Inkscape Beginner Tutorial 0 : (Get Ready) _ User Interface/ Dark theme

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[Music] hello everyone welcome again this video show how to create i will start with the word create i mean how to change your user interface change the theme to switch to a darker theme so let's do that openingscape and this is what you will get so let's double click here to maximize this and that's the first thing i want to change here in the edit go to preferences and here in the let's close this too interface with open interface by the way if you select interface you have the ability to change the language i recommend you to switch this to english because most of the tutorials are in english i guess when i'm sure and let's go to windows and here from default when i want it to be maximized so whenever i close thinkscape and reopen it maximizes itself by the if you want it to maximize to be maximized uh depends on you uh if ability to change shortcuts uh i think the short shortcuts that i'm using are already fine so let's go to theme i want to keep using user system theme so let's use dark theme so we are getting somewhere but the icons are not what i'm looking for so use symbolic icon hello that's awesome you can even use colored yeah multi-colors it's also great but i want to keep simple anyways you still have the ability to choose from here whatever you want and whenever you want a toolbox icon yeah they are large the control bar icon secondary toolbar icons yeah i want them to be with the larger icon in the menu if i say no here when i open it doesn't appear right now we need to reopen so let's close inkscape and restart escape there you go we have no icons in the menu i prefer to have icons in the menu so let's go to preferences here in the theme again i want to say yes and when i close sorry close this uh i mean when i restart inkscape there we have the nice beautiful icons great yeah this one's still black oh ah that's that's the small bug that's fine preferences again here in theme as you can see the icons are a little bit larger because they were smaller they changed it to small now they are larger i like this anyways so i think this is it let's close this now we definitely don't want this to be white i mean it depends on you so ctrl shift d to open the document properties or go to file and document properties here as you can see the units i like to change the pixels but it depends on you you probably want to use millimeters probably wanna draw some visit cards or anything else but i want to use pixels if you change the pixels because you want to have a millimeter we have the scale to one change to pixels i recommend you to change this to one so you don't have any issues with scaling and having some weird numbers popping up for example you move the object in the zero zero location an x axis and y axis but then if you just scale the object a little bit it will be 0.0001 and some weird stuff happens and you don't want this to happen so i recommend you to put this to set this to one what about the background here i want it to be a little bit dark gray well this one looks good if you set the checker board like to have this checkpoint it allows me to see whether the object is transparent or not let's say i have a rectangle here so i have let's say i added a gradient so you can see it's easy to notice that the gradient color here has a transparent color yeah that's good anyways let's move on um let's say you move this to white but this does not update so you have to check and recheck now you have a brighter checker so i want to keep this in mind so it doesn't update so we have uncheck and we check great uh i like to draw on a landscape paper or page and full hd um yeah i think this is it for now here you have the border you can hide the body if you don't use it yeah thinking of not using this you can keep the border on top let's say you draw an object the object is on top of the border so you can select this now the board is on top of everything which is the reasonable we can as you can see we have this shadow and i don't like this color hsl so we have the grayscale layer make it brighter great so this is it good now i never used this you can keep it if you want to but i just want to remove this these are called bars i also don't use this much but let's keep it so here in view we can hide and show some bars for example this one here that i have i never used it so let's hide it it's called commands bar there perfect again we have other bars like this uh pallet here so if i press said if also this one i never used it but it doesn't bother me it doesn't take it doesn't take much space all right this is very important so mostly you want to keep everything enabled you yes some of them have some shortcuts ctrl r i really recommend using the ruler you can get some guides from it so you can let's say draw a rectangle using these guides snaps to the guides but but you want to enable snapping here i'll make tutorial on snapping system this is very important and let's say you want to snap to the border here you have to enable this snap to the page border there you go snaps very well if you disable this it does not snap to the guide yes guide whoopsie if you want to delete the guide just hover over the guide press the delete button if you have too many guides then you can go to the document properties ctrl shift d and here in the guides you can even either show an or hide and or delete all guides you can create guides around the border that's also sweet and you can also change the color of the guides when you hover over the guide it turns red and it's blue by default um i don't like this this is a bright blue and yeah that's good you have the grid as well the grid system is also good and i probably need to do another video about the grid view here the page grid very important again 10 here 10 here interesting visible yeah that many things you can do here you can change the color of the border i want it to be orange these are the major lines and we have the minor ones here probably bright or even a different color ah this will work great yeah we have snapping when you have guides it always actually when you have grits or snaps i don't like this i just want to snap whenever i'm close to the grid and i also don't want i want this to be i want the distance to be a bit smaller impossible let's get one point if possible there you go maybe if i maximize this yeah there you go that's a cool hack all right forget about this you can just uh you can check yourself i will just skip this okay let's hide the grid hover over this and press delete you can also get some guides like this this is very good you can also hover and hold shift rotate this one hold ctrl if you want to snap to an angle specific angle but this is for another tutorial here um we are missing some huge things here if you press f12 you can see things are changing here it's a small line but we first need to add some stuff add object the layer system add the fill and stroke so you can you know choose the color fill color store color uh you can also add a line and distribute this one is also important transform is also a very interesting thing path effect very important and filter effect that filter editor sorry yeah all right so these are good this one oops i want to move this one here on the top and to try to put in the center like so same thing for this one here as you can see it's in the middle not like so it looks on like this but in the middle in the middle perfect now i have all these overlapping each other so whenever i select this this will appear like this select the layer system select the fill and stroke thing you can even move this outside by dragging from here but i want to keep them all in the same place so be sure you first be sure you're grabbing from here not for me in the dark space and release keep this smaller there you go probably wider perfect so this is uh my this is how i make the user interface look uh i mean i feel most i feel more comfortable using a dark theme and using all these things let's say you're you're used to you were a illustrator adobe illustrator user and you have this white thing here in the middle and you feel more comfortable having something like this in the middle then you can do so be sure you have the snapping by the way so you can snap to the border page border and here in the rectangle be sure this one is selected you cannot select it if this one is like so even though you can't notice it select here and everything is fine don't have any rounded corners be sure it's white and we're ready to go to save this actually before here in the objects this is the layer system you can add a new layer call this page maybe probably change the color black um it does not update this is a small bug i guess so let's change the transparency now let's make it full black i'm not sure what this is for why do we need the transparency like so wha what for maybe it could be useful okay so we have this rectangle let's move to the page layer there you go this is the page so let's close this close everything a little layer move the layer down and this is the layer that you will work with you can draw anything on top and are you unable to select the backside the page great so let's save everything by going to save template yep call this anything and set as default template save closing escape no we don't need to save this close without saving reopen escape well there you go everything is updated perfect but this is really important to save the template you will lose everything if you don't do this um so i think this is the tutorial number zero for the tutorial series that i'm going to make and uh just see if i remember anything else that'll make this tutorial longer i don't want to make it longer so see you in the next tutorial
Channel: Yacine3Dz
Views: 805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beginner, tutorial, inkscape, dark, theme, mode, dark theme, interface, language, inkscape tutorial, change interface
Id: j_KjPCdHXPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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