Inkscape Lesson 3 - Fill and Stroke Settings

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welcome back to another Inkscape tutorial in this video we'll be looking at the fill and stroke options which let us change the color and lots of different options for the fill and stroke of an object so to get started we'll draw an object so I'll just click on the rectangle tool we'll draw a rectangle hit the plus key to kind of zoom in a little bit I'll scroll wheel up here so we have a nice big square oh one thing I wanted to show you very quickly too in the last video we were kind of playing with when we drew a circle I'm going to draw a circle here I didn't do it this time but sometimes it'll remember the last thing you did so for example if I make this circle like a like a pacman shape in fact let's just make pac-man and if I come over here and now I delete this square and I delete this circle and I want to draw another circle if I go to draw it's gonna draw pac-man again because it remembers the last shape you draw if I do or the last settings for that shape if I do a square or a rectangle with the rectangle tool we make it blue and we give it rounded corners and then we go to draw another rectangle it's gonna do blue with a rounded corner so the tool remembers what you're doing which is pretty cool which it's actually pretty useful sometimes however it can be a problem I'll show you when that can be a problem maybe you let's delete this and delete a couple of these and maybe we want to make this white so we click on white tear so now we know it's there because it's selected it has a white fill which everything else has a transparent this our page is really transparent but it appears white to us just because a lot of times people design with a white background because it might be a white web page or they're printing on white paper so we can left-click and drag this over top and we can see uh-huh yeah that's white for sure but the problem is if I hit delete right now and I go to draw a star and I left-click and drag well nothing's happening like it's not drawing anything we can kind of see the stars kind of erasing like making our page borders look weird here and it is there is a star here it's selected we just can't see it because it's white so I can do it off it and I can bring it over here to see which is sometimes why I will actually draw so right now our stars still here right we just can't see it sometimes I like to put a background over top so if all that's I'll just draw like a rectangle and make it gray and give it like not rounded corners but I'll just I'll just make it give my whole page a background like this and then this is over top of my star so if I layer it down I click here and lower it down to the very bottom we see my star now so if you're ever designing something in white sometimes it's good to put it over top of a like a different color you can do it whatever you want to do you can do a light grey or blue or like a light when any color you want to do really but that's just what's something I sometimes do just because remember the Inkscape will keep will remember the color of the last thing you drew so when you go to draw it so now it's gray but if it were white then if I go to draw another circle it's gonna appear white and I won't see it and it can be kind of confusing sometimes like YMS you see the options for it you can resize it but you can't actually see it because it's white so you have to drag it on top of another color to see it or you can just come down here and change the color of it which is what I'll do often too and then again see it's still making pac-man so if we want to make it a complete circle we double click complete the circle but it'll remember the last settings for the object that you drew color and settings for that object okay let's get into fill and Stroke so I'm gonna drag this over here we have this circle I'm to get into the fill and Stroke options so we can change the stroke of this first of all I'm gonna delete this grey will delete this white star and right now we see we don't have a stroke at all we know that because if we turn this white everything is completely wiped there's no outline we can give it a stroke by holding down the shift key and clicking on any color we'll do like a light green so now we have a green stroke with a white fill so if we were to print this it would it would print a white color if we could if we're actually a better thing would be if we were to like upload it it have a transparent background and then on our website we just have a white circle with a green around it so maybe we want to change the so we want to change the thickness of this of this stroke this green stroke so to get into fill and stroke options we can go to click on object and go down to fill and stroke and click and it brings up these fill and stroke options there's also a shortcut key it said we can do shift ctrl F to bring up this panel or we could right click and go to fill and Stroke once we're in fill and Stroke we have some different options for controlling let's do this stroke first so right if aught we're on fill but if we go to stroke paint or on stroke so we see our fill is white I'm on the color wheel you might be if you if you're your first time coming in you might be on RGB so we have these different color options RGB HSL CMYK will so read RGB stands for red green blue it just it's a mixture of these colors so right now we're on white we have zero red 0 green zero blue and then 100% alpha or 255 so 255 is the default color and if you're not familiar with colors what it does it just mixes between 0 and 255 it mixes these colors so it assigns a color to blue so if I want to have my have my blue be it zero and everything else be 255 it creates this shade of blue if I want to have it add some green in there I can create this shade of blue which is mixing so we have 0 0 255 is how to create this color and then my alpha is at 255 also that kind of makes sense so that's one way you can do it with red green blue CMYK is for if your is a different way it's cyan magenta yellow and K a black I think so this is for like printers so if you're printing it like a professional printer sometimes they'll tell you a CMYK color that you should send your stuff in and that helps it print in a real world color because it doesn't it works differently than red green and blue pixels on your screen CMYK uses these different colors of ink and mixes them together to create every different color so what you're seeing on your screen is not necessarily gonna be the same color it prints out sometimes it'll be very very different and so if you're designing something for print you might want to work in the CMYK color space and if your design something for the web you might want to do RGB what I do a lot is this color wheel I'm also which is good for like web or displays so the wheel lets you choose around this wheel you can choose the color and then you can kind of scroll in between I can or I click and drag to kind of get a different the color I want so if it's if I want to do a if you go out one corner of the triangle it goes to solid to the color the other corner is completely white and the other corner is completely black and so you can go between if I want to go between the green color and the black color I get like a darker green if I want to go between the green color and the white color I get a lighter green so I can go anywhere in between there so I like to use the color wheel when I'm picking colors anyway let's set this let's set it to a red like a nice red for our fill color let's go to the stroke tab there's three different tabs fill stroke paint and stroke style but if we go to the stroke paint tab we can do the same thing with the cover where we can change the kind of color and the way the stroke appears if we go to the stroke style we can change the width of it so right now it's 12 almost 12 and a half millimeters but we can scale that down a little bit by clicking and we click and hold we can make a nice thin stroke we can make it really thick you can actually make it so thick that it erases your color altogether like if I do 200 on this it's just gonna well it actually messes things up but it's actually this might not export properly let's do 100 so you can make things like really crazy with your stroke so don't ever take it make it too big or if ever you're getting problems and your stroke might be too big let's change this down to like 10 maybe we can change the debt instead of having a straight line we can change it to like a dotted line or a dashed line we can do dashes so you can control different ways maybe if you're like an elementary school teacher and you want to do a cutout of a star we can just draw this this is a good example of I was talking about earlier so this object that we're drawing now has the same characteristics a red fill a black stroke with a duck with a dashed stroke style so it's gonna be the same thing as our lat with what we last and it ended up doing but let's bring this back to so now we're doing our star if we zoom in close here and look at the point of the star we can change the joints the overlaps of the lines too rounded gives us a rounded star corner change it to like a flat like a cut off edge or by default it's just this pointy we can change the cap but that's going to be for if we have end points like a line we'll do that change the capital debt later but you had different dashes we changed the width of it so if we make this smaller it's like a just a thinner line if we want no stroke at all we can hit the minus key and zoom out here and look if we just go to stroke and hit this X key there's no stroke so it's just a fill we can also go to fill and do this X key and have no fill and have just a stroke so this is literally no fill it's not a white fill it's none which means if we drag the start over top of our other objects we'll just see that they're gonna appear right in the middle of it even though it's behind it what else okay we can do so if we if we do a fill we can also do a gradient we can apply a gradient to the stroke or the fill so if I click this linear gradient it'll gradient from the red color over to white we can also change the color of that oh well we have two in our color wheel so change this and we can go to our how do we do that all we have to edit the gradient here so we actually have to click on here and then there's an edit somewhere right here edit gradient and so this lets us change it we can change the actual way the gradient is the actual orientation of it so it's good like from top to bottom and then we can come over here and change the colors of it if we want to we're not going to edit the colors just yet we can do a radial gradient which means we start from the middle and go out to the sides and we can change kind of the way that works we can change the position of it another way to get these options to appear actually it's click on the gradient tool so if I have everything D selected right now we can click on the gradient tool on the toolbar and then click and we can edit this gradient and we can also apply a new gradient we can draw a new gradient in for example if we want to click on the hit escape to x so that's gradient tool we can apply a gradient to what's selected right now so if I go to the gradient tool we can apply a gradient I thought we could do that what's going on here anyway there's a way we can do it we can't apply a gradient but it's acting funny for me right now don't know why whatever object selected the fill the options for the fill and stroke will show for that object so we've got right here we're showing the fill for this object and if we click over here on the star we're looking at what we were last seeing with it which is showing the different gradients for it if I want to have it be a solid gray we can do that if I want to a pattern we can click over here and we can actually apply a pattern so we've got these bars or stripes I guess is what it's called we can do little circles so you can do some pretty cool patterns in there too yeah wavy line but that's just a single line is it there's some cool ones wavy yeah there's some cool ones here and again so it's like transparency on the back of it and then it's just shining through yeah oh did I go over blur so we can also blur this and I didn't talk much about alpha either so we want to blur the store we have this blur settings and these settings apply to everything both the gradient and the stroke so we have a nice blurry looking star here now you know the blur is at 5.4 percent you can blur it crazy out or you can come all the way down usually I'll only apply a tiny blur if I do some blur and we can change opacity too so opacities might write the transparency and that applies to the object the total object the stroke and the fill so now we see it's fading through we can see the object below it very well if we do the opacity all the way up then it hides the object it's over top the object behind it we can also change just the opacity of the color by by changing the Alpha Channel so right now the Alpha on this red is all the way up if we change the Alpha down go all the way to zero and have a nun well we can go to like middle and have it be sort of fading through but our stroke is still strong we can go to our stroke tab and change the alpha of our stroke so that our stroke is sort of transparent but our fill color is still strong oh it's not completely strong because our opacity is not all the way up yet there we go so just be aware of that sometimes you'll have your opacity down to like here and you'll go to draw another object and then it'll be kind of see-through and you'll be maybe you'll wonder why but it's because you need to go into your fill and Stroke and bring your opacity all the way back up if you do the color pick sometimes this color pick tool that you pick a color on the screen and if you pick a color that has opacity in it then you'll be on see on our stroke we changed our stroke but it's it has opacity so this color pick tool will pick the same opacity and color of whatever you select on it so just be aware of that it'll work in that fashion what else so we can change I'm not going to get to that just yet I think that's all I'm going to talk about as far as the fill and Stroke goes so just know play with all these you really have to just play with it because you're gonna things just behave differently than you might think but once you get used to this changing your stroke and your fill and your opacity and your alpha Channel once you get used to doing all that you can do a lot of cool stuff but it might be a little frustrating at first so just make sure you know right click go to your fill and stroke you have those properties it's probably the panel the you'll use the most and we can open lots of different panels here like for example when we get into our text and we start typing in text then we can get different options for our text here go to text and font and then it will open up in our right sidebar here so we have fill and Stroke and options for our text so any options for for objects will appear over here on the right hand side and we'll open up lots different things there appreciate you watching this video and I'll catch on the next one
Channel: TJ FREE
Views: 365,414
Rating: 4.9052234 out of 5
Keywords: rgb inkscape, svg editor, illustrator alternative, change color, inkscape opacity, vector program, fill color, stroke color, border color, free illustrator, cmyk inkscape, inkscape tutorials, choose color, color picker, learn inkscape, no color, free software, free download, adobe illustrator, drawing software
Id: o86MLSQHtMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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