Insane IS-7 Ramming Build! | WoT

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good day fellas I hope you ready for your daily dose of skill and today we are going to play with is7 with a very very special equipment setup I have no bloody clue how the games will go but I can tell you one thing this tank was very much requested and you know what it's better later than never so what we are going to do we are going to use experimental hit points experimental turbo and grousers to be as fast as F we are going to spam the full gold and we will have some fun quick highlight of this setup this is purely created for trolling this is not the most competitive setup it is not the best setup ever but you can have a lot of a lot of fun and there is a story fellas actually there is no story what do we have m's standard battle what do we want to do we want to go on top of the hill maybe not to go on top top but to place somewhere for the hill right the is-7 is extremely quick with this setup and even medium tanks would say eguna how did you ared here so fast right this is how this tank is looking like and this is what this tank has to offer meanwhile we are slapping the enemy stb and in the face good this is exactly what we look for and this is exactly what we want although although fellas this stb will try to peek sideways and we are going to punish him not that bad of the trade for us to be completely honest with you I took 300 for the team and I slapped him for 500 so I would say we the trade goes we are completely fine and we are just starting our journey by the way like I said we the setup goes that it is not created for doing damage uh that much now right because you can have significantly better gun handling by having let's say the same ventilation rammer stabilizer better DPM better setup and whatnot but this is created purely for raming and purely for punishing enemies in the face right the gun handling even though the soft stats doesn't look that great of on this tank it is still worth a bunch okay uh it is very very very strong gun handling wise although every and each of us have those games whenever um the game simply refuses to treat us well and whenever we are missing every and each shot but as you can see this isn't the game like this today we are booming and today we are slapping the living crap out of the enemies good this is what I want to see fellas very very nice oo there is a trash burn as well how are you doing I mean look at this gun handling we are slapping left right and Center this is actually insane and this is actually crazy very very good so far we are being pretty successful with how we are playing this game and uh what decisions we are making very very nice there is still some problems our team isn't winning this game in fact our team is definitely losing this game like there is no tomorrow which is kind of sad thing but it is how it is skill do you understand you are spamming full gold absolutely I do and this is a part of the request skill you can make a request to play with one or another tank no this one is exceptional okay beautiful so far 35,000 damage 200 assisting damage so far so good and we are slapping enemies like there is no tomorrow that's nice there is still a lot of things for us to do by the way it is not as easy as it may look like from the first glance and I over ped this one and I am taking one for the team not the most intelligent Choice from my side that's okay we still have plenty of the hit points and for me the most important thing would be to go with a crazy Ram over there okay this is what I am dreaming about and this is what is happening in my head ram ram ram and fellas would you look at Dead do you see this is3 going in front that's good this is exactly what I want to see fellas fellas yes no no no no no no no no a such a bad hit points loss in this situation that's kind of unfortunate eh not much what I can change about that that's okay all we need to do at the moment we need to eliminate the S3 which we did successfully great and now there is couple of the sadas playing around this area so what do we want to do we want to say hello for sadas right for obvious reasons we are feeling great we are enjoying ourselves to the maximum and all we need to do we need to slab them meanwhile Centurion is crossing and over peaking as much as he physically and possibly can and I cannot do absolutely anything about that which is kind of sad definitely not our game did we pulled our weight in this battle absolutely fell us I would say we did a great job and I think we played the game pretty pretty well in this situation and pay attention at the gun handling this is definitely um crazy stuff meanwhile we can clearly see that enemy fava is being way too aggressive and for aggressive fava we want to eliminate him from the game for obvious reasons night night look at this fa is in the open field he's trying to run for his life and he's saying oh no and I'm saying oh yes very very nice stb is trying to get at a decent enough angle to P to punish me but he crashed very very good this is exactly what I'm looking for and now we have the is4 in this situation what can we do for this Mr is4 this is the question luckily he um haven't slapped me in the face yet and we have a lot of sniper schnitzel in this situation over there fellas I am feeling extremely extremely good about this obviously I'm a of the schas who are sitting here in the back and this is far away from being ideal for us but we are fine I am trying to figure out how I could get more involved again this against this S4 right this is what I'm trying to do no anyone proo beautiful shot to projetto I'm trying to dodge the is4 while going in front like this and I for claimed my life okay there is one bad thing I did not manage to get a beautiful run with this trollish setup okay this is this is kind of sad thing and this is unfortunate thing but I would not say 5.5 th000 damage is a bad scorer right I hope you are going to give uh me a green pass and hopefully in the next game we can slap someone to death for like 1,000 ramming damage or something meanwhile fellas we are back with a solid 55,000 damage 100 assisting damage it's okay yeah unfortunately we did not had the best team but happens for the best of us we are still second by experience first by the damage and we lost 36,000 credits but that's to be expected with a setup like this okay fellas round number two also one more thing you are not going to see um all games some games are going to be failed with this setup so I'm just going to save the time for you and I am not going to show them I hope that makes sense so round number two San Coast by the way look into this setup do you see those s7s those s7s are not very welcome um for me to be fair with you and the main reason why so because they may do the same thing as I do uh by playing Super aggressively over there they can eliminate me from the game and that would be kind of sad but you know what we are crossing our fingers and we are hoping that i7s would make a bit of pressure like this so we can build a bit of the speed and we can Ram someone just like so right this is our this is our Dream by the way if you would pay attention how many guns do we have going into this side would you be so kind to tell me how many guns do we have we have is7 and we have one to one tank so pretty much one to1 doesn't have the gun depression and is7 isn't the finest tank in this type of situation Plus on top of that enemies has two Aras outad their Aras for a good measure so this could be very very very disgusting but you know what uh hopefully the things will go well for us o oh yeah you see this is this is the is7 this is how people are playing with this tank and there is absolutely nothing what I can change about this and those guys did not give too much of the Kaku you know they just simply made a hardcore pressure over there and it is a game over in this type of situation there is nothing what we can do but I think this is a fear to show one thing that the game can go this way as well so um speaking about this battle I am going to leave it over there just to see that this setup is not only um flowers and the best thing ever but you can have the situation like this we met i7s and those i7s did not even focus at me I got slapped by the other guys as well that's okay let's go straight into the round number three okay fellas round number three it doesn't look great to be fair with you proc kurova standard battle once again you are not seeing uh every and each game which I played with this tank and plenty of the games are going south whenever you are playing aggressively you know it just how it goes and it just how it is you need some mates to support your um silly goose play for a full happiness fellas that's how it looks like with this setup so if you have some mates with with who you are playing World of Tanks you can try to go with this set up up then you may enjoy this very very very much okay what is happening in my pigeon head um with this set up unfortunately we do not have the best gun handling ever so sniping from the middle is not an option right it just isn't so what we are going to do we are going to place somewhere over there um on top of the hill this is what I'm thinking I'm not going to push instantly or maybe I could push instantly do you see what is Happening Here it looks like our team is is getting pushed by the enemy so maybe this isn't uh the worst idea ever H to make a pressure instantly requesting support well you know what I'm going for it if I will take one for the team I will be dead if I am going to be successful then we are going to say a tuna skill what an awesome play that was wow this is how it goes good t62 over there all the most important thing is not to get tracked over there oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes no oh that was so unfortunate that was so unfortunate fellas that was so so so so unfortunate I was so happy for a second and I bumped into the Rock a I did not want to talk about this we will pretend it never existed we will pretend this game is um a fluke okay is it the first time it happened no you haven't seen the previous game on the West Field I went through the middle of the field and I was about to slap the living crap out of the enemies and I had the same situation and now I do not want to talk about this we are going to be polite and we will pretend it never existed okay very good skill is this tank making you to go mental oh yes it does it does fellas I am working a good hour on this and the games are not the finest let's say like that and I'm considering what to do with it and uh you know my head is saying skill do not consider what to do do nothing don't think don't think this is this is a bloody is7 what are you thinking about you don't care you go in front and you try to spot that's all you do for a full happiness you know and this is true this is is7 power you know you can be very very successful over there shoot guys y don't make me scream don't make me scream guys no G spotted in the open field guys please just slap the living crap out of him it is important beautiful very very nice now we are just gaming um not a ring damage okay not a ring damage unfortunately and I'm trying to do my best in order to get some of it um but in this situation it doesn't work this way in this situation all we are doing we are trying to get as much assisting damage as we physically and possibly can obviously the EBR is yking quite a bit of it but but um that's to be expected right and in the same time we know that light tank should be sitting somewhere over there as well right where exactly I'm not entirely sure but light tank is sitting either here or either here at least that would be my prediction I may be uh wrong as well we'll see G fell Gill this B yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I I can see how angry this Arta actually is at the moment fellas I can definitely see how angry this Arta is boom just like this and now we are just simply pushing in front like there is no tomorrow we do not really ram ram ram ram ram ram would you would you be so kind to allow me to Ram you would you be so kind to allow me to Ram you no please [Laughter] 200 oh I mean I do not know what you want me to say fellas I am I am losing it okay at this point I am losing it at this point I am definitely losing it I'm accepting it thank you very much it was fun let's see the score you know what is the funny thing in this video we are doing the raming video right and I'm better light Tang than a rammer I am a better light Tang fellas there wasn't a single successful Ram skill you ram at 60p for 200 don't you dare to start this don't you dare 2.6 th000 damage 6,000 assisting damage great game overall a lot of fun that was the seven game which we played with this tank already and you haven't seen quite some of them one more okay one more for successful Ram okay uh we have something decent and we have something good look F standard battle and we are top tier okay so that means we are beating the living crap out of the tier eights what do we need to do for a full happiness boys and girls ladies and gentlemen we want to go up here skill but you do not play in this position chit listen there is a point for this okay I had a bit of the lag there is a point for this our goal is to build as much speed as we physically and possibly can and then there's two options if we meet someone someone over there we Ram him if we meet someone over there we Ram him if we meet someone over there we Ram him if we meet someone over there we Ram him any questions no good this may be disaster this may be absolutely disgusting play and you can say skill Noob and we are going to finish the video in this way or alternatively this will be the best thing ever and you will say skill that is absolutely amazing you need to do triple is7 platoon whenever you play with um uh with someone else right one out of two one out of Two Fellas looking how many sniper schnitzel enemies has over there I am not too paranoid about this uh believe me or not I am not too paranoid I am feeling okay you see there is 140 who never been spotted you know what that means that means he may try to go up like this and you know what that would mean for 140 that would mean a good stuff so what we are going to do we are going to aim our shot to miss it and then we are going to go in we are going to go in we are not stopping I would love to see the 140 I would love to see a 14 oh oh oh oh finally finally fellas finally that's the best thing what could have happened to us okay finally I am super happy about this thank you very much I appreciate you now you little bastard you think that's funny do you think that's funny do you think that's you know what is funny that is funny oh my bananas from banana land fellas we are not done with a funny do you see what is going to be funny oh this is going to be funny oh this is oh no this is not going to be funny listen you bastard you little stay [Laughter] stay I oh my banana well as I am I am so damn done with this challenge I am so damn done with this challenge trust me I am so damn done with this come here you little mhm mhm you ruined the fun you bastard you bastard you ruined the fun that is something unreal and this is something amazing fellas uh believe me I lost I I got so many gray hair on my side after this video you have no bloody clue but you know what I hope that one very very special person smiled giggled and um you can uh say for your father that he owes you an I scream you will understand what I'm talking about and what I'm saying absolutely Madness okay now a Mak sa die if he's over there I do not care about him because it's not so simple to reach him uh there's a bigger chance he's sitting over there but once again we'll see we're just going through the open field like there is no tomorrow and maybe I can find some um decent angle and some decent speed to run the living crap out of this phase one that would be absolutely glorious and absolutely amazing but once again it very much depends uh am I going to get rated from by was or not I am done with is7 let's see the score and let's call it a day okay fellas ISM slap the living crap out of me I missed so many Rams I do not want to talk about this I I do not want to talk about this 3,000 damage 1. 2,000 assisting damage that was absolutely Madness what we have done over there by going through the middle of the field but you know what I enjoyed it and it was fun uh by saying enjoyed it if you are wondering why do I have a haircut like this it's because of the is7 just saying in total I played eight games you haven't seen half of them uh the situation was very very hard and it wasn't pleasant to play honestly speaking this setup is fun and it can work but um you need to play in platoon for a full happiness okay so overall my stats were Kaku but I did some kind of crazy Kaku and they got gang banged so many times it's not even funny anyways thank you very much for watching I appreciate you I hope you had a great time skill us out for today peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: skill4ltu
Views: 39,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WG, wg, wargaming, worldoftanks, World of Tanks, Wot, wot, super unicum, skill4ltu, twitch, streamer, 3rd marker, friendly, tanks, tank game
Id: RPc6cRit-sY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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