Initial Review of the Chefman Home Slice Electric Pizza Oven from Costco

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we're taking a look at the chefman electric Pizza Oven we're going to be cooking Neapolitan style pizza New York style pizza thin crust and pan pizza I cook a lot of pizzas and do a lot of pizza parties and everyone always asks me which pizza oven should I buy and generally I cook on a Rockbox and a uni Kota 16 but a lot of people want something a little more simple and so I saw this at Costco and thought let's put it through its Paces I'm interested to see how it does the thing I'm most intrigued about is the heating element on the bottom most pizza ovens the fire is what heats them up so this will be interesting let's take a look at the different settings we can go go through and try out today first off uh we've got manual mode we can go in and set the temperature for the lower and upper anywhere from 300 to 800 today we're going to be testing the other features so neopolitan New York thin crust and pan pizza over here there is an alarm you can set to tell you when your pizza is done which if you're doing one of the features one of the presets it will set the timer for you you you just click the button in it will start we'll go through that but it does not shut off the pizza oven when the alarm goes off it'll keep cooking so let's take a look inside we've got our pizza stone and our heating element up top the pizza oven also comes with a pizza peel which is a nice thing to include it's a perforated one which I really like because when your pizza Dough's on there you can shake the flower and it drops first thing I want to test out is to see how long this takes to heat up to to make a Neapolitan style pizza in this oven the preset is 750 up top and 750 below usually Neapolitan cooked hotter but today we're just trying the presets so let's go ahead and show you how it works so let's get started by turning it on we will select neopolitan which it was already on there manual neopolitan sets it for 750 on both dials and then we click Start it shows it's a 20in minut pre-art time or sorry it's a 20 minute warm-up time we're going to keep checking the temperature to really time how long it takes to get up to 750 we test we checked it at 5 minutes we checked it again at 10 minutes and we checked again at 15 minutes now we are 20 minutes in let's take a look we're going right in the middle of the stone as always it's sitting right at 798 so yeah that's exactly 800° I'm excited so our first pizza we're going to make margarita typical Neapolitan style this dough is Neapolitan style dough 225 g for those of you at home who are wondering and we're just going to follow the directions on this to a tea I mean I usually cook mine around 800 which this says 750 but it's at 800 so I love that it came with appe peal because this is our game AG on how what size pizza we should be making so you can hold the peel over and you can see we need another inch or two so I'm going to stretch it out just a little further let's go on with our San Marzano Tomatoes very typical for a Neapolitan style pizza little olive oil I like to add just a little bit of salt since fresh fresh mozzarella doesn't really have any pepper adds a nice touch and of course fresh Ms a little flour right in front get it on the peel and now we'll stretch it out to fit the peel a little better we've got our final stretch done so now we've got a nice TW 12in Neapolitan style pizza it up so let's go in the oven with it then we just push our set alarm and that starts our timer two and a half minutes is what it's recommending so you can see the crust especially over here on the right look how much it's blooming already it's really just puffed up that's good news that's a good sign it's taking everything inside me right now not to want to rotate and turn the pizza cuz in a typical Pizza Oven you are rotating it constantly but I'm just testing it out as is simple as can be throwing it in letting it go and we see what happens okay our timer just went off 2 and 1 half minutes in woo look at that take a look okay so just initial assessment here it looks like this half the crust cooked really well let's see how crunchy it is ooh oh my goodness great crunch this half has some crunch but you can even see the sauce and cheese have Blended better the cheese isn't all the way melted let's let it cool down and then we'll take a look at the undercarriage pretty consistent throughout some great leoparding but also some burn marks like it's straight up burned and come over here and look you can see on the stone it kind of scorched open it yeah take a look it kind of scorched on the bottom and just in between you can just take your peel kind of clean it we'll have to get a vacuum later and vacuum that out if I were to try doing a margarita again just from my initial assessment here I would go a full 3 minutes rotate it halfway through cuz I like like this coloring all around so 3 minutes rotate halfway through and probably set the stone on the bottom a little lower cuz it's it scorched it but let's go ahead and try a bite let's try a bite for just a first time just following exactly what it says and this was the only Pizza you ever cranked out and you went from never making pizza to this I'd be super content and happy I mean this this is really good let's try it from the half that didn't cook as well on top still really good I mean this is better than getting Little Caesars dominoes most Pizza ples is this is better the crust on this side is a lot softer it doesn't have that crunch so let's try and make some tweaks and see what we can come up with so here's the adjustments we've made so far we're on manual mode 650 on the bottom and 800 on the top let's check the stone right in the middle we're at 765 so little cooler than last time time but hopefully with the heating element lower this time we don't Scorch the bottom so we've got a margarita pizza again let's go in with the pizza okay I'm setting it for 3 minutes but we're going to keep a close eye on it 1 minute in already you can see the crust has just bloomed up so let's do a rotate just a half flip let it keep going we're 2 minutes in let's take it out and just take a quick look and see how we're doing it's looking pretty good let's do a little rotate just a quarter turn this time okay our 3 Minute Timer just went off let's see how we did ooh yes that's looking a lot better take a look at that can see it's it's browned more evenly around let's check the crust hot and crunchy oh yeah so let's let this cool down just for a sec and then we'll take a look at the undercarriage okay check out the undercarriage that's actually really good there are a few Scorch marks still but that happens even on my gas fired uh pizza ovens but overall that's a great uniform crust let's cut into it and see how it looks you you got to be excited when you can hear a crunch like that when you're cutting it I don't see how you couldn't be okay let's take a look here listen in crunch oh try the crust so this is our second pizza we've cooked on this and it's years ahead of the second pizza I made in my oven let alone my second pizza I made in my Rockbox or my oi this thing does make it way easier and this is a really good pizza this is on par honestly this is not a paid promotion I don't know if I started with that I bought this with my own money just to try it out this isn't paid promotion but this is cranking out pizzas that are almost on par with my pizza oven the only thing I'm not getting is more leoparding on the crust but I do like how Brown the crust is cuz it's crunchy our first pizza the margarita I would say is a success we can keep fine-tuning it but for only cooking two it's a got a thumbs up in my book our next Pizza is a New York style pizza we've got some New York style dough which is similar to our Neapolitan style dough but we've added some oil and sugar to help the uh crust Brown a little more at the lower temperature um it's also 225 g just like the neopolitan style we have our New York style pizza ready to go the oven lower the lower the bottom temp is set at 650 the top temp is at 600 and it recommends 5 minutes in the oven we'll go ahead and put that in we'll come back and flip it half way through it's going for a little halftime flip crust is looking good it's poofed up pretty good okay timer has just gone off oh that's looking good take a look at this come in close look at that crust browned all around oh yeah that's like that's a hard crust right there yes let's take a look at the undercarriage nice and brown evenly all around it's looking good it's crispy too let's try a bite oh that is a beautiful crunch okay I love that crunch it sounded good M it is good I just want to keep biting the crust all day New York style definitely gets a thumbs up in my book I think the temps the preset is perfect I wouldn't change it at least not yet that's a wrap now on to thin crust we've got our dough here this one's 175 G so quite a bit less so that way we can get a nice thin crust we're going to roll it out with a rolling pin not being careful to preserve the outside crust cuz on the thin crust there really isn't an outside crust we've got ourselves a good 12 in thin crust and on the thin crust we push the Sauce Cheese all the way out as far as we can we don't want to go too heavy on the cheese this is a thin crust cheese all the way to the outside okay clear the excess th crust is ready I'm excited I've never made one before make sure we're getting as close as we can to 12 in on the thin crust it has a 700 temp on the stone 500 temp up above recommends seven minutes so we're going to follow that recommendation but we'll flip halfway through 7 minutes are up our thin crust is ready whoa Pizza OV doesn't want to give it up okay go ahead and take a look at that get up appreciate its Glory I bet I can just hold it like this strong undercarriage I mean this thing is going to have like no flop I mean look at that that's got Integrity look at that holy cow okay let's let's chop it up I think th crust from what I've seen they cut it more like a into squares you can tell I did a very good job of doing hey look at that you could put a 10 pound weight on that and it's not going anywhere great undercarriage oh look at that okay let's try it how have I not done thin crust before this I mean listen to that this thing's a machine really enjoying the crunch there's sometimes I want pizza that has a nice crunch to it like a totinos but totinos aren't very good this is way better last and certainly not least pan pizza otherwise known as deep dish Sicilian Grandma so what we have going on here we've got a Blackstone deep dish pizza kit picked it up on clearance at Walmart um I don't know the size I'm going to guess it's 10x 10 somewhere around there uh cast iron pan we have 350 G of our New York style pizza dough and we've I've pressed it out and I've allowed it to grow so you can see here it actually has grown we want to leave it and let it Blossom so let's hit it with some sauce got our sauce now it's going with some cheese and on these type of pizza is the deep dish I like it when the cheese covers the crust and kind of gets stuck between the crust and the cast iron it gets this nice crispy texture so for the pan pizza we're looking at 600 lower Temp and 450 upper temp let me check the notes so it's actually 475 for the upper Temp and 600 for the lower temp and it recommends 14 minutes so let's go ahead and get this in I'm going to warn you now it barely fits but it does fit set the timer boom our timer just went off 14 minutes is up let's get this pizza out oh that's looking good I am actually very interested to see what the bottom the undercarriage looks like because the cast IR we didn't heat up before we just threw it in with the pizza so I'm a little worried the bottom won't be crispy but maybe it will so let's check it out anytime you make Grandma pizza or pan pizza I like to put it on a cooling rack pretty soon thereafter so it doesn't get a Soggy Bottom you know it's brown on the bottom let's check it out let's just feel it I mean it's crunchy but it's not like Mega crunchy let's cut it up and try I think that'll be our best bet I mean that's not a bad looking pizza for our first pan pizza in this oven it is hot though so you can see it's browned right okay let's try the crust first that's good it's light fluffy but crispy we did add oil probably like 2 tablespoons of oil under the dough which is helping with the crunch I really want to bite from here but it'll probably melt my face off so we're going to wait a minute just looking at the pan pizza I feel like the heat from above could have been a tad bit more the the crust is good but it's not crunchy I just like crunchy crust if you don't this is perfect probably but it's just not super crunchy okay time to burn my face off I really like it for the first cook this turned out great I want to tweak it a little bit to have a better recipe for the pan pizza but the pizza oven in general let's focus on that for a sec let's hone in on how we feel about it we cooked a margarita so we did Neapolitan style we did New York style we did thin crust and we did Pan four different types of Pizza in one oven for $300 the margarita was my favorite that one I loved and that's the kind of pizza I cook the most on my pizza ovens I love margarita pizza and this did not disappoint if you're looking to buy a pizza oven you don't have any and you're just cooking them in your oven and you have an extra $300 to spare I'd say this is definitely worth your money again this is not a paid promotion this is my pure honest opinion the New York style was really good as well the thin crust that one surprised me the most did it surprise you the most yeah that one surprised me it was really good and the pan pizza my kids love grandma style pizza so this is like a must in our house I do want to find some ways to tweak it so in the end I would highly recommend this pizza oven based on its performance today I can't speak to the longevity of the oven or how it does when you're just cooking like 15 20 pizzas that will come later I'm going to put this thing through the tests that I like to do really push it to the Limit and I'll give you a good followup when I get there
Channel: Some Dads Cook
Views: 26,716
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Keywords: #someDadsCook, #cooking
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Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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