Inkscape Tutorial: Vector Chocolate Bar

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this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create this chocolate graphic using Inkscape and any point in this tutorial you could look down at the bottom left hand side of my screen to see which mouse clicks and keystrokes I'm using so we'll minimize this and we'll get started - here on xscape by the way if you'd like to know how you can make Inkscape appear dark and with these custom icons a link to that information will be in the description of the video so the first thing we want to do in Inkscape is make sure we have the view set to custom and then we'll zoom in at 1 to 1 then we want to open up the Edit objects actually know the alignment distribute menu align and distribute objects open that window we're going to want less selected chosen from that drop-down and then we'll open up the Edit objects colors gradient stroke menu the first thing we're going to do is create a square so let's grab the squares and rectangles tool and hold ctrl + shift in the keyboard and click and drag to create a perfectly symmetrical square like that and then we'll bring the opacity of that down about in half we'll go back to the Select tool and we're going to right click this and go to duplicate and then hold ctrl and shift and scale that down a little bit like that and then we'll click on the actually will turn that red then we'll click on the the black box behind it and we'll duplicate that by hitting ctrl D on the keyboard we'll turn that blue and we'll lower that to the bottom with this button right here it says lower selection to the bottom and then just hold ctrl and pull this bottom right arrow out like that maybe about that far and then hold ctrl and take this top left arrow and pull that in maybe about that much and then what we want to do now is we're going to grab the bezzie a pen which is right here or it could just present B on the keyboard to grab that and we'll turn on the snap to custom nodes which is up here we're going to snap the cursor under this corner and click into this corner and click into this corner and this corner and back to the starting point so we have that little shape drawn we're going to the same thing over here on this side start at this corner in that corner and over here over here and then back to the starting point now we can click I'll go back to the Select tool and click on the blue square and press Delete on the keyboard to get rid of that so now we're going to color this thing in with the colors I used for the chocolate graphic here and uh I will have the color codes in the description of the video I'm going to copy and paste them into the graphic here first I'll click on this black one bring the opacity all the way up and then we'll go to our color codes like I said I'll have these in the description of the video just go in order I'll have them listed in order like this highlight that copy it you hit ctrl C and then come over here to the RGB a under the fill tab and just change that ctrl V to paste it in and I'm going to click this red square then I'm going to bring that opacity all the way up and I'm going to make that actually the same color check ctrl V to paste that in but I'll come up here to the HSL tab and over to the L row and slide that to the left a little bit to make that a little lighter and then we'll go back to the we'll go to the second one on the list here copy that take this bottom piece over here we're going to give that up we're going to give that a fill by clicking on this blue box and we'll get rid of the stroke by holding shift and clicking on the X and I'm just a copy I'm going to paste that in there we got that shade and then we have this one over here we'll copy that click on this object turn on the fill when you get rid of the stroke by uh you can actually come over to the stroke paint tab and click on the X that will also get rid of the stroke and you can go back to the fill tab and paste in that shade and we want to do now is let's click off and let's deselect everything and we'll grab the Bezier pen which is over here or you can just press B on the keyboard and we'll start it out like over here click and create a line going through that that light brown square in the middle like that and then just finish it up going around the outside like that we'll go back to the select tool hold shift click on the light brown square and go to at different so we end up at that little piece right there and what we want to do now is click and drag over all of that and group it together and then hold ctrl and shift in the keyboard to scale and in about that much and what I'm going to do is I'm going to duplicate this twice so I'm going to hit ctrl D to duplicate it and I'll hit ctrl D again to duplicate it again and we should have three copies in total I'll hold ctrl and bring this copy over here and I'll hold ctrl bring this copy over here and then I'll hold shift and click on that copy and come down here to the align menu and click the button that says align left edges of objects to the right edge of the anchor just like that and we'll click on that one hold shift click on this one and we'll click that same button again yeah align that one right there to the right and click and drag over all three of those and group them together and then we'll duplicate those twice hit ctrl D once and then hit it again and I just hold ctrl and pull this one down here hold ctrl pull this one down here hold shift click on the the row of shapes above it and then align top edges of objects to the bottom edge of the anchor and it's gonna stack it up right buttons at the top one I'm gonna do the same thing at this one down here click on that hold shift click on that stack that right beneath it with the with this button over here and what we're going to do now is let's click off that's deselect everything we're going to grab the squares and rectangles tool and we're going to snap the cursor onto this bottom left corner over here and then click and drag to create a rectangle and end it by snapping onto this corner over here to the top right and the color we want to make this rectangle is it will be the the final color code in our list here so just copy and paste that into the RGB a there we have that go back to the Select tool and just make sure that went in right okay good go back to the Select tool and the lower this to the bottom and I'm going to take this bottom arrow and pull that out a little bit like that I'll take this right arrow and pull that out a little bit like so we have a little bit of spacing in there and what we want to do now is if you notice in the graphic I had like a bite taken out of the chocolate bar that's what we're going to create now so let's click on this bottom row of objects and ungroup them with the Unruh button click off of it to deselect and take just this object press Delete on the keyboard to get rid of that and then we'll grab the bezzie a pen which is over here or you just press B on the keyboard and I'm just going to draw a line in this shape let me zoom in a little bit you could zoom in by pressing plus and minus in the keyboard to zoom in and out I'm just going to draw a line like that that'll emulate sort of like a bite just like that go back to the Select tool let me position this a little better maybe right about there and then we once you've drawn that your hold shift and click on the the light brown square and go to path difference and then press one of the keyboard to zoom back out to 100% so what we'll do now is click and drag over all of this and group it together and then we'll click on it again to get our rotation handles but we're going to use this top this top middle arrow up here we're going to hold ctrl and take this top middle arrow and slide that two steps to the right let's go one two and then we'll hold ctrl we'll take this top right rotation handle and we'll rotate that clockwise one step what while holding ctrl let's go one just like that and now we can do is we can ungroup it and click off it to deselect everything and we'll take this large piece on the bottom over here right here that piece and we'll duplicate that by hitting ctrl D and then just hold ctrl on the keyboard and just click and drag it down about that far and we'll lower that to the bottom and we're going to make that the same shade of brown this dark shade is right here so we'll just grab the dropper which is over here or if you're using a laptop there should be a little arrow that you click on and the little pop-up menu menu will come up but there's the dropper I just like to use the keyboard shortcut which is f7 that also get to the dropper and I'm going to make it that same dark shade right there I'll go back to the Select tool and I'm actually going to move this up a little bit I'll hold control and you slide that back up a little bit and what we'll do now is we'll grab the bed da pen by pressing B on the keyboard or over here and we're going to snap to this corner let me zoom in on this again we're just pressing + to zoom in snap to this corner and then to this corner and then to this corner and over here and over there we're pretty much creating a shape on that side right there just like that we're going to make that the same color that is right there so we'll press f7 to get the dropper color that in get rid of the outline by a holding shift and clicking on the X and then I'll go back to the bed da Peng which is over here or you can press B on the keyboard I'm just going to move on over to here to move the page and Inkscape you can just press down on the mouse wheel and just move the mouse or if you don't have a mouse wheel you just press down the spacebar that'll let you do that as well so I'm going to create another shape right here and right here bring this through the graphic and back to the starting point and go back to the Select tool hold shift click on the darker brown layer underneath it and go to path Union just like that and if you notice in here there's different I used two different shades within that the bite portion of the graphic so I'm going to create that now I'm going to press B to get the buzzy a pen and let me zoom in a little bit I'm going to skip this first segment this first segment and I'm going to come over here to this second segment snap to that node snap to that corner and over here and over there and over there you create a shape right there and I'm going to skip the next segment and create another shape right here go ahead and click create that shape there I'll create one here and then I'll do one more right here like that and what I'll do now is I'll go to the Select tool and I'm going to hold shift and click on all those shapes you just created and then I'll press f7 and get the dropper or you just grab it over here and then make this the same duller shade of brown right here and then I'll get rid of the outline on those by holding shift and clicking on the X and then we can go back to the Select tool and press one of the keyboard to zoom out to a hundred percent and click off the graphic to deselect it and one last final step would be putting these little bits of crumbs here these little like leftover pieces of chocolate crumbs so to do that let me zoom back in press plus on the keyboard a couple of times oops here we go grab the bed Z a Pentagon which is over here reach press B on the keyboard I'm just going to draw a random four-point shape like that and it'll come over here I'll draw another one another random sporadic 4-point shape and maybe over here I'll draw like a triangle like that now I'm go to the Select tool and I'll hold shift and click on all three of those and I'll press f7 to get the dropper and I'll make them the same shade that this is up here then I'll hold shift and click on the X to get rid of the outline and then I'll duplicate them by hitting ctrl D and I'll make the duplicated copy the dark the short at the shade of dark brown which is right here I'll go back to the Select tool and I'll hold ctrl and move these down about that far maybe about that much lower them to the bottom and let me zoom in a little bit by pressing + on the keyboard a few times and we should need to close in those corners now so we'll click off the best deselect everything grab the bed da pen right there or just press B on the keyboard and just connect these corners together on each of these shapes like that we'll connect these corners together and finally we'll connect these corners together and then we'll go to the select tool and with that selected hold shift and click on the dark brown shape and go to path Union and we'll do the same thing with the recipes we'll click on the newly drawn shape hold shift click on the dark brown shape go to path Union and then we'll do the same thing with this one over here let's go to path Union and then we can press one of the keyboard to zoom back out to a hundred percent click off it to deselect everything and you can take and group it together if you want we're pretty much done that's how you can create some vector chocolate using Inkscape so if you have any questions let me know and Deveaux it thank you for watching [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 30,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inkscape, learn inkscape, inkscape tutorial, inkscape logo, inkscape logo design tutorial, inkscape for beginners, vector, vector design, vector graphics, vector logo, vector tutorial, vector icons, graphic design, learn graphic design, graphic design for beginners
Id: TuhHWWp1cT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2017
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