Ingenious Skills & Techniques Woodworking Workers You Never Seen // Extremely Beautiful Wooden Stair
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Channel: Woodworking Craftsman
Views: 4,247,597
Rating: 4.5435066 out of 5
Keywords: Ingenious Skills and Techniques Woodworking Workers You Never Seen, Extremely Beautiful Wooden Stair, Woodworking Craftsman, Woodworking Strange, Woodworking Techniques, Woodworking Techniques Extremely Strange with Asphalt, Amazing Wooden Stairs Design Ideas Beautiful, Stair Treads, Install Stair Treads, Staircase, Wood Steps, Change Carpet To Hardwood Floor, Hardwood Floor Installation, Best Way To Install Hardwood Floors Stair, asphalt, asphalt and hardwood
Id: DLxxsRelwYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 31sec (1951 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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It looks like they are using a bitumen-like adhesive, which is melted from those briquettes, and they are making a dam so it doesn't leak down the side of the stairs when they pour it.
Good job on that curved hand rail!
Where safety is job ten or eleven!
The way they weight down the most recent tread, I think they’re probably using something like hide glue or another heat and water active glue to hold the treads to the cement under structure. The diagonal saw cuts are to give squeeze out somewhere to go instead of making the tread slide around a lot.
OMG You weren’t kidding about the safety cringes! I was waiting to see a finger go flying off someplace.
The notches i would guess are to provide some flex points for any humidity changes to prevent cracking. As others have said it looks like it's hot bituminous adhesive, which probably has a little bit of give in it as well. Those carved rail transitions are gorgeous.
I am a perfectionist, and find this amazing to watch. I can think hours and watch many video’s to find a perfect solution to get a hole perfectly perpendicular without industrial tools. This is the opposite with eyeballing and making it fit. This can never be me, I would rather quit.