INSANE 14,000 DMG FV215b 183 in World of Tanks!

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hi everyone it's Quicky baby and welcome back to World of Tanks and today we've got the pleasure of watching agent skill from the European server playing in their fv215b 183 and of course when the fb25 b183 is featured on YouTube you know you're in for something good this is the The Joint biggest gun on any tank in the game which hits harder than any other round that's inside World of Tanks I guess if we're being pedantic we could say that something like a t92 has the biggest caliber gun in the game but as you all know with the artillery Nerfs that vehicle no longer has the highest Alpha damage and look no further than the f215 b183 and it's brother the fp45 for absolute high alpha damage Carnage 1,750 damage on the premium rounds on this tank that will cost you 8,000 credits a shot but you do get 230 mm of HG pen and of course if they don't pen they still do a whopping amount of damage now this tank would actually probably be be pretty okay if it was just only used with armor piercing rounds the H are what make this thing truly outrageous though but the AP rounds still on this tank with it 1,150 damage with 310 mm of penetration but more importantly because it's got 183 mm on this tank that means it will overmatch all 60 mm plates of which there are lot of them inside World of Tanks meaning this tank is just one of the last things that you actually want to sit in front of in World of Tanks but not like the fosch right the fos is kind of the one that that you really don't want to sit in front of for a long period of time this is I guess the one that you don't really want to get caught out by in any scenario of World of Tanks now the eagle eyed of you might be noticing something a little bit weird along the bottom of your screen near the mini map and that is the agent skill has actually not taken one piece of equipment they are using Vents and a gun Lane Drive that's it they're not using a gun rammer they're not using a turbo an experimental turbo would be nice to build andove the vehicle's horrible uh gun blo when you turn the tank or improve the vehicle's Traverse speed and they're not even wanting to use something like a rotation device either it m well as Vinnie Jones says you don't really need any of those fancy things if you just got a whopping amount of alpha damage and your shell flies towards the center of the reticle with agent skills starting the battle with 1,668 and all of the the chuckles will be happening right that's why people play this tank I guess for those one shot Chuckles uh you just hit one shot and you feel like you've had a good game hit two shots you've had a good game hit three shots you've had a really good game and ladies and gents I can tell you there are going to be more than three shots in this game I've been done in binnie says 1,950 damage that is a high roll that is like plus 15% on this gun this this gun could actually hit up to over 2,000 damage if you do get a very meter roll like 2,100 and something on this gun absolutely outrageous and this is just just the dream right now for agent skill the Char just stopping in front oh hello e50 uh yeah goodbye e50 ear in the first 3 minutes of this game agent skill is already up to 4,987 damage and it looks like they're trying to do one of the hardest missions in the game for the object 260 it is td15 where we have to deal 8,000 damage to your opponents and get six kills unfortunately these rounds I think agent skill should probably intuition switch out here cuz this shell is really not going to do very much to a t95 and I think the uh the AP shell would probably be better in this scenario gotcha oh well um I guess not I guess you could just keep rolling sixes not only with where your shell goes but also with the penetration but also with the amount of roll damage that you deal as well agent skill is showing just how much skill there is in World of Tanks you know this is a game of skill right and absolute game of skill right you think about it we're rolling RNG for where our shot goes we're rolling RNG for whether we pen the tug and then we're rolling RNG as to whether we roll for enough damage to be able to take the target out as well and that's excluding fires and Amor raags yeah a game of skill that we play but look what better than agent skill here to be able to uh to Triumph in this this game of skill right so the FB 215 v183 is definitely the tank you want to be playing playing when you're running hot it doesn't look like anyone's running more hot than agent skill here puts one into the back of the is7 as well to be fair that is-7 that's not an anonymized name they are called dummer well I don't know who where where dumb is to go with your dummer here probably they're going to come around the corner in a second as well 5 minutes into this battle agent skill is now up to 8,400 damage that would be a damage record for many players and enough to be able to do td15 Triumph however to be able to do this Mission with honors agent skill is going to have to get two more kills and also win the battle by capping the base or destroying all of the enemy tanks this game is just absolutely Bonkers can you believe the agent skill has managed to do 8,000 damage without taking any damage pick up four kills and yet the enemy team is still up by 2,000 hit points luckily they've got the draon on their team in the leopard as well who is still sitting healthy at probably about 230 of their remaining hit points and it looks like the enemies have stopped just driving in front of agent skill at least momentarily and this is where I guess I'm just never really patient enough in this vehicle I think this tank is all about those Ambush shots so while we're waiting for the the next victim to drive in front of agent skill let's just talk about their build here they're using a premium Med premium repair premium fire extinguisher no no pudding in tea which will improve the accuracy by 5% on on this tank the aim Time by 5% on this tank as well as all of the other aspects are by 5% but they're also not using like an Aiming device on this vehicle which is one of the Tank's worst aspects with point4 accuracy meaning that all of these shots are literally just rolling the dice to see whether they actually even hit the target let alone whether they go in it's really hard to decide what will be the the best all round build for an f215 b183 it's not super slow like the f45 or at least does feel that way because it's it's more of a heavy tank rather than a glass Cannon opportunist vehicle this tank is something that can take a hit it has got 152 mm of frontal Hull armor 254 on the turret it's definitely not got the best armor but it can pull off a Ricochet with agent skill here bouncing 750 damage from the t95 that they managed to finish off whereas on an FV 405 with that barn on top of the vehicle yeah it's it's not going to be not going to be good news whenever you take a hit and so the fact that agent skill here is using us a a Bond gun laying drive to improve the aim time of this vehicle by 132% instead of actually trying to focus on maybe the accuracy of the tank or even the gun handling of the tank it's it's kind of baffling but I think what you realize about the f215 b183 is that sometimes it's about what just drives in front of you right an agent skill is mind controlling the enemy team maybe he's uh slipped some money through PayPal to all of these actors on the enemy team well you're going to have to keep you're going to have to keep putting money into the slot machine mate cuz hopefully more and more vehicles are going to drive out in front of the death start the last thing that you want to the last thing that you see is that a moon no it's 183 mm that's just sent me back to the garage right okay so things have calmed down a little bit quite ironic considering the the the clan that these two players are in with the batat 25t AP looking for the Rena Chante and agent skill communicating to them that they have the shot ready on this Ridge line expecting the Rena tante to be in the bush not only does agent skill have to worry about the tanks on the enemy team but also a self-propelled gun that was last spotted right in the center that could probably be able to get shots through especially when you're on this side of kind of like this Monastery or this ABY towards the center of this map but oh wait M60 is coming around the corner and luckily agent skill is in a position where they're not going to get proxy spotted this M60 can start withraw the dracon bait them around the corner oh yes they can mistakes were made and that almost one shot of the M60 with the onew punch from the clan now means that agent skill is over 10,000 damage but now a kza Panza comes around the corner while agent skill is reloading looks like the draon put an H shell into the side of the kip Panza there is an artillery in the front their leopard's going to shoot the 261 fail to penetrate the 261 the kip Panza with the artillery is going to finish them off and now the artillery is going to ram themselves for 143 damage which is kind of irrelevant but also managed to Ram the agent skill for 1,000 well sorry 141 and then they manag to finish off the kza Panza for 1,000 damage what an absolute clown of a round this game is becoming and with that kill now agent skill is one away from completing td15 with honors are they trying to do some kind of funky Mission ah that one's a pretty tricky one to do damage 40 types of vehicles that's not really going to be the uh the focus here but now agent skill who just momentarily uh well a few minutes ago was saying wait for draw is now actually changing things all together this center of the map is becoming a graveyard for the enemy team it's more like a horror game here right you're going up a hill you're going through the graveyard you're going through that slope and then suddenly there's some kind of big bad boss that's waiting for you right well it looks like the big bad boss here is Agent skill however we're still with two vehicles left on the enemy team and the f45 with a frag to their name even though one of them is called sleeping Forest doesn't look like they're sleeping very much as they've made their way towards the middle of this map now hunting down the bat chat the batat down to 604 hit points that means they're going to be able to take a shot or two from the rante agent skill calls out to wait and slowly Lumbers their cumbersome tank that I bet they were wishing they were taking an experimental turbo on into position try and clutch the rotante but unfortunately agent skill takes damage what is this something that hasn't happened much so far far in this game and that puts them down now below the armor piercing threshold for the f45 or even to be a two shot for the renante here the Rena tante using a durability device has 1,844 hit points or maybe they've just got increased hit points from the field mod there I don't think they're using a durability device actually I think you'd have more in a rotante if you did with the bat AT AP trying to make the flanking play now against the auto reloading Italian heavy agent skill quite rightly waits for their Vision to reset and now makes their way across the north to see if they can be able to make a flanking play against the Italian heavy tank okay come on then renante just hang there but even if agent skill manages to penetrate them here they're still probably only kind of like a 4 out of 10 maybe a three out of 10 chance to roll that high to be able to finish them off they quite rightly go down the slope here to avoid the line of fire from the fp45 and to be able to increase this sneaky flanking play and it's interesting that the rachon doesn't want to cross the Gap in the center because they're worried the agent skill is going to dump a big old shell into them so the only thing that's keeping this batad alive right now is that they're kiting the rante and they know perfectly well that the rotante doesn't want to drive down this Alleyway but agent skill has actually managed to get into a position unspotted the rachon deciding not wanting to push around the corner actually finds agent skill behind them and the clever girl moment comes out as they manage to shut down that Rach Chante with a nice high roll and Now ladies and gentlemen boys and girls with 13 ,000 damage to their name agent skill with six frags this is to become triumphant in this round it's a 1 V one it'sit the FV 215 b183 versus the FV 45 and I know which one I'd rather be playing right now and that will be the one that has armor to force the FV to have to actually aim at agent skill they've clutch shot there just deciding that this was their moment they've been rolling sixes all game so why wouldn't they continue over 14,000 damage dealt picking up the seventh kill completing td15 one of the hardest things to do in World ATT tanks with honors getting nearly half of the enemy team destroyed with those seven frags I mean come on firstly agent skill I bet you you feel bad in a way that you didn't go and buy a lottery ticket because how you were rolling with your shots in this game with so many high rolls with so many shells that just went straight towards the reticle and then managed to pen shots that I didn't think for example against the t95 stood a chance of being able to go in but you know what I think some people would probably say that they don't really need a lotto win if they can go and get a 14,000 damage game in World of Tanks this is one of the most ridiculous rounds that I've ever seen I loved it that there were no AFK tanks no bots on the enemy team these were all players who were just caught out with awkward ambushes as this quiet platoon takes down 10 kills between them and absolutely crushes this round of World of Tanks just to put this into perspective let's take a look to to see what 14,000 damage actually looks like compared to all of the hit points the enemy team has as my game crashes so take a moment to appreciate that the enemy's starting hit points was was only double the 14k literally agent skill destroyed half of the enemy team with regards to their total hit points they loaded into the battle look a high caliber is a is half of that this was a double High Caliber of World of Tanks one of the most ridiculous things that I've seen in world in in the history of this game so what an unbelievable epic carry here this was a high caliber for 14,000 damage agent skill did seven times what anyone else on their team was able to achieve and literally did more damage than the rest of their team combined this was a Top Gun for those seven kills and a tank sniper for dealing a lot of damage at long range an agent skill wasn't using a premium account but still managed to make 42,000 credits profit here because they only fired 10 shots to do that 14k if that's not ruthless efficiency I don't know what is so agent skill congratulations to you on one of the most ridiculous games of World of Tanks that I've ever seen and thank you so much for uploading it onto the W replays website for the community to enjoy I know I thoroughly did and I hope all of you out there enjoyed this video just as much if you did give it a thumbs up if you hated it give it a thumbs down and if you're watching this video as it goes live on Monday it's time for some new tokens so that you can get closer towards your Cromwell bin tiger 131 britania Panther or the Tog which I know if you buy you'll make a lot of KV is happy so come and get your last few tokens so really looking forward to seeing you all live right now and as always thank you so much for watching you've been epic and hopefully I'll see you soon
Channel: QuickyBaby
Views: 69,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: World of Tanks, WoT, Let’s Play, Tank, Gameplay, Review, YouTube Gaming, Strategy, Guide, Tips, Free 2 Play, Gaming, Gamer, Video Game, Computer Game, Video Game (Industry), Free Games, MMO, RPG, Role-playing Game (Industry), Replay, Mmorpg, Multiplayer, Premium, American, British, Soviet, Russian, German, Japanese, French, Chinese, Czechoslovakian, Swedish, Polish, QuickyBaby, QuickyBabyTV
Id: ub6FpfvFoZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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