Inis Airc: Bás Oileáin - Part 1/5 (Inishark: Death of an Island)

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wtf I want to live on a treeless windswept island now

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Fingerstrike 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2017 🗫︎ replies

Cool documentary. Interesting stuff.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/_TheValeyard_ 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2017 🗫︎ replies
you I can see the houses are the word I can see the church as it was I can see all the people I can see their faces I can see them coming in the chorus I can see them going out I can see how this them days are gone or not Oh a spotted article taking this commission corneal Doug Wahid it sector for until his pocket a war this 111 wedge lob pre-war August Rodina or gal gadot on throw Ferguson is a Neela homologous Emma he need a gotta master sneaky we should smoke tradition akira honor of omission Shumate simple ex-con article author dr. nano criminal growth inna actually belogus grow beauty into action on august her Harley che in sunfish historic Russian would is massively yell ahead Diana Lewis gem foster some coolness move with Iran marina shark here Tofurky catchy aunt Atlantic wash hair white piece toy Llanelli in issue finding a will continent heel is navaja they fished a long before we table you'll neva here dinner in agony ensure apana vyana Agassi solder tagging immediately coterie proceeded father snuggly and theories on Baltimore the precious meal of all hidden in the cornea Anushka Feeney are the CCA dinner arena shark our pea green manure warty egg on Atlanta errand or cheerio a spawn hunt alone avi host schedule nor pontocho flesh Agassiz media of over EJ shafts K mu who want a lock turn of patio arena shark merav ronamoon turn on the new body Enosh Bhavana dr. shear musketeer a le bolivian Aragon printer and dish unrolled comment or Alana Warren for Helena T the people of shark and English muffin we're pretty gross we do over there and he could go to anybody's house and have a cup of tea and they come back to us it was the same thing you could see for miles towards the mainland for Danish puffin Island I know towards Cragen so you didn't seem to be isolated on or I'll go as everybody knows when you're on an island you are isolated but life growing up and down until the end the rest of my mates my neighbours was pretty nice pretty cozy in my time growing up and Bri young lady I used to go to both my father do to Santa lobsters at him on a Saturday and they'd have the few pints and then they go over again on a Sunday to mess your unconscious a dementia both in August sir mentoring shark Royale girl bought yogig winter shark brush leader boffin a girl already honey she could finish I can shopper agus offic and pushed a Gris Khafre and door nygma be an amateur module or papa ferment was loves them may now it was it's like a mainland because you had shots and buffin naturally the trots George mouth underwear the prevalence and you had the pub for the older people were said to allows us to have a pint of Guinness and it was great day for us Freud got masses welcome we could get side down and biscuits from the shops and that meant a lot then because your viewers deployed of all these living on an island like charm we blew wide edge of the dollar alone fresh god of Faragher for here Evie Dominic I didn't doll on a similar fate al Qaeda darshan of Akram athlete blue hydro I'd mentioned oil and the healer it was Jethro not a naughty Dog waited in a shark until Antron get her got rushed a sperm or edit hydrogen winter Danish poor Fenian other world a great loss to this island from that when they left shot that hang because a well especially under the island here which was something to look forward to kill you know the neighbors with the same the poor shot man might be able to come tomorrow just so many days there since they were here we missed them early much around here the whole ramza boroughs to show a wash either a neither will his teeth ravine winter Danish Bhavana a torch added a nebari he show the Coronado is offensive over Polly uncle's sinigang dog hero Rosie to the who and our Rosetta who alder or ocean to the who under is it your front arm or we let us never connect in modern I endure Neos often cry new is the meteor I ski here the for girl for nerve always or ocean to the who under or ahead of a wider or well if you didn't see man in the fiends at him if you hadn't come Tricia you would say he was either part of me not really a legacies as soon as you got up on the magna you put on your pair of AB me ensign touch was made an open the feed everyone saw that won't bit land tell their own surplice was the suppose was the most important and they'd have two swords and turnips and cabbage sites came out to cut the hay when hey champ came around while the women were home and they were looking after the cows milking cows morning and evening detect feeding calves making Jordans bacon bread the only thing they had to buy was sugar and flour to back or something like that either shalyah plan the healer over support a heavy cuddly AMSA leash Atticus Marikina Valhalla I wish to insult seals simply Viacom ah the worship of the vine slashing mm seed they had all the potato sword Saint Patrick's Day and then say Leos day was the 9th of April I think and if we turned badly and everything else was thawed by then I was getting ready for the lab sufficient and that was it like tradition furthermore over the years Dean Caputo their own room in a shack it also will avoid hearing object me of her having clocked my diamond shop August are the offer feed for near board in his shark the home Rory a shower are endorsed aleikum it only he'll only show he brought her shawl nor goth who are not loom dears Gilligan's Lobby this knee art nerd lore is Namita over to shackle with wait me with the wars 16 illusion first pitch paid and they could use them walls the same as you use most on your teh dura door so I had to show you which Oh sister watches go right up for them and even well good have it all gateman the board but I don't know my father guar fishing at 4 o'clock in the morning himself and his brother and at all the pots and then that Waffen that pulled the parts again in the middle of the day and they might have two or three mines to the fishing ground and they go off again and evening so three times a day the pots were hauled at that time and then sometimes they'd go fishing at night under Roe all the way from the island dr. Clegg in to sell their fish and head back into the island again that was a long row nine miles from shark-tooth legen sell your fish after be now it's been out all night without sleep or anything I roll back into the end again that night you know other Hartman and trust me
Channel: yannecamilla
Views: 25,273
Rating: 4.9075146 out of 5
Keywords: Inis, Airc, Bás, Oileáin, Inishark, Death, of, an, Island, Ireland, Irlande, gaelic, TG4, ie
Id: VmXb2sIFJuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2010
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