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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Nori_420 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
right hello how's it going welcome back to the s2w channel today we're going to be looking at the coolest ways things are made they manufacture an incredible 300 000 hot dogs an hour now apparently uh we've got a whole range of things like hot dogs jawbreakers bubblegum bowling balls and even magnets so let's have it oh this is this is that classic nuts clip in it it takes about 1 100 nuts to make a single jar of peanut butter it only takes two to fill up your mom's mouth the shaking motion moves them around so they roast evenly more than 3 600 kilograms of peanuts go through this roaster every hour every ah where do they where did they get all those peanuts how do you grow a peanut they grow in the they don't grow in the ground that's not where you get [ __ ] what i thought they like grilled or trees oh that sounds really stupid now what so you can farm peanuts in the uk that's incredible the peanuts land in a big stainless steel container right and where did they go from there oh oh surely they must put like loads of sugar and stuff into it the other ingredients go in yeah salt salt and a small amount of hydrogenated vegetable oil that sounds bad for you whatever that is the mixing has heated the paste to 60 degrees celsius you know what's mental to me that there's just all this like machining power to make peanut butter like there must be so many factories for so many different things it like it seems like such a big operation for something that's not really that important protein-rich food wow look at the filler oh that's oh that was nice it has no cholesterol oh that just looks like you could eat it all in one just whack one of them in your gob the caps have an aluminium seal inside with the with the foil like the stab the seal drops down and adheres to the top of the jar creating an airtight seal brilliant pretty cool all that for just a bit of peanut butter to make ice cream treats you first have to make the ice cream figures yep the main dry ingredients are powdered skim milk you see how that's powdered milk did they just evaporate milk and then get that surely not right that makes how no you know what we'll just get on with it right i can't keep googling how things are made and heats it to 162 degrees for half an hour killing any bacteria and activating the stabilizers activating the stabilizers that just sounds like a load of buttocks you've just made that bit up yeah just swirling it about and heating it up a filling machine feeds two lines of wafers toward an injection pipe like just a look at that thing like that big powerful machine and its only job is to hold chocolate wafers i don't know like it just it just seems dumb like is that always on like is there that bigger demand for ice cream sandwiches do they turn it off in in like the winter as the sandwiches move on to packaging the filling is still ice cold oh wow look how they just snatched up wow they must be able to make millions of them the boxes go directly into a storage freezer at minus 22 degrees brilliant really good these are great the bowling ball has undergone a lot of changes over several centuries to become the ball it is today but the latest version has turned out to be a real winner oh we're really into bowling balls here aren't we as the mixture is piped into the molds it quickly starts to cure and solidify in just two minutes it's ready to extract this core is oblong ah there's a person on this it's not quite satisfying when when you need like a human there like when you couldn't just set the machine and it could make infinite bowling balls i'm not as big of a fan why does it look like oh it looks like like an urn why is there an in the middle a special chemical and it causes the mix to solidify slowly it can take days for it to harden around the center all this for bowling balls how often do you buy a bowling ball there can't be that many bowling balls in the world compared like bottles of water i just don't get how they make their money back when it's all this big setup and all this faff on and all you're making is bowling balls like nobody buys them even if you have a bowling ball like ally like you probably only need like 100 150 they're really durable so surely you don't need to buy more i think it's a stupid business idea the core is now sealed in a symmetrical polymer shell they just look like forbidden jawbreakers this veneer has been scientifically formulated to enhance the ball's traction on the alley to curve it towards the bowling pins lower the bollocks next a spinning grind oh wow and then they just pump it up to the alley from there i've seen those trucks before a spinning grinder shaves off the bump oh that's quite nice to watch with its three layers this bowling ball looks like a big gobstopper wow look at it cobin that's really fun and then how did they drop the fingers into it then with this bowling ball in hand success should be within striking distance we didn't see the finger in bit oh gum this will be good bubble gum comes in gumballs of all colors and sizes yes it all starts with a gum base that just looks like quite sad and gravelly then add color and flavoring see now that instantly looks really tasty they pour in glucose syrup a sweetener oh i wonder what that's like to just eat on its own that looks like liquid crack they blend the ingredients for about 20 minutes the stirring action builds up heat which melts everything together oh oh look at that just like it's like someone's [ __ ] blended um who's that big pink um that used to be on the telly quite scary mr blobby it looks like someone's blended mr bobby the machine squeezes the mixture through a narrow opening like squeezing toothpaste from the tube good i like it the extruders squeeze each strip down to the actual width of a piece of bubble gum well and that's it it's just made you just chop it up as the continuous stream of gum enters on one end the machine cuts it into bite-sized pieces i kind of i can't see [ __ ] well this is rubbish what's going on the bubble gum moves on to a scale that's so much bubble gum i guess that's just always on i should we just don't need that much bubble gum pretty cool not not often really hugely satisfying yet well that doesn't look like a factory that looks like the fella who owns the factory's house oh tequila workers called himadores have grown and harvested the agave plant for tequila it takes seven years on average for a species just like some really spiky pineapples the hema doors routinely remove a small piece and measure the starch content of the crop it's like a telescope what the [ __ ] are you looking at like [ __ ] grown big massive dragon eggs over there and that thing's only purpose is to make tequila where it's steam baked for 79 hours this thorough cooking converts the agave starch into wood now spills onto a shredder oh and then we mash it up in it pair the fruit into long thin fibers these fibers exit onto a conveyor how does this make tequila i feel like we've got a lot of steps ahead of us operating mechanically the tohono wheel turns to crush the fibers and squeeze out the precious agave nectar oh it just looks like a big pile of cow shade whose voice is this because this blog must do all these types of videos i feel like i've heard it all before after two distillation cycles they have tequila nice so it's over to the bottling line wow look at that it looks so drinkable but it just tastes so horrible an employee corks the bottle ah no ruined human error i want to see a machine corking at me the next worker presses adhesive back transparent labels onto them what a rubbish production line you got a hand put the labels on even the peanuts had a better one than that okay crayons these crayons are made from he must know loads about production primarily paraffin which is ideal because it's inexpensive and easy to melt it also has what's called a nice rub off and we all love one of them the wax is melted to 62 degrees celsius then a secret powder is added to strengthen the crayon and act i see a secret white powder we can't just say secret what is this the krabby party formula that your job is to tell us how they're made you can't just say oh well this bit's a secret in this case the addition of yellow and red produces orange crayons are all these for crayons i suppose there is a lot of kids in the world and they all need something to do it first injects the wax into crayon-shaped molds wow that looks like they've just splattered a person inside there right so now we've made a big crayon disc how does this get into pencils just one rotary machine molds more than oh they're in tiny little holes 2 700 crayons per cycle bet that place stinks this factory churns out 30 000 crayons every hour all right okay so a crayon is 4p 30 000 crayons all that for a thousand pounds an hour and you gotta like wrap them and sell them and pay for the orange stuff just a load of faff for nothing really the packaging line is entirely look all them crayons oh my they do look very scrambled right look at that look at them go oh this is brilliant once the count is complete the crayon line say this is how it should be barely any humans anywhere it's just a big machine doing everything it's into a box wow that's so much effort for just getting crayons to make standard hot dogs oh this is gonna be gross they use a mix of pork beef and chicken oh i didn't own that the cuts they use are called pieces of meat left over from cutting steaks or pork chops and they're mainly muscle tissue oh it's just article in it muscle tissue truly it's just [ __ ] they add processed chicken trimmings to the ground ah what just looks like a mound of shite why is it a paste what part of the chicken is paste oh god another hot dog a dash of clear corn syrup adds sweet syrup it's just so wrong it looks hideous and why are we putting just pure syrup in there if you're the hot dog company why are you letting people film this another machine then shreds the meat batter ah it looks pretty it just looks lovely that that just looks like really edible it pumps the meat puree into a long casing oh not paula paula the professional sausage handler which drapes the hot dogs onto moving racks it's just like some out of a sci-fi film that's horrifying the liquid smoke seeps through the casing and adds flavor to the dogs as they bake the dogs you might as well have made them out a dog the hot dogs then file down to an unloading zone it honestly looks like you're some part of the death star they manufacture an incredible 300 000 hot dogs an hour who's eating 300 000 hot dogs so they really do churn them out like it's a sausage factory which of course it is thanks philip most gobstoppers are smaller than a golf ball oh yes to make their bubblegum centers synthetic rubber is blended with powdered resin which will dissolve the rubber that can be good feet pure rubber the batter pours into trays to cool that's just not even the good bit but that looks really tasty already after 24 hours the batter's hard it's chopped up and blended with corn syrup i feel like i've seen this before sorry if we've watched this before 45 kilos of finished gum is added you imagine getting your hair in that well you'd probably die another extruder divides each rope into six hollow tubes very nice to watch this i like it when they're just put into tiny thin tubes a mechanical arm pushes the segments into the channel of a forming and this is just the center bit right this is just a small part of the gobstopper don't need a bit like you have to work hard for a hot mixture of water corn syrup and food color that looks good i just want to eat that stuff as it is like imagine just having a cup of that stuff with a straw that would be brilliant the factory repeats this step 10 times for each layer oh look at that making a gobstopper takes four days four days you can't see or feel the force causing this globe to levitate but it's not magic it's magnetic oh yeah how do you make magnets you just like take normal metal and then make it magnetic melting everything into a molten soup they pour this into the sand molds wow look at the [ __ ] suits why is it so white the molds burst into flames because the gases that harden the sand are highly flammable look at him he's just chilling as well he's got his big chewed metal suit on he knows he's safe and knocked them to the floor god this isn't very organized at all they're just smashing the guff up and the gases burn off looks like a terrifying day job and sort the metal shapes from the sand chunks using what else a magnet ah that's good the sand will hold the rings in position during the next this is oh oh [ __ ] is it i was enjoying this i was really enjoying this i've just seen something that's ruined this is definitely the worst production line of them all this is all just blokes i haven't having a funny on at work really there's no machines there's no organized production line just heat up and smash and metal and open for the best this primes them to accept an electromagnetic field it's too late for this i can't take this in at this point these magnets are pretty useless oh it's pretty nice it delivers an electromagnetic charge to the metal which magnetizes it i never been next to that machine for like prolonged years of your life i wonder if that does anything i wonder if it like fits with your heart or something now that's some serious magnetic muscle all right okay cool uh i hope you've enjoyed if you have please leave a like and subscribe if you're new and i'll see you in the next brilliant fantastic stw video good goodbye
Channel: S2W
Views: 865,876
Rating: 4.9658141 out of 5
Keywords: how its made, how bubblegum is made, how its made bubblegum, willne, s2w, how its made magnets, how its made jawbreakers, hot dogs, how its made hot dogs
Id: Y0Ydk3ZTS6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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