INSANE Find At The First Garage Sale of the Day

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ladies and gentlemen [Applause] let's get ready here hit some garage [Music] sales a little chilly out here you guys list the games was it video games or just stuff like leap tv or something yeah that's all we've got to sleep tv oh okay we don't have any video games gotcha all right what's this here nano block hello kitty do you have a question no just looking that camera yeah i just found myself going to garage sales thank you one heck of a deal on a telescope a telescope huh right over here oh that's a big one huh uh no um anything any kid would ever want wow these things are like 80 to 250 bucks each really depending on what they are and this thing here was like eight hundred dollars uh wow shooting you have the whole thing for 125 125 huh yeah the whole nine yards off the leg and most of these are brand new fully multi-coated [Applause] and they still fell in the same model today yeah yeah it's in fact it's the health telescope down at the observatory that's cool i keep an inventory of it's pretty neat it's got your 2x and 3x multiplier so whatever lens you put in there it'll multiply it twice or three times how much do you want for it place how much does you want for 125. i like to say for the cost of one filter or less you could sell off some of the filters and make money yeah [Music] did you 100 for it i guess cool what do you think mikey want to take that down the cabin tonight and see if we can see something that's neat yeah i got to get my jacket on get that in the car bro is that heavy that thing good morning [Applause] so huh worth 25 cents dude you guys happen to have the system for this or anything it's just brand new okay gotcha thanks [Music] hold that for me yeah we've had them before huh i don't have one in this set thank you appreciate it [Music] you can put that with that sofa [Music] hey hold your ponies help me i just want you to hold it that's all manly to me to hold a penny pick them back up and buy them silly all right i found a little bit more stuff that's okay dollars for what you have in the bag and for the pennies we'll do thirteen four dollars that sound good um oh it's a quarter go deeper you guys have any other video game stuff at all um thank you very much oh yeah [Music] i did tell her that you called let's hear these skates [Applause] all right there's somebody named um ten dollars ten okay like stuff with legos you know it's easy but stuff that's nice instructions that's easy but it's just legos i okay gotcha [Music] because [Applause] i think he was on the bengal scene don't you think no could be from school or something and maybe he plays from high school or something no basketball how much are the hats two looks like he wouldn't like to fish for crappie yeah so did you do a bucket hat if i bought a bunch i bought 10 [Applause] you can hear we'll say thank you thanks sure all right let me get the i had was hats too and i know his name was a green one and i'll get these skates too that's 20 bucks right [Music] there you go oh you still got more hats in there oh gosh yes i'm in the washer and dryer okay so you're gonna be out tomorrow too yeah okay what's all 15 these [Music] then tools though you know brushes and stuff so these this this this and this is 15. i just thought of the three pieces all right let's do 20 for all of it um all this stuff here all of it well i'll do 25 25. yeah because these these have never been used they were just sitting in our house yeah i got you so you wouldn't do 20. uh now i gotta have 25 because it's not mine so gotcha i'll do 25. there you go okay just gonna carry all this for me no no no do you want to bag for the small stuff yeah that would help probably what hold that you're gonna help me carry something dude [Applause] you care that what what you gotta do something you don't got a job dude yeah okay thank you all right thank you have a good one hey look at this stuff dad yeah that's expensive leave it there oh i want a potato uh how much is this he-man toothbrush thing five bucks five bucks okay these are these are 20. 20. okay what's the best you can do on this guy um sixty dollars and i know that seems weird but i that's what those things are worth i just sold three of them to my buddy and and i got nine hundred dollars i found a shogun shogun godzilla on the box of the yard sale last year did you that's what i sold to my buddy did you it's if you if it's in perfect condition is it it's in really good shape yeah the box is kind of just yeah the tongue works good well it that's probably uh even if the box is just okay that's probably worth about 250 300 yeah i'm stupid i've been wanting one since i was a kid because i had one and my mom got rid of it and i found it i couldn't believe i found it in the box last year so i had this one in a box godzilla in a box and then the other one he's got like a saw blade on him yeah i had all three of those and i sold them to my buddy for 900. and he told me the story of that when he was young his dad took him to the store and said you could have three and those were the three that he got nice he took him home and his mom made him get rid of him because he because he thought she thought that they were like evil really yeah wow that stinks um about turtle stuff you ain't trying to see some turtle stuff in there but um i would sell these turtles cases i gotta get i got all my good stuff in the basement i don't know yeah and i don't really collect turtles but i would sell these [Music] i put tape on them to try and make them go back to the right shape yeah so you can take the tape off but i would have to get i would have to get 40 dollars for those i'm sorry i would do 20 and and 20. and right now turtles he-man and three and three-quarter gi joe is skyrocketing yeah you do legos oh yeah a little bit got got a lot of legos got them in sets or just well most of them are ones that i put together most of them yeah and then i saved the box and gotcha um is there a genre that you would go for superhero lord of the rings uh anything really yeah let me see if i'd i'll let you look at these okay i i told myself i wasn't going to pull out some stuff yeah um but i find somebody that's somewhat interested what we got ghostbusters that's a good one yeah i bought him all the uh ghostbusters that one's sealed those are not sealed i have a huge lord of the rings castle over there there it was it was expensive i have heard of this before dude yeah that's the way a lot of them are going to be they're going to be like this yeah look what you want um i i i'm gonna have to look it up and i'll i'll i'll do as good a price as i can that's what's hard about this stuff right because you don't want to let something go that got expensive and i've spent a lot of money over the years and i'm not just going to give stuff away all right ghostbusters lego here's here's a sealed one for 129. should do 60 for bay for them yeah there we go all righty oh she's all right she's fine we've got some clothes back here yeah i got my guys to my stuff's back here and a bunch of kids stuff over here wow these are so cute is it there's some carhartt jackets from bigger sizes what's wrong with the bangle sign nothing nothing at all no this is this is actually what happened man cave turned into a kid cave uh hey when that happens yes i've had that happen before so this this the sign does light up i can show you if you want to see it uh it lights up the mirror light sign lights up and then there's another no there's another pull string uh that you can light up the whole rest of the bangle sign really or have everything lighted up i did not but i will go get one what's the best you do on it that's the word best offer huh yeah give me make it make me an offer no i mean i don't know no you're fine he's going to grab you a bag there's no way i'll be right back i'm trying to get it i for know how much money i got with me it's been a lot today just look at yourself man throw out 50. we do 65. 20 bucks are you got to take it back in the house it was either going to go did i say it light up though yeah i believe you but you know i've always find cool signs i want and like they'll be broke maybe twice figure out a way to fit that in the car i bought a huge telescope at the first short sale i went to yeah so i like going to the yard sales never know what you'll come home with my dad ain't getting this one every damn time i find a bengal sign he ends up getting it oh yeah i had tickets for 15 years yeah my wife and i bought tickets for three together yeah and then we had the kids and we got rid of them right they kind of put a wrench on your plans don't they absolutely there's a motor light sign nice you can do them individually too obviously and there's the that's cool everything works cool 20 30 40 60. all right guys it's currently sunday evening we went to the garage sales at a saturday morning for a couple hours filled the whole car up as you can see that's one of the reasons why but yeah i got two like really awesome things that took up a lot of room i just gave up we were going down my dad's cabin for the evening or for today and having a good time and relax for a little bit so i could have went garage down for a few more hours but ran out of money ran out of room i just called it a day because it was enough for me first up the first thing we went through i know this is probably on backwards i'm not sure but uh the first that we went to was just a bunch of like kitties junk on the ground and then actually i know the guy was like hey do you need a telescope i got intrigued i went looked in this big orion uh telescope it's a skyquest xt8 and uh the barrel is pretty uh it's not real heavy but it's big and um sorry people are passing more but like i said the barrels probably about three and a half four foot tall maybe it's pretty awesome man i love it i would at least want to like try it out before i sell it it does have some scuffing on it these guys for at least a couple hundred bucks just as it sits there it's got a nice stand on it it swivels pretty awesome but the best part was what's in this case right here especially a nice case it's a celestron case just filled with lenses like i can't even i really got to price them i'll try to uh put some comps on the screen if i could find some some of these are kind of hard to find the right uh comps for them but we got a a stratus 68 degrees eyepiece 17 millimeter multi-core fully multi-coated we got a 38 mm super wide angle which i know like a super wide angle is gonna be more money so i wouldn't i wouldn't hesitate to say this box worth more than 500 but uh we got a 26 millimeter super wide angle two inch eyepiece which is a bigger eyepiece too and we got a eight millimeter we got a couple other brands we got a mead series 4 000 and a creeper you're going to knock all my stuff over bro what are you doing we got a mead series 4000 this is an ultra wide angle this could be over a hundred dollars i think and then uh we got a series 4032 super plausible then we got a hybrid 45 degrees erect image then we got a the celestron one and one quarter fully coated lens uh i found this there was an option that ended not in the box for 60 bucks so that's at least 60 bucks it's just awesome stuff in here guys there's a couple of celestron lenses there another orion we got another mead eyepiece filter there's a bunch of filters here too it's getting windy out guys it's finally cooling off outside i'm loving it i got down in the 40s last night which was crazy but yeah most of these are uh yeah i'm throwing them all what's that zumel filter number 23a these didn't seem like they were too big of money but it's like a lot of them all together zuma it seems like they're all zoom well he probably bought him this suck but yeah man that case is gonna be some good money i love to keep something like this i just don't have the room to house it what are you doing man you gotta break it you don't talk lens caps off like you know what you're doing all right so we got that which is oh there's another lens here i guess it's a like another islands thing that goes on there like a spare one [Applause] so he was asking 125 which i'm pretty sure you know that was a great deal but why not ask for 100 that's my first sale of the morning so he said yeah so i think he just wanted to get rid of it and uh he knew how much things were worth he was pricing off stuff with me but super stoked about that find of the day first sale so i could say i was kind of second sale was kind of iffy on my pickups here cool yeah that's cool right now and big robot i'm gonna destroy you ma i ain't playing with it right now so this sale picked up some old my little ponies they're pretty dirty i thought this stuff was gonna be cheap so we got the ponies these little uh chicken nuggets that you can dress up with like mr potato head but like chicken nuggets kinda i've sold these before they do all right i just little ronald mcdonald car these are old like kellogg's figures from the i think it was early 90s or late 80s can't remember there's some chippendales in there some ducktales stuff got the sealed turtles game for the 3ds might get 10 to 15 for it grabbed a smackdown game not really worth nothing grabbed these old harry potter books i thought they were older than what they were this one's uh like a first it says first print usa for like july 2003 so i don't think this would be worth nothing then we got a harry potter and a deathly hallows sorry all right guys when i was uh leaving that sale i did notice this uh betty boot box here and i had a ten dollar price tag on it and it's got a certificate of authenticity ten thousand pieces it's a porcelain doll made by vander a division of the lion company so it's hand painted and made of porcelain it looks kind of like a christmas one right that's a mistletoe there is that that's supposed to be i don't know i don't know but i couldn't find this listed but uh it seems like this is going to be at least 75 i would assume from just a couple comps i've seen the other ones with no box and stuff so i would say conservative 50 but i'd say 75 or more so i had a 10 dollar price tag i was thinking well she probably got me on other stuff so try to get this a little cheaper and i got it for five so 17 spent at that sale sorry guys dealing with a kid that's been up since six o'clock this morning and it's eight o'clock at night almost all right what we got here we got this shogun mazinga last year i found the shogun godzilla in the box for 50 bucks which is one of my grails that i found at a yard sale for fifty dollars which is freaking awesome i was looking for that for years i had one as a kid so uh so this guy was a big toy collector i'm sure he had a huge collection he's just getting off some scraps he wanted to get a ray but he wasn't giving them away so it's had a price tag at 85 bucks on it it's missing uh little headpiece that goes in there it does have these little missiles and a sword in here that's broke but uh then i found this he-man uh talking toothbrush that's missing the brush and the battery holder i haven't tried it yet though but this sells between 50 and 75 bucks i should probably get 50 bucks for it just as is hopefully it works i haven't tried it yet so i paid 60 for him and him not sure if i'm going to keep this or not probably won't i don't know but uh definitely going to sell that that should be 50 bucks most of my money back so i could keep that for like 10 bucks or sell it too we'll see but i should be able to get at least 100 for him i would think thanks buddy there you go then put your shoes on did you you're like me you can't remember two things at once huh all right so this sale i went through this sale and i have seen all these hats there are a lot of fishing hats i guess this guy was a big uh crappie fisherman so i picked up all these hats she wanted two bucks a piece i got them for a buck first day i bought 10 and today i stopped by there again she said she'd have more she was washing them or something so i ended up getting 13 hats for 13 bucks don't really know the value of mini this is a grand lake crappie club i know never supposed to look like that on the back i doubt it but it's really flimsy probably comfy to wear actually we got this uh crappy croppy-thon classic 96 lake chicken chickamauga tennessee see if i find names who makes this i don't know we got south bends crappie classic 1998 a lot of these are pretty good pretty worn hats 2002 classic qualifier at the southern pro got a bunch of these crappie usa cabela this one won't say nothing on it but this one here is a 2002 regional qualifier which these might go for some money the qualifier ones but i couldn't find nothing at a quick glance but we'll look them up again got bn m jig poles this is an older hat we got another crappie usa 2003 classic so that one like a qualifying one i guess we got a golden state california hat i don't know if this is worth anything or not captain travel west coast snobby court got another one of these regional qualifier you can tell he was more proud to wear these hats um north american fishing club trophy life member another one of these crappy usas nothing on that one the coolest one was the one i found today this old trucker hat it's from 1985. it says to all you virgins thanks for nothing which that girl looks kind of youngish to me but who knows but uh this nissan nissan cap um i seen one of these listed and it was from canada and they wanted 67 dollars for it didn't see no solds but uh i would say that's probably the best hat i got so 13 bucks for all them hats then we got the rest of the stuff at our sale too all right guys we're in the dark because i'm going to show you this awesome sign i picked up as you've seen in the video it's just awesome guys i can't believe i got it for the price i did here we go you ready there's one light boom look at that ain't that awesome this sign is at least three foot wide and probably three foot tall and it's all neon light there's no like regular light bulbs that's all i need i like tubes you can see down there look down there it's all neon tubes set a hundred bucks for best offer so they were wanting to move it they didn't think nobody was going to buy it which i don't see why i know it's the bengals but you know it's a hundred dollars our best offer i offered him 50. he came back with 65 and i said 60 and then that was it uh took up most of the room in the car with that telescope so i didn't have a whole lot of room left but really happy to add this i don't know where i'm going to put it at but it just looks awesome this is a miracle clean six brush scrub brush set uh did you say this goes with a i don't know if that goes with the drain cleaner or what but this set really ain't worth a whole lot i don't think then we got three bottles of this professor amos super fast drain cleaner i would never put drain cleaner down your drains guys that's what i've heard from plumber but we got three bottles of those seems like they suffer around 20 a piece so i'm gonna light all three of these up for 59.99 and move them plus shipping and then we got these uh fuller brush cove full sparkle refills does 60 windows there's two in a pack i've seen these go for 50 free shipping so they're kind of about 20 a piece too so we got those and then we got the little bottle that you use so i'm gonna light all three of them together maybe try to get 75. i got a 25 into this stuff i think i'm thinking yeah i got 25 in this lot so i should gross over 100 or something i got these vintage roller blades these rollerblade blade runners um they just need cleaned up man they're not in horrible shape i don't think they just really need a good cleaning it's even got an instruction manual on that one still but i've seen these go for 50 to 75 bucks but we'll see how good we can get them clean whenever we get time to do that so i'm going to clear off this table because we've got a little bit more stuff to show all right guys we're in the dark because i'll show you this awesome sign i picked up as you've seen in the video it's just awesome guys i can't believe i got it for the price i did here we go you ready there's one light boom look at that ain't that awesome this sign is at least three foot wide and probably three foot tall and it's all neon light there's no like regular light bulbs that's all i need i like tubes you see down there look down there it's all neon tubes said a hundred bucks for best offer so they were wanting to move it they didn't think nobody was gonna buy it which i don't see why i know it's the bengals but you know it's a hundred dollars our best offer i offered him 50 he came back with 65 and i said 60 and then that was it took up most of the room in the car with that telescope so i didn't have a whole lot of room left but really happy to add this i don't know where i'm gonna put it at but it just looks awesome all right guys here's the last stuff for the pickups here went to this a little church sale by my house i didn't get there when i first opened but i still picked through it and found some good stuff that's probably there an hour after opening a couple of the local neighbor neighbors that were were running it so that was cool sasha that was fine it's 15. 30 for everything 30. i spent so much today santa works for me thank you sir you gotta carry all this out of the car for me bro supposed to be a helper see what i got got this uh american standard tulsa pull down kitchen faucet which don't look like it's ever been used hopefully i think all the hardware is in there but uh i've seen one of these sold for 50 bucks so i would say at least 50 bucks this is for the house but this is an old uh why don't you just tell everybody in the world these kids man so we got this old uh life ladder instant fire escape like new condition which is good because they hopefully never had to use it right so this is a good one this is the old metal one with the metal chains so uh my wife likes me to pick stuff up like this we got one upstairs but now we can put one in a different room like in his room so grab that we got this cool new old stock uh it's a skill cordless screwdriver with a cooler pack so it's got the little drill now arctic zone cooler pack which is cool so it's just neat seeing stuff like this still brand new if it's got a date on it or not it don't but it screams 90s so i'll make this quick it's getting dark again guys we got this uh mast uh masters belt it's not a very big belt it looks maybe like a woman's boat or something but it's nice to pick that up i've never seen the belts before i never knew about those picked up this namco museum remix game about ten dollars got this wescott scissor mouse i picked this up for the wife she does a lot of craft stuff so she could probably use that if she don't have that let's see this little poster i picked up here's that open john poster captain fantastic and the brown dark cowboy from the end of the world to your town elton john poster kind of cool don't know if it's worth anything i didn't look it up got this uh sony walkman here ended up having a lot of battery corrosion which i didn't even look at it i was just making a pile got this nice uh craftsman taste measure where you can press the bottom instead of like pressing down here for the tape to stop it's nice got some solder which i need i want to start repairing my own game boy batteries i got the batteries and stuff and i got the gun but i didn't needed some solder so that'll come in use got this bag of tech deck stuff it's probably older and mikey got a whole bag of wrestling like accessories they had like a guitar and stairs and belts and all kinds of stuff got that real cheap and this might be the best thing at that sale this is a baby alive baby alive dog they eat and they really pee and poop see if it still works nope but uh it's still new in the box but the box is wrecked guys i mean it's pretty wrecked people are asking hundreds of dollars for these i don't think it's going to get hundreds of dollars but i would say at least 50. so happy with that this was an estate sale today we got a four bobble heads this is the nasty boys they had 30 on that so this is why the stuff was still there because these crazy prices ken griffey jr had 30 on that but that's realistic it goes for about 35 bucks then we got uh barry larkin here stars of the queen city bobblehead and then we got a tony perez replica statue which i've sold out before so uh let's see 20 on that 20 on that so that was a hundred dollars they had on these pretty much and i got them for 20. they took the offer today they were wrapping up so got them for 20. then we got some hot wheels uh mostly black walls these are 50 cents a piece we got a 37 bugatti 65 mustang another one a white one got two of these highway haulers there's another one there another bugatti a nissan hard body truck we got uh these are the 80s firebird another 37 bugatti another 37 bugatti i got a bunch of those and another uh firebird so i paid like five bucks for those mikey got a batman car too so uh this is gonna wrap the video up guys i'm sorry it's dark again man but i just needed to get this done and time flies like i try to get this stuff together and get prices for you but i'm trying to put some comps on the screen this time so thank you guys for watching if you ain't following me on instagram i'd suggest throwing that up who's been posting a lot of my souls on my story on there so the links down below also to my facebook i've been putting the souls in my stories adding some music to them and little animations and stuff make it a little fun i've been having fun doing it so uh thanks for watching guys peace um
Channel: shadjuice
Views: 12,248
Rating: 4.816092 out of 5
Keywords: garage sales, yard sales, 2020, garage sale finds, yard sale finds, yard sale hunting, garage sale hunting, yard sale pick ups, garage sale pick ups, american pickers, cincinnati picker, garage flips, community sale, best deals, epic finds
Id: 1kfauPc_bAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 30sec (3270 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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