Hands: Dublin's Workhorses

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on the job very early in the morning bringing 8-yard Vanya fee our current place and the children's parties now this operation will be all you unfreakin at the hearth and Jerry in town knew early on the road you can fight it be a long time before you can say you open hood Tiamo by car hope your mom window to over something now the horse is up there's point up to the grass over on the race and watch this maneuver on the left over to the race when you get your tea break Don chelli so listen to her Centauri to his grass break we look at the expert way that Jerry's hands and them bottles now if you are really trying to do that to be glass smashing and milk spilling all over that road which are these pallets it's like it it's like it sucks here at brink of milk as you might say Thomas doing that part more years and he cares to remember as a good woman left LVN teeth John Hardy is one of the few remaining like legend table well you listen to that lovely music after cat's head hammer and the anvil be or hold on a minute here's a customer yes it's Christie Daugherty bringing down as harsh to blame a new parity shoes our tears are few and far between nowadays the same again the hind leg forced no need for the nose pole in this hearth so he's been here before knows the forward well this isn't of course Neil Perry Beauty got Jana's get the shoe ready now their ardent in the park to turn the metal that make the shoe right down onto the beak of the anvil bike up onto the base there is a function for the protective win later to make the whole you know the sounds and the smells of a blacksmith forward have a magical apparent as the old Bella's getting a bit of a blow that's the wonderful thing about a blacksmith Squire it's never too low E so they won't born to call away too quick and yes it never goes out build bellows keeps a little eight-page there's the cliff being beaten into the shoe now with the sword of the cat head summer that's the secret of how the shoe is held off there's someone up there [Music] there's the prettier gone through now to complete the whole I took mr. Walker back city still alive next a little while he come in here one day and he says have you any roof the Olympic ma'am say have you a dog a home or not what time says they release the dog very fondant no he says I nearly died a thousand deaths last night what do you mean he said I was in bed a shot from disaster I get a bit at the hoop on the Sava light of the side of Bali inhaling yeah it's very limited a witch doctor about her specific we were kids we used to smell tire idols for the flu of a hook up into the printer cool it off quenching but the blacksmith tools are kept in a special wooden box does the hoof paring knife the pincers the rapid hammer the coal set the HUD says the flutters of pores the suede is Archer look I can arrange it harms and you see them nails but it always are recently a fella L saw the GPO making necklaces with them and send them to the Gators for a couple of pound each clear the business [Music] good now there's the cincher gone enter the clinching tongs could clean job the ends of the nails ice also rasp down and in a minute a drop of oil should be put over those hoops you know to let they were harsh no Eagle ax you pair the Builder let everyone see that he has a new pair of boots but not a quick operation you wouldn't have throw it on the left foot show yourself in the toilet that job was gone yes there you are now let's show it the fruit market and more Dublin warhorses it's a lovely job now with motor care whales some of these even have a spare blade underneath I don't see in with one whole army jewel and Ireland nurseries where every lady vendor is a queen and Rosie is the queen a queen Cadell sleet nearly speaks for itself no shortage of fruit today our vegetables apples some lattice bananas onions cauliflower parsnips Brussels sprouts mountains of garlic is the load on our select commercial section a little prayer mindfulness cold and there's a Roy told he has I will about the damn pocket apples are kamatovik all of the camper but the exactly over the counter as well pyramid the fruit star upon star there are we sure dove a bargain endorse trees or as Jimmy OD used to say go tell Tamara Street and get your nose educators but here the man with no heart I think moving very fast [Music] 20 friends time to step on for tomorrow a person or generally a potato chip off which friend I was a quick operation empty in a matter of minutes like Henry's coal yard in the heart of the Liberty a couple of bellman loud and open a big lorry load and up there to make that suburban deliveries the government gave our name from the time the parts used to carry a bell around his neck of course every time the Hearst to a snake opened Ellen the old bell rang out and of course the people in the hell's with you it was the Coleman and the hare the bell but some of them have no bells and those that had no bells always shooters and of course we as chiselers you still run out of them and we did our show too very few Belmont in Dublin today cross an angel Street they give way to hearts copy there that character the stop give way to heart rubbish but when we were kids we used to say what do you feed your mother on you can update your customer as a colour now don't think of a book as paupers don't try to kill what's in that call it still Barton stalls and dope and wait scoop a shovel and a shovel enough a decibel daily finish this this another best another best know the best another best and another best and another best I probably ate chili that last don't always get the chili in the milk there's a booklet called two heated oblem family for how long a nice we can't or maybe a week the Belmonts are to school build more stones a coal are black diamonds as we used to say patia page our model on the dublin mules of his a lawless scrub gone upon that yolk you look at that for character his owner down there he knows the low started watch the yeast which his every sound not straight so key in also now OS are common well there is one woman won't be watching us tonight get rid of the telly it must be by injected Thanks Talbot place using ovals of rooibos all the loads are calling into the scrap yard I'd say that Kingsoft much times here's another load King James used to mint money Karen filter distort open cables please in 1689 but the scrub people today uses for bananas little pea mounted a grandstand view there's a nice bit of brass fork and here's a from the fellows given the horse arrest onto the Weybridge CEO bob was working us she would Jerry so noise Jemison's of bold Street and the Smithfield Haymarket well the country man came with our hey you couldn't get yelled a sleeper hey man countrymen there's John Kluwer the armor of partisans the sutlers and fairness makers and our King Street and William Fitzpatrick William was born a deaf mute but he's a powerful pair of hands he's making his own point others was made in Dublin for the past seven hundred years now watch this because you won't see this in a lifetime hooks it in through there pulls a by Tom wants to get to twist into it now Kyle over rude the talents off the leg to get twist now Williamsburg made millions of lawyers at wine in his lifetime and of course you know the man that makes his own thing has more faith in it now he rubs in a bit of cobblers wax here that darkens the twine it also binds the coin together and of course makes of waterproof you know the sutlers have a great transition state from back for centuries it was in the Year 1558 but the Common Council decided that the sutlers be given a special corporation of our own they gilda their own similar to their Goldsmith's until we wouldn't that the goldsmith voice break the ring for the finger for the sutler makes the ring for the heart of snakes as William now Tappan Elgin with a special type of malice I would see me Assad the beginning of the picture stuffin wheat straw into the donkey's color were a Colorado of a business needeth not the right amount not too much not too little bit of a twist and the karan again bends it over and insert craftsman to the fingertips [Music] the Halfmoon knife cuts off the surface straw of the special Sadler's tool [Applause] the boss John Kruse sewn on the leather caps John finishes off the job system and a bit of trimming the leather is kept in a book the water have to be kept in water to keep it flexible that's the palm oil it's used to push and pull the needle through the leather into the color theater now a push operation on a full operation that's well sold together they're there ten years won't come apart very easy about Porsche on another pull Sadler knows that he's sticking with his own twin that's the gauge knife cutting the leather into strips it also cuts out the reins the point in parts of the harness the bridging and partially dot slipped off there at the end would have a fold-over shop again which toys now the punches in punching the holes and this will now be in surges in the Sadler's wooden voice and the voice date spiked beyond medieval times by to the Romans they use the similar type of wooden voice themselves it's held between the knees as the book will being sewn on wonderful tradition Sadler's and harness makers as the final job look he took he's gonna get that around his leg there's the kicking now this is the very last night the ticking for the inside of the collar with that for smoothness he can measure down there and hard hair and others to give it that cushiony feeling off the donkey's neck nice and comfortable in other way like a nice collar sitting on yourself we don't rule double a fine job John here's dinner plz Gosha on his way down our King Street to boy old for the harshest sort the pullin shop is the place and there is the good woman mrs. Khanna waitin on the customer is the quiz box for the without the surprise couple of scoops of volts and note the scooper Brad to keep the harvest bells in order again is probably thinking now but he mustn't forget the buffer at Subway a bit of over he said Plus talking I see thank you well I've had to get you some strange other harmful something a better Hey Hotel Smithfield Haymarket marking see the doll we have better hey store now you know didn't forget the bobber this is one of the last shops in Dublin the cell border from a 56 pound block and you know what to say Bullard is the cream well so to our dublin's for Carson you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 101,533
Rating: 4.8639174 out of 5
Keywords: Hands, Ireland, documentary, Irish, Dublin, Horses, Ponies, Donkeys, Éamonn Mac Thomáis, Farrier, horse shoes, saddler, harness maker, Moore Street, Smithfield, old Dublin, Liberties, RTÉ, Dublin accent
Id: Z-FWhUec0kM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2017
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