Meet the Judge Who Went Viral For His Creative Punishments
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: ABC News
Views: 16,573,682
Rating: 4.9067307 out of 5
Keywords: Michael, Cicconetti, Judge, Viral, Creative, Punishments, Punishment, Fit, the, Crime, Ohio, Painesville, Nightline, US
Id: pZSTu98-Cus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Using pepper spray on another human being is a brutal assault. She deserved jail time, letting her get off with getting hair spray in the face or whatever that was is just an insult to justice. He shouldn't be allowed in court if that's his idea of justice.
I dont think the cunt who abused the dog got what she deserved.
There is an interesting topic I covered in a paper, loosely defined as "what is more important in legal convictions, measurable rehabilitation or justice?". Some of these cases make you wonder if justice was truly served, but if these types of punishments are actually working to reduce crime, then is that actually more important?
That would be awesome if all judges did this.