakes I highly recommend using them I'll have them link down the description below where you can go ahead and download them as you just saw they're super easy to use and that's why I like using them for almost all my different Shake effects but yeah that's pretty much it for this video If you guys enjoyed it then make sure to drop a like And subscribe to my channel and I'll see you guys on the next one peace out
Channel: Tylo FX
Views: 13,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D transition, 3D mask transition, seamless transitions, car 3d transition, car transition, car effect, gabut transition, gabut.fx, gabut fx editing, 3d mask transition, after effects, after effects tutorial, ae tutorials, AE tutorial
Id: Hg9FnsUOOA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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