InfoPath 2013 Tutorial - InfoPath and SharePoint Workflows - June 27, 2013 Webinar

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okay well once again okay now I might not we're trying to serve bringing it here and we are recording live this is Patrick balsakhi data software and I want to thank you all for joining me at today's quick webinar on workflows quite a few things to talk about today quite a few demos we always try to get through it all but there's so much off to talk about so anyway quickly you've seen this slide before we're trying to do these every Thursday very quick 20 minute demo and presentation to distill some essential you need for your job there's no smoke and mirrors and if you give us your info we give you the samples so listen can you give us a quick shout out here thanks Patrick um I am Alyssa with JIRA software I'm glad to have you all join us this morning I just wanted to start this off and just tell you a little bit more about what CUDA ever has to offer if you sites these weekly webinars and first of all we have a great community check it out it's InfoPath dev comm you can post questions on there's product downloads free support so it's just a great resource you guys should check out we also have a quicker support option it's pay-as-you-go support you can purchase as a port pack on our web site and we will get back to you as soon as we can you've ever also just consulting work for hire you won't have a project you think we can help out on give us a call send us an email and we can check it out we have tools and templates on our website we have free trials available and we also have a powerful web service DB excel and there's a free trial on our website for DB excel as well so certainly check out um see how they can help you with your projects and we also have training courses we have an online InfoPath master course we also have a 101 course coming up online as well both of these online courses are going to be in August and all the details are on our website we also have an in-person course and that's going to be right outside the Seattle Washington area and that will be coming up in September so if you have any questions that check out our website send me an email sent Patrick an email and we can give you more information so thank you so much Thank You Alyssa okay so today we're we're actually we have some new content and some of the UIC from work last two weeks ago will be familiar with this but we we did of our workflow content for a master class and I'm going to be sharing the gist of it with you today workflow is really important obviously in boats that they pop out as a narrative help you automate data collection before those business processes that you have it's a great form it is the premier form technology in SharePoint today for doing that and business processes of course you're gonna be using them to route your data from one place to another and then people need to obviously review and approve those forms and they need to use different requests for example in this an expense report today require authorization and the workflow helps you automate that routing notifications to the users to approve it and so on so that that's what workflow really is right everyone gets it out of the box with InfoPath and sharepoint today you've got a bunch of options to two main options which is something that is saying well win that trip or workflows that's all I got right well actually that's not true you with InfoPath you have this wonderful tool for creating rich forms and now those rich forms are smart forms and that means that you can have rules in those forms and logic to hide and show things to to surface your workflows and the other thing you can do with input path is you can create reusable template parts we call these things XT keys and they help you then to consistently create the same ad hoc workflow in multiple forms now a SharePoint simple is great for a bunch of things obviously sure for workflow T's is the solution for for all the documents and all the different content types in SharePoint so it's not just simple path its word its Excel you name it and and SharePoint uses those columns and from InfoPath they're promoted properties it uses those columns to to condition steps in the workflow and those steps then would would do something so they would move the form it would set some status and create a list item they might send email they might change the permissions so those are the out of box we're gonna go through today now you may be thinking well you know if you think we'll have to do it why not just InfoPath when I just share point what's the difference well there's some benefits here to using a hybrid approach first of all share points greatly rounded things and it's a generic solution for all your own documents so people are very familiar with it there's there's things you can do in shareholder Kleck email unlike migration of forms from one library to another then a much easier to do in SharePoint workflow then input path logic but nipple pathologic is great because you can do something you know right there in the forum so when they open the forum they see that data next to the decision in other words the button for approve it or Jack is situated very close to the actual data that they need to make the decision and and that makes the UI much more flexible and we'll talk more about that in a second so real quick I'm going to show a demo of this in a second what is an empath look so some of you may not have realized that it could be used in this way well what we're gonna do is we're going to add you'll see you there in my demo then we'll add a section to our horn and this section will be at the top of the form and it will show us basically the tasks that are associated with that form and there'll also be buttons and things like that so it's basically a section that you add your form this isn't a great example of it because it's just showing the approved state so you don't get the approved we reject buttons but once we have the section error form and we'll do this a second you can add rules to it and those rules that can help you to to hide the section if if it's not in this mid state it can obviously hide it if there's no task and then there's much rules here you can see to set assignment and so forth and we'll be going through those more in a second when you're when you're approving the form or rejecting it you want to set the status in this whiskey's current status equal to one of those values and that that's useful because then that information can actually be used by SharePoint workflow to send you know so let's see what's we're closed session so we're closed sections are essentially XML template parts now let's take a look at one now excel template part is in implement designer today you have the ability of course to create all the forms to you know love SharePoint list forms aventure your blank browser forms you also down below here have the ability to to create a template part and we are packaging our workflow our support code template part as part of the the samples today now what works what comes apart I'm going to show you this'll seem to appear here well why is that well if we look down in the lower right hand corner you'll see that open by default - it defaults to xsn so let me to change it to exit eps first report you can actually edit our template part so here's our template apart and we're going to inject this workflow section into our expense report form so just to show you that this is this is not exactly i'm going to change the background color i'm just going to change its theme in here well you can't change the thing because work temple courts do not have themes but i can just change the background color here of the this cell to some strange color just to show you that we're we're live and i'm splink to us save this out okay so we made change we created an XML template part let's take some template part has a schema datasource associated with it it has connections associated with it and it has didn't launch it in the form so there are rules for example if I click on the approve button I can go into my rules and you can see all those rules so now they inject this section this common section into my expense report for and benefit here is that we can reuse this over and over again and you can design these sections in the designer something see here I'm saying it out and then going to close it and then open up my expense report form now my expense report form just using the stock 2007 one because we like it we're explaining in 2010 and 2013 and here's my expense report form and the purpose of this demo I'm just going to add my my workflow section on top here and now the workflow section is an XML template bar that means it's a custom control that means I need to go to my control section here I need to add it as a custom control and you'll notice however they have it in the list so I need to remove it first having added again they'll complain if I don't do that and we go to Gemma and that's what I want and once it added it to my controls you'll see it appear here at the very bottom of the list then I can add it to my form and voila now I have a form that has that XML template port in it with the color update I made and this is going to make my life a lot easier because this form this XML template parts won't allow me to connect to my task list and do a bunch of other things like approve and reject the form based on or this button clicks so let's look at a form that's been configured now there are a few more steps that you need to do to go through and configure it and we have that in the documentation so it's relatively straightforward now I have a SharePoint site out here and here's my shirt I'm excited so I've deployed this form to this SharePoint site and the form is the content type so when we go to library settings and settings that I have a content type selected how do you design inform this content type well you have to go back to form library settings and drill down in the content type and then from here we can actually open up the template you see here is InfoPath form template with the XML template part injected into it you get two different views here here's the here's the full view and you can see here that we've got that an XML template part injected into the form okay and that doesn't have that the orange background could've missed earlier but if we update it you would see that oh so this is the form you know we can take a look at these buttons here and see what they do and I'm not gonna go into light C till here because we have to learn about time but you can see that what I've done here is an added bunch of rules first of all there's some formatting rules you see these at the top of the rules just like here on the right so we're hiding the section if of course the form has up and spit you don't want to show the workflow section or the button for that matter if the poem's not been submitted let's take a look at what this what this is let's look at this demo what this looks like when you actually run it okay so we're back in one library right here and I'm just going to create the new expense report form and this is all browser configurable so they open up in the browser and I'll add a business purpose for the Microsoft world partner conference and that's in few slightly this year and once you set my manager's name equal to myself so that I get the notification and we'll add the inventory airline [Music] and Lana over telepathy as well offers okay so there's our two expenses we're gonna submit that form now let's submit this form because it comes with that XML template part that XML template part is helping us to map the data in the form to a task list so we have our task list here and I believe this is the right one if i refresh this you'll see at the bottom we have now a new task for for that expense I've just created so it's submitted and this integration with the task list allows you to do other types of things like you can actually say that you know the task list and you can use it in different kinds of work flows if you have an in-text workflow Kaluza task list so it's just a really nice thing to be able to integrate with the task list and back now in the form I also have the ability now to go ahead and approve it so if I click on again we'll see that since the wrong one this one is approved earlier okay so so here's the one that I want to show you how to approve and this one hasn't it group since is not the one one location here it's just Eric why get the one on top that was 18 that's the one I want so they're out of order so here's the one that just submitted and you can see here that the Excel template part is giving us this section that hasn't asked it so we're selecting the task we're saying it's good you know we're going to collect the approve button now to prove and I'm here to close the phone I could done other things but it's very simple iteration for now so we've approved the form and because it's an attached list we can go back to that task list you can see that yeah there's a new task here and it's showing it performance been approved so once again the integration with the workflow section allows - quickly first of all we use workflow logic in the form it's easy to add in the form you just dragging the drop away from the custom controls you can use it it's easy for the users because it shows that the decision next to the data and do the course customize it however you want so it's much easier to look integrated then it's much easier to make integrated or make them look better than if you had a SharePoint comment box workflow and it'll see metrics in a second so what I just did was I created an XML template part or I showed you one it was already created we add it to a form we can end them you would configure data connection to promote the properties and bigger buttons to do the rules now let's just take a look at the form again here in the designer I want to show you where the world properties are to go into the file won't infinite form or property that is this information tab and see here underneath the lower properties we have current status promoted and that's that's going to be useful for the next demo I show you I show you a SharePoint integration so let's take a look at that the SharePoint designer we're closed and I've got this short designer here I'll show in a second but these these are your outbox default low flows for for SharePoint and they work on all document types not just simple path you're going to be creating reusable workflows for your input path forms and that would give you a workflow dashboard and let's just take a look at it right now the shirt ones aren't can be installed it's free use downloaded from Microsoft site and this is a 10 version now here I've already gone in and selected the workflow that I created for that library so I have my noun this is our part 9 lab 1 from trading I've created a form in there it's no support form which is actually a type of content type so the workflow has to work on that content type and you see here very simple workflow I sent two different steps I'm using that current status and I can look up every single promoted value when I create my workflows test the great SharePoint designer base we're close to integrate with the columns in SharePoint and if you promote the properties from a footpath you can get that data so that's what we've done here we said if the current status is not empty you want to create an item in our new metrics list so let's take a look at that so so here is my metrics list and you can see that I have an updated list if i refresh it now you'll see that having new two new items here though I submitted that workflow and when I approved it and I'm creating these items in this separate list using the workflow so the form is also creating tasks but that's an inform logic here what we're seeing is the workflow crew list items using this look slow step very simple right we just have a step here we can edit this but you can see that to add a step you just go in here and you click step and then of course I'm sorry to do that but to add an action so we have a step one inside the step one we have a condition and inside that condition we have that action I want to add an action I just look through the living and I click all these actions great bliss item and so on so I had just before I just selected this decide them down here or is it great list item right there and and I want to create a list item in my workflow metrics list and I want to output the information that created now the next step I have is I have an email so I if the assign suit person is not empty it's what's again is from the form just selecting the promote profit from the form I'm actually going to send email so let's take a look at my it my outlook and let's see if that happened lo and behold I do have an email now before I showed you this let's take a look at this email step here this action gives us the ability to create a rich email you can insert items from the form into it so here we have this wine actually has this correct assigned to person in there the scientist is going to be the person getting the email and it's all from the floor content so the form is promoting the assigned to email value and the workflow the SharePoint workloads using that fluid property to create a custom email message very useful so here's email message I got this is just simple moments ago so very simple now you want to include a link to your form so you can open it from here but this is a simple example of how to do that um and you can also set permissions you can you can change the permissions of your workflow and the way you do that is there's a different location to click on impersonation step here it's a little different than the other ones and then you add it so you can remove the permissions that's useful sometimes when you wanted to have people submit forms but you don't want to allow them to change them after they submitted them so here's kind of what I show let's go through this again here so in the path I created an XML template part of the right I injected that into my form and publish my form to the SharePoint with the home library that's been support that form has logic to read and write from the task list okay and it also has a it's content type so it has a little closed associated with it that workflow then sees that there's a new item in the list library and then it does two things it sends an email notification to the user and it also creates a metric now let's take a look at those metrics so now that we have the metrics you can actually create a nice little view to show the metrics now here this one's associated with previous library serious intestines warning I don't have one associated my test libel and you can see that gradient that form here too quickly just shows me some metrics these are all orange because we've set up to be two four and eight minutes so green would be I guess less than eight bones would be less than uh I don't know how it works but I think orange is less than two so these these have all been expired right they've all been to happen in the past but the idea here is pretty simple if we have formed it allows you that that metrics on how the the workflows working and this will be done with InfoPath and we have this lab as well so it's realize for you today we're going to have a lab to show you how to create the workloads in the XML template part but we have a lab that shows you how to create look slow easy triple designer and we have another lab that's going to show you how to how to create the metrics from the from the separate list okay that's the whirlwind demo and any questions for me I can certainly go back to the demo and and to highlight something if I went too fast so we do have some questions and Michelle is asking for sharepoint workflows what their state is driven should the status field be created directly in the library instead of the form so great question and you don't want to use custom columns for those statuses you do want to use them from the form you want to promote to the value from the form and that allows you to create logic in your form that will set the status easily you can't set the custom columns in your SharePoint library as easily from the InfoPath form as you can if it's in the form now when you promote the property in your form it automatically becomes a custom column and not a custom comment or regular column in your view so that's a great question Michelle you also send a second question onto that you notice the shirt when we're close don't pull the drop-down selections if the field is created in the form they do actually they they will the shirt Moeller close will well actually maybe what you're asking is the values from the drop-down correct they would not pull the values of the drop-down but it's easy enough to use a list in other words have that drop-down connected to a SharePoint list and then have that value compared to it in the workflow so you can do what you want to do just make sure that both the drop-down in the form it's it's time to say this time to list now list has no whatever approve rejected submitted whatever the statuses and then your workload condition would also have the same list lookup and it would compare the value of the status who are property to that list so that's how you do that Tom's got a question when changing from library published form to content type is workflow associated with library or separate content type yeah so if you're going for a form library to a content type and of course you're going CAPTA so she ate that work closely content type so you will have to change the workflow to reassociate it but you should be able to do that Myron you mentioned that workflows can move documents to a different document library is that carbon to your lab well it's very simple I mean it's it's just so simple it's almost not worth and we have here we're creating a list item to to move it to a separate library you just you go in here and create a step you put a condition on this typically you want to compare the status to make sure that it was approved right so we want to add the condition let's see here and this is just the standard condition so we're going to select the current status it's again from the form and the value for this would be you know I guess approved and here's a Michelle here's where you would type in the you look up into the list here but for now I'm just gonna type it in and then then you would add action and this actually would be the move it and so down below here you can see that we have these items here to love to move them where our words here there is an item to copy on this item so that's what you want I believe you know let me just make sure it says list I'm gonna get confused but make sure there's another yeah so the core actions then yeah it's just the list items so because listen when the language is the same workflow and so then you would just select that migrate from here find it right there you just like library and then you select you have the items from there and then you would think I do write one here and then you would yeah there's a and you're in action here to move it from one place to another and there are lots of places online that you can look into to to also uh there's lots of workflow labs that show the same technique very easy to do using the outbox sure reusable workflow actions justin in your demos are you using a few different versions of SharePoint or are you just using one version at this point and which one if so well we're currently on 2010 for our we have all kinds of versions we've got two thousand seven two thousand three two thousand ten two thousand thirteen we have a virtual environment here and I'm using 2010 to this demo because this is the most popular one right now you can see though that I'm using equal path 2013 on my client and if in fact 2013 looks just fine with 2010 these have to make sure that your form is set up to be the right there my compatibility and that's where this is right here so if you if I selected web browser from 2013 it would have an error published in this browser from 2010 just make sure that your compatibility is set correctly up King your question is the metrics you showed us a SharePoint list or a forum splitting I noticed from the list both we have a list and then we have a forum on top of it that's in a web part page then it's displaying the data and that's the power here of these uh these these InfoPath forms in the in the browser you can create a new path for mr. dashboard it's quite easy to create these these forms I didn't go into detail to show you this form but we can take a quick look at it here in the designer so here's what the floor looks like right the corn is just pulling the data from the list so I've got a connection that pulls from that at metrics list right there's no flow metrics I'm just pulling it in from that list and showing the data and then coloring it based on date time it's it's older or whatnot I will put a different column on it hopefully that answered your question Tom's got one more question here does copy list item work for perform libraries yes yes and Myron humm you said thanks well anyway I want to thank everyone for joining me today we love doing this and we will lesson doubt that the package a few more things here to talk about just one one more two more things I think we're almost done here but I just want to go back to the presentation for a second because if you didn't if you don't tell the survey you can still get our webinar can't we have a small Klingon you're processing for you to send you the kit it mainly is for people who didn't attend if you attended you thought survey get this for free we also provide this new subscription annually if you want to get all of our webinar kits every week we will send you a list of content you know short it's 30 minutes of your day or whatever and you can subscribe to those of this webinar kit annually for just $200 so that's it for me I I want to say thank you again don't forget to send your feedback next week we will be talking about with us and dropdowns and how do it make a forum that it's your list items and we've got a really new technique for doing that you've seen this in the past but we've got actually faster technique next week on this so don't forget to sign up for next week's class okay a couple more questions one from Susan what is a groups of populous items into a separate list right so in the demo you saw me creating items and the purpose of that is so that we can do metrics we want to create an item every time there's a in action so we can then report on the data out of box SharePoint workloads don't give you that we're reporting on the different actions so if we want to compare for example how long something took to go from submitted to approve we would need to create separate items in list that's what I showed Susan to my demo illustrating those different items people like to copy items from one list to another because one list has certain permissions that the other list doesn't have so for example you might have one library that it's completely wide open everyone can submit their they name looks long that library that copies those guys to a separate library which is read only the only the approvers have access to that so that's a very common use for the copy list item Gus has got a question can you display that in dashboards in Moss 2007 yes again it is completely a Maus 2007 has a browser sports oh you can definitely do that Tom are you having a webinar in July fourth good point next week is July 4th and for those people who are not in the US we will be doing a webinar yes crazy as that may seem we do have quite a few people on the line from from far-off foreign locations so we will be continuing the webinars next week at the same time thanks for asking the questions and thank you for being here today it's a pleasure always to present to you and I hope you have a wonderful day
Channel: qdabra
Views: 56,466
Rating: 4.2820511 out of 5
Keywords: InfoPath 2013 Tutorial, InfoPath, Infopath 2013, Infopath Tutorial, InfoPath 2010, InfoPath to SharePoint, InfoPath Tutorial, InfoPath Training, InfoPath Forms, Microsoft InfoPath (Software), InfoPath 2010 Tutorial, Tutorial (Industry), Microsoft SharePoint (Software), InfoPath Alternatives
Id: 65z-Wu5Wma0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 42sec (1842 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2013
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