Inkscape Tutorial: Family Coat of Arms (feat. Bezier Pen Easy Floral Vector Design)

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i'm rick johansen and this is the iron echo design channel today we're going to work on building a custom family coat of arms in inkscape and my intention is to go through a medley of skills so this is an example of the johansen coat of arms but this is representative of my family so i have my wife in this quadrant my daughter my son and me the inkscape logo so we'll start off by making the shield and then we'll colorize it with different quadrants and then i'll go through some cool skills on how to make these little icons from scratch and then we'll cheat on the last one just to speed things up and we're not going to build the banner because nobody came here to learn how to type let's begin so go ahead and grab your bezier pen tool and we're going to start by making one half of the shield and then we're going to reflect it so if you hold ctrl it'll help you make a straight line and just put together a triangle it can be in exact right now that means more stroke so if you want your fill and stroke menu it's this paint brush in the corner up here i have mine open so i'll go to just 2.0 millimeters that's just a random number so you can see it better we're going to get rid of the stroke later and this is going to become half of the shield if you go to edit paths by node now you can pull your shield to any proportion you want so this is preference you can make it like a heart shape you can make it more triangular let's just try it pretty just eyeballing it here and then if you want to make the height taller go back to select and then you can pull it up right there is pretty good if you click on the note it'll give you these handles and then you can like if you like that look right there like a vase or a vase i kind of like it just plain at least for this tutorial we'll stop right there and now you're going to want to reflect it so first do control d that just duplicates it they're sitting on top of each other so you can't see it yet and then this left and right arrow that's gonna flip at the top one horizontally and then there you go you got two of them and now you just pull it this little icon here this magnet thing with the electricity snap nodes paths click that and that will help the two sides find each other see just snap right in and do i like my shield it's too short so group the whole thing just grab a rectangle around it all ctrl g then you can make it taller and that's pretty good right there it's a good looking shield i'm gonna make a second one because i want one to be the outside black border that you see here so the whole thing is selected ctrl d and pull this one over here and then just fill down here fill make the whole thing black we'll come back to this and i want this piece here i'm going to duplicate it so you can see the steps as we go along so now let's colorize it i'm going to try to copy what i had before i'm going to have one side yellow so i will now click off and just click one side see how it's one size highlighted and then go where my colors go down here my colors i like that yellow right there and then click the other side i'm gonna make that like a nice navy blue the swedish colors or close enough that's not what i want that's good right there okay so i have my two different sides but how do i make the quadrants let's duplicate the whole thing so grab the whole thing then ctrl d and i'm going to put them side by side now there's a tool that's going to help us line it up properly so click on one of them then shift click on the other and then go to your align and distribute it's this bars up here and then if you have relative to last selected and then this one where the arrow is pointing up it's going to do it on the vertical axis there so now they're lined up and we need it that way because now we're going to make a new rectangle and i'm going to try to do it around the middle but it doesn't have to be exactly perfect and just for to avoid confusion we'll make that a new color make it like a random i like to make my clipping shapes green just so i always know i don't usually make green designs so go back to fill and stroke we'll go to the fill and then this right here you can change the opacity and then when you have it set where you want it we don't want the stroke around our box this is going to be our clipping box we're going to clip out part of it so stroke go to nothing and then watch this trick so click on the box then just click on one of your shields then go to object clip set now we got to bring that one to the top so we're going to make it these are the hierarchy it's the very top and watch this flip it like we did before and it's going to snap right into place it's pretty cool and there you go you got your your checkerboard shield and let's go ahead and group this whole thing so ctrl g then duplicate because i'm going to show you all the steps as we go along so this is the one we'll keep working on and this one will go over here and then i think i got the the colors backwards though we have yeah i want blue in the upper right hand corner so simple fix just grab the whole thing again and then this is like a very it's like the mvp of the tutorial this flip selected objects there it goes okay we got it we got it where we want it and then now it's time now remember this is a family coat of arms just for fun starting a new tradition and so this so ladies first i'm doing my wife first we'll do some beautiful flowers she does arrangements and things and i'll show you we're gonna make a simple vector flower from scratch using one of the pathfx tool that's just pretty cool so if i can drive let's get back to some empty space now do not judge my hand drawing skills because the inkscape's going to do all the hard work so go ahead and grab your bezier pen and join me in drawing a flower so this is going to be very rudimentary and then we're going to have one of the path effects make the full flower this is one petal so just draw a wide petal with a small base just anything you like just super easy and that's just a beautiful petal but where do you see the inkscape does all the magic there so let's make our stroke a little bit bigger so select the item our pedal and then we'll go a little bit wider we'll go 2.5 random and here's our pedal but it we can't make it this big excuse me inkscape is serious business so choose your edit paths by node and then let's make this look more like a flower so we'll add a little bit of beauty to it all i'm doing is pulling out the side so it looks more petal like and this part will come in and i like it that's good right there actually to make the effect work better i want to add a thin thin base of the petal so you can actually double click in between two nodes and makes a new one i just want to i just want to move this part down just to create a thin stem part of the petal like that so again you don't have to make it anything like actually try to make it a more beautiful petal and then to to to see what this path effect is gonna do i'm to add some color i'm going to add some pink and i'll keep the stroke it's going to be a white flower in the end but this way you can see what's happening before we go on there's an important step some of the like the path effects for instance sometimes the features don't work when you're trying to play around with inkscape because there's a difference between a path and an object so right now this is an object so click on your object then before we move on go to object to path and that will allow us to use the path effects so then now go to path path effects and then see the pluses here and your menu it pops up now we can actually do the um the thing so we go to down here wherever it is rotate copies click on that and it's all bunched up but don't worry but let me walk you through on the menu here we're on normal for the method number of copies six to show you the difference is eight but we're gonna straighten this out so it has an actual look the look of a flower starting ankle should be zero rotation angle 60 is default the gap don't worry about and then before we go to the x y axis distribute evenly needs to be checked but uncheck mirror copies and split elements so the with the x and the y axis that's how you can make it actually expand but there is a cheat and we're going to do it that way so if you've selected your flower go to edit paths by node and then don't worry about all these nodes over here just ignore those just get the center node and pull it out and you see where we're going with this so now we have our petals more evenly spaced and if you actually physically rotate it like i'm just spinning it myself you can pull your flower together so right there and i want see how they're overlapping a little bit now there's other they can spin it that way but um these nodes are from the original petal so if we can find the one right there any of these would work but that i just need to have separation between the petals but just to show you you can you can play with it as long as you want really but let's just go with something simple what do these do that's nice that's a beautiful flower but it's squished squishing it is easy just go back to just regular select and then just flatten it and there is your flower it needs the center part i don't know what that's called technically but we will make it we'll call it circle the flowers circle it's got a weird stroke this whole thing is going to become white but i'm going to keep it pink for now so we can see it i know this is this is messed up but this is meant to be like an interpretation of a flower and be part of a pattern on our shield so click off the whole thing grab the whole flower then control g for group and then you can resize it it's pretty it's pretty awesome for a quick little flower we made in two seconds there so now i can put it on to look look out this is going to be a great family shield here so just make the first one the size you want we'll call it that i think i'll try and make it white now right there ctrl d duplicates it ctrl d ctrl d they're too big control d don't watch this trick so i space it out they're a little too big i'll just rather than do the group because i don't want to pull apart part of my shield i've got one selected shift just click all of them and then control g that and then you can just shrink the whole thing so not bad they're not perfectly spaced but there's your flowers there's my way i like the look at that i like it i like that a lot we're done with my wife now it's time for my daughter we'll do some music notes and i'll start to speed this up music notes the flower was the big main event but the music notes you can you can go as technical as you want i just got my circle i'm going to pull out a circle make that black and then the music notes they're always kind of like tilted and then you get the rectangle pull a rectangle down and if that's all you want to do you're done but i want to get fancy so remember how i made my pedal and everybody was like the pedals in the suck it ended up being okay just oh i got the wrong one get your bezier tool and then this is going to be the top of the note that has that squiggle so just make the the points you're going to use so there's my points that's all i've got very random i'll make the fill and stroke easier there's just the stroke a little bit wider so you can see it and then go back to your edit paths by node and then it kind of has this like oh see that see how it like snapped anytime it starts to snap on you don't want it get rid of the magnet with the electricity there and then it lets you be a little bit more um less precise so that is like um has jagged edges so one way you can do it is select one of them and then this minus you can get rid of it and then i'll get rid of both of them and then now with these handles i'll just really give it some it came out came out pretty well so then fill it with the with the black and see what we did there that was a quick little music note that could have been its own tutorial we stuck it on the family shield one and pop that baby on there there's your music note grab the whole thing ctrl g for group and it's too big ctrl d ctrl d i'm just making the group right there and then i will grab all of them control g and i want them to be black so that's the right color i'm just i'm just fitting in the place so my my atomic daughter went so fast that was easy okay so we have mother and daughter now for sun he likes science so let's make an atom so grab the circle and ellipsis tool and then just pull one out this was already preset but if you didn't have it you can turn off the fill and just have the stroke and we wanted that yeah that's about right and then we'll keep the center one control d for duplicate and then back to this menu the all-star menu this one right here the the right angle rotate selection that'll make it go sideways duplicate that give it some what are these things the electron paths the electron paths shift group all i've done is make my electron paths and then is that how it looks is that what an atom looks like no because it needs a nucleus so we'll choose the circle and ellipse tool shift control there's your nucleus pop these in place put the nucleus in there and then just to make sure it's all aligned you can push shift and collect everything and i'll go to align distribute sender molecular atom complete group it pull it into place got some funky colors going on we'll fix that in a second all right so we'll put this bigger one on the bottom and i want all of the stroke to be white and have a higher weight so i'll go back to fill and stroke stroke style try white and maybe a little bit more weight maybe 3.0 i have to fix the nucleus so contr actually go to object ungroup then i can click off of everything grab just the nucleus and then make that whole thing white i'll regroup it carefully so i'll click the electron paths and the nucleus ctrl g ctrl d to duplicate and now i've got my son his quadrant is complete which leaves me so let's just zoom out a little bit and we've got my wife my daughter my son maybe spaced out a little better and for each quadrant for the icons and each family member or whatever you don't need to always make everything from scratch maybe there's some things you want to you already have a graphic for or you can pull in some clip art that would um work and that's what i'm going to do for me so from for me i'm doing the inkscape logo so i'm just pulling in a png so i have it embedded from file i'll do none for image rendering and then okay and there it is and this is the quick way we've done it in a different tutorial i'm just going to do a trace bitmap so i go to path trace bitmap and this menu bar comes up i'm going to do the quickest dirtiest easiest way under single scan auto trace update and then just call it a day now i have a transparent scalable vector but it needs to be black so i change the fill to black and in my example i created a white snow cap to the mountain here but we're going to skip that so let's just scale it into place and look at what we have here we have my unofficial family coat of arms we created in inkscape and actually i think we're going to put the border behind it so this is just an extra step if you want to slide a border underneath it you can just have a little bit extra contrast against whatever you are displaying this on so let's bring it up against the the the demo that i made earlier off camera and then see how close we came okay actually it looks like we forgot the shadow if you want to see that bonus tip if you want to see the shadow get out the bezier pen and then same as before just just keep it real basic and what i'll do is i'm going to then go to edit nodes and then just create like a little bit of area that would be shadowed you get the picture and then what we'll do is we'll go to fill black is good but then we'll make it uh transparent just to give it a little bit of shading and then get rid of the stroke see so and then i would i'd fine tune that but let's just zoom in on this one then so anyway this is what you can make for your family using any icons you want um if you don't have four people you can make it a two-sided shield you can do a one shield you can put your monograms on there anything you want just have fun with it and thanks
Channel: IronEcho Design
Views: 1,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graphic Design, Inkscape, Affinity, Photoshop, Startup, Design, Tutorials, Tips, Logo, Johanson, Coat of Arms, Bezier Pen
Id: jqYe8KH7zAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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