Design A Logo In Inkscape

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in this tutorial we'll be going over how you can create this simple badge style logo using inkscape so I'll come over here into a new document and get started the first thing we want to do is change the size of the canvas so that it is a square so I'm going to open up document Properties by pressing control shift and D on the keyboard if you're a Mac User that would be command shift d and I want to change the width and the height so that they're equal so for my example here I will use 800 by 800 and then I will close out of that and then I want to zoom into 100 % so I'm going to press one on the keyboard to zoom into 100% and now I'm going to create a circle to place in the middle of the canvas here which we will wrap the text around so I'm going to grab the circles and ellipses tool I'll click and drag to create a circle I'm going to hold the control key while I do that so it's nice and perfectly round and I'll make it about that big relative to the size of the canvas and I want to convert this to a path so I'll come up here to where it says object and I will go to no I'm sorry I'll go to path and I will select object to path and then I want to send Center this directly on the canvas so I will open up the aligned distribute menu by going to object and selecting aligned distribute and from this drop down over here I want to choose page and now that we are aligning this relative to the page I want to align this on the vertical and the horizontal axis we're selecting the center options there and now it's perfectly uh centered on the canvas like that so now I'm going to create some text to put on the circle let me grab my selection tool first I'm gon to adjust the size of this a little bit I'm going to hold control and shift and scale this down a little bit because the text is going to be placed up here and then down here as well so I want to leave some room around the edges of the canvas so that I have enough room for that and now I'm going to create the text to be placed on the circle here so I'll grab the text tool which is located over here and I will click on the canvas to create some text I'm going to write for this demonstration I'm just going to write inkscape for the top line of text we're going to create two different text items one for the top line that goes along the top of the circle and another text item that goes along the bottom so I'm going to write inkscape here I'm going to change this font to something else I'm going to go to text and select text and font and from this editor I will choose a different font to work with you can work whatever work with whatever font you'd like for this uh design I like the monserat font uh which is a free font if you want to download and install that otherwise you can use whatever font you'd like and now I want to put some spacing between these letters so let me come up here to where it says spacing and I want to add this I want to add like three to this value I'll try I'll start off with three and then we'll take it from there and we want to make sure that this text is centered so come over here to the alignment option and Center it like that now it's not going to visibly change but it's important for what we're going to do next placing it on the circle so let me grab my selection tool now I'm just going to bring the text over here to the circle and just try to eyeball the size of it as it is right now it's going to be wrapped around the top side of this circle so you may want to make it a little bigger or smaller depending on the size of your circle and I'm holding in control and shift while I scale like this so it scales it evenly from the center and I'll make my text about that big and now I will duplicate this I will right click it and go to duplicate and I will make this one I'll make this one the bottom line of text that I want down here so let me go back to my text tool and I will change this one to logo design and now what we can do is let me adjust this the spacing between this one let me just make sure that's equal okay this one's a little larger I'm going to adjust this I want to make sure that's even for both of these I want both of these to be the same amount of spacing there we go and now I'm going to take this text item right here I'm going to select it hold shift select the circle and with them both selected go to text and select put on path and now click off of it to deselect everything and then click on just the circle click on it again to get the rotation handles and then hold your control key and grab the rotation handle in the corner then there and rotate it around until the text is upright like that and now I'm going to change the color of this so let me make this a lighter shade of gray something like that so I just so I can see the text a little better up against the uh the canvas there and what I'll do now is I'm going to create another Circle for the bottom line of text so let me deselect that by clicking off of it let me move this out of the way I'm going to create another another Circle let me grab my circles and ellipses tool click and drag to create a circle hold the control key and I want this circle to be bigger so I'll make this one bigger and I'll make this one A different shade that from the other Circle I'll make this one maybe a darker gray and then I'll take this one I want to lower this to the bottom so I'll click this button right here that says lower to the bottom and I'm going to Center this on the page as well so let me come back over here to my alignment menu and I will Center this vertically and horizontally and now I'm going to scale down this circle I'm going to grab this Arrow right here and hold control and shift and scale it down until the top of the circle touches the top of that line of text right there and now I'm going to convert this to a path by going to path and selecting object to path and now I'm going to grab my text item right here and I'll do the same thing that I did previously I'm going to hold shift I'm going to click on the larger Circle this time and go to text and SE select put on path click off of it to deselect select just the large Circle click on it again to get the rotation handles and rotate this around while holding control until it's upright and now we just want to flip the circle so I'm going to come over here to where it says flip vertical and click on that and now we have the text down there like that so what we can do at this point is we can adjust the circles to make sure that this text fills up as much area as we want it to fill up so if you notice right now there's a lot of empty space on this side of the circle on both sides between the two text items let's say you want to close that in a bit I'm going to select both circles you can do that by holding shift and clicking on each and then I'm going to hold control and shift and scale them down like like this and if you notice you can decrease the space between the words or you can increase the space between the words whatever works best for your uh however you have things arranged right now I want to leave some space in there because we're going to put we're going to be putting these uh these little tails on the end here so I'm going to leave a little bit of space for that and I'm going to leave that just as it is and now I'm just going to adjust my circles to make up for the uh Missing space there because if you notice this is uh the larger Circle here is no longer aligned with the other text there we go and that looks a little better and I'm going to increase the spacing between these letters down here because these letters look a little closer together than these ones do just because of the Contour of the circle that's just how it works so let me grab my text tool let me select all of the text I'll come over here to my spacing and I'll put a little more spacing in there maybe for this one I'll try five and that looks a lot better so what we're going to do now once you're happy with your text and the placing and the spacing between everything Click on each of these circles and let's turn off the fill color Al together so select it and then come over here to this red X and click on that and I'll do the same thing I'll come over here to this circle and click on the Red X over here now from this point forward it's important to remember that this these text items are linked to the invisible circles that they're placed on so try not to click or drag any of these text items out of the way otherwise you're going to mess up the balance of everything and if at any point you need to go back to those circles and adjust things if you notice you can't click on those circles now because they're invisible you can get to them by going to view and going to display mode and selecting outline and once you can see the outlines then you can click on them and select them that's just in case you need to go back and edit this at all though so I'm happy with how it is so I'm going to go back to my regular display mode I'll go to view I'll go to display mode and select normal and now I'm going to create these Rings going around either side of the text here so let me come back in here I'm going to go back to my circles and ellipses tool click and drag to create a circle ircle I'm going to hold control so we have a perfectly round circle and I want to get rid of the fill color and I want to add a black stroke so I'm going to hold shift and click on the black color over here and then I will grab my selection tool and I will Center this on the page as well and now I just want to scale this down so that it encompasses the text there like that and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to come up here to this option where it says when scaling objects scale the stroke width by the same proportion make sure you have that deselected if you have it in right now go ahead and disable that and now I'll come over here to my well actually I want to open the fill and stroke menu so I'll come up here to where it says object and go to fill in stroke and I want to click on the stroke style Tab and I want to change the size or the weight of this stroke so that it's kind of consistent with the text there it already looks like a pretty good size as it is but maybe a little smaller it would look better so I'm going to try eight and see how that looks maybe nine okay nine looks good so I'll leave that as it is and now I'm going to right click this and go to duplicate and then I'll hold control and shift and scale this down so that we have this ring on the inside here and if you notice as I scale this down the stroke weight stays the same size that's why we disabled that option up there so let me make this a little bigger what I'm looking at here is the spacing between the bottom and the top here we want to make sure there's about an equal amount of padding between each of between each of those there we go that looks pretty good let me zoom out and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to create this little uh this little side ring that you see going along the side here so let me zoom out let me come back over here and I'm going to duplicate this again I'm going to right click it and go to duplicate and hold control and shift and scale this down so that it's going about halfway through these other two rings right here and that's looking good okay so now I just want to keep these portions of the Ring I want to clip off the parts where they're going through the text so let me grab my rectangle tool and let me click and drag to draw a rectangle going through the area of that ring that I'd like to keep let me change the color of this let me bring down its opacity so I can see through it and I'll come over here to my selection tool and I'm just going to adjust this if you notice the top of the rectangle is going right here where that text begins and I want the same thing down here about the same about the same amount and once you do that you can hold shift and click on the ring so you have both the ring and the rectangle selected and go to path and select cut path and then click off of it to deselect everything and now you could take the top half of this ring press delete to get rid of it and the same thing down here click on that press delete to get rid of it and if you notice my Strokes right here have rounded caps on the end of them if yours are squared and you want to make them rounded like mine just come over here into the stroke style Tab and you can see the cap setting by default is set to rounded if I make it Square we get that effect right there but I like how it looks better rounded so I'm going to put that back to rounded and now we're going to create these little ribbons on the end here or these little Tails whatever you want to call them so let me come back in here and try to remember what this value is the size of your stroke the size of the stroke should be the same for the entire design so I'm working with a nine pixel stroke for my design so I want to make sure that everything that I create from here on out also has a nine pixel stroke so let me grab my rectangle tool I'm going to click and drag over this area of the circle where I want that Banner to be and I'm going to convert this to a path I will go to path and select object to path I'll grab my selection tool I'll come back over here to my alignment menu and I want to make sure that this is aligned vertically and horizontally as well and I'll make this one maybe a little smaller there we go let me adjust the alignment I'm going to remove the fill color I'm going to hold shift and click on the color black to add that stroke on there and again I want this stroke to be the same weight as the other Strokes I can already tell that this is larger so let me come back over here to my fill and stroke menu and I'm going to change this back to nine and now we're going to put little indents on the ends here so let me grab my nodes tool I'll click and drag over these two nodes and I'll click this button up here that says insert new nodes into selected segments and that's going to put a new node in there and I'll do the same thing over here I'll select these two and I will add a new node in there and now I just want to click and drag over those two middle nodes that I just have those two Center nodes selected and I will enable this option up here in the tool settings menu that says show transformation handles for selected nodes and when I click on that you can see we now have these transformation handles I'm going to click and drag on this Arrow I'm going to hold control and shift and scale this in like that so that it scales from both sides and we end up with that sort of effect right there and now I will disable this setting and go back to my selection tool and I'm just going to adjust the height of this I'm going to make this a little smaller height-wise because I notice not much of this part of the design is sticking out there and I'd like to see more of that so I'm going to adjust this height accordingly and I will Center that and now we just got to clip out these areas from here if you notice we removed all of these unwanted areas so let's go back and do all of that uh what I'm going to do is first I'm going to select I'm going to select these the smaller ring in the center in the center here I will right click that and go to duplicate and then hold shift and click on that rectangle and go to path and select cut path and now we can click off of it to deselect and we can just get rid of these pieces on the inside here and now I'm going to come over here I'm going to select this object right click go to duplicate hold shift click on this path right here and go to path and select cut path and then I can get rid of that and then one more time I will do the same thing to the larger ring now so I'll take this object right click it go to duplicate hold shift click on the larger ring go to path and select cut path and now I can get rid of this as well now if you notice over here this stroke is sticking out you could barely see it but there's a tiny little bump sticking out there uh you can adjust that by grabbing your nodes tool and selecting it and then just moving it over a little bit I'm going to hold control while I do that to make sure it does not leave the horizontal axis and then I'll just move it in a little bit there we go that looks better and I'll do the same thing over here I'll click on this node and then just hold control and move that in like that and now I'm going to repeat this process over here on this side so let me go back to my selection tool make a duplicate of this one instead of right clicking and going to duplicate you can just press contrl D on your keyboard or command D if you're using Mac to duplicate it hold shift click on this stroke go to path and select cut path get rid of that piece right there and I will do the same thing one more time I'm going to duplicate that hold shift click on the circle and we will cut the path and get rid of that and there we go so now I'm going to press one of the keyboard to zoom out to 100% And if you notice the way I created this these ribbons are sticking out from the circle a little too far from my liking so if you want to adjust this just go to your nodes tool and select the object and just select these nodes right here let me try that again there we go now you can use your left and right arrow keys to move this in so I'm going to move this in one two three and I'll come over here just for the sake of symmetry you want to do the same thing over here I'm going to select these ones and move them in three steps as well so one two three and I'm just pressing my arrow keys to do that so now I will create some text to place in here if you notice on this design I just placed the year in there 2023 I'll just write that I'll just write the same thing in there for the sake of this tutorial obviously you would want to write whatever you want in there so I'm going to write 20 let me change the text style of that let me find my original font that I was working with there we go and let me bring this in here like that scale that down a little bit so it fits select both we want to select both objects there go to the alignment menu and now we're going to change the relative to last selected and then Center that on the horizontal axis and then I'll duplicate this I'll press command D or control D and then just bring this over here again holding the control key while I slide this over so it stays on that horizontal plane and I will change this one to 23 I'll just move that over a little bit more and if you notice over here thing this part of the stroke is sticking out a little bit as well so let me grab my nodes tool and just make a quick little adjustment there there we go and this side looks good although there's a tiny bit sticking out there let me select just that node and bring that out there we go that looks better and now what we want to do is the design itself is is finished but if you want to color everything in and stylize it we're going to have to make a few adjustments here so the first thing I want to do is select all of the items that are Strokes so I'm going to hold shift and click on each of these Rings remember you got to you got to select the top and the bottom half of the Ring because those are broken up now and I want to select these pieces down here and this piece over here as well I'll select these pieces we're basically selecting everything except for the text items and with them all selected we want to merge them all together or com Bine them rather we'll go to path and we will select uh we're looking for combine right here and once they're combined you can change the stroke color so let me come over here to my fill in stroke tab I'll go to the stroke paint Tab and we can make this a different color I'm going to make this a dark shade of blue like I did in the thumbnail and now I'm going to make the text the same color so I'm going to select the text items I'm holding shift while I do this and I want to go to my dropper which is over here and I will just sample a selection of this blue right there and now that's the same color let me go to the circles and ellipses tool and click and drag to create a circle and I will make this one a different color I'll make this I'm going to use the colors that I used over here for this thumbnail I'll make this part yellow this part blue and this part A light shade of red so I'll come back in here grab my selection tool I'll make this one a lighter shade of yellow I'll send this to the back and come back over here to my aligned distribute menu set this back to page and now I want to Center this on the page and I will just scale this up a little bit I'm going to hold control and shift while I'm scaling that up and we want this to fill in the circle but we don't want it to extend beyond the circle so we want it placed within the boundary of that stroke there and then I will duplicate this I'll press control D to duplicate it and I'll make this one a lighter shade of blue let me just adjust that color a little bit so we have a different shade and I'll lower this one down a few steps oh we don't want it that far let me raise it one more we want it to be above the yellow one and then I'll just hold control and shift and scale this down so that it's in there now and then finally all we have to do now is fill in these areas so to do this I'm just going to grab my my pen tool which is located over here or you could press B on the keyboard to access it and make sure you have the correct setting here we want this setting right here and I'm just going to click to create points going through here and draw a shape that matches the shape of this object here and let me make that a lighter shade of red like that I'm going to remove The Stroke by holding shift and clicking the X grab the selection tool and I will lower this a few steps until it's beneath everything there we go looking good and now I'm just going to instead of drawing another shape over here I'm just going to duplicate this and flip it so I'll press controll D I will flip it on the horizontal axis and then just bring this over here and I will lower this down as well and now at this point you can you can import your own graphic or your own icon or whatever you want to put in there uh for this this demonstration I just used the inkscape logo I'm not going to go through that and do that again it's already there but you get the idea you can now put whatever you want in there and once you're finished uh and you're happy with everything you can either save this design as it is right now or you can select the text if you select the text and go to path object to path you can now edit the design so let me go and convert this to object to path and now I can select everything and I can move it around and resize it if I want if you try moving moving it around and resizing it before converting that text to a path then you're going to lose the text on the path it's not going to be wrapped around that Circle anymore uh but the downside is is once you do that now you can't edit the text anymore so make sure you don't do that until you're completely happy with how the text looks and let's say for example you want to scale this up a little bit I'm going to hold control I'm going to scale this up it's going to make those Strokes look a little smaller because the weight of them is fixed relative to the size and once you're happy with that as well you can turn this setting back on that says uh scaling objects scale the stroke width by the same proportion and I'll just group everything together I will go to object and select group and there you go now you can scale this and edit it however you want now you have a simple logo that you can work with so that's how you can go about creating that logo with inkscape if you have any questions let me know and as always thanks for watching if you found this lesson useful then consider checking out my inkscape master class it's a collection of over 60 videos where I go over all of the tools and features in inkscape and I explain what they are and demonstrate how they work kind of like how I did in this video we even have a private Community where you can ask questions and get help from me anytime you want and best of all there's no monthly members ship fees you just pay $17 one time and you're in for Life I'll have some information about that down below if you want to check that out as always thanks for [Music] watching
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 39,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inkscape logo design
Id: EX4T9sw6zIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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