INJUSTICE GODS AMONG US PS5 Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 FULL GAME [4K 60FPS] - No Commentary

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so [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] so the nuke where'd you get it what you want one copybet get away from him i'm handling this [Music] you drugged me made me lois my son first krypton now metropolis people you love tend to blow up don't they superman don't that's why i like you superman you're much more gullible than you think you can have a family that locking me up will magically reform me and they'll be safe so big so dumb now run along so i can break out of here i've got lots of planning to do to top this that's enough i know it's soon but think you'll ever love again maybe you won't kill your next family uh wonder woman aquaman let's wrap this up i've got to get to the watchtower before luthor throws something else at us [Applause] should have been a combined assault clark sometimes forgets he can't do everything himself you're interrupting tonight's entertainment raven i detest violence luther but i'm even less fond of you you'd have this mess cleaned up by now name cyborg not miracle worker nightwing to batman you there i could use your help after i check out arkham i have to make sure luther didn't bust him out get our butts handed to us be there soon dick we're keeping a close eye on him batman just like you said he hasn't moved in hours what in the hell what is that how joker do this he didn't the real trap is behind us you're so clever [Music] you're luther's pet now deathstroke his money is green and as a bonus i get to kill batman huh sorry deathstroke no bonus for you batman's watchtower come in nightwing [Music] ugh [Music] shazam green arrow what was that thunder of the gods flash thunder of the gods what does that make us the four slobs will clean up the mess now if there are no further interruptions took me almost two minutes to break your encryption nice work now i break your back i don't break easily [Applause] [Music] bane catwoman grundy you're all alone luther geniuses often are psychopaths like you you hero types are all alike even less imposing close up you're testing my patience resign to throwing toys damn you [Music] time to teach you humility uh uh try this on genius superman report it's done the others are mopping up i'm taking doomsday into deep space make sure it's very deep space [Music] what's that it's the none of your damn business alone [Music] radiological metropolis i can see the headlines justice league fails clown kills millions you gave him a nuke most of the league dies and superman's beloved city is vaporized i console the masses by offering to rebuild it in my own image of trump he was done this is batman code red everyone to these coordinates now baldi said remember to ah there we are mr jay it works [Applause] back to the van harley bats and i need to talk go no one likes a third wheel batman my cool cool my palm de freit i knew that a deathstroke couldn't kill you too bad for you why so jumpy i merely took it off standby it's this button you've gotta worry about there they are keep them talking [Music] don't wait for us barry go you push that button and eight million die eight million and two died i was going to enjoy the fireworks from a safe distance but now that you're here what say we have one last dance oh what the hell's the matter with this scene this is somehow your fault metropolis and yet maybe i was too sentimental before i'll be fine without you [Music] again smile i am smiling now stay down and keep quiet [Music] now that's funny [Music] [Music] amateurs just some punks like that joker clan idiot we almost had still can't believe we freaking lost batman yeah let's hope the big boss doesn't find out i'm in a nightmare gotham sort of so temporal displacement alternate earth could be either we may have jumped to a different dimension or events in our own timeline have changed and we're in a new altered present we need to determine which soon if joker's bomb detonated we have to get back the watchtower should have picked up any anomalies right the watchtower might not exist i can't make contact we need to find out once my ring is charged i can get us there the atlantis archives if this is an altered timeline we might find a record of the triggering event there assuming there's an atlantis it's worth investigating let's you and i check things out here ring where's the nearest power battery the fairest aircraft facility in coast city at least that hasn't changed stay low i'll be back asap where did you say the battery was carol ferris's office left at the next hallway third door on the right it's the fourth door raven cyborg this is your final chance to accept the high counselors amnesty deathstroke get re-educated in your boot camp become a puppet like you boss is most of the titans died in metropolis five years ago i had nothing to do with that doesn't matter you're still on the wrong side of the law tell this to your boss this how things work here so you're green again something's not right he's helped jordan yet stand down you're done here definitely not ours you feel his pain [Music] after we're done with deathstroke how about the three of us go talk to the high council enough whoever you are you're under arrest and straight welcome to your nightmare sorry about this lady you wear my power [Music] yes guess i won't be getting any more lip from her now who's this high council the one who's turned you into a second-rate thug i'll show you second rate talk you now okay let's talk about the mess of trouble you're in and how i'm gonna knock that head sideways you wear my power it's still on straight damn stomach you should have killed me get off me look i'm not with them whoever you are they know you now they catch you you have the stones to refuse their amnesty who are they working for who's the only one who could keep matters like them in line wonder woman sinestro on my way i need to charge my ring and you and i are gonna take a little trip ah i'll be happy to see green arrow die again wonder woman green arrow now howl jordan this just keeps getting better you amuse me jordan [Music] eat this sinestro oppressing your home planet isn't enough sinestro the one earth government is similar to mine on kauragar an alliance was logical so for now i tolerate humans even hal jordan my doppelganger has joined your side as did all damn straight [Music] i'm resisting arrest again ah you okay how someone call me your sinestro core sinestro's right fear is more effective than willpower so you ditched green and went yellow the color of cowardice i'm still about order like the guardians i'm sure they're very proud sanctimony's easy when you don't save it time to kick my ass freelancers damn straight [Music] i'll teach you fear i'm a bad student well that was surreal a bit disturbing yeah all that yellow is really tough on the eyes we need to move hiding from the cops aren't there any good guys here there just might be nothing yet the energy signature from the park doesn't match anything in the database why don't i just vibrate at the same frequency as the energy signature and follow them because we don't know if they went somewhere dangerous or if they went anywhere at all superman's right it's too risky too bad i wasn't fast enough to catch them in the first place we'll find them we have to a pleasure most rare your highness i need information on surface world governance history and current structure ah for the treaty negotiations with the high councillor yes the treaty discussions i'm afraid our resources are limited superman has been less than willing to reveal his regime's inner workings tell me what you know recount the events of his ascension a thorough review might illuminate new strategies for negotiation i am humbled sire five years ago the criminal joker deceived superman into killing his wife and unborn son and destroying metropolis consumed by grief superman killed the joker yes we all remember where we were that day afterward he showed no restraint judge jury and executioner he and other like-minded metahumans quickly reigned in the criminal element which made him quite popular the surface world was desperate for strong leadership superman consolidated his power he created the one earth government democratic institutions were swept away sire the high councilors envoys await you in the throne room [Music] [Music] flash shazam welcome your highness it's an honor to meet you and to be the first surface people to visit atlantis yes we have important matters to discuss the treaty the final draft superman is glad you agreed to his terms may i is there a problem your highness this is complete subjugation superman will rule atlantis it's what you agreed to it's what we expect you threaten me tread carefully we have our orders you can tell superman he will not have [Music] atlantis you're gonna need backup poseidon take you uh your orders be damned let's not take this any further i don't wanna talk to superman you don't talk to superman you do what he wants and you're gonna do what you promised [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can't be earth's mightiest mortal the king fears you two make sorry diplomats there he is sire well then parallel dimension it is who do you work for you surfer manta ocean master i'm the king of atlantis i answer to no one unlike you mind your tongue you would give away your kingdom like a pair of worn boots to a surface dweller the treaty requires superman to maintain earth's oceans and recognize our autonomy you put your army at his beck and call a necessary compromise more like appeasement i grew tired of this take him [Music] huh i had planned to offer you help i've changed my mind what would you have me do yeah it's what you do [Music] now let's discuss a revised foreign policy kill him what now they do tend to fight first don't they though i may have stoked the fires a bit aries why are you here i feed on conflict until today i've been starving i sensed the return of aggression and sought its cause you did more than that you brought us here no but i can guess who did you my fire doesn't need stoking ares tell me who you presume to command me i do and you will obey [Applause] almighty neptune a fish out of one you're out of your league know when you're weak aries superman's reign has merely eliminated conflict left me virtually powerless so if you didn't bring us here who did those who would end superman's rule the insurgents heroes only one all other heroes who challenged superman have been eliminated he killed them and the only ones left are those who joined him along with a small cadre of former villains whose loyalty was bought or coerced i need to join my colleagues there with the insurgents as we speak send me to them how'd you get here ares not our aries we know meat not our batman i was wondering how to retrieve you from atlantis headache uh trying to prevent one it's a durability enhancer 5u93r how can a pill allow kryptonian nanotech increases the tensile strength of bone and tissue by several thousand percent bats can tell you the rest later if you're having trouble sleeping he borrowed the recipe from superman supes gives it to his flunkies yes i met a couple of our evil twins they're not evil most obey superman out of fear or they believe he's right and have lost perspective so you're the only one left not the only one what is this how are you even alive he's with me unlike your luther i've never indulged in law breaking superman doesn't suspect his best friend is funding the insurgency luthor's involvement is a secret people critical of superman disappear government officials activists reporters well now that we're all here explain why you chose us and why you didn't ask before yanking us over we were kind of busy the nuclear bomb it didn't go off your transfer somehow prevented it how do you know about we've been monitoring your world for some time you for specifically i have a weapon to take down superman a kryptonite based laser then hold on a kryptonite weapon you kill him you're no better than he is i didn't say kill it'll incapacitate him nothing more the weapons in the bat cave i need your dna to unlock it [Music] the collar's working good re-education wasn't going to affect him hmm you sure you don't want me to stay cal i know you didn't lose your super hearing are you okay with this with us of course i'm not trying to replace her i just thought we i know go on i'm fine i'm going i just came to tell you lanterns on his way in guess my super hearing is working [Music] hi counselor love diana's new look we have a problem i ran into diana's twin and someone who looked a lot like oliver queen and hal jordan find them and any others that might be out there i want to know everything thanks for the ride you're a funny guy are you sure the old gang lives around here true here they could be dead oh law biting bite your tongue interesting my fame precedes me right in the belfry please don't go shut it oh did you hurt your leg how about a broken neck to go with it [Music] just die already [Music] move it yes trick or treat and now my sour-faced flying rodent let's put a smile on that puss such a beautiful moment can't be rushed don't go cheering up without me batman it's been a while on your feet let's go i don't think so hot girl and me without my camera i could have gotten 10 million hits right foot perfect yes superman good news we've captured batman i'm on my way oh i miss him already now where was i before i was so rudely pumped full of lead harley arlene a little bird told me some creep was dressed up like the joker fighting a batman wannabe you got the look and a lot of nerve what you don't have is the right ow joker was a hero you're not fit to lick his boutonniere harley it's me i'm the joker look it says so right here on my underwear not funny creep no one pretends to be my mr jay [Music] [Music] aah simple really like this have we calmed down it's you the way you move the way you pummel well yeah it's the love you could feel the love right i feel like myself again joker's dead but you're this isn't my gotham but i'm the joker my dear am i your joker harley garden oh come on there's some people who got to meet you okay bruce ready for visitors nice work hal how did he not him what his dna matches bruce wayne's but his vitals were all wrong you're one of the duplicates tell me why you're here i love what you've done with the place arkham has never looked better [Applause] dear members of the joker clan you know the truth about the metropolis incident superman killed those people then he tried to kill me i admire the work you've done in my name disturbances distractions general pains in superman's buttocks but let's think bigger andy dreamy harley tells me superman made this pill for his thugs then bat boys insurgents got some now we have them too with these a bus could fall on us and we won't be hurt slapstick at its finest now on will be more than a nuisance the barking dog will become the rampaging elephant the whoopi cushion a landmine the joker a king [Applause] i should be dead thanks happy bill [Music] back from the grave should have kept that suit buried it's not my sunday best but it's comfortable and functional i'm gonna enjoy giving you to superman oh not tonight dear you have a headache i hit cause i care you can get past the feathers joker jokers die here i'll kill you clown boy [Music] so the bat brad joins superman tell me whose boots i'd taste here to lick batman's a criminal just like you nothing like me so you're a hero where you come from oh no dear boy it's just that batman corrupts young minds while i bash them out of their skulls yes [Music] i'll have to tell batman there's been a death in the family we're outnumbered let's go you can turn that off now thanks for showing up so fast bats hi gang what do we do now anyone up for pancakes joker what thou why does she hate pancakes what are you playing at arlene what's he doing here mr jay can be a big help to us so you came along on our little field trip and i'm guessing he didn't arrive alone where's batman there's one right there your eyes pure evil just like his who superman his flying friends took batman my batman our batman quiet or i'll cuff you and leave you for the police then why did you save me from them ow if batman's been captured we gotta bust him out to free your batman we need to complete our mission oh i love a good mission negative you and your clan lay low you're a target now and you're too dangerous to run free more of them will be here soon go i'll catch up with you i don't like you so you found them a parallel dimension now how do we get there we don't we pull him here no risk to an away team good still the same problem though how do we do it with this we're gonna modify my cosmic treadmill pull them all back at once we got some work to do beautiful isn't it the moon or its light shining off your bald head i'm pleased you wanted to meet you're finally ready to join our little club business is bad being haunted is worse after so many refusals why now they made it personal [Music] must have been some party superman did this exposed my identity and froze all wayne tech assets made bruce wayne a non-person i still can't believe he lost it this bad even with what joker did in superman's mind he destroyed metropolis i'm not following somehow joker altered superman's mind so he believed he was fighting doomsday but it was lois no joker linked the nukes triggered to lois's heartbeat when she and the baby died metropolis died with them superman was vulnerable probably for the first time in his life his fear won out green arrow died trying to explain that to him all right moving on what's with all the security i mean he already trashed the place would you take any chances with me i need to crank up the batcave's backup generator you're with me you three secure the bat cave entrance it's in the study that's a great plan spooky but uh isn't this your show splitting up saves time and you're best suited to take out the automated sentry guns all right then operation thunder eagle lightning whatever is underway over there cold oh [ __ ] killer frost grundy playtime oh [ __ ] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] grundy [Music] squash man hurt arrow man [Music] [Music] ready huh looks like the indestructible pill works lantern grand slam you kids have fun stay out of the street stupid amazon wasn't very nice snowflake [Music] [Music] wow you ever shut up every other tuesday thought that it warmed me up what did i miss everything cool frosty house grundy weightless in orbit you didn't grundy's a zombie he'll be fine let's go it won't be long before superman knows we're here so you need some sort of scanner to help identify these duplicates exactly this is data from the duplicate batman i'm holding at strikers that's helpful it's still going to take a few weeks you'll figure it out you always do glad to be of service no dinner this evening stefan has a new shipment of that kansas beef next time these duplicates do you think there's a lois where they come from there was only one lois i've never seen the bat cave our bat cave anyway should be interesting how did you hide anything in here from superman looks like he was pretty thorough the cave walls are injected with lead polymer there's no way he could find what we're here for sounds environmentally safe sure went to a lot of trouble between this and the dna neutralizing superman was not a call i could make alone so i put the weapon in a vault that only opens by simultaneously sampling dna from superman's closest allies our counterparts with my green arrow dead and the others backing superman's insanity i needed you your matching dna it's behind there lantern that one a rock you're gonna throw a rock at superman [Music] hands on the scanners yellow computer begin recognition scan that's it let's move you let your guard down at your peril our green arrow was just as arrogant and probably just as handsome [Music] doesn't it and another thing our wonder woman is better looking [Music] arthur [Music] that's enough adam you're done you presume too much should have seen that coming only one of you remains yeah but i'm the one to beat [Music] oh doesn't it and sparky makes four damn can it be fixed the kryptonite's intact but the optical resonator is beyond repair even with luthor we don't have the resources to build a new one quickly looks like we're gonna need some help ready to test it ready as we'll ever be systems online i'm linked up flash you ready i'm on it all right let's crank it up the platform should lock onto their signatures and pull them back got it i'm vibrating at the right frequency [Music] how we do it containment fields up but the levels are spiking cyborg shut it down it's okay i've got it [Music] wonderful don't know whether to pat myself on the back kick myself in the air the joker plan is undisciplined the chaos they create is useful we need more than pawns if we're going to take down superman that's all i needed to hear you said this place was secure just keep him busy with pleasure oh yeah thinking too much junior god you figured out aah pleasure's all mine slade wish the other titans could see this what do you think cyborg like yours only better it's the man not the machine [Music] luther [Music] questions this will enlighten you gonna bust you up uh [Music] wardrobe malfunction eddies cyborg batman welcome to oz tin man all right what'd i miss it's a long story he took a big chance coming back here why i have to flush them out now all right let's rev up your transporter fix the laser in our dimension and come back with reinforcements i'm sure i can get there's no time five years ago a tragic event cost the lives of millions overwhelmed by guilt for the part he played in the destruction he was driven mad he became an agent of chaos an enemy of peace and security but no longer the leader of the insurgency will pay for his crimes oh i don't like this at 6 p.m local time batman will be executed at striker's island may rao have mercy on his soul getting help we'll have to wait rescuing batman just became our priority it's a trap of course it is then we'll have to be sneaky about it sneaky how watchtowers teleport strikers is equipped with teleportation dampeners but they only cover the building you just have to get batman outside straight through a brick wall i'm in you'll need a diversion to keep superman occupied leave that to me i'll take the teleporter i'm the most qualified to work it and i can infiltrate their ranks i'm with you you and me working together not a chance the only way to access the watchtower from earth is the hall of justice and if your cover's blown you'll need someone shadowing you i'm not asking permission but you will follow my lead communication should be over there reroute them like we talked about and i'll get the teleporter access codes after you're done make sure this isn't my first drop kid i know the plan then stick to it but whatever history we have in our counterparts you and i have none i downloaded your history you've tried to kill this world's titans only a couple times then don't expect any warm fuzzies from me meet at the teleporter in 15. not now victor hey you sick or something uh no fine we still on for tonight sorry gotta cancel new orders since when has that stopped you yeah we've had some um wild times no we haven't you're one of them let's see if i can find your off button oh yeah i'll climb your eyes about to get real up in here well i'm still turned on cyborg to wonder woman i found a duplicate of me understood we'll send reinforcements wonder woman out don't mind me just hacking your neural network [Music] how about i return ah for real like men it's fine by me oh oh yeah definitely not a good look for me you beat me to it another contract lost this one was personal i didn't think anything was personal with you he made it personal when he tortured me that's it got control of the watchtower teleporter it can't be that easy when your cyborg tried to hack my neural network he exposed his security protocols you stole his password i'm actually beginning to like you where you going the plan was i won't be long i don't know if he said it was okay it was good enough for me yeah i asked myself what if what happened to lois happened to iris it made sense at first bad people got what they deserved but now superman's not actually gonna kill batman he's just bait to catch the real batman and then what remember what he did to green arrow something's not right teleporters offline somewhere you need to go how did oh ah oh wow still just a kid ah deathstroke stop what you're doing it's not what i'm doing it's what i've done ugh all right you're gonna need backup i bring you the gift of pay ah finale's coming and you got a front row seat we got to get moving what'd you do slade the reactor has gone critical first rule of warfare take out command and control this satellite's the key to superman's regime damn it you've jeopardized the entire mission superman's my priority not your batman batman this is cyborg we have the watchtower but we've got a problem the reactor's gonna blow can you stop it it's a runaway you have 90 minutes we're almost in position that man out i'd like to teleport everyone off nice work gentlemen got my hands full luthor what do you want i need deathstroke for what i've learned that ferris industries has prototype technology that may allow me to re-weaponize batman's kryptonite i need you to bring it to me does batman know about he would have this on using the weapon himself i need to do it batman is the face of the insurgency if he dies it dies with him lex luthor risking his life to save batman i want to believe it send over the coordinates arlene get your people into position occupy any law enforcement you can yes sir i'm on it yes sir bats can i pick up your dry cleaning too wax the batmobile ah freedom he's gonna kill me i'd worry less about him sweetums let's go i can probably fix it but i don't know how long it'll take parts of the control panel were designed to work with cyborgs and neural implants we have to keep trying barry this may be their only way home make this quick frost i'm needed at strikers i've discovered anomalies like tears in the fabric of space time i got your message get to the point i think these are places where the duplicates arrived this one may be the source of the transfer the insurgency i don't know yet it's just a theory superman doesn't want theories he needs facts why did you come to me with this send the coordinates to flash he can confirm your theory faster than anyone done is there a nice detective but you're too late oh [Music] god too easy your tactics are one-dimensional yes they are i knew you lasso wouldn't hold you for long you were offered amnesty deathstroke you should have taken it i missed my chance to battle superman's rebound girl how dare you i'm an amazon an obsolete race with predictable techniques be a real challenge surprise getting annoyed i'm not impressed cyborg i've got it send me to lufford roger that hope it was worth it batman you ready we're down to 45 minutes we're in position commence assault [Music] there they are we're getting closer stay alert [Music] hello bruce still as handsome as ever save it selena i'm sorry bruce i joined him to protect you he said if i helped find you he spare me i didn't believe him but it bought us time i misdirected him small comfort for the ones who died in my place [Music] damn it bruce took the idea what i you think i'm here by coincidence why again gonna cut that pretty place you're testing my patience you joined the wrong side selena he took you in trained you sure he can be an uptight jerk but you abandoned him for superman i'm not dick grayson this is damian wayne wayne his son but superman's been more of a father than you ever were you stopped being my son when you killed dick grayson he was my son try again i'm younger and faster um you're dead to me you okay let's get moving ah can we play two so you're what all the fuss is about i could say the same about you surrender batman i have you now [Music] raven that's enough try it again uh i'll apologize later raven show yourself uh don't tell the others about this huh oh easy there tough guy can you walk get him outside i'm not leaving just go well look what i found time to end the insurgency you're gonna feel this you're testing my patience superman is the enemy hal not me [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] uh isn't this the part where we disappear damn you thought you could fool me bruce like he did this isn't about joker it's about you i perfected this world so many lives lost because i held back when i should have used all my power for what to control to oppress i could have prevented metropolis saved my family crime took my family too clark watchtower [Music] oh your time is over details from striker's island are still sketchy insurgent forces attack their nearly 90 minutes ago andre is there now let's go live to andre garcia andre thanks rob it's chaos out here high councillor superman and his one earth forces are battling waves of giant insect-like sea creatures the meta humans check inputs tethered [Music] [Music] [Music] ah oh damage assessment reserve energy drain engaging solar recharge propulsion system offline how long full restoration in 15 minutes damn humpty dumpty fell through a truck humpty dumpty suit is all love the color matches your eyes it is quite spiffy unless you want superman to succeed step aside both of you you trying to beat superman your bestest buddy a deception created so i could aid the insurgency well then how about we share be a doll will you help mr luthor out of my suit with pleasure hun i don't think so ah um [Music] am i too much for you this will enlighten me do yourself a favor harleen stay away from him she can't quit she's fired can't have your stink rubbing off on me what oh don't worry there's a generous severance package joker no no go save the world i've got this you'll thank me for this later harleen when will they ever learn your little jumpsuit humor eludes [Applause] maybe superman had the right idea about you try to kill me i'll slice that grin off of your face harleen no he was gonna i can't believe i fell for him again he knew exactly which buttons to push it's not your fault it's what he does you've outgrown him [Music] easy guys he's on our side turns out he wasn't take care of him keep him locked up this time that'll be the least of it these guys will keep causing trouble go get superman i got just the thing [Music] um green lantern go help wonder woman really i'll handle these two [Music] go [Music] so [Music] your nth metal belt give it to me the source of my powers like hell i'm giving you a chance end this without further bloodshed too late you're done overmatched wow uh wow like i said overmatched shield since when are you with them since the day superman decided to hurt us like sheep he only wants what's best for us we aren't his playthings and he's no god oh can't be earth's mightiest mortal you asked for this like how i did that no good comes from hero worship status internal circuitry is offline again what did i miss the watchtower affirmative casualties all personnel safely evacuated superman was in the blast radius but is unharmed well then may fortune favor the foolish [Music] superman your time is open five seconds one second systems [Music] uh i trusted you you betrayed me who betrayed who i gave you peace your peace your is peace joke uh [Music] oh the duplicates they've incited insurrection we must suppress this filth willfulness leads to anarchy it cannot be allowed to spread i made them safe shielded them but are they grateful do they appreciate my protection no they whine complain side with those criminals if they prefer chaos i'll give it to them metropolis and gotham i'll flatten them set an example then i'm finding the dimension these duplicates came from they'll pay for interfering wait we're wiping out whole cities invading worlds and other dimensions you have a problem billy well yeah it's crazy it's going too far man's world is incapable of self-rule we will preserve order no no there have to be limits even on us especially on us that's enough we can't do this have you gone nuts lois would never want it just hmm anyone else cyborg raven take control of all media broadcasts i want everyone to see this wonder woman hawkgirl adam you're with me sinestro prepare your ground forces lantern flash get doomsday ready take him outside grundy dig hole trundy berry he was right this isn't what we signed up for we did our job we eliminated crime billy wasn't a criminal he was a casualty of war acceptable loss acceptable i let myself believe we're making things better but we're not i can't do this anymore i'm done will you have a death wish there is no done maybe not for you goodbye hell you can't leave barry don't make me do this [Music] [Music] uh good workout huh save your breath you'll need aah too bad for you you didn't give me a choice hell hey what you do to boss man don't try it grundy ugh [Music] faster huh never was a big zombie fan time for a detour [Music] those that gathered here are the elite the best and bravest soldiers this planet offers yours is a heroic mission it requires that you transcend your humanity embody the highest one earth principles obedience order control but those who defy the high counselors commands they will be executed without qualm or hesitation man loves to hear himself talk firing squad assemble i don't think so now then sinestro enough talk yes quite [Music] oh desertion flash poor timing don't you think you're right i should have done this sooner [Music] please hmm can't leave you just lying there now to warn the insurgents what do you think pretty bird perfect as always my god ollie is that you in the flesh where's batman my batman he's off somewhere not being a murderer oh come on ollie you know you can't hit me wasn't trying to gotta think fast to be fast i'm that bad i can hit a moving target this one hits back that's enough ollie i'm on your side i need you to listen to me i'm telling you gotham and metropolis will be history and then he's coming after your world i can't believe you do it it's insane we have to stop him that's gonna be a hell of a fight no i brought you here to get the kryptonite weapon and that plan failed you're going home then i'm destroying the interdimensional transporter it won't stop him from coming over it'll buy you time to prepare luthor sacrificed himself we won't dishonor him by just leaving we have an alternative we bring over our superman finish this fight one superman in this world is enough he's not like yours don't let emotion cloud your judgment how is it superman spared you baby he appreciates my talents [Music] say it proud i will break you i'll snap you like a matchstick [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] the strong always child you're not up to this [Music] thank athena i'm merciful growing up a prisoner should have taught you the value of mercy taught me one thing better to be fair than respected you have no time for your meddling calm please we have much to discuss you may have been which my mother once wore god but i won't tolerate your lies hmm foolish girl guard your tongue now aries you're sending me back diana your friends will survive discrimination if you truly wish to help them you'll heed me talk and be quick about it we need to get the transporter out if it's damaged you'll never get back home understood i know of superman's plan this is not news but do you know how he intends to execute his plan not yet he hadn't brought me here shocking isn't it the great amazon army preparing to subjugate an entire continent i can't how could she i if only someone were able to stop her why would you have me do that the conflict will re-energize your magic in the short term if superman consolidates his rule the conflict which fuels my powers will cease permanently i would thank you aries but that would imply you've done something selfless the enemy of my enemy we are never friends our interests align temporarily you've been discovered i'll leave you to your work ate the insurgents as a strategist he's no athena your look betrays your loyalties raven your trigon servant not superman i serve both superman's victory will hasten my father's return and all shall bow before him oh god [Music] [Applause] [Music] field trident don't count on your father's return raven haste my sisters we cast off within the hour take that to the athena sloop 51 after drop-off meet at the south pier maura's team needs help with an internship weapons transfer move diana your army will stand down they will not abet superman's madness you hold no sway here pretender i am in command you stain amazon honor we are to temper man's aggression not enable it after metropolis superman showed me the truth man's aggression cannot be tempered only quelled slaughter the innocent as zeus full to palata superman beguiles you your world's amazons must be weak-willed if you are their queen uh [Music] we are to give service help the innocent save the lives of friend and foe that is our way you lecture me on the meaning of being amazon i don't seek to lecture [Music] i seek to depose [Music] you wish amazon's to be weak there's strength oh oh [Music] now to rebuild what you've destroyed hold my sisters hold while i am not of this world i am amazon and i tell you now this path is folly we are to unite the world's people lessen man's rages overcome them with compassion and love she has enabled one man to inflict his rage on an entire planet let him be consumed by his darkest passions rather than extricate him from despair sisters let us return to the right side of history let us enter battle but as humankind's protector not its destroyer we are amazons we are here to save mankind [Music] uh [Music] it gets worse by the minute we have to get once i'm finished you're all going home you know i get it like you i've planned for the day when superman might lose control but without help you'll die and the insurgency along with you then maybe that's my fate we don't believe in fate this is my world my fight you made it ours when you brought us here uh oh [Music] you're good you expected otherwise [Music] if we're done here we're losing time this is a mistake you brought us here because you had faith faith we'd uphold the values you've given everything to defend so trust us trust yourself and let's end this [Music] you have no idea how to use it do you i was hoping you wouldn't figure that out [Music] we need to get started innocent people are dying we'll take the others so you can focus on their superman we'll do it together it'll prevent more casualties then superman doomsday is going to be tricky collateral damage i'll have to force that fight elsewhere anything else [Music] i realize this isn't entirely accurate but it's good to have you back [Music] [Music] [Music] that's enough black adam if conduct exists here i suggest you go home your world suffers for it [Music] oh there's no place for you here [Music] superman modeled his government after mine we allow no insurrection this ends now [Music] [Music] my power equals yours no one's done ah your evil must end that'll hold you long enough not so super was he [Music] [Music] here's your chance to do what's right i would take it so [Music] are you ready superman to take on the might of atlantis yes we are [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] you're not wanted here [Music] this ends now i may not be wanted but i'm clearly needed superman we've broken their ranks they're retreating good once they're pushed back we'll need help with rescue and recovery i'll break off a legion as quickly as possible thanks diana you always make it look easy let's get through this first then tell me how easy it looked we'll need to start [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] [Music] then you'll live disappointed you can i have before [Applause] doomsday is not today [Music] i knew they'd pull you over eventually you don't belong here my obligations don't end at the borders of my dimension i am this world savior i protect it that's what's happening out there protection disobedient children will be punished children we're not gods we don't decide who lives and who dies vision is mine it became mine when joker turned me into a weapon of mass destruction i know what you lost and you judge me after i've killed you i'll bring lois here when she sees how i perfected this world she'll be afraid and disgusted she'll be alive lois's death stole her from me you stole this planet's freedom it's time to give it back uh [Music] oh i saved this world now i'll save it from you uh your rain is over [Music] hmm uh [Music] you won't terrorize these people any longer fear is the only thing these people understand one day you'll learn you'll have to kill me no not even you there's been enough killing [Music] superman's accomplices have been rounded up or turned themselves in the next job is restoring civil order the transitional government has its hands full we're here if they need help thanks but no the people need to know they're in control not us so you haven't changed your mind i respect the president's offer but i don't belong in government none of us do you think batman has a future here crime and corruption will ali would have called me a pessimist i'm just being realistic and you're superman he'll stand trial they all will he was right you know about what put in the same position i might have done the same thing we never know what we're truly capable of i hope for your world's sake you never find out just keep this in mind yeah if something ever happens and you do lose it i'm coming for you you'll have to get in line [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: MKIceAndFire
Views: 493,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS5, PS5 Gameplay, Justice League, Justice League Game, Injustice Gods Among Us, Injustice Gods Among Us PS5, Injustice Gods Among Us PS5 Gameplay, Injustice Gods Among Us PS5 Walkthrough Part 1, MKIceAndFire, No, Commentary, Injustice Gods Among Us PS5 Full Game, Full Game, Superhero, Superhero Game, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg, Batman Game, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Ps4, Pc, Ps4 Pro, Xbox One X, Video Game, Gameplay, Campaign, Singleplayer, 4K, 4K Gameplay
Id: 3E9I8kgy9LQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 18sec (10458 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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